The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 17, 1905, Image 3

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    Iawlfii 1 miimi
sjHpuWiyuaifclijm j mi 1 1
Two Minutes
Physicians tell us that all
the blood in a healthy
human body passes through
the heart once in every two
minutes If this action be
comes irregular the vvholc
body suffers Poor health
follows poor blood Scotts
Emulsion makes the blood
pure One reason why
is such a great aid is because
it passes so quickly into
the blood It is partly di
gested before it enters the
stomach a double advan
tage in this Less work
for the stomach quicker
and more direct benefits
To get the greatest amount
of good with the least pos
sible effort is the desire of
everyone in poor health
Scotts Emulsion does just
that A change for the
better takes place even be
fore you expect it
Wc will send you a
sample free
Be sure that this
picture in the form of
a label is on the wrap
per of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy
Scott Bowne
409 Pearl St N Y
jocentiand 100
All druggist
A Guaranteed Cure For Plies
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
If you are troubled with indigestion
constipation sour stomach or any other
pain Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea
snake you well and keep you well
L W McConnell
Take advantage of The Tribunes ex
traordinary subscription offer found on
second page of this issue
f mWf MY kl FILLS
Safe Always reliable Iadicn ask Druggist foi
GoII metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Xatc no other ItefUHc dangerous nubsti
ntioniand iniitatioriH Buv of your Druggist
or send 4c In stamps for Particulars TeNtl
mumlala and Keller Tor Ladies in letter
by return Mall 10000 Testimonials Sold by
oil Druggists
filOO Sadiion Square PHIIA FA
Mention this saner
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
II u iflriiiui
The Butcher
Phone 12
son alio answered I have uot much
to say about anybody
And nothing about Paul suggest
ed Catrlna
Nothing We were talking about M
de Chauxville
Yes I do not understand M de
ChnuxvJHe He seems to me to be4he
Incarnation of Insincerity He poses
even to himself He Is always watch
ing for the effect I wonder what the
effect of himself upon himself may
Maggie laughed
That Is rather complicated she
said It requires wdrklng out I
think he Is deeply Impressed with his
own astuteness If he were simpler
he would be cleyerer
Catrlna was afraid of Claude de
Chauxvllle and because this was so
she stared In wonder at the English
girl who dismissed him from the con
versation and her thoughts with a few
careless words of contempt Such
minds as that of Miss Delafield were
quite outside the field of De Chaux
villes influence while that Frenchman
had considerable power over highly
strung and imaginative natures
Catrlna Lanovitch had begun by tol
erating him had proceeded to make
the serious blunder of permitting him
to be impertinently familiar and was
now exaggerating in her own mind the
hold that he had over her She did
not actually dislike him So few peo
ple had taken the trouble or found the
expediency of endeavoring to sym
pathize with her or understand her na
ture that she was unconsciously drawn
toward this man whom she now fear
In exaggerating the power he exer
cised over herself she somewhat nat
urally exaggerated also his importance
in the world and in the lives of those
around him She had imagined him
all powerful and the first person to
whom she mentioned his name dismiss
ed the subject indifferently Her own
entire sincerity had enabled her to de
tect the insincerity of her ally She
had purposely made mention of the
weak spot which she had discovered in
order that her observation might be
corroborated And this Maggie had
failed to do
With the slightest encouragement
Catrlna would have told her compan
ion all that had passed The sympa
thy between women is so strong that
there is usually only one man who is
safe from discussion In Catrinas
case that one man was not Claude de
Chauxville But Maggie Delafield was
of different material from this im
pressionable impulsive Russian girl
She was essentially British in her ca
pacity for steering a straight personal
course through the shoals and quick
sands of her neighbors affairs as also
in the firm grip she held upon her own
thoughts She was by no means pre
pared to open her mind to the first
comer and in her somewhat slow go
ing English estimate of such matters
Catrina was as yet little more than
the first comer
A score of times Catrina approached
the subject of Paul and with imper
turbable steadfastness Maggie held to
her determination that Paul was not
to be discussed by them She warded
she evaded she ignored with a skill
which baffled the simple Russian She
had a hundred subterfuges a hundred
skillful turns and twists
At last Catrina rose to go Maggie
rose also Women are relentless where
they fight for their own secrets Mag
gie morally turned Catrina out of the
room The two girls stood looking at
each other for a moment They had
nothing in common The language in
which they understood each other best
