The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1905, Image 6

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    - a-
Tir1rtrfwmimm w
HameSS Best Made
California Oak Leather
No 1 Trimmings
First Class Workmen
Look for trade mark
Ask Your Dealer
are a symptom of tne most serious
trouble which can attack a woman
viz falling of the womb With this
generally comes Irregular and painful
periods weakening drains backache
headache nervousness dizziness Ir
ritability tired feeling etc The cure Is
The Female Regulator
that wonderful curative vegetable ex
tract which exerts such a marvelous
strengthening influence on all female
organs Cardui relieves pain and
regulates the menses It is a sure
and permanent cure for all female
At all druggists and dealers fa SI 00
in my womb aad ovaries writes Mrs
Naomi Bake of Webster Grove Mo
also In ay right and left aides and
my messM were very painful and irreg
ular Since taking Cards I feel likes
new woman and do not suffer asI did
It Is the best aiedidne I ever took
i m i tr iitfr m - wi
fuUlL uULlUnij f
is the only weekly paper that has a special
department for this subject The first of a
series of articles on
is now appearing in the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN and will continue for several
months They are prepared by Mr Wallace
E Sherlock an acknowledged authority on
subjects pertaining to the preservation and
restoration of soils
This department is in addition to the
VETERINARY HOME and other depart
ments making the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN the leading farm home and news
paper in the United States
Subscription Price
100 per year
Subscribe at once and do not miss a
article on Soils and Soil Culture
In Combination
a with the
Only 105
Bocky fountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A snciflc for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Siuggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form a5 cnti a box Genuine made by
Hollisteh Dhuo Company Madison Wis
Kansas City Dec 27 1905
Receipts of cattle thus far this week
are 16700 last week 42400 last year
9200 On Tuesday best heavy beef
steers sold dull but steady others slow
to ten cents lower Cows and heifers
were steady to ten cents higher and
stockers and feeders about steady To
days trade for beef steers was again
a dull one and can best be described as
25 to 35 cents lower than last Thursday
except possibly for a few prime heavy
weights Medium shortfed stock suffer
ed most Cows and heifers were fully
steady stockers and feeders unchanged
The following table gives prices now
Extra prime cornfed steers 35 00 to So 75
Good 4 40 to 5 00
Ordinary 3 00 to 4 40
Choice cornfed heifers 4 25 to 5 00
Good 3 25 to 3 75
Medium 2 50 to 3 25
Choice cornfed cows 3 25 to 4 00
Good 2 75 to 3 25
Medium 2 25to 2 75
Canners 1 75to 2 35
Choice stags 3 75 to 4 00
Choice fed bulls 3 25 to 3 75
Good 2 50 to 3 25
Bologna bulls 1 75 to 2 50
Veal calves 5 00 to 7 00
Good to choice native or western
stockers 3 50 to 4 00
Fair 3 00 to 3 50
Common 2 40 to 3 00
Good to choice heavy native feeders 3 60 to 4 30
Fair 3 00 to 3 CO
Good to choice heavy branded
horned feeders 3 25 to 3 50
Fair 3 00 to 3 25
Common 2 50 to 3 00
Good to choice stock Iieif ers 2 50 to 3 00
Fair 2 25 to 2 50
Good to choico stock calvessteers 3 50 to 4 2i
Fair 3 00 to 3 50
Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 00 to 3 75
Fair 2 50 to 3 00
Choice wintered grass steers 4 00 to 4 4U
Good 3 75 to 4 00
Fair 3 40 to 3 75
Choice grass cows 2 75 to 3 25
Uood 50 to Z 7D
Common 1 75 to 2 50
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 20700 last week 37800 last year
8100 Mondays market opened five
cents higher but closed barely steady
Todays trade was weak to five cents
lower closing firmer Bulk of sales were
from 490 to S507J4 top S512
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
are 2800 last week 19600 last year
4800 Mondays market was ten cents
higher and today firm We quote
choice Iambs 725 to 750 choice year
lings 600 to 625 choice wethers
550 to 575 choice ewes50O to 225
Clear thinking decisive action vim
and vigor of body and mind the sparkle
of life come to all who use Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents Tea or
Tablets L W McConnell j
-- na Jtmt BeA -
WLfto Tin In the
Lime light
TJKING one of
his visits to
Chicago Colo
nel William F Cody
Buffalo Bill who
has been appointed
Instructor to the bal
loon companies of
the British royal en
gineers at Aldershot
England was the
guest of honor at a
dinner given by Mrs
Potter Palmer
Colonel what would you do in n
crowded theater if a man yelled
Fire asked the hostess
I might take him at his word if I
had my side arms with me replied
the famous plainsman grimly but if
not I should do the next best thing in
case of fire
