The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 08, 1905, Image 6

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    no watasm i i a a MB a iMBMM
Imin nan I
x uUllJ uUiil UlllJ X
is the only weekly paper that has a special
department for this subject The first of a
series of articles on
is now appearing in the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN and will continue for several
months They are prepared by Mr Wallace
E Sherlock an acknowledged authority on
subjects pertaining to the preservation and
restoration of soils
This department is in addition to the
VETERINARY HOME and other depart
ments making the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN the leading farm home and news
paper in the United States
Subscription Price
100 per year
Subscribe at once and do not miss a
article on Soils and Soil Culture
In Combination
with the
Only 105
Rooky fountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Eonewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and KiilHv Troubles Pimples Eczeim Impure
Blood Bad Breach Siurash Bowels Headache
aud Backache Its Rooky Mountain Tea in tab
let form S cati a box Oonuine made by
Hol isthp D ua Cjmpanv Madison Wis
HarneSS Best Made
California Oak Leather
No 1 Trimmings
First Class Workmen
Look for trade mark
Ask Your Dealer
has a very bad effect on your sys
tem It disorders your stomach
and digestive apparatus taints your
blood and causes constipation with
all its fearful ills
Gk Draught1
Is a bland tonic liver regulator and
blood purifier
It gets rid of the poisons caused
by over supply of bile and quickly
cures bilious headaches dizziness
loss of appetite nausea indiges
tion constipation malaria chills
and fever jaundice nervousness
irritability melancholia and all
sickness due to disordered liver
It is not a cathartic but a gentle
herbal liver medicine which eases
without irritating
Price 23c at all Druggists
Kansas City Dec 6 1905
Receipts of cattle thus far this week
are 44500 last week 30700 last year
29500 On Monday ordinary beef steers
were generally 10c lower all other classes
of cattle ruling steady Tuesdays trade
was steady to 10c lower for beef steers
all other kinds firm Todays market
was generally steady to 10c off on every
thing except stockers which held steady
The following table gives prices now
Extra prime cornfed steers S3 25 to S5 75
Good 4 75 to 5 25
Ordinary 3 CO to 4 25
Choice cornfed heifers 4 X to 5 00
Good 3 50 to 4 00
Medium 2 50 to 3 50
Choice cornfed cows 3 25 to 4 00
Good 2 75 to 3 35
Medium 2 25 to 2 75
Canners 1 50 to 2 25
Choice stags 3 75 to 4 25
Choice fed bulls 3 25 to 3 75
Good 2 50 to 3 00
Bologna bulls 175 to 2 5
Veal calves 5 00 to 6 00
Good to choice native or western
stockers - 3 40 to 3 85
Fair 3 00 to 3 40
Common 2 40 to 3 00
Good to choice heavy nativo feeders 3 60 to 4 20
Fair 3 00 to 3 60
Good to choice heavy branded
horned feeders 3 2 to 3 0
Fair 3 00 to 3 25
Common 2 50 to 3 00
Good to choice stock heifers 2 50 to 2 85
Fair 2 25 to 2 50
Good to choice stock calves steers 3 50 to 4 25
Fair 3 00 to 3 50
Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 00 to 3 5o
Fair 2 50 to 3 Oo
Choice wintered grass steers 4 25 to 4 65
Good 3 75 to 4 25
Fair 3 40 to 3 75
Choice grass cows 2 75 to 3 0G
Good 2 50 to 2 75
Common 2 00 to 2 50
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 41500 last week 32300 last year
33700 Mondays market was 5 to 10c
lower Tuesday steady and today opened
strong and closed 5 to 10c higher Bulk
of sales were from 480 to 495 top 505
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
are 12200 last week 7600 last year
13900 Mondays market was strong
and active Tuesday strong to 10c higher
and today 10c higher We quote choice
lambs 8725 to 750 choice yearlings
S625 to 650 choice wethers 5 50 to
575 choice ewes 500 to 525
Eczema Skin cancer and all painful itch
ing skin diseases treated by the most cer
tain methods Moles Birthmarks and facial
blemishes removed by electricity Blood
poison in all stages All private and genito
urinary diseases Calloradd DR ANGLE
Specialist Skin Blood and Genito Urinary
Diseases 1215 O S reet Lincoln Nebraska
MntHuki the Juggler Held an Audi
ence Spellbound While the Theatep
Attached Were Fighting a Bad Fire
Behind the Scenes
Satsuma Matsukl a Japanese juggler
and acrobat was filling uu engage
ment at Burlington Ills marked abil
ity as a magician caused the opera
bouse to be crowded every evening
The steamship Korea which arrived
at San Francisco from the orient re
cently brought the most valuable con
signment of raw silk ever landed in
this country It was worth 2450000
It was dispatched east in haste the
same night 3500 tales of it
Though a Millionaire lie Prcachea
Equality and Practice It Too
James Graham Phelps Stokes who
recently made n strong run for presi
dent of the New York board of alder
men on the Muuicipul Ownership tick
et is a character about whom a novel
conditions changed even though this
may involve personal loss
Mr Stokes is thirty years old a grad
uate of Yale university and has studied
