The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1905, Image 7

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B Food to work on is food to live on m
m A man works to live He must live Ijll
Ma to work JJjjC A
KgX He does both better on ffk j
I Uneeda Biscuit I rrv
ffift the soda cracker that contains in the fif
A most properly balanced proportions a
P greater amount of nutriment than any
W food made from flour m
v til
MA i rsb - M
m uneeoa biscuit m
Ttiiv A i v
i i mi iiii a ii ii iiimii ii
gge a fc w aica gssgvryTP
Tribune Clubbing List
Wo are prepared to fill orders for any other
paper published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Nob
Now is the time to get two papers for
almost the price of one The Tribune
and Weekly Inter Ocean 105
For the best
of all kinds of Build
ing Materials
Steam and Domestic
Coals see
I C Bullar
Phone No i
Try Carney Egg
Tlv irirHirt nf nn nwlnr ietJUMri from tlin lIlQtTinfc
For convonienco of readers of The Teibcne COUrt of Red Willow county Nobratku undor a
wo lmve mudo arrangements with the following
iiowsimiers and periodicals whereby we can
supply them in combination with The Tribune
at the following very low prices
Dotroit Free Press 1 00
Prairie Farmer 1 00
Chicago Intor Ocoau 1 00
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00
Now York Tribune 1 00
Toledo Blade 100
Nebraska Farmer 1 00
Iowa Honiesteud 1 GO
Lincoln Journal 1 00
New York World 100
St Louis Republic 1 00
Kansas City Star 25
Farm and Homo 1 00
ducreo in mi action
wherein Miltou U ilam
mond Ada A Hammond and Wary E Ham
mond are plaintiff and James O Hammond
Josephine M Hammond James O Hammond
as guardian of Josephine M Hammond a
minor and Anion 11 Purvis are defendants
rnrrnfl trt Hi lillflMrMlllfr firi rnFirof T slmll
51 50 offer at public ale and sell to the highest bid
1 25 dor for cash at the oast front door of the court
i n I houo in the city of McCook Red Willow
-1 UJ I V I 1 I1 - Tn IfuuT
ni LJ ihmiujui 111 bliu iim unj ill uuuunij iwjui
1 25
1 25
1 65
1 25
1 25
1 G5
1 75
1 20
at the hour ot one o clock p m the loiiowiug
described real estnto to wit The northwest
quarter section thirtj fivetownship twonorth
range thirty west Cth p m in Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this 29th day of November 1905
E M Bigelow Referee
Boyle Eldred attorneys
United States Land Office Lincoln Nebras
ka Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the commissioner of the gen
eral land office under authority vested in him
by section 2455 U S Rev Stat as amended by
the act of congross approved February 26 1895
we will proceed to offer at public sale on the
16th day of January next at two oclock p m
at this office the folio wiug tract of laud to wit
South west quarter northeast quarter section 7
township 1 north range 29 west 6th P 11
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to file
their claims in this office on or before the day
above designated for the commencement of said
sale otherwise their rights will be forfeited
Dated December 5 1005
W A Green Register
Alva E Kennard Receiver
Boyle Eldred attorneys
Department of the Interior land office at Lin
coln Nebraska December 20 1905 Notice is
hereby given that the following named settler
has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim and that said
proof will be made before register and receiver
at Lincoln Nebraska on January 27 1906 viz
Thomas McQuay vho filed D S No 314 for the
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and
lot 2 section 23 and the northwest quarter ot
the southwest quarter and southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of section 24 township
3 north range 29 west of the 6th P M He
names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land viz Isaac J Starbuck of McCook Neb
Jacob Harshbergor of McCook Nebraska Will
iam Hyatt of McCook Nebraska Richard John
ston of McCook Nebraska
V A liREEN Kegister
The southwest quarter of section 4 in town 1
north range 30 west of the 6th Principal Mer
idian and Charles N Keith will take notice
that on the 18th day of December 1905 Edward
B Cowlos plaintiff filed his petition in tho
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a tax purchasers lien upon the above described
land for the taxes for the years 1S95 1896 1897
189S 189919001901 and 1902 That there was due
plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the
sum of 10660 for the payment of which sum
together with costs accruing interest and at
torneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclos
ure of said tax lion and a sale of said premises
You are reouired to answer said petition on or
before the 5th day of February 1906
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
Statistics ppove that the chances of your dying of
Throat or Lung Troubles are 9 to 1
Waste no time but cure your Disease with
the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence
Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded
Saved tlie Preacher
Rev 0 D Moore of Harpersville N Y writes I
had a fearful cough for months which nothing would
