The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 10, 1905, Image 7

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We positively guaratf
tee to fit you perfectly
MHSoa boxes sold In pest 12 months
hi ii uwumpHirtifW
Food Value
of a Soda Cracker
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Tbwcne
vre have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can
supply them in combination with The Teibcne
at the following very low prices with
Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 50
Prairie Farmer 100 125
Chicago Intor Ocean 1 00 1 05
Cincinnati Enquire 100 150
New York Tribune 1 00 1 25
Toledo Blade 1 00 1 25
Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65
Iowa Homestead 1 00 1 25
Lincoln Journal 1 00 1 25
Now York World 1 00 1 65
St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75
Kansas City Star 25 120
Farm and Home 100 1 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papar published at reduced rates
The Teibune McCook Neb
For the best
of all kinds of Build
ing Materials
Steam and Domestic
Coals see
Phone No i
Try Carney Egg
You have heard that some foods furnish fat
other foods make muscle and still others are
tissue building and heat forming
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water are richer
in the muscle and fat elements and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour
That is why Uneeda Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention
To George C Gray and to whom it may con
cern Notice i honby given that ou the 8th
day of MarcblflUJ the undersigned John Wentz
Sr purchased of Ben G Gossard county treas
urer of Red Willow county Nebraska at public
sale for taxc lot five block three in West Mc
Cook Red Willow county Nebraska for the
taxes levied and assessed thereon for the years
1895 to 1902 inclusive The time allowed in
which to redeem said lot from said purchase
will expire November 25th 1905
John Wentz Sr
To Samuel L Troth You are hereby notified
that the undersigned on the 28th day of Janu
ary 1904 purchased nt private tax sale from
the county treasurer of Red Willow county
Nebraska for the taxes duly levied and assess
ed thereon for tho years 1894 to 1902 inclusive
lot six in block 12 in West McCook in Red
Willow county Nebraska that said lot was as
sessed for the purpose of taxation for the years
1891 to 1905 inclusive in the name of Samuel
L Troth and that title to said lot appears of
record in the said Samuel L Troth that the
undersigned will after tho expiration of three
mouths from date of service of this notice ap
ply to the county treasurer of said county for a
deed to said premises
William Knai e
In the matter of the application of GeoBullis
guardian of the estate of May Batchellor a
minor heir of Lizzie Batchellor deceased for
leave to sell real estate
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
the order of the Hon R C Orr judge of the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
made on the 16th day of October 1905 for the
sale of the real estate hereinafter described
there will be sold at public vendue to the high
est bidder for cash at the front door of the court
house in McCook Red Willow county Nebras
ka on the 13th day of November 1905 at the
hour of one oclock p m of said day tho fol
lowing described real estate Lot numbered
twelve in block numbered twenty five in origin
al town now city of Mccook Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska Said sale will remain open one
Dated this 18th day of October 1905
Geo Bollih Guardian
of the estate of May Batchellor a minor
J E Kelley his attorney
Department of the Interior United States
Land Office Lincoln Neb Public land sale
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land office under authority vested in him
by section 2455 U S Rev Stat as amended by
me act or congress approveu reoruuryu imo
we will proceed to offer at public sale on the
27th day of December next at two oclock p m
at this office the following tract of land to wit
NE ii SEH Section 5 Township 1 north Range
29 W 6th P M Any and all persons claiming
adversely tho above described lands are advised
to file their claims in this office on or before the
day above designated for the commencement of
said sale otherwise their rights will bo forfeit
ed Dated October 30 1S05
W A Geeen Register
Alva E Kennabd Receiver
A 2150 Mans Outfit Complete for
11 a
Suit absolutely pura all wool -worth - 1300
Tine soft Hat any style or color worth - 200
Pair of stylish Shoes -worth ------ 250
Madras or Percale Shirt -worth - - - - 75
of 3ftne -worth 25
Par Suspenders - - - -
Pair of fancy or plain Socks -worth - - - - 10
Nice Handkerchief colored border -worth - 15
Four-in-hand or made up silk Tie -worth - 25
Fine Leatherette Suit Case -worth
- 250
CCUn IIC flUC nni I AD rttl1 ier and Tire will send this outfit complete In
OLilL UO UnC UULLHn uit case by express to any address subject to examin
