The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 15, 1905, Image 7

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i -1 1
fJK j
The Bad
of a
Mighty Nation
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea is
simply liquid electricity It goes to
every part of your body bringing new
blood strength and new vigor It makes
you well and keeps you well 35 cents
L W McCounell
Now is tho time to get two papers for
almost tho price of one The Tribune
and Weekly Inter Ocean 8105
i Dr Herbert J Prattl
Registeeed Geaduate
Office over McConnells Drug Store
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
1 u 1 1 U ii
For the best
of all kinds of Build
ing Materials
Steam and Domestic
I Bn
Phone No i
Try Carney Egg
Price 50c and 00
To Nols J Joliu on C II LanoAfla C Seltv
and Henry Wjkoff and to all whom it may con
corn Tho ctunniisMoiier unpointed to locate a
rond commencing at lliu uorthoas t corner of
section hcventeen 17 town ono 1 rango
twenty nino J and running tlienco two
miles west on section line between sections
night 8 and seventeen 17 and seven 7 and
eighteen IS town one 1 ruige twenty nine
29 and terminating at the north west corner
of soction eighteen IS town one 1 range
twenty nine 29 said road to be bixly six 60
feet wide have reported in fnvor of tho estab
lishment thereof as follow- Commencing at
the northeast corner of section eighteon 18
town ono 1 range twenty nino 29 west 6th
Ii m and running thence wct on section lino
between sections seven 7 and oighlecn il8
town ono 1 range twenty nine 29 to tho
north went corner of section eighteen IS
said town and range and terminating thereat
said road to bo sixty six 66 feet wide and all
objections thereto or claims for damagei mut
be filed in the county clerks office on or before
noon of the 2nd da of February A D 1903 or
t aid road will be established without reference
E J Wu coxCouuty Clerk
By virtue of an order issued from tho district
court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a
decree in an action whereiu Milton H Ham
mond Ada A Hammond and Mary E Ham
mond are plaintiffs and James O Hammond
Josephine M Hammond James O Hammond
as guardian of Josephine Hammond a
minor and Arden II Purvis aro defendants di
rected to the undersigned as referee 1 shall
offer at public ale and sell to the highest bid
der for cash at the east front door of the court
house in the city of McCook Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska on tho 2nd day of January 1906
at the hour of one oclock p m the following
described real estate to wit Tho northwest
quarter section thirt flve township twonorth
range thirty west Gth p in in Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this 29th day of November 1905
E M Bigelow Referee
Boyle Eldred attorneys
Alvin Brown Beulah Brown and John M
Evans non resident defendants will take notice
that on tho 28th day of August 190 Edward B
Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the district
court of Red Willow county Nebraska tho ob
ject and praver of which aro to foreclose a tax
purchasers lieu upon the east half of tho north
west quarter of section 14 in town 1 north
range 30 west of tho Gth principal meridian for
tho taxes for the years 1901 1902 and 1903 that
there was duo to plaintiff at the time of filing
said petition the sum of 1580 for tho payment
of which sum together with costs accruing in
terest and attorneys fee pla iutiff prays a de
cree of foreclosure and a salo of said premises
You aro required to answer said petition on or
before the 1st day of January 1906
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
J E Kelloy attornoy
To David E Polly and to whom it may con
cern Notice is hereby given that on tho feth
day of March 1904 the undersigned J MWentz
purchased of Ben ti Gossard county treas
urer of Red Willow couniy Nebraska at public
sale for taxes lot five block three in West Mc
Cook Red Willow county Nebraska for the
taxes levied and assessed thereon for tho years
1895 to 1902 inclusive The time allowed in
which to redeem said lot from said purchase
will expire December 25th 1903 12 103ts
J M Wentz
is more dangerous to your life than the drink cocaine
or morphine habits for it soon ends in Consumption
Pneumonia and Death Save yourself from these
awful results of Coughs and Colds by taking
Sitting by My Wifes Bed
writes F G Huntley of Oaklanden Ind I read about
Dr Kings New Discovery She had got a frightful
chronic cough which three doctors failed to relieve
After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured and
today she is well and strong
One Dose Gives Relief
I3r ogr gists
is good food food for brain lood for Drawn food that is
strengthening that gives energy and courage Without a proper
appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise
to greatness
As an article of food soda crackers are being used more and
more every day as is attested by the sale of nearly 400000000
packages of Uneeda Biscuit which have come to be recog
nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known
