The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 24, 1905, Image 4

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    lis Ilxi
By F M
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscriptioni 1 a Year in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
What man with honorable and manly
and fair instincts can oppose the presi
dents movement to secure a semblance
of a square deal
The only satisfactory solution of the
beet sugar question is the location of a
factory in this valley Present indica
tions are that the Republican valley is
being neatly and completly pocketed in
in that regard
Four Lectures In St Patricks
Father Mullaly of tho Congregation of
St Paul who conducted a mission in
the Catholic church four weeks ago will
return to McCook and give four lectures
in the Catholic church beginning nest
Sunday evening Sunday evening the
lecture will bo The Catholic Idea of a
Church Tuesdayreveniug the lecture
will be Confession and the Confession
al He will answer questions relating
to Catholic doctrine for half an hour
before each lecture Come and hear
him It is free
Rocky Ford Melons as Substitute
It has been suygwdted that culture of
Rocky Ford melons might profitably be
substituted for sugar beets in this sec
tion of this state It is claimed that
experiments made bhow tho yield and
flavor to be satisfactory and it would
not be startling to see the cultivation of
the famous melon becomes more com
mon in this neighborhood next season
if more liberal terms as to shipping are
not given beet producers
A Brave Sailor
There is a tablet in the sailors home
at Melbourne to James Marr He was
a sailor before the mast on the Rip
On July 15 1873 the Rip -was caught
in a squall Marr sat astride of tho
gaff -when a great -wave broke over the
boat and brought down the mainmast
There was only one chance to save the
Rip That was to cut away the litter
But Marr clung to the broken spar and
to cut away meant to send him over
board to death So looking at him
doubtfully the men hesitated their
axes in their hands Marr helpless
pondered He saw that his death
would be the boats salvation and he
Cut away mates Goodby
Then he let himself fall into the cold
wild sea
A Fatal Fan
According to John Stow chronicler
and autiquary about 15G0 who wrote
and published Summarle of Englysh
Chronicles Sir William Colllngwood
was executed In 14S4 for writing the
following political squib In a manner
which In his day was considered most
excellent wit
The rat the cat and Lovel tho dog
Rule all England under the Hog
This was during the reign of Rich
ard III at a time when the chief
agents of his evil schemes were Cates
by Ratcliff and Lovel Lovel was then
a common name -for a dog and as a
white boar was displayed on the kings
escutcheon the reference to a hog
was obvious and so offensive that it
brought about the writers death
Just Sneeze RIerlit Out
Never suppress a sneeze said the
trained nurse to the young woman
who had just performed that polite
act It Is a great strain on all the
nerves and blood vessels of the head
as it throws all the action to the back
of the head Instead of letting it come
out of the mouth safely and naturally
The unusual and hard strain on a lit
tle blood vessel that may be weak is
-likely to burst It and cause instant
death A loud sneeze does not sound
very nice but it is a safe thing to do
every time
Camel Cavalry
It is common to think of a camel the
proverbial ship of the desert as a pa
tient beast of burden Guided by skill
ful hands however it becomes a very
formidable war steed The Somali
warriors have ridden camels in many
fierce charges for generations Mount
ed on the back of an active camel with
a long spear for a weapon one of these
savages is an enemy to be feared
Xo Poetry In His Sonl
Patrick Phats thot yez dug up
Moike Mike Only a clothespin Pat
rick Ondignantly Only a clothespin
is it Och but Its little poetry yez
have in yr soul Moike Tink av the
scores av shwate mouths thot same
clothespin may have -been Into New
York Weekly
Friendly SnffRestlon
Borem That five-year-old boy of
mine gets off some good tilings This
morning at breakfast he said Knox
interrupting He should have them
copyrighted Borem Why Knox To
keep you from reproducing them
-A Drnivliack
Did your husband find that golf
Improved his health
Yes It Improved his health But
unless he learns to play better It will
spoil his disposition Exchanged
Along the central part of the iKongo
rivec there ara a number of saltnarsh
os The African digs shallow holes Jn
these whence issue streams of hot wa
tr which on being evaporated
aj residue of salt
Court Proceedings
Following cases were disposed of in
manner indicated in the adjourned term
of district court this week
The Western Land Co vs Nancy
Leavette et al Sale confirmed anddeed
HoimSavings Bank vs W A Stew
art andII T Church Leave given de
fendant to amend answer
The Western Land Co vs Edwin Mc
Candliss ot al Sale and confirmation
set aside
Miltofi H Hammond vs James O
Hammond et al Tfceferees report re
ceived and confirmed and property ord
ered sold Bond fixed at 81500 00
MaryJ Volker vs Ferdinand Volker
Decree of divorce
David K Bertolett V3 Sadie Bertolett
Decree of divorce
Ellen N Brown vs Harry F Brown
Decree of divorce
JohnjE Jones vs Amy F Jones De
cree of divorce
Edith S Bates vs John W Bates
Decreo of divorce granted to plaintiff
custody of child given to plaintiff
Thomas C Kelley vs Viola Kelley
Jennie Gudgel vs Josie Petty De
murrer overruled thirty days to answer
James Harrises E W McAninch et
al Motion for additional security for
Charles C Schlutsmier vs Fred Wag
ner Default of defendant injunction
made perpetual
Lorenzo W Billingsley and Robert J
Green partners vs Roy E Dutton
suit on note Motion to strike allega
tions from petition overruled defend
ant given thirty days to plead
Herman Kapke vs Joseph Menard
and George Beck specific performance
Findings for plaintiff decree for specific
performance against defendant Menard
who was ordered to make conveyance in
thirty days forty days for bill of excep
Allen C Clyde vs Mitchell Clyde
special appearance overruled Defend
ant excepts forty days for bill of ex
State of Nebraska vs William H
Eifert felony Application to file nolli
allowed nolli filed
In the matter of the application of
First M E church of McCook for an
order authorizing it to mortgage real
estate Order for trustees to mortgage
church property
Union Stock Yards Natl Bank of
South Omaha vs W F Everist et al
suit on note
In the matter of the application of W
S Fitch guardian of Edward L Nettle
ton insane for license to sell real estate
George Beck vs Arthur C Crabtreo
creditors bill
Edward B Cowles vs The sw qr 19 1
30 and John A Lutz et al equity
Anna Lee vs William Lee divorce
Edward B Cowles vs w hf nw qr 7-1-30
and L W Tulleys trustee equity
Edward B Cowles vs nw qr 5-1-30
and F C Eaton equity
Edward B Cowles vs s hf ne qr 13-1-29
and George F Anderson trustee
James Harris vs E W McAninch et
al appeal
Henry T Church vs C B Q Q R
R Co damage
Ida E Miller vs John M Bradford
Henry L Goodenberger vs Lafayette
Roshong et al equity
W R Starrvs R A Watkins suit
on note
William T Henton vs William A
Adams et al equity -
Lee I Culbertson vs C B Q R R
Co appeal
Edward B Cowles vs n hf ne qr 20-1-30
and Charles T Boggs equity
Edward B CowleB vs sw qr sw qr 29
nw qr nw qr and s hf nw qr 32-1-30 and
Eli Titus equity
Edward B Cowles vs Alvin Brown et
al equity
Edward B Cowles vs n hf nw qr 21-1-30
and Almon T Davis equity
You can depend on Ayers
Hair Vigor to restore color to
your gray hair every time
Follow directions and it never
fails to do this work It stops
Hair Vigor
fallingofthehairalso Theres
great satisfaction in knowing
youare not going to be disap
pointed Isnt that so
My hair faded until It was about white It
took just one bottle of Ayers Hair Vlpor to
t restore itto its Tonncr ilarkr rich color Vpur
Hair Vigor certainly does what you claim for
it A M Uoogan Kockiugliam N C
100 a bottle
All drucdists
Fadiiio flair
fc i
n xc t
Became a National Figure by Daring to
Be Independent Declined
tions For Governor and Mayor
Because He Wanted to
Raise Mora Issue
is a new school of politi
cians abroad in the laud Some
will say- that this is a good
thing for whatever the new
sort Is like It must be better than the
old That does not necessarily follow
but as a matter of fact this latest
brand does seem to be an improve
ment For one thing It Is a winner
and that counts for much especially
in politics For another It is young
breezy vigorous and original For still
another it is independent frank and
honest It talks right out in meetin
and not only say3 things but does
them It goes after corruption and rips
up the boss It may be spectacular
but it is interesting It may talk slang
sometimes but It is clean It strikes
- j
tVVrifsr t 1 jl A
f l s s Zr4r
V r jr
s - m
T v iA t
m zm
i - rr - - i
the chord of righteousness in a new
waj and that chord never fails to re
The most conspicuous examples of
this new school are perhaps Roose
velt La Follette Folk Weaver and Je
rome It has been said that the last
shall be first and that is so at least
in this article Jerome just now is
very much in the public eye because
of the fact that the people of New
Tork have smashed all sorts of polit
ical machines to re elect him district
attorney It takes a man to be elected
support especially In New York
The Man With the Ax
Jerome is known around Gotham as
the man with the ax He gained
that title when a justice of special ses
sions Learning that the police were
protecting vice and crime he went
with the officers to serve his own war
rants and more than once wielded the
ax to break down the doors of gam
bling and other disreputable houses It
was then that he made a remark wor
thy to live I do not believe the Ten
Commandments have been repealed
It was his record as judge that gave
him the unanimous nomination of the
anti Tammany forces for district at
torney That was four years ago His
method of campaigning made him the
central figure of the fight Renting a
room downtown he never went near
any of the political headquarters but
arranged his own schedules and went
his own gait His manner of hitting
every head he saw alarmed the politi
cians He not only went after Croker
the opposition boss but lambasted
Piatt who was supposed to be sup
porting Jeromes side The fusion
managers begged him to moderate his
language but he only made it stronger
Almost every onethought his Impolitic
course would defeat him Bets were
freely offered at 4 to 1 against him
Personality of the Man Who Has
Been Elected District At
torneyof New York In f
Defiance of Politi
cal Machines
Iit v3 waa erected Tae people evi
dently believed in a man who would
take a crack at every boss in sight
His new style of whirlwind campaign
ing was a revelation and a winner
That election was for four years while
the Test of the ticket only went in for
two When he took oilico ho rented a
house on the east side as he had prom
ised to do Here ho established a
branch office where the poorer citizens
Who were not able to get off during the
day could come to him for justice at
night At first few appeared
The sort of officers with whom they
were familiar had always demanded
moneyvin the form of shakedowns
Soon they learned the true character of
this man however and now when the
poorer denizens of the east side want a
square deal they appeal to Jerome
Outside of this tenement for It is lit
tle more than that Mr Jerome has a
summer homo in Connecticut where
before he took office most of his time
was spent Despite his ripping way of
making campaigns and his hammer
and tongs methods of going after gam
blers and grafters he Is a very domes
tic man quiet in manner studious and
a gentleman both by inheritance and
Instinct After all it Is these quiet
earnest people who stir things The
loud brawler seldom moves anything
except the atmosphere
Lives Up to His Theories
In office Jerome is said to be efficient
and to keep his work even with the
calendar -It Is his theory to crowd
through every criminal case on the
jump and he is the sort of man that
lives up to his theories ne has few
by tho way being too busy to think of
The most sensational thing he has
done in office was to drive out gam
bling That is a story in Itself an old
one but worth retelling The first ef
fort was a failure because of deficient
laws Then Jerome shifted his base
of operations to Albany and had the
law amended It took a fight to do it
but a loss of temper on the part of the
senator representing the gamblers and
an attack on the Republican leader
Senator Raines aroused the ire of that
gentleman and caused him to push the
bill through
After the new law- was enacted an
amusing thing occurred The Tam
many chief of police announced that
there was no gambling in New York
Then something happened Calling the
owners of the biggest gambling houses
into his office Mr Jerome quietly ex
plained to them that he had them
to office without any kind of partisan dead to rights They seemed to
agree with him It was a question as
to whether they would close voluntari
ly or be closed They decided to close
voluntarily As a result two large
rooms at the district attorneys office
are packed full of gambling parapher
nalia and some of it overflows Into
other rooms
When Mayor Lows term was draw
ing to a close Mr Jerome again did a
thing which drew around his ears a
hornets nest Everybody said on the
quiet that it was impossible to re elect
Low and Jerome became convinced of
that fact He is not the sort to say a
thing quietly which he thinks should
be said openly so he said loud enough
for all New York to hear that he did
not think Low should be renominated
Everybody exclaimed How true but
how impolitic 1 The upshot was that
Low was renominated and defeated by
an overwhelming majority
In 1904 Senator David B Hill offered