relieve until I took Dr Kings New Discovery for
Consumption It cured my cough and saved my life
Prices 50candSIOO
Trial Bottles Free
Notice is hereby given that tho county com
missioners of Red Willow county Nebraska
will receive sealod bids for the furnishing of the
following supplies to said county during tho
year 1906 to wit
1 6 qr mod Troasurerscash book
1 road district ledger
3 redemption books
7000 triplicate tax receipts
24 assessors files
23 sets poll books per book
24 sets envelopes for poll books per dozen
24 ballot bags for votes cast per dozen
1 gross election pencils per grots
All records to bo extra bound and made of
Bjrou Weston best linen ledgor paper
Legal blanks full sheet per hundred
Legal blanks one half sheet per hundred
Legal blanks one fourth sheotper hundred
Legal blanks one eighth sheetper hundred
Glucinum pens per gross
Vanadium pens per gross
Perfection pencils or equal round rubber
tips per gross
1 great gross rubber bands No 11
1 gross rubber bands one quarter inch
12 packages senate legal pads per package
Parties receiving contract to furnish good
and sufficient bond for the faithful performance
of the same
The county commissioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids All bids to he filed
with tho county clerk on or before twelve oclock
noon January 1 1906
Bids must be addressed to the county clerk
and marktd Proposal for books blanks and
Dated at McCook Nebraska this 7th day of
December 1905
E J Wilcox County Clesk
Elba W Graves Mrs Elba W Graves first
name unknown wife of Elba W Graves Ports
Wilson E P Bowman first name unknown
Mrs E P Bowman first name unknown wife
of E P Bowman Charles B Brown and Mrs
Charles B Brown firbt name unknown wife
of Charles B Brown defendants will take
notice that Zara A Wilson has filed her
petition in the district court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against the above named de
fendants the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed and de
livered by the defendant Elba W Graves to the
defendant Ports Wilson on the northwest
In the county court within and for Red Wil
low county Nebraska December 26 1905 In
the matter of the estate of Edward L Nettleton
deceased To the creditors of said estate You
are hereby notified that I will sit at the county
court room in McCook in said county on the
30th day of June 1906 at ten oclock in tho fore
noon to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment
and allowance The time limited for tho
presentation of claims against said estate is six
months from the 26th day of December 1905
and the time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 26th day of December 1905
Witness my hand and the seal of -aid county
court this 26th day of December 1905
seal Frank Moore County Judge
Boyle ii blared attorneys
The west half of the northwest quarter and
the west half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion SO in town 3 north range 30 west of the
6th principal meridiaD and Sylvester llinewill
take notice that on the 26th day of December
1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his pe
tition in the district court of Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon the
above described land for tho taxes for the years
1901 1902 and 1903 That there was due to
plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the
sum of jj5i7ll for tne payment of wiiicb sum to
gether with costs accruing interest and attorn
eys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure
of said tax lien and a sale of said land
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 5th day of February 1906
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
Tho west half of tho southwest quarter of
section 20 and the west half of the northw t
quarter of section 29 in town 2 north rangu 2
west of the 6th Principal Meridian and The
Cheshire Provident Institution will take notion
that on the 26th day of December 1905 Edward
B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the
district court ot lieu willow county reoraKa
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a tax lien upon the above described land for th
taxes for the years 1897 1893 1S99 1900 19ul and
1902 That there is due to plaintiff at tlu time
of filing said petition the sum of 10 for the
payment of which sum together with cots ac
cruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff
prays a decree of foreclosure and a sale of said
land You are reouired to answer said petition
on or before the 5th day of February 1906
12 294t3 Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
J2k 1 1 ID rilggiStS McCook Tribune 1 tne Year
Take Laxatlva Bteom Quinine Tafets
- v
Seven MMon boxes sold in past 12 months I Q5S Signature
Cores Grip
In Two Days
on every
xrmfiL pox 25c
uid joy
Copuitoht 1903 bu Ernest Jurold
Mabel how It glit
if a mass of melted
I toast you in some
of the most incomparable liq
that was ever imprisoned in
of oak Sweetheart your
Mabel Brentwood inclined her stately
head and raised a glass of lemonade