What is that
Put him out
Years ago Buffalo Bill and Yellow
Hand a Cheyenne chief had an all but
hand to hand fight They were mount
ed and made a dead set for each other
When some twenty paces apart they
opened a simultaneous fire and both
horses fell dead in their tracks Nei
ther of such experienced horsemen
however was to be caught by a falling
animal and both alighted on their feet
Both rifles again came to shoulder with
machine like precision and again the
two shots were as one This time Yel
low Hand missed by a hairs breadth
but Buffalo Bills bullet crashed
through the Indian chiefs brain
The Hon Henry W Paine lecturer
at the Boston University Law school
was once in the law library and as he
glanced down the shelves he noticed
several blocks of wood shaped like law
books which had been put in to fill out
the shelves Ah said Mr Paine
now I see where the supreme court
gets its law
In his fight for legislation on the sub-
ject of railroad rates President Roose
velt has taken counsel much of Attor
ney General William H Moody Mr
Moody is of vigorous constitution and
strenuous mold and he believes in hard
work For social functions he cares lit
tle and as secretary of the navy did not
come up to the hopes of the naval offi
cers who like to win victories In ball
rooms To corre
spondents who in
terviewed him when
he was appointed
head of the navy
department he said
Unless you news
paper men loan me
the money I will be
too poor to live any
other than the quiet
and modest life to
which I have been
xXuSSS r
accustomed since
ATTOnNEr gejjer
coming to Washing- Al w ir moody
It is said the acquaintance of Presi
dent Roosevelt and Attorney General
Moody took on an intimate form one
night in 1898 when they met at a Har
vard alumni banquet The conflict with
Spain was Impending Mr Roosevelt
was then assistant secretary of the
navy and he and Mr Moody then a
congressman sat up all night after the
banquet and discussed the situation
Mr Moody tells of a sailor on the Mas
sachusetts who was injured in the ex
plosion of a gun on that battleship He
finally recovered and later in describ
ing his experience said
Well sir replied the jacky to his
questioner I reely cant say that I
knows very much about it I -was
standin you see with me back to the
gun a facin the port side All of a
sudden I hears a big noise then sir
the ship physician he says Set up an
take this
Representative Maddox of Georgia
has turned part of his law practice
over to his son
Pap I settled that lawsuit you have
been trying for the last ten years
said the son on a recent trip to Wash
Settled it Settled it exclaimed
Judge Maddox Why my boy I gave
you that case as an annuity
Lieutenant General Adna R Chaffee
who will go on the retired list of the
army in a short time is every inch a
soldier and his long and distinguished
military career began in the ranks He
served in the civil war and won suc
cessive promotions for gallantry fought
Indians commanded a brigade at San
tiago in the war with Spain headed the
United States forces In the march for
the relief of the legation at Peking in
the Boxer insurrec
tion of 1900 and
served for a year as
military governor of
the Philippines He
was commander of
the department of
the east prior to be
ing elevated to the
rank of lieutenant
General Chaffee
makes a striking
figure Though sixty-three
years of
age he shows no
signs of baldness and his bushy hair
tinged with gray surmounts a strong
face deeply furrowed with wrinkles
and bronzed and weather beaten by
many years of exposure and open air
Though very kind hearted the gen
eral like most warriors Is sometimes
a little gruff He has very little faita
TMgTtllTimi 1 faLl ggr
In tnei5plritualistlc manifestations giv
en at seances One of his younger of- J
ucers uaa attended n seance and was
describing the events that occurred
Oh what nonsense Interrupted the
general What do you young fellows
waste your time like that for How
many fools Including yourself were at
that seance anyway
The young officer took exception to
the wording of the remark and was
quite Indignant
Oh I didnt mean to reflect on you
continued the general What I meant
to ask was how many fools were there
without counting yourself
Rear Admiral Robley D Evans
known affectionately as Fighting
Bob who helped to entertain Admiral
Prince Louis of Battenberg on his re
cent American visit is famous for his
rough and ready way of talking He
believes in a greater navy not only
more ships but more well trained men
to man them and still better trained
officers to command the men Speak
ing of this need in response to a toast
to the navy at a dinner a short time
ago he said
We need the merchant marine We
got our men from it in the civil war
but we could not
get the men In 1S98
and let me tell a lit
tle story We were
lying off Cienfue
gos and we expect
ed a light that is
the navy depart
ment expected us to
have a fight so they
sent down a ship
load of recruits to
take the place of
the dead men They
were all given their KEAR admiral r
billets their bunks -
and their kits but there was no time to
drill them Among them Avas a big
strapping fellow from Detroit One
night there was an alarm of the ene
mys torpedo boats and a rocket went
up from one of our scout ships Well
I got out on the superstructure pretty
quickly and as I got under the electric
light I felt a tug at my elbow I look
ed around and there was the Detroiter
Say mister he said Well I an
swered looking around Say mister
where am I to fight
Where are you stationed
I am stationed in the port after
eight inch turret he said pulling out
his billet
Well there it is right there my
man I said
Yes he replied I know it Is but
how In hades do you get into it
Well he turned out a pretty good
petty officer after awhile but let us
have no more raw recruits in time of
Perry Belmont of New York who is
engaged in creating public interest in
the subject of having state and na
tional laws enacted for the publicity of
contributions made to political com
mittees and candidates for their elec
tion expenses is s
son of the late Au
gust Belmont and
grandson and name
sake of Commodore
Oliver Hazard Per
ry who won the
battle of Lake Erie
and sent the fa
mous message We
have met the ene
my and they are
ours Mr Belmont
is a graduate of
Harvard and of Columbia Law school
has served four terms in congress was
minister to Spain in 1888 and 1SS9 and
has figured prominently in politics
Seven years ago Henry T Sloane a
New York millionaire secured a di
vorce in connection with which Perry
Belmonts name was conspicuously
mentioned As soon as the decree was
granted Mr Belmont and the divorced
wife were married
Governor Edwin Warfield of Mary
land who is aiding in the campaign
against the Chesapeake bay oyster
boatmen accused of shanghaiing and
murdering sailors attracted national
attention a year ago by declaring that
the American girl marries too young
My advice to girls he said is to
eschew matrimony before they are
twenty six years of age That was
the age of Mrs Warfield when she
and I were married I have told my
daughters that I will not consent to
their marriage be
fore they are twenty-six
I shall re
sist inflexibly any
modification of that
The governor sup
plemented the above
expression by stat
ing that while twenty-six
is the mini
mum age at which
he believes girls
should marry they
would become bet
ter wives and be happier in after life
if they waited until they were twenty
eight or even thirty years of age
He was promptly accused of endeav
oring to lay the foundations for a race
of old maids
It was pointog out by those who did
not agree with him that 80 per cent
of the American women who pass the
age of twenty six years without be
coming wives never do scramble out
of splnsterhood but he declined to
change his views
The governor has three daughters
and when he was asked what he would
do if one of them wished to marry at
twenty one he smiled confidently and
said I have warned them not to ex
pect my consent to their marriage be
fore they are twenty six and I hope
to convert them to my way of thinking
before they arrive at that critical age
Patbetlo Storr of Ranavolo of Madn
ffaacmr Har French PnaIoa
There Is a pathetic aide to the story
of Ranavolo Manjaka III the deposed
queen of Madagascar who is now on
a visit to Paris She waa once ruler
over 3000000 people and a territory
measuring 250000 square miles She
came to the throne of Madagascar in
18S2 when a war was in progress and
it was her duty on several occasions
to appear before the assembled thou
sandsof her warriors and stimulate
them by a few stirring words to en
thusiasm for a brave defense of their
fatherland On one such occasion she
said I am a woman but I have the
heart of a man and I myself will
stand up and lead you to fight with
those who would take away our land
God forbid that we should become
slaves of the foreigner
But the tide of war and of fortune
was with the foreigner In 18S5 the
war was terminated by a treaty in
which the French acquired protectorate
rights over Madagascar and Ranavolo
became a vassal queen Instead of an
independent sovereign Ten years lat
er hostility toward the French again
led to war with the result that Rana
volo was deposed while Madagascar
became a French colony She was ex
iled first to the Island of Reunion and
thence in 1800 to Algiers where she
has to live except when she obtains
special permission from the French
government to pay a visit to some oth
er place She has received a regular
pension for years and in deference to
public sympathy for the exiled queen
it was recently raised from 30000 to
50000 francs
Famous Surgeon Who Says Disease