Jerome the Democratic nomination for
governor provided of course that he
would be a good Indian and not do
things to the machine The district
language In declining is not
on record but Is said to have bees
Went on the Ballot by Petition
When the campaign of this year ap
proached William Travers Jerome
wus practically - offered the fusion
nomination for mayor which would
probably have meant his election Ho
declined He wanted to be re elected
district attorney he said anil nothing
else Moreover he wanted to make a
light ngajust the bosses of both parties
He wanted to show the people of New
York that a man could be elected with
out any machine behind him Ho be
lieved it time to raise a moral issue tp
declare again for individual liberty
Since no one else seemed ready to do
this he would do It himself He did
It In the beginning every newspaper
In the city practically declared that he
had cut his own political throat that he
had prevented fusion and many other
dreadful things Anyway he went on
the ballot by petition All the regular
conventions refused to nominate him
LTha betting was all against him the
odds in the start being overwhelming
It was Interesting however to note
the way those odds came down as Je
rome warmed up In the campaign Be
fore it was half through they were
even Then the Republican candidate
withdrew and the convention of that
party substituted the name of Jerome
although It was so late the courts
knocked out the action From that
time forward the betting odds set in
Jeromes favor and before the fight
ended they were as heavy for him as
previously they had been against him
Jeromes issue throughout was a
declaration of independence against
the bosses and he could not be divert
ed from that line of attack One of
the most illuminating incidents of the
campaign was furnished by the Tam
many candidate Jame3 AV Osborne
formerly an assistant in the office lie
spoke of the great number of opportu
nities the district attorney had for get
ting graft and remarked that if Je
rome didnt get it he was a fool
When the statement was shown to
Mr Jerome he looked pensive for a
moment and said gently Poor Jim
It stuck Mr Osborne remained
Poor Jim throughout the campaign
and he will be fortunate to lose the ap
pellation during his life Jeromes
campaign slogan against Murphy has
been Where did he get it varied
sometimes by Where did he not get
it These two he has made as fa
mous as Poor Jim
A National Figure
The issue started by Mr Jerome
grow beyond the dreams of its au
thor Before the end it became a great
moral crusade for the wiping out of
boss control a civic reform wave
sweeping all before it The whirlwind
campaign developed into a cyclona of
ballots bj election day The revolt
against machine methods found such
widespread response that it made of
Jerome a national figure Seldom If
ever in modern political history has
there been so unique a fight one so in
volving the element of doing the right
thing regardless of consequences one
so appealing to the imagination and the
spirit of Righteousness
William Travers Jerome was born in
New York April 18 1S39 He comes
of a distinguished family his father
Lawrence R Jerome having been one
of the best known men in the New
York of an earlier day He too was a
politician but without any reform pro
clivities Millionaire banker promoter
patron of sports literature and art
practical joker and after dinner speak
er Lawrence R Jerome was consid
ered a prince of good fellows The
story of the sons christening is worth
telling The elder Jerome was dining
downtown with William R Travers
when a telegram was handed him an
nouncing the boys arrival
W whats the d-d-duffers name
stammered Travers
William Travers Jerome announc
ed the proud father little knowing just
how famous that name was destined to
Another story is told of the senior
Jerome that though old may have
been new when he sprung it Being in
a crowded Broadway bus the father
took William Travers then a boy of
ten on his knee A stunning young
lady came aboard and was compelled
to stand Travers reprovingly re
marked the father why do you not
get up and give the lady your seat
There is a story told of the young
mans youth indicating that he himself
was not exactly a Sunday school boy
His mother remonstrated with him for
playing cards asking him if a great
deal of time were not lost in playing
the game Yes mother he smiled in
reply there is in shuffling and deal
An uncle of the district attorney
Leonard Jerome was the man for
whom the famous Jerome race track
park was named
A cousin is Lady Randolph Churchill
of whom Gladstone once said that she
could make more votes than any cam
paign orator In England
Greatest Fad His Machine Shop
When a young man William Travers
Jerome was very delicate being forced
to leave college before graduation on
account of a breakdown He then be
gan outdoor exercises to build up his
body He plays golf and used to be an
enthusiastic bicyclist but now substi
tutes automobile campaigning for that
sport Perhaps his greatest fad is his
machine shop In the basement of his
Connecticut home where he makes
clocks and all sorts of odd and curious
things to present to his friends
Mr Jerome is a confirmed smoker
one tale crediting him with burning
twenty cigarettes a day Another sto
ry says that he has given up cigarettes
for cigars but that he only Indulges in
a cheao brand because he does rmr
wish to form an expensive habit A
third account says that he has aban
doned both cigars and cigarettes for a
pipe At any rate there is one thing
certain he smokes He also causes
the other fellow to smoke But that re
mark is too obvious
Make Your Grocer
Give Yoe Guaranteed
Cream of Tartar
Baking Powder
Alum Baking Pow
ders interfere with
digestion and are un
Avoid the alum
County Teachers Association
Tho first meeting of tho year of the
Red Willow County Teachers assooia
tion will bo held in the Congregational
church Indianola next Saturday No
vember 25tb and tho following program
has Keen announced for the meeting
Music Lady Quartette
How to Interest Patrons in School -
Ljdiu McCooB
TIio Relation of Library Pocks to a Teacher
in Hor Work Miss Qertrndo Storor
Solo Mrs Allen
Art in the Public School Paul Swan
How to Touch Boys and Girls in tho Country
School Prin E Alico Biobor
Reading Miss Eflie Abbott
Teachers and Their Obligations
Miss Mary William
What Constitutes Good Order
Prin Mabol Ellis
Music Trio
Every teacher in the county is urged
to be present Let everybody come
early and stay late and so make this first
association meeting of the year a notable
one Come with some thoughts on th
subjects here given and some questions
to ask Every teacher is urged to enroll
as a member of the association first thing
after arriving Treasurer Annallannan
will be iucharge The annual member
ship fee will be 25 cents
The next meeting of lheReading Cir
cle will be held December 9 Teachers
should bear in mind that these meetings
occur on tho second Saturday of each
Books and note books can be secured
from the leader of the division to which
you belong
Subdivision 9a Section 12 of thfe
School Laws of 1905 eajs First and
second grade county certificates may be
renewed without examination at the
discretion of the county superintendent
under such requirements as may be im
posed by the state superintendent of
public instruction for the pursuance of
and completion of reading- circle work
and attendance at teachers associations
and the county institute
In the evening Miss Sarah D Blotcky
will render Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage
Patch in the opera house Indianola
She will also give a reading at the teach
ers meeting in the afternoon Miss
Blotcky comes well recommended and
teachers in attendance upon the associa
tion should make a special effort to hear
her in the evening Admission 25 cents
No reserved seats
Citizens Bank of McCook
of McCook Nebraska
Charter Xo 276 Incorporated
in the state of Nebraska at tho close of
business Novembers 1905
Loans and discounts 2iS42J 1
Overdrafts secured and Tinsprmrprl
Banking house furniture andfixtures
Current expenses and taxes paid
Due from national state and
C51 85
1299 2
private banks and bankers 68405 -18
Checks and i terns of exchnge 3h9 1 92
Cash Bills 10342 CO
Specie 8149 85 90992 2
Total 5352361 5
Capital stock paid in 50000 Oft
Surplus fund 5200 00
Undivided profits 6774 19
Individual deposits subject to
check 122133 79
Demand certificates of de
posit 43730 62
Time certificates of deposit 59195 00
Cashiers checks outstanding 23103 43
Due to state and private
banks and bankers 40225 50 290393 35
Total 352367 55
State of Nebraska County of Red Willowss
1 A C tbert cashier of tho above named
bnnk do solennly swear that the above state
ment is correct and a true copy of tho report
made to tho state banking board
A C Ebert Cashier
Attest x t
Franklin Director
c u
subscribed and sworn to before mo this 2aX
day of November 1905 H H Beret
SealJ Notary Public
Always Busy
Selling Goods
at the Ideal
We never stop Every day a bar
gain day If you are not buyintr
from us we are both losers Extra
ordinary values in Xmas goods will
be offered at very popular prices
Bear in mind lest
you forget A
large stock of holiday goods will be
The Ideal K i cr
Opposite Postofllco