as she sat opposite to Robert Mumford
her afllanced husband In her mothers
drawing room on New Years eve
I am sorry I cannot join you In
drinking whisky Robert but you know
my horror of alcohol My father was a
three bottle man and he died of gout
my uncle shot a dear friend while un
der the influence of the incomparable
liquid joy and you have broken veins
in your cheek3
My lady chooses to be sarcastic
replied Robert I hope you are not
becoming a fanatic
Robert how can you treat so serious
a subject In such a trite manner said
Mabel earnest There is no moral or
physiological defense for tho use of
alcohol Physicians use it only as a
horseman uses a spur They have test
ed its terrible reaction Heart lungs
kidneys unite in rejecting it as a dead
ly enemy It puts a premium on mur
der inspires thievery and makes strong
men strike defenseless women
Here Mabel stopped overcome with
Why my dear girl I did not know
that you took the matter so seriously
l it 1 - it - biuauuku jvu iuwicai iu
uuurtcr ui tuu uuriuwcsb uu tutor uuu iuua uuo
and two of section eight and lot seven of section the subject SO remarkably
five all in township three north range twenty- Mabel arose and walked to his side
six west of the sixth principal meridian in said
county and state to secure the payment of one She ran her slender fingers through his
certain promissory note for the sum of Sl00000
due October 1st 1897 dated July 20th 1897 and
drawing interest at tho rate of seven per cent
per annum from the 20th day of July 1897 said
note and mortgage have been duly assigned to
this plaintiff and said plaintiff is now the own
er and holder of the same There is now due
this plaintiff on said promissory note and mort
gage the sum of 100000 with interest thereon
at the rate of seven per cent per annum from
the 20th day of July 1897 Said plaintiff prays
for a decree that said defendants be required to
pay the same or that the said land bo sold to
satisfy the amount due said plaintiff with inter
est and costs of suit You are roquiied to an
swer said petition on or before Monday tho9th
day of January 1906
Dated this 19th day of December A D 1905
Zara A Wilson Plaintiff
W S Morlan her attorney
bronze curls then she leaned over and
kissed him ou the forehead
You Itobert are responsible I have
watched you since you have been com
ing here to visit me lately Why you
drank a quart of claret at dinner this
evening and you have visited the side
board six times since dinner tonight
Robert sat erect in his chair and
shook off the caressing fingers I did
not know that I was alcoholically un
der surveillance he said coldly
Thats the way with a man re
plied Mabel sorrowfully Tell him
the truth and he always meets it with
brutality Now Mr Gunpowder she
continued seating herself on the arm
of his chair and putting her arm
around his neck Im not going to
quarrel with you but Im willing to
bet you a box of bonbons against a
pair of gloves that you cannot give up
drinking for one month
Ill take your bet sweetheart said
Robert mollified by the caress just
to show you that Im not the confirmed
sot you evidently think me Drinking
is merely a habit which perhaps I
have encouraged a little but it wont
cause me the least annoyance to give
it up for a month to please you
For many years he had been a con
sistent drinking man In summer he
drank alcohol in some of its favorite
disguises to make him cool and in win
ter to warm him up Every meal was
anticipated by a cocktail to give him
an appetite In fact brandy or whisky
was a panacea for every ill Alcohol
had been the crutch upon which he
had leaned for so long a time that it
had become a necessity And now that
he had thrown tho crutch away he be
gan to realize the terrible contract he
had undertaken
New Years day he spent at his club
where the holiday was celebrated in
punches and all the delicious concoc
tions so dear to his palate Every
nerve in his tortured body whimpered
for its accustomed stimulus And the
fight had only just begun He remem
bered with self contempt that all his
torture was caused by the whim of a
woman And he was to endure this
torture for thirty days He could not
do it he thought Then it began to
dawn upon him that Mabel was right
that he really was the refined drunkard
she had hinted at And with this
thought the mirth and jollity of the
club became unbearable to him and
he donned his coat and rushed out into
the night where the physical action re
lieved him somewhat
The next day Robert was ill nerv
ous prostration and heart failure the
doctor called it All he needed was a
little brandy Robert said no he would
flght it out on a milk diet and he sent
a telegram to Mabel saying he was
laid up with a slight touch of malaria
but would be out in a few days
When Robert rode up to tho Brent
wood residence a week later he had
lost twenty pounds Ho was palo and
thin anu he walked with a cane With
a sigh of content he dropped Into tho
easy chair which Mabel rolled out for
him There was no allusion to the bet
during tho evening for which Robert
was inwardly grateful but such an at
mosphere of appreciation such tender