medicine He Is a son of Anson Phelps
Stokes and his family has long been
noted more for the interest its various
had worked bravely and success was members take In philanthropy than for
pmwninrr thpir ofpnrrs Thpv hpnrrt its millions though the latter are
- t
the music of the orchestra and they
knew that Matsukl was doing his part
to hold the attention of the people A
few moments more and all danger of a J
stampede would be past
Fire Some one had seen a puff
of smoke issue from the right wing of
the stage
Ye ar Aire And Matsuki sent the
many He has a sister who is a settle
ment worker and a brother who is a
clergyman One day not long after he
had been a resident of the University
Settlement he was interviewed by Miss
Rose Harriet Pastor a writer of stories
and verse and then a member of the
staff of the Jewish Daily News The
young woman had known all the
table nearly to the celling turning a I Nations and hardships of poverty
complete somersault in its flight The
audience shouted with delight
For twenty minutes Matsuki bad
been in constant activity The veins
stood out upon his arms and temples
like whipcords
Fire Another had noticed a puff
of smoke
Ye ar Aire And again was the ta
ble hurled aloft and caught again with
the same dexterity
The conductor of the orchestra knew
not what it all meant At first he
thought that Matsuki bad gone mad
Never before had he dared so much
If he was mad surely no one could
deny his astonishing skill
A moment later the stage manager
walked across the stage and whisper
ed something to Matsukl at the same
time placing the table on the floor
Matsukl was unable to rise Attend
ants lifted the brave fellow and car
ried him behind the scenes Very
shortly the manager returned and
when he spoke his voice was sadly
Ladles and gentlemen said he
passing his hand across his forehead
I have no doubt that you have great
ly enjoyed Satsuma Matsukis perform
ance this evening He has well merit
ed your generous applause more per
haps than you imagine I have to In
form you that Satsuma Matsuki alone
has stood between you and death for
the past twenty minutes or more The
danger is past now and you are liberty
to leave this building but permit me to
say before you depart that our friend
Matsuki has lost his entire magicians
outfit which cost him over a thousand
dollars Fire has completely destroy
ed his property I leave It with you
to do what is right and those who de
sire to show their gratitude for what
Matsukl has done this evening can
meet me here on the platform
There was no hesitation A long
line of men and women was quickly
formed and for an hour the manager
received the contributions of those who
wished to show their gratitude When
the amount was counted pledges and
all something over 1500 was found
She Thought of Him
She Oh Mr Borem how do you do
I was talking to Mrs Nexdore just
now and I couldnt help thinking of
you He And was she discussing me
She Not exactly She was comment
ing on the weather and just asked me
if I could imagine anything more tire
some and disagreeable Philadelphia
and for a time had worked ln a tobac
co factory
The interview was the beginning of
a romance which resulted in Mr
Stokes leading the former factory girl
to the altar The marriage which oc
curred last summer was a very simple
one and after a wedding journey in
Europe the happy couple took up their
residence in a flat in the tenement sec
tion where Mrs Stokes does her own
housework and where she and her hus
band try to carry out the ideas of so
cial and economic equality In which
both believe Mr Stokes made many
speeches during the New York cam
paign and ran almost as well as Wil
liam Randolph Hearst the Municipal
Ownership mayoralty candidate
Monument at Dcponit N Y Thnt
Marks a Siprnificant Event
Fifty four years ago a special train
rumbled across the state of New York
from to Dunkirk
Lake Erie It was the first train over
the Erie railroad and bore a party of
dignitaries among whom were
Warn - - mmm
life jfmMMaM
dent Millard Fillmore and the great
Daniel Webster Sixteen years before
that ground had been broken at De-
roau wnere ine nrst spaaerui or
earth was dug at sunrise on Nov 7
1S33 a granite monument has been
erected It was dedicated on Nov 10
with ceremonies which were attended
by state officials and other distinguish-
Queer Race That Lives Near the Chi
nese Prefecture of Chlenchang
Adjoining the Chinese prefecture of
Chlenchang Is a deep gully barred by
a river which no Chinaman Is permit
ted to pass until he finds ball for his
good conduct In Lolodom
might easily be written The story or j The Lolos are a slim well made
his career reads more like romance muscular race with oval reddish brown
than real life Born to millions he de- i faces high cheek bones and pointed
elded to devote bis life to serving the
downtrodden masses rather thnn to in
creasing his fortune A favorite in
wealthy society and a young bachelor
One feat in particular interested hlT10 regarded as a good catch by
- ui uuuiui ueiressea 01 urn smart ser
audience Lying prone upon his back
n nnm r