And so Uneeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at
every meal giving life health and strength to the American people
thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation
Notice is hereby given that tho county com
missioners of Red Willow county Nebraska
will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of tho
following supplies to said county during the
yoarl906 to wit
1 6 qr med Treasurers cash book
1 road district ledger
3 redemption books
7000 triplicate tax receipts
24 assessors files
23 sets poll books per book
24 sets envelopes for poll books per dozen
21 ballot bags for votes cat per dozen
1 gross election pencils per grots
All records to bo extra bound and made of
B ron Weston best linen ledger paper
Legal blanks full sheet per hundred
Legal blanks one half sheet por bundled
Legal blanks one fourth sheotpor hundred
Legal blanks one eighth sheotper hundred
Glucinum pens per gross
Vanadium tens por gross
Perfection pencils or equal round rubber
tips per gross
1 rent cross rnhber bands No 11
1 gros rubber bauds ono quarter inch
12 packages senate legal pads per package
Parties receiving contract to furnish good
and sufficient bond for the faithful performance
of tho sanio
The county commissioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids All bids to bo filed
with tho count clerk on or before twelve oclock
noon January 1 1906
Bids must bo addressed to the county clerk
nnd marked Proposal for books blanks and
Dated at McCook Nebraska this 7th day of
December 1905 12 84ts
E J Wilcox County Clesk
Tho State of Nebraska Red Willow countyss
At a county court hold at tho county court
room in and for said county Decembers A D
1903 Present Frank Moore county judge In
tho matter of the estate of Edward LXettleton
deceased On reading and filing the petition of
A Stella Fitch praying that admiuistrationof
said estate may be granted to her as adminis
tratrix Ordered that December 23 A D 1905
at ten oclock a m is assigned for hearing said
petition when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to be held
in and for said county and show cause why tho
prajer of petitioner should not be granted and
that notice of tho pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given toaU persons in
terested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in The McCook Tribune a weekly
newspaper printed in said connty for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing A
true copy seal
Fbakk Mooee County Judge
Boyle Eldred attorneys-
United States Land Office Lincoln Nebras
ka Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from tho commissioner of the gen
eral land oflice under authority vested in him
by section 2455 U S Rev Stat as amended by
tho act of congress approved February 26 1895
wo will proceed to offer at public sale on the
16th day of January next at two oclock p in
at this office tho following tract of land to wit
South west quarter northeast quarter section 7
township 1 north range 29 west 6th P M
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advied to file
their claims in this office on or before the day
above designated for tho commencement of said
tale otherwise their rights will bo forfeited
Dated December 5 1905
W A GitrEX Register
xVlva E Kknnaed Receiver
Boyle Eldred attorneys 12-3-5 ts
Sally a Courtship
While on a secret mission to Paris
In 15S3 Itosny had fallen in love with
the daughter of the president St
nnn The young lady was handsomo
and kind but while paying her his ad
dresses lie heard of a Mile de Courte
nay who was reported to be beautiful
well born and wealthy besides Pru
dence suggested that he should mako
her the Baroness de Itosny but he was
already half committed to the other
While he was pondering the subject
he arrived one day at an inn in Xogent
and found to his dismay that by an
unlucky chance both ladies were lodged
In it Mile de St Mesmln in the left
I wing and Mile de Courtenay in the
right Both were ready to marry him
and he was ready to marry one of
them but could not decide which It
was a very awkward position for the
wavering lover and at first he thought
of saving himself by instant flight
While he hesitated Mile de St Mes
mlns younger sister saw him and ex
pressed her surprise that he had been
half an hour in the house without vis
iting them The decisive moment had
evidently come Turn to the right
whispered the friend who was with
him He did so and Anne de Courte
nay became his wife H C Macdowell
In Macmillans Magazine
A Plausible Theory
Hixon I wonder how Methuselah
managed to live to such a ripe old
Dixon Probably because there
were no bacteria and disease germs in
feU day
V fIIWF5 Si tfffllf M OlTIP FStS Cores Crip g
WSfiS WVi aiyi SSfcaa Jp In Two Days R
I Tflke Laxative BrOSIO Viffiiiie Tablets M P7 J very I
1 Seven MIffion boxes sold in past 12 months Th 5 Signature V8 OX 25c I
Snapshots at
People of Note
of Cleveland
who Is widely
known for his ag
gressiveness as u
reformer Is under
discussion now on
account of his cam