ness of speech and touch and solicitude
that Robert felt that she was the only
woman who understood him and ho
flattered himself man fashion by
thinking that she was worth the fight
he was making And just before a car
riage came to take him away he drank
a glass of fruit juice which Mabel said
was of her own concoction
Alcohol Is a kind of liquid cement
which binds men of a bibulous type to
gether and now that tho cohesive ele
ment was lacking Robert did not feel
easy with his old associates Besides
they resented his desertion as an Im
plied reflection on their own habits
Consequently Robert speut nearly all
his evenings In the society of his sweet
heart And Invariably after returning
from the concert or theater Mabel
would ask him to take a parting glass
of some new drink which she had dis
covered Now it was an orange phos
phate and again a glass of raspberry
vinegar or spiced lemonade until Rob
ert began to believe that there was no
end to the kinds of temperance fluids
in her closets
It looks as if you were going to win
your bet Robert said Mabel one even
ing when only two hours intervened
between the limit of the thirty days
Oh yes replied Robert with easy
assurance It was a foregone conclu
I suppose you will never touch
liquor again she said wistfully
Oh I dont know about that Ma
bel I shall probably take a glass of
liquor now and then when I feel like it
Of course I shall always respect your
Prejudice is sometimes another
name for truth Robert said Mabel
At 10 oclock Robert arose from his
seat and took a flask of whisky from
his pocket He poured an inch and one
half of the amber fluid into a lemonade
tumbler which stood upon the table
Raising the glass aloft he said in the
words of Ingersoll
Mabel I toast you In some of the
most wonderful whisky that ever drove
the skeleton from the feast or painted
landscapes In the brains of men In It
you will And the sunshine and the shad
ow that chase each other over the bil
lowy fields the carol of the lark the
breath of June and autumns glad con
sent Your health sweetheart
Robert raised the glass to his lips
but as the odor of the liquor reached
his nostrils a look of supreme disgust
and repulsion overspread his face He
put the glass back on the table Mabel
watched him with fascinated interest
Once more he raised the glass and
again his face was convulsed with
aversion He threw the liquor Into the
fire and Mabel burst into tears From
the shelter of his comforting arms a
few minutes later she said
And now that you have made such
a gallant fight and won you will give
up drinking liquor entirely wont you
Yes my love if it will please you
so much replied Robert
As the lingering echo of her lovers
footsteps died away in the street Ma
bel took from her pocketbook an adver
tisement which stated that Dr Escu
lapius Galens sovereign remedy for
the alcohol habit could be placed se
cretly In the tea or coffee of a husband
or sweetheart and that he would then
be cured of the vice
I wonder whether Dr Galens sov
ereign remedy or Roberts powerful
will is responsible for his reforma
tion Mabel soliloquized
And her face assumed that look of
quiet exultation which the face3 of all
good women wear when their little
heels have crushed the head of a ser
Ofllco Rooms a and 5 Walsh Blk SIcCook
C H Botle
Rear of First Xntl Bank
Earl Murray
C E Eldued Co Attx
Attomneys at Law
Long Distunco Phono 44
Rooms 1 anrt 7 second Hoor MrPnntr wk
PostoQIco Building MCL00K KCD
Real Estate Insurance
Phono 56
Ollico ovor
ilcililleus drug store
McCook Nkiikaska
JS AKentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Wator Works Ollico in Pot tollico building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelloy Office Bldg Phono No
Consultation freo
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
ifctt4t p
General Repair Shops
Two doori oast of DeG rolls Store
McCook Nebraska
j Chamberlains
iCough Remedy
The Childrens Favorite
Coughs Colds Croup and
Whooping Cough
This reracdyis fnmon for its cure over
a large part of the civilized world It can
always be doppnded upon It contains no
opium or ofher harmful druc and may bo
given as confidently to a baby as to an udult
Price 25 cts Large Size 50 eta
MAlrrfl WfUW t
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get aWritlen Guarntee
mil KIN3 iS ZgSJSE
w iV iSyU vr4S
a ni anu
Delmont S D Dec 17 1S02
I nsed L K for hog cholera and it was all
riKht It cured my hos I had three sick onea
and they all got well and done fine I also
nsed it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
yon claim for it Itisthe only Medicine forhog
cholera I think Gotlieb Jebkz
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1KB
I am using Liqnid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it la3t
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it i3 the best thing I ever had on th
place for everything it ia intended for It is
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insecta
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F VT Woman
Mannractured by the National Medical Cr m
pany Sheldon Iowa