la Not u Bad Thins
Americans heard a good deal about the
famous English surgeon Sir Frederick
Treves when he operated so success
fully upon King Edward and brought
that monarch through an illness which
threatened to put a premature end to
his reign He stands at the head of
his profession in England and holds
the title of sergeant surgeon in ordina
ry to the king and surgeon in ordinary
to the Prince of Wales He is a fore
most authority on the subject of ap
pendicitis and peritonitis and was the
first surgeon to introduce removal of
the vermiform appendix as a cure for
appendicitis which by the way he
calls perityphlitis It is said that he
has operated upon more than a thou
sand cases of this nature and that only
two persons of all this number died
Recently Sir Frederick has been at
tracting attention by his utterances to
the effect that disease is not altogeth
er a bad thing Disease he says may
be beneficent and he declares that if it
were not for disease the human race
would soon be extinct In illustration
of his idea he Instances the malady
known as a cold and says that sneez
ing drives bacteria from the nasal pas
sages while coughing removes them
from the windpipe
Sir Frederick was born in 1S53 edu
cated in London and won his reputa
tion in London hospitals At the out
break of the South African war he
threw up his London practice and vol
unteered for service He was appointed
consulting surgeon was present at ev
ery engagement from Colenso to Lady
smith and on his return was knight
ed It is related that when be got
back in London he met one day an offi
cer who had been wounded and the
greater part of whose brain the sur
geon had removed On the surgeon ask
ing him how he was getting along
with half a brain the officer answered
Oh Its all right you know They
have given me a good berth in the war
j Plumber and
S Steam Filler 1
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
7 Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings M
y Estimates Furnished Free Base- to
ment of the Postoffice Building 7
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across street iu P Walsh
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions gtrictlyconfldentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securingpatenta
Patents taken throuch Alunn Co receive
tpecial notice without charge In the
Scientific Jftnerican
Ahnndsomely Illustrated weekly Tersest cir
culation of any nclentmc Journal Terms 3 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN Co361Bfoadw New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
Jftnr irTn
Dr O C Reynolds
Rooms 19 20 Bnrr Block
8urgery and Gynecology
rtwiWi En LinCOin R6Q
Of Chicago
Aleopathy Homeopathy
Electric and General
will by request visit professionally
At Palmer Hotel
Hours l p m to 9 p m
Returning every four weeks Consult
her while the opportunity is at hand
DR CALDWELL limits her practice to the
special treatment of diseases of the eye ear
nose throat lungs female diseases diseases of
children and all chronic nervous and surgical
diseases of a curable nature Early cpnsump
tion bronchitis bronchial catarrah chronic
catarrh headache constipation stomach and
bowel tronblcsrhenmatismneuraIfia sciatica
Brights disease kidney dizziness norvounes
indigestion obesity interrupted nutrition
slow growth in children and all wastingdiseas
es in adults deformities club feet curvature
of the spine diseases of the brain paralysis
epilepsy heart disease dropsy swelling of the
limbs stricture open sore pain in the bones
granular enlargements and all long standing
diseases properly treated
Pimples blotches eruptions liver spots fall
ing of the hair bad complexion eczema throat
ulcers bone pains bladder troublesweak back
burning urine passing urine too often The
effects of constitutional sickness or the taking
of too much injurious medicine receives search
ing treatment prompt relief and a cure for life
Diseases of women irregular menstruation
falhngof the womb bearing down pains fel
male displacements lack of sexual tone Leu
corrhea sterility or barrenness consult Dr
Caldwell and she will show them the cause of
their trouble and the way to become cured
and enlarged glands treated with the subcutan
eous injection method absolutely without nain
and without the loss of a drop of blood is one
of her own discoveries and is really the moat
scientific and cortainly sure method of this ad
vancedage Dr Caldwell has practiced her
profession in some or the largest hoDitalv
throughout the country She has lately opened
an office in Omaha Nebraska where sho will
spend a portion of each week treating her many
patients No
incurable cases accepted for
treatment Consultation examination and a
vice one dollar to those interested
Omaha Nebraska Chicago Illinois
Address all letters to 105 Bee Building Omaha
r 11