paign against sui
cide There have
honn en TvmtiT cm
mayor concluded to try to do some
thing to stop them So he has appoint
ed a commission to Inquire Into the
matter to provide work for those who
aro despondent on account of lack of
employment and to give friendly ad
vice or assistance to such as need It
Mayor Johnson who has a large for
tune and some time ago retired from
active business in order to devote him
self to promoting his economic and
political ideas was an oflice boy in a
foundry In Louisville at twelve years
of age and drew a salary of 2 per
week One day one of tho owners of
the foundry saw the Industrious office
boy rush into the street pick up a bit
of iron and returning throw it on the
scrap heap inside When the boy re
entered the office he said to hbn
Why did you do that my son
Why sir said Tom a bit embar
rassed there was no use wasting it
They can put It In the furnace and use
it over again
Well I just think I can use you
young man in the street car business
LTow would you like to como at 7 a
Young Johnson accepted the Gve
dollar raise with alacrity
John S Sargent the famous painter
attended a banquet in New York not
long ago lie met a young lady
whom he knew very well and she said
Oh Mr Sargent I saw your latest
painting and kissed it because it was
so much like you
And did it kiss you in return
Why no
Then said Mr Sargent it was
not like me
The municipal ownership sentiment
which has affected political results in
several large cities this year caused the
election as mayor of Buffalo of James
N Adam an ardent advocate of such
principles and a man whose wealth is
rated above the million mark Mr
Adam was born in the town of Pee
bles Scotland March 1 1842 He at
tended school at Edinburgh until
twelve years old when he became an
apprentice in the
dry goods trade In
1S72 he came to
America and locat
ed in Buffalo where
he established a
dry goods business
that grew to be one
of the largest of
the kind between
New York and Chi
cago Last year he
retired from active
business after a
commercial career
IIIm 111
covering half a century In 1S93 he
was elected a member of the board of
councilmen Owing to his familiarity
with the success of the municipal own
ership idea in his native land Mr
Adam became an enthusiastic support
er of the principle and as a councilman
stood out against the disposal of pub
lic franchises to private corporations
In 1001 he was nominated on the Dem
ocratic ticket as alderman from a ward
considered to be a Republican strong
hold and was elected party lines be
ing disregarded Two years later he
was again elected a councilman He
was nominated by the Democrats for
mayor this fall on a platform declaring
emphatically for municipal ownership
and was elected by a majority of near
ly 10000 although last year when Mr
Roosevelt ran for president the city
went Republican by about 10000 Mr
Adam is a typical Scotchman and has
been known as a persistent and fear
less fighter for policies he believes to
be right
The investigation of life insurance
companies has brought out the fact
that many of them pay very large sal
aries to their officers and the question
has been raised whether such salaries
are justifiable Elbert Henry Gary
chairman of the board of directors of
the United States
Steel corporation
says that the real
question is not
whether salaries are
too large but wheth
er the right men are
drawing them He
gets 100000 a year
himself and avers
that 100000 or even
150000 a year is
not too large for
the right man as
the head of a big
insurance company In proof of this
he declares that any bank would be
fortunate to get the services of J
Pierpont Morgan if It could even at a
salary of 1000000 a year
Judge Gary is a native of Wheaton
111 and was born in 1S46 He is a
graduate of Chicago university and of
the law department of that Institution
was first mayor of the city of Wheaton
and served two terms as judge of Du
Page county For twenty five years he
practiced law In Chicago and retired
from practice In 1S9S to become
dent of ilio FederTiTSTeel compnny TTe
s tii ULIU liJiUUUUI 111 UJ luniiuuuu Ul
Uie United States Steel corporation nnrl
on its organization was chosen to nil
his present post
Governor Edward W Iloch of Kan
sas who declares tliat unless Amer
icas great trusts and corporations aro
controlled In the interests of the peoplo
a tidal wave of socialism will sweep
over the country Is not only a careful
student of sociological matters but en
joys telling and hearing a good story as
well According to
uie governor a
friend of his in To
peka who recently
became engaged to
a charming young
girl chanced to be
in a department
store whe hls
eides In Cleveland recently that the ey
caught a glimpse of
a jeweled belt that
he thought his fian
cee would like to
have Going over
to Uie counter he governor edward
asked the Wl
man to place an assortment of them on
the counters so he could make a better
What size do you wish sir she
Really I dont know
He gazed around the store for a few
seconds Finally he said
Can you let me have a yardstick for