was the native tongue of -neither Bora
in different countries each of a mixed
race with no one racial strain In com
mon neither creed nor education nor
similarity of thought had aught to
draw them together They looked at
each other and Gods hand touched
them They both loved the same man
They did not hate each other
Have you everything you want
asked Catrina
The question was startling Cate
nas speech was ever abrupt At first
Maggie did not understand
Yes thanks she answered I
am very tired I suppose it is the
Yes said Catrina mechanically it
is the snow
She went toward the door and there
she paused
Does Paul love her she asked ab
Maggie made no answer and as was
her habit Catrina replied to her own
You know he does not you know
he does not she said
Then she went out without waiting
for an answer closing the door behind
her The closed door heard the reply
It will not matter much said Mag
gie so long as he never finds it out
Countess Iianovitch never
quitted her own apartments be
fore midday She had acquired
a Parisian habit of being in
visible until luncheon time The two
girls left the castle of Thors in a sleigh
with one attendant at 10 oclock in or
der to reach the hut selected for lunch
eon by midday Etta did not accom
pany them She had a slight head
At 11 oclock Claude de Chauxville
returned alone on horseback After
the sportsmen had separated each to
gain his prearranged position in the
forest he had tripped over his rifle
seriously injuring the delicate sighting
mechanism He found he told the
servant who opened the door for him
that he had just time to return for
another rifle before the operation of
closing In on the bears was to begin
If madame the princess was vis
ible he went on would the servant tell
her that M de Chauxville was waiting
In the library to assure her that there
was absolutely no danger to be antici
wubhwi iy u i i ay pijjjgg j jjgsapj
pated in the days sport The princess
it would appear was absurdly anxious
about the welfare of her husband an
experienced hunter and a dead shot
Claude de Chauxville then went to
the library where he waited booted
spurred rifle In hand for Etta
After a lapse of five minutes or more
the door was opened and Etta came
leisurely Into the room
Well she inquired indifferently
Do Chauxville bowed He walked
past her and closed the door which she
happened to have left open
Then he returned and stood by the
window leaning gracefully on his
rifle His attitude his hunting suit
his great top boots made rather a
picturesque object of him
Well repeated Etta almost In
It would have been wiser to have
married me said De Chauxville dark
Etta shrugged her shoulders
Because I understand you better I
know you better than your husband
Etta turned and glanced at the clock
Have you come back from the bear
hunt to tell me this or to avoid the
bears she asked
I hold you madame he said I
hold you in my hand You are my
J hold you in my hand
slave despite your brave title my
thing my plaything despite your serv
ants and your great houses and your
husband When I have finished telling
you all that I have to tell you will
understand You will perhaps thank
me for being merciful
Etta laughed defiantly
You are afraid of Paul she cried
You are afraid of Karl Steinmetz
You will presently be afraid of me
I think not said De Chauxville
coolly The two names just mentioned
were certainly not of pleasant import
in his ears but he was not going to
let a woman know that This man
had played dangerous cards before
now He was not at all sure of his
ground He did not know what Et
tas position was in regard to Stein
metz Behind the defiant woman
there lurked the broad shadow of the
man who never defied who knew many
things but was Ignorant of fear
Karl Steinmetz is no friend of
yours he said
Etta did not answer She was think
ing of the conversation she had had
with Steinmetz in Petersburg She
was wondering whether the friendship
he had offered the solid thing as he
called it was not better than the love
of this man
I have information now went on
De Chauxville which would have
made you my wife had I had it soon
I think not said the lady insolent
ly She had dealt with such men be
fore Hers was the beauty that ap
pealed to De Chauxville and such as
he It is not the beautiful women
who see the best side of human na
Even now went on the French
man now that I know you I still
love you You are the only woman I
shall ever love
Indeed murmured the lady quite
Yes although in a way I despise
you now that I know you
Mon Dieu exclaimed Etta If
you have anything to say please say it
I have no time to probe your mys
teries to discover your parables You
know me well enough perhaps to be
aware that I am not to be frightened
by your cheap charlatanism
I know you well enough retorted
De Chauxville hoarsely to be aware
that it was you who sold the Charity
league papers to Vassili in Paris I
know you well enough madame to be
aware of your present position in re
gard to your husband If I say a
word in the right quarter you would
never leave Russia alive I have mere
ly to say to Catrina Lanovitch that it
was you who banished her father for
your own gain I have merely to hand