It Is Easy to Order
this Outfit
ation Mia u everyimng is satisfactory pay express agent
U1V5 balance and express charges
Sizes and Maasuramants Coat comes In 55 to chest
clre chestraeafurement Pants come SO to 42 waist and 30 to
M inseam give both measurements Shirts come 11 to 17K
Hats come 6V to 7 Socks come SK to It Shoes come 5 to 1L
uivo sizes oi aii ana siaio wnemer you vuu suit oi nno
cassimere or cheviot cloths
To Cur a U in One
Take Laxative Bromo QftafcKgfttt
To Cure a Cold in One nay
Take laxative bromo quinine tuil ts
All druggists refund the mouey if it fails
to euro E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
I am well now and
enjoying better health
than ever before in
my whole life
That is the statement of a woman who
had never been well until she was made
well by the use of Dr Pierces Favorite
Prescription There are a great many
other women in like case They have
always been sufferers from disease They
have never known the joy of perfect
For all such women Dr Pierces Fa
vorite Prescription holds out the pros
pect of perfect and permanent health by
the cure of the womanly diseases which
weaken women It establishes regular
ity dries weakening drains heals inflam
mation and ulceration and cures female
weakness It makes weak women strong
and sick women well
It gives me pleasure to let you know of the
great benefit received from Dr Pierces medi
cines and the advice -which you so kindly sent
writes Mrs Bertie Parker of Bonham Fannin
Co Texas I took your Favorite Prescrip
tion Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant
Pellets and followed your advice regarding- the
IDtion Tablets and am cured I had been
treated by different doctors and spent one hun
dred dollars for treatment and medicine but
received very little relief I have only spent
seventeen dollars and fifty cents for your medi
cine and it has cured me in three or four months
of ulceration and falling of uterus I suffered
severe misery in my back also irregular periods
Had bearing down in lower portion of body and
great pain all through my body Pain in uterus
was very severe Had smothering spells breath
was very short all the time had pain in stomach
pain in my thighs pain in breast also between
my shoulders Bowels constipated I am well
now and enjoying better health than ever before
in my whole life Am happy to tell you that
I was cured by your good advice and good medi
cines the Favorite Prescription Golden Med
ical Discovery Pleasant Pellets and Iotion
Tablets These medicines cured me and will
cure others also
The dealer who offers a substitute for
Favorite Prescription does so to gain
the little more profit paid on the sale of
less meritorious medicines His profit is
your loss therefore accept no substitute
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate
the bowels
Irn iwTw
JAaf rJr aW
Y JjO jur
JHF jgv
mi M i
Ceres Grip
u nu tajt ft
on every1
rzrzrh box 4dg
in alii h
How Isthmian Waterway Will
fVSect Central America
A STew ProHDcronM Era For Ianaia
and CoKtu III en Predicted by a Snn
Jobo Merchant TIiouNnndN of Pcoiw
o Bo Freed Will Open n Siark t
For tlie Country FruitM
The construction of the Panama ca
nal will knock the shackles off thou
sand of peons in Central America and
will bring that country up to the meas
ure of its wonderful possibilities You
can feel the foreshadowing Influence
of tho big waterway in the atmosphere
of Panama and Costa Itlca now
Senor Don Miguel B Archera a mer
chant of San Jose formerly Mike B
Archer assistant chief train dispatcher
for the Chicago Terminal railway
made the observation while recently
visiting his mother at Kansas City Mo
He said to a Kansas City Star repre
The peonage system has probably
done more than anything else to retard
Individual enterprise and the use of
labor saving machinery without which
tho country can never bo fully develop
ed A peon ia a serf a man devoid of
interest in the i resent and of hope in
the future They are human pack
horses and every member of their fam
ilies is under the shadow of the same
oppressive hand They till the soil
look after the plantation and grub In
the mines They virtually belong to
their masters body and soul for gen
erations without end There are fam
ilies of peons who have never known
the word liberty How does a man
become a peon It Is the easiest thing
In the world if he is hard up Castro
a bright industrious young man is in
love with dark eyed Dona Maria They
havent a thing on earth except their
strong arms and absorbing love Cas
tro knows a rauchero who has dealt
kindly with him and whom he thinks
Is his friend
Senor Maceo there is a girl who
loves me We would many
Es admirable says the ranchero
warmly I congratulate you with all
my heart
But It takes money to get married
and we have none
Bah Tis a small matter How
much do you want
Fifty pesos will do
You shall have seventy five
The wedding Is a fine affair The
ranchero has the musicians and a live
