The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 10, 1905, Image 8

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The Prediction of Chicagos For
mer Fire Chief
In the Near Future Cltfeti Will Hnvo
Separate Pumping Stations and
Water Sin Inn With Wlilch to Fight
Flaracii Snytt William II Manhunt
Success of Sprlnlcllnjjr Syiteni
Within fifteen years there probubly
Will not be a lire engine In service in
the United States The method of lire
lighting is being revolutionized and
the big cumbersome lire engine will
soon be relegated to the scrap heap
The foregoing is the prediction of
W H Mushain a former fire chief
while recently attending the annual
convention of the National Firemens
association In Kansas City Mr Slu
Bham was chief of the Chicago fire de
partment for four years and first as
sistant chief of that department for
Beventeen jears He was let out of the
department last October for political
reasons after being In the fire service
jfor thirty years says the Kansas pity
In the future fires will be fought by
hose companies said Mr Musham
The best fire fighters in the United
States have come to realize they ean
uot depend on the fire engine for the
protection of property interests from
The change which is under way now
Is this The big cities are preparing to
Install separate pumping stations for
fie service whereby a high pressure
supply can be instantly obtained in
case of fires and maintained for any
length of time What the cities will do
and must do is to lay separate fire
mains and legislate to force owners of
big buildings and factory plants to in
stall water mains within the buildings
With high water pressure hose compa
nies which can reach fires in almost
half the time that a fire engine can are
able to do better work and get quicker
results The hook and ladder compa
nies of course will always be in serv
ice and for reserve purposes the water
towers will be utilized But Avho can
Etopfires with water towers The se
cretopf successful fire fighting is to get
at the flame from within the building
and this is why the light hose compa
nies quick in action are to become
chief reliance of the fire departments
Fire engines were never a success
They are too heavy bulky and slow in
action They often fail to throw a
strong stream of water and the failure
has never been more noticeable than
In the history of Chicago Many large
fires in my city could have been pre
vented had we had hose companies
which could have arrived at the scene
of the fire in time to check the flames
There is no city in the United
Stales which has more rapid progress
In this movement than Kansas City
Here you have the high water pressure
without the separate water system it
Is true and twenty one hose compa
nies I am told that the few engines
in service are becoming rusty You
dont need them for your hose compa
nies prevent fires of consequence In
the future the aim of fire chiefs will be
toward preventing fires by quick action
and not by extinguishing them after
great loss of property or life
There are few new devices for fire
fighting excepting some patent The
newest feature Is the sprinkling sys
tem which has been generally adopted
and is a success The device has been
the means of preventing many large
Mnrmogets a Society Fad
Marmosets may not be things 01
beauty but society women must have
them it seems particularly in Boston
says the New York Press One matron
from the Hub who was seen at the
Womans club in New York recently
carried one of these little animals
tucked up her sleeve About its neck
was a tiny jade circlet curiously carv
ed and edged with gold Of course the
Idea of a Boston club woman carrjing
a pet of this kind tickled the fancy of
many and called forth some Invidious
comments from the cynics The wo
man however seemed to enjoy the
commotion she caused and exploited
the charms of the treasured marmoset
dwelling on the Intelligence behind his
shining eyes Since these animals have
become popular their price has gone
up but many women say that a paltry
few hundred dollars isnt too much to
pay for a toy that gives them so much
Xovel Wooden Wedding Gift
When Mr and Mrs William D
Green of East Orange N J celebrat
ed their wooden wedding a few
weeks ago they received numerous
gifts from their friends says an East
Orange special dispatch to the New
York Times There was some surprise
when one of the guests made the an
nouncement that he and several others