your name in to certain of the Charity
league party and even your husband
could not save you
He had gradually approached her
and uttered the last words face to face
his eyes close to hers She held her
head up erect defiant still
So you see madame he said you
belong to me
She smiled
Hand and foot he added But I
am soft hearted
He shrugged his shoulders and turn
ed away
What will you he said looking
out of the window I love you
He turned slowly around
Nonsense repeated Etta You
love power You are a bully You love
to please your own vanity by thinking
that you have me in your power I am
not afraid of you
De Chauxville leaned gracefully
against the window He still held his
Reflect a little he said with a
cold smile It would appear that you
do not quite realize the situation Wo
men rarely realize situations in time
Our friend your husband has many
of- the English idiosyncrasies He has
all the narrow minded notions of honor
which obtain in that country Added
to this I suspect him of possessing a
truly Slavonic Are which he keeps un
der A smoldering Are You know
madame our French proverb
What do you want interruped Et
ta Money
I am not a needy adventurer f
And I am not such a fool M de
Chauxville as to allow myself to be
dragged Into a vulgar intrigue bor
rowed from a French novel to satisfy
your vanity
De Chauxvilles dull eyes suddenly
I will trouble you to believe
madame he said in a low concentrat
ed voice that such a thought never
entered my head A De Chauxville is
not a commercial traveler If you
please No it may surprise you but
my feeling for you has more good in
it than you would seem capable of In
spiring God only knows how it is
that a bad woman can inspire a good
Then what do you want she
In the meantime implicit obedi
What are you going to use me for
I have ends replied Claude de
Chauxville who had regained his usual
half mocking composure that you
will serve But they will be your ends
as well as mine You will profit by
them I will take very good care that
you come to no harm for you are the
ultimate object of all this At the
end of it all I see only you
What if I refuse asked Etta keen
ly aware of the fact that this man
was handicapped by his love for her
Then I will force you to obedience
Etta raised her delicate eyebrows in
Yes said De Chauxville with sup
pressed anger I will force you to
obey me
The princess looked at him with her
little mocking smile You have a
strange way of proving the truth of
your own statements
What statements
She gave a little laugh Her atti
tude her glance the cunning display
of a perfect figure the laugh the
whole woman was the incarnation of
practiced coquetry She did not ad
mit even to herself that she was afraid
of De Chauxville but she was play
ing her best cards in her best manner
She had never known them fail
Claude de Chauxville was a little
white about the lips His eyelids flick
ered but by an effort he controlled
himself and she did not see the light in
his eyes for which she looked
If you mean he said coldly the
statement that I made to you before
you were married namely that I love
you I am quite content to leave the
proof till the future I know what I
am about madame
He took his watch from his pocket
and consulted it
I must go in five minutes he said
I have a few instructions to give you
to which I must beg your careful at
He looked up meeting Ettas some
what sullen gaze with a smile of tri
It is essential he went on that I
be invited to Osterno I do not want
to stay there long indeed I do not
care to But I must see the place I
dare say you can compass the invita
tion madame
It will be difficult
And therefore worthy of your en
deavor I have the greatest regard for
your diplomatic skill I leave the mat
ter in your hands princess
Etta shrugged her shoulders and
looked past him out of the window De
Chauxville was considering her face
Another point to be remembered
he went on is your husbands daily
life at Osterno The prince is not
above suspicion The authorities are
watching him He is suspected of
propagating revolutionary ideas amonp
the peasantry I should like you to
find out as much as you can Perhaps
you know already Perhaps he has
told you princess I know that beau
tiful face He has told you Good
Does he take an interest in the peas
Etta did not answer
Kindly give me your attention ma
dame Does the prince take an inter
est in the peasants
An active interest
Have you any details
No answered Etta
Then you will watch him and nro
cure those details
Ettas face was defiant and pale
De Chauxville never took his yr
from it
I have undertaken a few small com
missions for an old friend of your M
Yassili whom you obliged onre be
fore he said and the defiance fain
from her eyes
The authorities cannot in these dis
turbed times afford to tolerate prince
of an independent turn of mind Sue
men are apt to make the peasant thin
himself more important than he is 1
dare say madame that you are alread
tired of Russia It might perhaps serve
your ends if this country was made r
little too hot for your husband eh I
see your proud lips quivering princess
It is well to keep the lips under con