chins from which the beard has been
carefully plucked They are fur taller
than the Chinese and Indeed thnn any
European race but their marked pe
culiarity Is the born Every male
adult gathers his hair In a knot over
his forehead and then twists It up In a
he would toss a long light table back-
cotton cloth thnt it resembles the
plam ooklnff glrl whom ue met ln set so
wara ana rorwnru 111 an eonceivania i i x j unUnm
positions to the time of lively music a Jewess whose qualities of mind and This horn Is considered Bacred and
his tiny feet keeping the table perfect
ly balanced
It was Saturday evening Satsuma
Matsukl bad been performing for an
hour He had astonished bis audience-
with a score of wonderful achieve-
ments but as vet he had not
Matsukl passed into one of the dress
ing rooms to change his costume
Scarcely bad he closed the door when
he heard a sound that made his heart
Btund still for a moment a crackling
and a hissing and the next Instant a
long tongue of flame leaped from the
stairway enveloping a window Oth
ers ln the rear of the stage discovered
the flames at the same instant and a
fierce battle was begun between the
attaches of the theater and the raging
fire For one brief instant Matsukl
stood irresolute The fire was confined
within the dressing room of the right
wing and as yet no one in the audi
ence had an Inkling of the grave dan
ger that threatened the house Those
fighting the flames knew that a terriblo heart Avon his respect and admiration
panic would ensue the moment that
the spectators realized the danger
Matsukl understood the situation too
and finally his love Mr Stokes in
view of his possession of a fortune
might be supposed to be conservative
and ln that moment of hesitation he in his economic views and jealous of
saw the part that he must act
Matsukl was before bis audience
He had placed the rugs hastily in posi
tion that he might rest easily A mo
ment later and the orchestra com
menced playing Matsuki had balanc
ed the table and was gracefully danc
ing it back and forth keeping perfect
I any Infringement on vested rights
or opposed to movements looking to
any radical change in the existing eco
nomic system However the facts are
that be believes in many features of
the Socialist scheme and is aiding In a
plan for intelligent and careful study
in colleges and in the home of Socialist
time with his dainty feet Shortly the theories He is willing and ready to
measure of the music was quickened
and bo was obliged to move more
quickly At one time the table would
be at an angle of forty five degrees and
again at ninety degrees and the next
moment perfectly perpendicular The
long table seemed fairly alive
Meanwhile those fighting the fire
have the existing social and economic
even if a Lolo settles in Chinese terri
tory and grows a pigtail he still pre
serves his horn The Lolo mans prin
cipal garment Is a wide sleeveless man
tle of red or black felt tied about tho
neck and descending almost to the
heels The trousers are of Chinese
cotton with felt bandages No shoes
are worn but a conical hat of woven
bamboo covered with felt furnishes a
head covering as well as an umbrella
The Chinese divide the Lolos into
two classes which they call respective
ly Black Bones and White Bones
the first being the nobles and the latter
their vassals and retainers There is
also a third class of captive Chinese
and their descendants called Watzu
practically slaves rho are tattooed on
the forehead with the mark of their
The Lolos never many except in
I their own tribes captive Chinese worn
i pn lipincr civpn tn thnir bondsmen Thii
marriage of a Black Bone is a time of
great festivities and many banquets
The betrothal is celebrated and ratified
by the present of the husband to the
brides family of a pig and three ves
sels of wine
On the wedding morn the bride Is
richly dressed with many ornaments
She is expected to weep profusely
whether she feels so Inclined or not
In the midst of her tears the grooms
relatives and friends dash in seize the
bride the best man carries her out of
doors on his shoulders she is clapped
on a horse and hurried off to her new
home Here she finds horses cattle
and sheep provided by the grooms
family while her own people send
clothes ornaments and corn Women
occupy a high position among the Lo
los and a woman chief is not unknown
among the tribes New York Herald
When you die you will die as dead
as anybody
We all have enough to be cross about
Still it isnt a good idea to show It
People like to be called enthusiastic
but how they hate to be called gush
The only difference between the mod
ern family row and that of the older
days is that the modern one Isnt as
big a family
The good fellow you slap on the
back and tell your troubles to may
seem good natured but he complains
of you to his wife
There is nothing so disappointing as
to have one take you aside to tell you
a great secret and then discover that
you already know It Atchison Globe
A Bit of Westmoreland
The Westmoreland hills are the re
mains of an older world
giants decayed but of a great race and