Lad decided to present them with an
automobile garage Complications
arose over the erection of the structUTe r
inasmuch a3 the building code of East
Orange prohibits a garage within thirty
feet of a dwelling and the plans of the
donors had not taken the law Into con
sideration New plans were drawn
which came within the law and now
the garage Is in use
Whale Meat Instead of Beef
Newfoundland is developing a new
Industry in the form of selling whale
meat in place of beef says the New
York World One of the dealers says
that the new meat tastes more like
venison than beef and plans are al
ready being made to ship some to Eng
land where it Is expected that it will
sell for at teast 12 cents a pound
jffv - L
3JV1 py
Jt In About the Fleetest Thlnff In the
Reptile Family
The swiftest snake I have ever
known Is the blue racer as we used to
call the reptile in the Arkansas foot
hills and I want to tell you this par
ticular snake can travel like a blue
streak said a man from Arkansas
The fact is the name blue racer was
given to the snake because of the rep
tiles fleetness I have seen blue racers
dart across the road at such a rapid
pace that you could only see a mere
suggestion of blue and if you did not
happen to know the snake and its hab
its you would not know what it was
You could not possibly get the idea
that it was a snake you had seen fl inh
througli the dust of the country ro d
unless you knew something of the blue
racer Just what speed the snake
makes I do not know but It is a rapid
pace The rattlesnake is supposed to
have good speed and as a matter tif
fact the rattler can whiz along at a
pretty swift gait but the rattlesnake
is not In it with the blue racer It
would be interesting to know just how
fast different snakes travel and if we
knew I dare say we would find that the
blue racer is about the fleetest thing in
the reptile family New Orleans
Times Democrat
The Product Was Worth Its Welsh t
In Gold For Ccntaries
The Chinese empress 2G50
B C was supposed to be the first wo
man to dress herself In silken raiment
though silk was used in the arts nearly
1000 years before her reign She was
placed among the Chinese divinities un
der the title of Sien Thsan which
means first promoter of the silk in
Silk was worth its weight in gold in
many parts of the world for centuries
Its immense cost may be estimated by
the fact that a silken garment is men
tioned as one of the wanton prodigali
ties of the Emperor Heliogabalus while
a gown of the same material was re
fused by Aureiius to his empress on the
ground that he couldnt afford the price
Such was the importance of the silk
Industry in China that the people in the
principal growing and manufacturing
district took the name of Seres ami
their country Serica from the word
Se which in the ancient writings
means silk A curious thing about
silk is this The raw material is pro
duced by the cheapest labor in the
world while the finished product- is
among the most costy of merchandise
They Have No Need to Bother Their
Heads About Fashions
The women of Venice are absolutely
free from the rule which Dame Fash
ion exercises over their sisters else
where They care nothing for modes
With them the length of the skirt re
mains always the same neither short
nor long and they always wear
plainly made dark dresses black stock
ings and the heelless slippers of the
east Hats are unknown
The universal outdoor wrap for all
ages and all sizes Is the black shawl
with a deep silken fringe It is folded
with a short point above and a long
one below and sometimes it envelopes
the figure from head to foot It is nev
er fastened at the throat and when it
slips off it is gathered up with one
outstretched arm which makes the
spectator think of a its bird stretch
ing its wing
In their attire the women of Venice
are independent only wearing local
clothing but with feminine inconsist
ency they are thoroughly up to date
In the matter of hairdressing the style
of their coiffures changing from time
to time according to the vogue of the
moment in London and Paris
Only a Beginning
The rich widower was paying assidu
ous court to the handsome young wom
an lawyer
I dont know Mr Welloph she de
murred There are there are settle
ments to be considered you know
If that is all Miss Maggie he said
well have no trouble
Here he slipped a diamond ring on her
How does that strike you he ask
Hm she rejoined holding it up