trol We who deal in diplomacy know
where to look for such signs Yes I
dare say I can get you out of Russia
forever But you must be obedient
You must reconcile yourself to the
tsnu illinium
To have a happy home
you should have children
They are great happy home
makers If a weak woman
you can be made strong
enough to bear healthy chil
dren with little pain or dis
comfort to yourselfby taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain reduce
Inflammation cure leucorrhea
whites falling womb ovarian
trouble disordered menses back
ache headache etc and make
childbirth natural and easy Try it
At all dealers in medldnes In
1 bottles
Is my baby girl now two weeks
old writes Mrs J Priest of Web
ster City Iowa She is a fine
healthy babe and we are both doing
nicely I am still taking Cardui
and would not be without It in
the house
That We Cant Be
Undersold Is a
Well Known Fact
Our department of Mens Youths and
Boys Clothing IS COMPLETE and
EST PRICES The old story of every
thing is advanced in prices dont hold
good with us when others go up in fig
ures we reduce our prices We know
how We have saved customers many
dollars by bringing their mail order list
and samples to our store We compete
with any mail order house any mail
order outfit will be duplicated by Dia
mond where you have the privilege of
seeing and trying on your goods Dont
have to send any dollars in advance
We have an elegant line of ladies furs
in all styles mens fur coats
Opening evenings
Lon Cone Bros Unusual Offer
It isnt often that we have faith
enough in the medicine put up by other
people to be willing to offer to refund
the money if it does not cure said
Lon Cone brother to a Tribune man
who dropped into their store but we
are glad to sell Dr Howards specific
for the cure of constipation and dyspep
sia on that basis
The Dr Howard company in order
to get a quick introductory sale author
izes us to sell their regular fifty cent
bottles at half price 25 cents and al
though we have sold a lot of it and have
guaranteed every package not one has
been brought back as uusatisfactory
One great advantage of this specific
he continued is its small dose and
convenient form There are sixty doses
in a vial that can be carried in the vest
pocket or purse and every one has more
medical power than a big pill or tablet
or a tumbler of mineral water
We are still selling the specific at
half price although we cannot tell how
long we shall be able to do so and any
oue wno is subject to constipation sick
headache dizziness liver trouble indi
gestion or a general played out condition
ought to take advantage of this chance
You can tell your readers that if they
are not satisfied with the specific they
Can come right back to our store and
we will cheerfully refund their monev
Kansas City Nov 15 1905
Receipts of cattle thus far this week
are 47100 last week 55300 last year
47000 Mondays trade for beef steers
was slow and weak all other classes sell
ing steady to strong On Tuesday the
demand for beef steers was again dull
with prices weak to unevenly lower
Cows were steady to ten cents lower
stockers and feeders dull and weak To
day the inquiry for beef steers was brisk
ard values averaged strong to ten cents
higher Cows heifers stockers feed
ers bulls and veals were somewhat
draggy but prices for them remained
practically steady The following tabic
ives prices now ruling
Extra primo cornfed steers 5 15 to 5 t5
Good 4 75 to 5 1
Ordinary 3 Ki to 4 75
Choice cornfed heifers 4 X to t lit
vl OtMl Aj I 4 Jt
Medium 2 50 to 3
Choice cornfed cows 3 51 u 4 U
Medium 2 25 to 2 75
Canners 1 50 to 2 25
Choice stags 1 00 to 150
Choice fed bulls 3 25 to 3 75
Good 2 50 to 3 IMJ
Bologna bulls 2 00 to 2 50
Veal calves 5 0U to 6 CO
Good to choice native or western
stockers 3 50 to 4 CO
Fair 3 25 to 3 50
Common 2 50 to 3 25
Good to choice heavy native feeders 3 b to 4 25
Fair 3 50 to 3 75
Good to choice heavy branded
horned feeders 3 25 to 3 50
Fair 3 XI to 3 25
Common 2 75 to 3 CO
Good to choice stock heifers 2 75 to 3 00
Fair 2 25 to 2 50
Good to choice stock calvessteers 3 50 to 4 00
Fair 3 00 to 3 50
Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 00 to 3 50
Fair 2 50 to 3 00
Choice wintered grass steers 3 50 to 4 25
Good 3 25 to 3 50
Fair 3 UJ to 3 25
Choice grass cows 2 75 to 3 00
Good 2 50 to 2 75
Common 2 00 to 2 50
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 41200 last week 39200 last year
33000 Mondays market was weak to
five cents lower Tuesday ten cents low
er and today steady with bulk of sales
from S470 to 180 top 485
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
are 25100 last week 13900 last year
1G8C0 Mondays market was weak
Tuesday steady and today mostly ten
cents off We quote choice lambs 700
to 710 choice yearlings 550 to 575
choice wethers 525 to 550 choice
ewes 510 to 525
Read the Tribute clubbing list else
where in this issue It will save you
Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Bring3 Golden Health and Eeneed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Slountain Tea In tab -let
form 5 cents a box Genuine made by
Holuster Dauo Company Madison Wis