ancestry They have the finish the
delicate or noble loveliness one might
almost say the manner that comes of
long and gentle companionship with
those chief forces that make for natu
ral beauty with air and water with
temperate suns and too abundant
rains Beside them the Alps are Inhu
man the Apennines mere forest grown
heaps mountains in the making while
all that Scotland gains from the easy
enveloping glory of its heather West
moreland which Is almost heatherless
must owe to an Infinitude of fine
strokes tints curves and groupings to
touches of magic and to lines of grace
yet never losing the wild energy of
precipice and rock that belongs of right
to a mountain world Mrs Humphry
Ward in Century
The Arab Steed
An Arab steed of pure breed would
probably be outpaced in a race by an
English thoroughbred but In other re
spects it outshines Its western rival
It Is so docile that it is treated by Its
owner as one of the family and It has
an iron constitution for it sleeps out
at night without covering or shelter
Nature protects the Arab horse with
a thick furry coat which Is never
touched by brush or comb and which
falls off at the approach of spring
when the body and legs which had
been shaggy as those of a bear again
resume their graceful beauty and glis
ten In the sun like polished marble
London Chronicle
North and Sooth Korea
In the northern part Korea is cov
ered with transverse mountain ranges
which gradually sink to a well marked
1 lowland The principal mountains
j however occur on the side of the sea
of Japan The rocks of the country are
chiefly old formations archaean and
Palaeozoic The easiest passage across
the peninsula is along the depression
of Chyukkaryong South of this line
lies the Hanland south Korea
which differs in history climate
j posit N Y for the construction of the raphy and people from north Korea
Her Unseemly Perversity
Mrs Hunks I wish you wouldnt be
so positive There are two sides to
every question Old Hunks with a
roar Well thats no reason why you
ed persons The completion of the Erie should always be on the wrong side
marked an epoch in railroad building Chicago Tribune
Plumber an
team Fitter
pi m KHftmia
Iron Load and Sewar Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished F -e Base
ment of Posofnce Boildmg
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just ncroas street iu P Walsh
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion frco whether an
Invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confldentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken through Munn Co receive
rpecial notice without charge ln the
Scientific American-
A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal Terms 93 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN New York
Branch Office 625 F SU Washington D C
I Dr O C Reynolds I
I Rooms 19 20 Burr Block I
1 Surgery and Gynecology 1
1 nn JAal9Bell UnCOlll M I
Of Chicago
Aleopathy Homeopathy
Electric and General
will by request Tislt professionally
At Palmer Hotel
Hours l p m to 9 p m
Returning every four weeks Consult
her while the opportunity is at hand
DR CALDWELL limits her practice to the
special treatment of diseases of the eje ear
nose throat lungs female diseases diseases of
children and all chronic nervous and SHrsical
diseases of a curable nature Early consump
tion bronchitis bronchial catarrah chronic
catarrh headache constipation stomach and
bowel troublesrheumatism neuralgia sciatica
Brichts disease kidney dizziness nervousness
indigestion obeity interrupted nutrition
slow growth in children and all wasting diseas
es in adults deformities club feet curvature
of the spine dilates of the brain paralysis
epilopsj heart disease dropay swelling of the
limb stricture oien pain in tho bones
granular enlargements and all long standing
diseases properlj treated
Pimples blotches eruptions liver spots fall
ing of the hair bad complexion eczema throat
ulcers bone pains bladder troubles weak back
burning urine passing urine too often The
effects of constitutional sickness or the taking
of too much injurious medicine receives search
ing treatment nromnt relinf nnil a rnra fm-
Diseases of women irregular menstruation
fallingof the womb bearing down pains fe
male displacements lack of sexual tone Lotv
corrhea sterility or barrenness consult Dr
Caldwell and she will show them the cause of
their trouble and the way to become cured
and enlarged glands treated with the subcutan
eous injection method absolutely without pain
and without the loss of a drop of blood is one
of her own discoveries and is really tho mot
scientific and certainly sure method of tins ad
vanced age Dr Caldwell has practiced her
profession in some of the largest hospitals
throughout tho country She has lately opened
an ofhee in Omaha Nebraska where she will
spend a portion of each week treating her many
patients No incurable cases accepted for
treatment Consultation examination and ad
vico one dollar to those interested
Omaha Nebraska Chicago Illinois
Addrees all letters to 103 Beo Building Omaha
i u
ll I
I 4m
vV m