to the light and inspecting it critically
I think it will do quite well as a re
tainer Chicago Tribune
A Bishops Fall
Bishop Peck of the Methodist church
was a large man weighing over 350
pounds While on a tour and stopping
at the residence of a presiding elder
the bishop turned over in his bed and
the entire furniture collapsed dropping
him to the floor with a tremendous
thud The presiding elder rushed up
stairs calling What is the matter
bishop Is there anything I can do for
you Nothing is the matter an
swered the bishop but if I dont an
swer the call to breakfast tell your wife
to look for me In the cellar
Excitements of BegrgrlnGr
There must be an excitement about
begging which Is almost like the pleas
ure of stalking taking the measure of
the person you sea In front of you and
knowing the kind of appeal that is
likely Jto weigh with him Bishop of
Hoping He Wont Find li
That mans always looking
us V uls j
Yes thats what he says but hes
one of those people who go round with
a snow shovel in July and a pitchfork
in January
Let no man talk- of freedom until he
Is sure he can govern himsalf Goethe
the Way a Fond MotherH Jolce on
Her Son Went Astray
Bishop Maxwell is it not Inquir
id Mrs Spaulding cordially as her
guest came down to breakfast suit
case In hand L feel that I know you
through my son and J was so glad
When he arranged to have you stay
with us on your way through the city
But what does this luggage meauV
Youre going to stay a day or soV
No thank you Mrs Spaulding re
turned tln bishop I must go right
on today
Oh that makes It doubly unfor
tunate that I had to be away last even-
Ing I hope you found my message of
explanation The friend I was called
to was very 111 and I felt sure you
would understand but the fact thit
Mr Spaulding waa out of town too
made me regret going especially 1
do hope my maid took care of you
comfortably and that you rested well
I thought you must have been worry
when I came In at 10 and found you
had retired
The bishop replied politely but there
was an odd constraint in his manner
which lasted until he had bowed him
self out of the house after breakfast
What can be the matter puzzed
Mrs Spaulding as she watched the
distinguished gentleman stalking down
the street Dick was so anxious he
should like us
Then a sickening thought struck her
and she dated up the stairs
K had been Mrs Spauldings custom
during the boyhood of her only son to
correct his failings by posting about
the house little placards which gently
pleaded with him on the error of his
ways A week or two earlier whan
Dick was coming horae for a college
vacation she had unearthed some of
these old s ns and just for a joke had
pinned then up in his room like old
times They had been taken down
later but she remembered now that
after berni summoned to the sick
friend the morning before she had j
her new and not brilliant maid to
Dicks door and had said I wmt
this room swept and arranged for Bh
op Maxwell exactly as we did it tor
Mr Dick last week Do you under
Wth wirgs on her feet Mrs Spauld
ing flew to the room the bishop had oc
cupied but at the threshold she paused
and gasped
On one of the pillows was a staring
notice to tnis effect Please put your
bed airing in the morning Over the
mirror Please dont spatter the glass
On the window curtain Please dont
throw your shoes on the floor noisily
Every where on pictures and wall
Please dont leave your coat on a
chair Hang it up Please dont
leave you toothbrush in the bath
room Please turn off the hot water
There were at least fifteen of these
placards the Please underlined three
or four times in each but horror of
horrors the largest of all was this on
the inside of the door If you take a
bath please wash out the tub Its dis
graceful not to Youths Companion
The American Accent
There is no such tiling as the Amer
ica accent except in a few words such
as advertisement wherein America is
superior as to pronunciation and prac
Nor does the American born man
talk through his nose The real dif
ference that we all notice is a differ
ence in the general pitch of voice The
American voice is pitched in a slightly
higher key than the English and here
you may find the reason why the
American assimilates French so easily
Put roughly the case is this The
Frenchman talks from his palate the
American from the top of his throat
the Englishman from his chest and the
German from his diaphragm London
First of the Lnzy Men
During the civil war a captain of a
company which had sixty men in its
ranks none of whom was as cATgetic
as the officer thought he should be
hit upon a plan which he believed
would cure the mens habits of lazi
ness One morning after roll call the
captain addressing his command said
1 have a nice easy job for the lazi
est man in the company Will the
laziest man step to the front
Instantly fifty nine men each took a
step forward
Why didnt you step to the front
Inquired the commander of the one
man who did not come
I was too lazy replied the soldier
Philadelphia Ledger
Shopping Troubles
Tomorrow is my wifes birthday
and I want to buy a present that will
tickle her
We have a nice line of feather
No no I mean something that
would make a hit with her
Anything in hammers
You misunderstand I want some
thing striking that
Ah you wish a clock
Thats all Cleveland Plain Deal
When to Find Them
Bllmkins No sir I tell you mostj
friends are uncertain I want friends
who will be friends In need Hodges
Take a fools advice old man and look
for them before you need them
Brooklyn Life
Designs Upon Him
Gladys He tells me you have de
signs upon him Ethel Did the wretch
say that Gladys Yes He said your
image was engraved upon his heart
It often happens that the man who
ays thep1per has nothing left for his
A son was born to Oliver Colling and
wife Inst week
Mrs Hamilton Ih in Indianola the
guest of her many friends
Mrp Pucltett senior is very sick at
her homo in wess Indianola
Wm Porter mncln a business trip to
McCook Wednesday evening
Mrs Cnra Mick went to McCook Fri
day nijjht on a shopping tour
Wm Porter and Gooreo Henderson
went to Paliside Sunday night
Merle Powell took a trip to McCook
Sunday via the automobile route
Mrs Abbot wont to MoCook Friday
evening returning a few days later
Mrs R Hatchers sister is here from
the west on a visit with tho Hatcher
Mrs Brown of our public school vis
ited at her home in McCook Saturday
and Sunday
Mrs Christona Stevensen of Hoi
brook is the guest of her sister Mrs
Lawritson this week
Mr Simmons who has been visiting
his brother Babp has gone to his
home in Beaver City
Mrs Rodney McDonald went up to
McCook Sunday to attend the funeral
of Grandma Crockford
There was a Conerogntional Sunday
school social Tuesday evening at the
residence of Mr C Hotze
Mrs Flowers and daughter Martha
hive gone to spend the winter with Mr
Flowers son Eugene who lives on a farm
near Havana
The election is over and tho candi
dates can breathe easier again especial
ly those who were elected - Everything
parsed off very quietly and in order
The meetings at the Catholic church
are eliciting a good attendance each
night Questions are sont in and
answers are given though not always
Mr Walters and family have moved
into tho old courthouse for the winter a
poor place to live in but it seems to bo
a matter of Hobsons choice in the way
of soniowhern to stay
Joseph Carmiehael has bought the
place formerly known as the Untied
house and will probably move into it in
February Joe is at present living out
on the Carmiehael farm some live or
six miles from town
Mr Newman Dutcher died of old age
at the home of his son Charles in Bond-
ville precinct on Thursday morning at
an early hour His age was 92 years 6
months The funeral sermon was
preached by Rev E Smith at the M E
church A large concourse of friends
followed his remains to their last rest
ing place
The election passed of quietly
Born to Alfred Ashton and wife a
baby boy Nov i
G B Morgan shipped one car load of
potatoes to St Francis this week
Mrs Arnold went to Red Oak Iowa
Saturday to see her mother who is very
Word was received that Mrs Moss
who went to Iowa is suffering with heart
Mr Horton of Lebanon has bought
five acres of land of J L Sims for S120
per acre
Mr and Mrs Ryan who have been
visiting with friends and- relatives re
turned to their home Tuesday
Died Last Thursday night one of
Elvin Woods little twins Funeral
was preached by Rev Gardner Friday
The remains were laid to rest in the
Danbury cemetery
B E Leisures will give a supper at
the Rosemore hotel in honor of their
golden wedding Saturday evening Nov
18th Mr and Mrs Leisure are vigor
ous old people and have been honored
citizens of Danbury for about 13 years
The election at this place was very
Everyone is busy husking their large
yield of corn
T M Campbell lost three head of
cattle last week from the corn stalks
One of W Y Johnsons horses died
lart week from some unknown disease
Mrs Martha Johnson returned home
Thursday of last week from her visit in
the eastern part of the state
We are quite sorry to note the illness
of Mrs Shaw and her many friends
unite in wishing for her speedy recovery
The special meetings commenced at
the church last Sunday Miss Ina
Ashby arrived Tuesday and will assist
in the meetings the remainder of the
Frank Dudek is hauling out materials
for a new hog house
Gerald Wilcox is building a large fine
strictly up-to-date hog house in prepara
tion for hi3 big sale
Frank Stillman lost two head of cattle
first of the week death resulting from
eating too many beets
S O Dragoo who has been on the
Rozell ranch is staying with his father-in-law
W P Burns for the present with
his family
Our New Stock
Our UptoDate Assortment
Our Extraordinary Values
Our Extremely Low Prices
and our UNUSUALLY good trade since we opened up has
convinced us that the ladies of McCook and vicinity ap
First Class Goods at
Third Class Prices
were so far beyond our anticipation that RUSH ORDERS
were necessary and you will now find NEW PATTERNS
in all the latest shades of gray green red brown and
blue Our exxeptional bargains in
Outings Flannelettes
Underwear Hosiery Belts and Bags
Fancy Collars and Ribbons
are a wonder to the buying community and you are all
welcomed to the NEW STORE when in need of any
thing in
Dry Goods and Notions
New Walsh Block
A J Lohr finished his threshing this
Jinks Fletcher is painting his new
house and barn
J A Fletcher moved into his new
home this week
G W Jones returned from his trip to
Iowa Saturday night
John Theobald left Tuesday morning
for his home in Barnville Wisconsin
Quietest election ever in Bartley
Meeker for surveyor was most talked of
Chet Sibbet of May wood was in town
this week visiting his sister Mrs E R
The ladies of the Baptist church will
hold a Bazaar and serve dinner on Tues
day Dec 19th
Mr and Mrs Ira Ritchie are rejoicing
over the advent of the pretty baby girl
at their home
Elder J E Wilson was called from
Trenton to preach the funeral of Mrs
Frances Robinson Sunday forenoon
A fine 12 pound boy born to M r and
Mrs Will Knotts Saturday morning is
securing the special attention at their
iur ana iurs iha uavis will move
from DefianceIowa to the home of Mrs
Davis mother Francis Robinson de
Mrs Ivy and Mrs Fuller sisters of
Mrs Robinson and Mr Will Theobald
and L Ivy who were called here to the
funeral returned to their homes in Man
illa Iowa Tuesday morning
Charley Hoag of Indianola started for
Cambridge Monday with his auto and
some commercial men At Bartley he
sent the men on and gave an extended
exhibition of his auto to the amusement
of the school children A bucking bron
cho is not in it at all with a balky auto
Charley returned late in the evening de
termined to sell the auto to Bill Short
and knock out competition in the livery
Pain may go by the name of rheuma
tism neuralgia lumbago pleurisy No
matter what name the pains are called
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will
drive them away 35 cents
L W McConnell
Phone 56
Otto Webber finished moving to Bart
ley last week
Charles Seeden purchased a new
ouogy last week
Burton Roher made a business trip to
Danbury Monday
Ed Vandervort returned home from
Cambridge Tuesday
Schuyler Frye has moved in the house
vacated by Otto Webber
James Seeden lost a yearling calf from
corn stalk disease recently
The recent snow took a good many by
surprise in this community
Jake Fritz purchased a team of mules
of Jamps McClung last week
Frank Lewis has moved on the Rozell
ranch in the house vacated by Sam
Mrs Edson Raymond of Cambridge
is up visiting her mother Mrs Mary
Nothing at All
Bargains at the Ideal
Come and see what an armful vou
can buy for 50c or 5100 A nice line
of Holiday Stock will be offered soon
to all keen buyers Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded
The Ideal 5 l0c Store
Opposite Postofllce McCook
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Brings Goldea Health and Eenered Vigor
A fpecAc for Constipation Indigestion Live
ana juaney Troubles Pimples Eczema
HlOOd Bad Breath fimctrish
TtntTfkla Poorldna
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -Jet
form as cents n box Genuine made by
Holuster Druo Company Madison Wis
Dr O C Reynolds
Rooms 10 20 Ilurr mock
Surgery and Gynecology
Ftcn5sABiafJBuy LlnCOlU Hell
J i