ly crowd of friends to celebrate the oc
casion The bride and groom are
wined dined and congratulated They
think fairyland has come down to
earth and Senor Maceo is their good
angel But there Is a condition prece
dent Castro has executed a bond
pledging himself his wife and their
future offspring as security for the
debt to be paid off by work It is the
death warrant of freedom
The ranchero furnishes them a little
adobe house and provisions Likewise
some muselina for wearing apparel At
the end of the year there Is a footing
up The peon of course supposes
there Is something coming to him
above the debt Instead he finds he
has overdrawn by some 25 to 50
pesos and that the original obli
gation had increased 25 per cent or
more The ranchero does the figuring
because the peon is unlearned Castro
and his wife dare not run away be
cause they would be recaptured and
thrown into prison with the probabil
ity of a severe flogging There Is no
such thing as a peon escaping under
present conditions The family In
creases and there are more mouths to
For the first few years the peon
works hard and trie to discharge the
debt but by and by he finds that in
spite of his efforts he and his wife are
gradually sinking deeper and deeper
in the toils of the plantation owner
and they lose hope Their children are
reared to know only labor without
the glimmer of freedom There are
thousands and thousands of families In
this miserable condition in Central
America Some have been forced to
contract obligations on account of sick
ness some to pay for provisions or a
house or a piece of land These are all
fish for the landowners net and he
holds them with a never relaxing grip
The law Is entirely in his favor
I have spoken to some of the big
ranchmen and dons about this system
and they laughed at my Indignation
Why senor they say these people
would starve to death if we were to
let them go Give one of them 1000
pesos tomorrow and in a month he
would be asking to be reinstated That
may be true but the time is coming
now when these poor people will be
taught how to value their labor and to
drive a fair bargain The canal will
bring into Central America thousands
of investors and promoters from the
United States England and France
Labor will command a price and when
the peons find it out they will break
away and go to the companies where
they can get something for their labor
Of course the large haclendados are
not anxious to see the canal built be
cause they see in it an end of their
life of ease and luxury but later on
when they find it means dollars where
they are now getting cents for their
products they will change their minds
Just as the railroads of Missouri opened
up a market for millions of dollars
worth of wasted produce in the fifties
so will the canal and the roads lead
ing to It furnish a worldwide market
for the delicious fruits of Central
America In Costa Rica Nicaragua
and Honduras in fact In all the Isth
mian states they raise strawberries
the ear round and practically give
them away ut from 10 to 15 cents a
gallou Pineapples that would cost
40 and 50 cents in Kansas City and
St Louis go begging there at from 1
to 3 cents apiece Its the same way
with limes oranges and bananas They
are a drug on the market
There are untold millions In the
mountains of Central America waiting
development of Yankee capital und en
terprise The only reason this work
has not been done sooner is that It
means death to the average citizen of
the United States to live In Centra
America The yellow fever and black
smallpox are prevalent there until tho
mldd le of October With the building
of the canal and railroad progressive
people will see to It that better san
itary conditions obtain in the towns
and that the dangers of disease are
greatly reduced
In the very near future Central
America will be the garden spot of this
continent Nothing can stop It when
Yankee energy and Yankee systems of
sanitation are planted The Creator
made the land all right In the first
place but It happened to fall into uu
appreciative hands The canal will
relegate the stick plow and the peon
and give birth to an era of as remark
able development as was ever seen on
this continent
Savant Sny We Have Too aiany Eye
tjliiHseH and Too loiitc Tickets
Too many American people wear
glasses I take off as many pairs of
glasses from my American patients as
I put on them
Professor J Herschberger the high
est authority in the worWbn diseases
of the eye professor of ophthalmology
at the University of Berlin stopped
long enough between a bath and a ban
quet to give his opinion of the Amer
ican custom of wearing glasses says
the Denver correspondent of the St
Louis Post Dispatch
Although sixty two years old Pro
fessor Herschberger does not himself
wear glasses
He declares that more Americans
wear them than any other nation and
that he believes this is all Inspired by
our desire as a nation to see thiug3
clearly The claim that the average
American eyes are growing weaker be
cause of abuse he declares to be ridic
ulous Americans read a good deal
buf their eyes are just as good us those
their grandfathers had If they only
knew it said the professor
When it comes to American combina
tion railroad tickets the famous oculist
loses his command of the English lan
guage Ach But look at this he
exclaimed delving down into the capa
cious depths of a German traveling
bag and fishing up triumphantly a
many colored railroad ticket several
yards lu length He dangled It in the
air and trailed it up and down the
room in his rage
This is what I call the American
rattlesnake said Professor Hersch
berger and I shall keep It and take It
home with me to Germany to place on
exhibition I bought a ticket from
New York to Portland and back to Bos
ton It gave me stopovers at every
town in the country and I was assured
It would make traveling easy When
I got to San Francisco I locked it up
in my trunk and since then I have
bought a ticket between each town
This I keep to warn my countrymen
Chicago Gardener Is Trying to Grow
a Tricolor Chrysanthemum
Joseph Frey head gardener in Lin
coln park at Chicago is seeking to give
the United States a national flower In
the form of a chrysanthemum plant
which will grow red white and blue
blossoms says a Chicago Dispatch
The experiment of hybridizing chrys
anthemums and asters which are close
ly related to the Japanese flower has
been going on in the conservatory at
Lincoln park
Frey has created many wonderful
combinations In flowerdom The suc
cess or failure of the plan will be re
vealed by the last of October when
the chrysanthemums and Siberian as
ters begin to head and bloom
At the last annual chrysanthemum
show In Lincoln park Frey displayed
hybridized chrysanthemums which pre
sented the colonial colors yellow aud
white blossoms growing on one stalk
This caused him to undertake the more
difficult problem of growing red white
and blue blossoms on one stalk
In the Rush of 1U30
The owner of the great diary was
showing a visitor around the plant
says the Chicago Tribune
All these thousands of cows he
said are milked bj machinery The
milk is conveyed Into an immense res
ervoir from which it is carried in un
derground pipes at a speed of a mile a
minute to all points within fifty miles
of here The system works perfectly
and yet there i one great drawback
What is that asked the visitor
Well of course theres no cream
any more It Is impracticable for us to
separate It here and In this age of the
world nobody has time to wait for it to
New Religions Denomination
A new religious denomination with
out a creed has been formed at Broken
Bow Neb says a dispatch from that
place No one will be asked to sub
scribe to anything to join the church
of which Rev R H Harman Is the
head Rev Mr Harman says the de
nomination will believe simply In a
universal God and that Christ was a
divine man Sin will be considered as
bringing its own punishment and the
old Idea of hell will be dispensed with
Ofllco over Qranoia storo McCook Neb
C II Botle
C E Eldrhp Co Atta
Look Distance Phono 41
Rooms 1 nuil 7 pocoihI lloor MCLOOK flCP
Iostollico BllilditlK
and Surgeon
Ollice UeHirieuc 524 Nniu Avenue Ofllco ant
Resulenco jiliono Ki Calls aiiswnred night o
Real Estate Insurance
Tliono 5G
Oflico over McCOOK
McMilleufc lniR ttore NEBRASKA
McCook Nebraska
CsAKcntof Lincoln Lnnd Co undo fllcCooi
Water Works Ollicu in Poatotlice building
Osteopathic Physician
Kolley Ollice Bldg Phono No la
Consultation free
Rear of First Xatl Bank
Earl Murray
General Repair Shops
Two doors east of DeGroffs Store
McCook Nebraska
Diarrhea Remedy
A few doses of this remedy will
invariably cure an ordinary at
tack of diarrhea
It has been used In nine epi
demics of dysentery with perfect
It can always be depended
upon even in the more severe
attacks of cramp colio and chol
era morbus
It is equally successful foz
summer diarrhea and cholera
infantum in children and is the
means of saving the lives of many
children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family should
keep this remedy in his home
Buy it now It may save life
Price 25c
Large Size 50c
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farnu
Be rjrudent this year and yss
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
Delmont S D Dec 17 1902
I used L for bog cholera and it uas all
rfeht It enred my hoes I had three sick one
and they all Rot well and done fine I also
nsed it for chicken lice and mites and it is ml
yonclaim for it Itisthe only Medicine forfco
cholera I think Gotlieb Jezex
Harrington Neb Dec 1J 1902
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it la3J
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thing I ever had on th
place for everything it is intended for It is
good for chicken cholera lice on stock inseeU
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
Manufactured by tho National Medical Com
pan Sheldon Iowa