a moment
The saleswoman got him a yardstick
and he placed it on the Inside of his
arm from the shoulder to the wrist and
in a few moments he exclaimed tri
umphantly to the surprised saleswom
Twenty Inches please
The case of Eben Sumner Draper
Republican candidate for lieutenant
governor of Massachusetts in the re
cent election presents some unusual
aspects Curtis Guild Jr the Repub
lican candidate for governor who fa
vors a conservative revision of the tar
iff by the Republicans In congress was
elected by a plurality of 2JillG while
his associate on the ticket Mr Draper
who has opposed tariff revision was
elected on the face
of the returns by
a plurality of only
190G and the Dem
ocrats decided to
contest his election
Mr Draper re
sides in Hopedale
where he was born
on June 17 1S8
being the youngest
son of George Dra
per well known in
his time as a man
ufacturer and the
founder of various industrial enter
prises After attending the public and
private schools of his native town Mr
Draper entered the Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology He was then fif
teen He took a course in engineering
and on leaving college began work in
machine shops serving in different de
partments in various industries until
he was twenty one when he became a
partner in the firm of George Draper
Sons He is now identified with numer
ous corporations He married in 1SS3
Miss Nannie Bristow a daughter of the
late Benjamin H Bristow once secre
tary of the treasury Mr Draper was
one of the founders of the famous
Home Market club
Former Governor Bates of Massa
chusetts tells of a visit he paid one
Sunday to a small colored church in
Virginia After the usual services the
parson arose and said in a solemn
We will now hab a few shot pray
ers Brudder Hooper will yo kinly
Ma lead No sun Ah just dealt
answered the broiher half awake and
half asleep
New honors have come to Helnrich
Conried director of the Metropolitan
Opera company for in choosing him
to head the proposed National theater
the projectors of that enterprise have
expressed their confidence in him as a
representative of the highest achieve
ments of the dramatic art The Nation
al theater which is to be built on a
site facing Central park New York
at a cost of 2000000 will not be na
tional in the sense
that It will receive
support from the
government like the
Theatre Francals of
Parl3 and the Hof
burg theater in Ber
lin but It will aim
to present only tho
best productions
and maintain a high
i JI11I1F
artistic and
moral heixrich copied
literary standard
The contributions of wealthy men to its
support will render the Institution more
independent of popular caprice than
ordinary theatrical enterprises
Mr Conried is a man of high artistic
ambition and varied achievements He
has a sharp wit and a story Is told of
how a certain young woman had the
temerity to play before him a nocturne
that she didnt know at all well After
ward as she was taking leave she said
I hope to be perfect in that nocturne
the next time we meet
Conried bowed and laughed
Oh he said I hope we meet before
H Rider Haggards new novel Aye
sha appeared recently The author
claims that this Is not a sequel to
She but a conclusion to that re
markable novel It carries the narra
tor Ludwlg Horace Holly and hl3
ward Leo Vincey through a series of
hair raising adventures In the moun
tains of central Asia In quest of the
ever elusive reincarnated queen
Office Koomi and 5 Walsh Mk McCook
C II Botle C E ELDBBn Co Atfjr
Attorneys at Law
Long Distm co Phono 4 1
Rooms 1 unci 7 second Hoor
Poetotlice liuilding
McCook Neb
and Surgeon
OUlco Retddenn W l Main Atmic Ollleound
Residence phone Stt Calls answered niulit or
Real Estate Insurance
Phone K
Ollico over
McMilleuH dniK fetore
McCook Nkhkaska
Cg Atontof Lincoln Land Co and of alcCook
Water Works- Ollico in IotolIIco ImildiuK
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Ollico Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Roar of First Nafl Bank
Earl Murray
eKi r fan
General Repair Shops
Two doors fa t of Storp
McCook Nebraska
S a
Cough Semedyl
The Childrens Favorite
Coughs Colds Croup and
Whooping Cough
This remedy is famous for its cures over
a large part of the civilized It can
always bo depended upon It contains no
opium or other harmful drug and may b
given oa confidently to a baby as to an adult
Price 25 ccs Large Size 50 cts
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarante
Delmont S D- Dec 17 1902
I used L K for hog cholera and it was all
right It cured my hogs- I had threo sick ones
and they all got well and done fine I also
ased it for chicken lice and mites and it i9 all
yon claim for it Itisthe only Medicine forhog
cholera I think Gotlieb Jebke
Harrincton Neb Dec 1J 1902
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thing I ever had on tha
place for everything it is intended for Itii
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinda it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by tho National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa