The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 10, 1905, Image 3

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continued from skcond parr
hoot when vro drive tlirough the vll
Ingc But they never attempt to do us
any linrm TUcy are too much afraid
of us
Paul showed her his simple stores of
medicine the old coat saturated with
disinfectants which had become the
recognized outward sign of the Mos
cow doctor
And do other people other noble
men try to do this sort of thing too
asked Etta at length
Catrina Lanovitch does replied
Paul She she found me out con
found her
Etta had risen she was looking curi
ously at the cupboard where Pauls in
fected clothes were hanging lie had
forbidden her to go near it She turn
ed and looked at him
Found you out How she asked
with a queer smile
Saw through my disguise
Yes she would do that said Etta
aloud to herself
What Is this door she asked after
a pause
It leads to an inner room replied
Paul where Stclnmetz usually
He passed In front of her and open
ed the door As he was doing so Etta
went on in the train of her thoughts
So Catrina knows
And no one else
Paul made no answer for he had
passed on into the smaller room where
Stelnmetz was seated at a writing
Except of course nerr Stelnmetz
Etta went on interrogatively
Madame said the German look
ing up with his pleasant smile I know
And he went on writing
table dhote of the Hotel de
Moscou at Tver had just be
gun A Russian table dhote
is anything but hilarious in
Its tendency A certain number of
grave faced- gentlemen and a few
broad jowled ladies are visibly con
strained by the force of circumstance
to dine at the same table and hour
and that is all There Is no pretense
that any more sociable and neighborly
motive has brought them together In
deed they each suspect the other of
being a German or a nihilist or worse
still a government servant
The table dhote of the Hotel de
Moscou at Tver was no exception to
the general rule In Russia by the
way there are no exceptions to general
rules The personal habits of the na
tive of Cronstadt differ in no way
from those of the czars subject living
in Petropavlovsk S000 miles away
Around tLe long table of the host
were seated at respectable Intervals a
dozen or more gentlemen who gazed
stolidly at each other from time to
time while the host himself smiled
broadly upon them all
Of these dozen gentlemen we have
only to deal with one a man of broad
high forehead of colorless eyes of a
masklike face who consumed what
was put before him with as little
noise as possible Known in Paris as
that Vasslli this traveler
M Yassill was evidently desirous of
attracting as little attention as circum
stances would allow He was obvious
ly doing his best to look like one who
traveled in the interest of braid or
buttons Moreover when Claude de
Chauxville entered the table dhote
room he concealed whatever surprise
he may have felt behind a cloud of
cigarette smoke Through the same
blue haze he met the Frenchmans eye
a moment later without the faintest
twinkle of recognition
These two worthies went through
the weird courses provided by a cook
professing a knowledge of French
cuisine without taking any compromis
ing notice of each other When the
meal was over Yassili inscribed the
number of his bedroom in large fig
ures on the label of his bottle of wine
after the manner of wise commercial
travelers in continental hotels He
subsequently turned the bottle around
so that Claude de Chauxville could
scarcely fail to read the number and
with a vague and general bow he left
the room
Before long a discreet knock at the
door of Yassilis room announced the
arrival of the expected visitor
Entrez cried Yassili And De
Chauxville stood before him
A pleasure said Yassili behind his
wooden face that I did not anticipate
in Tver
And consequently one that carries
its own mitigation An unanticipated
pleasure my friend is always inop
portune I make no doubt that you
were sorry to see me
On the contrary Will you sit
I can hardly believe went on De
Chauxville taking the proffered chair
that my appearance was opportune
on the principle ha ha that a flower
growing out of place is a weed Gen
tlemen of the eh home office prefer
I know to travel quietly He spread
out his expressive hands as if smooth
ing the path of M Yassili through this
stony world Incognito he added
One does not publish ones name
from the house tops replied the Rus
sian with a glimmer of pride in his
eyes especially if it happen to be not
quite obscure but between friends my
dear baron between friends
Yes Then what are you doing in
Tver inquired De Chauxville with
engaging frankness
Ah that is a long story But I
will tell you never fear I will tell
you on the usual terms
And they are inquired the
Frenchman lighting a cigarette
Vassili accepted the match with a
bow and did likewise He blew a
guileless cloud of smoke toward the
dingy ceiling
Exchange my dear baron ex
Oh certainly replied De Chaux
- - r --
ij r M n
J iljillifii t
mr y r nmxzz mmtamemmmB Mm
rriliwn i iaiimffw iw iwi w r ai wiii wrri n Tinrg H gagy iEHggiglWW mununininiuiwmiiiawniiw i iimininwi ji in iiairlft rnii
ville who knew that Vassili was In all
probability fully informed as to his
movements past and prospective I
am going tn visit some old friends In
this government the Lanovitcbes at
You know them
Vassili raised his snoulders and
made a little gesture with his ciga
rette as much as to say Why ask
De Chauxville looked at his compan
ion keenly He was wondering wheth
er this man knew that he Claude de
Chauxville loved Etta Howard Alexis
and consequently hated her husband
He was wondering how much or how
little this -impenetrable Individual
knew and suspected
I have always said observed Vas
sili suddenly that for unmitigated im
pertinence give me a diplomatist
Ah And what would you desire
that I should for the same commodity
give you now
A woman
There was a short silence In the
room while these two birds of a feath
er reflected
Suddenly Vassili tapped himself on
the chest with his forefinger
It was I he said who crushed
that very dangerous movement the
Charity league Now my dear baron
listen to me The genial Vassili lean
ed forward and tapped with one finger
on the knee of De Chauxville as if
knocking at the door of his attention
I am all ears mon bon monsieur
replied the Frenchman rather coldly
ne had just been reflecting that after
all ho did not want any favor from
Vassili for the moment and the man
ner of the latter was verging on the
The woman who sold me the
Charity league papers dined at my
house in Paris a fortnight ago said
Vassili with a staccato tap on his
companions knee by way of emphasis
to each word
Then my friend I cannot congrat
ulate you on the society in which
you move replied De Chauxville
mimicking his manner
Bah She was a princess
A princess
Yes of your acquaintance M le
Baron And she came to my house
with her eh husband the Prince
Paul noward Alexis
This was news indeed De Chaux
ville leaned back and passed his slim
white hand across his brow with a
slow pressure as if wiping some writ
ing from a slate as if his forehead
bore the writing of his thoughts and
he was wiping it away And the
thoughts he thus concealed who can
count them The first thought was
that if he had known this three months
earlier he could have made Etta mar
ry him With Etta for his wife ho
might have been a different man
But the news coming thus too late
only served an evil purpose for in that
flash of thought Claude de Chauxville
saw Pauls secrets given to him Pauls
wealth meted out to him Paul in exile
Paul dead in Siberia where death
comes easily Pauls widow Claude de
Chauxvilles wife
You said her eh husband he
observed Why Why did you add
that little eh my friend
Rather more than a year ago said
Vassili I received an offer of the pa
pers connected with a great scheme in
this country After certain inquiries
had been made I accepted the offer I
paid a fabulous price for the papers
They were brought to me by a lady
wearing a thick veil a lady I had
never seen before I asked no ques
tions and paid her the money It sub
sequently transpired that the papers
had been stolen as you perhaps know
from the house of Count Stepan Lano
vitch the house to which you happen
to be going at Thors Well that is
ail ancient history It is to be sup
posed that the papers were stolen by
Sydney Bamborough who brought
them here probably to this hotel
where his wife was staying He hand-
TJiis teas news indeed
ed her the papers and she conveyed
them to me in Paris But before she
reached Petersburg they would have
been missed by Stepan Lanovitch who
would naturally suspect the man who
had been staying in his house Bam
borough a man with a doubtful repu
tation in the diplomatic world a pro
fessed doer of dirty jobs Foreseeing
this and knowing that the league was
a big thing with a few violent mem
bers on its books Sydney Bamborough
did not attempt to leave Russia by the
western route He probably decided
to go through Nijni down the Volga
across the Caspian and so on to Per
sia and India You follow me
Perfectly answered De Chauxville
I have been here a week went on
the Russian spy making inquiries 1
have worked the whole affair out link
by link till the evening when the
Iiant and wife parted She went west
with tle papers Whore did he go
De Chauxville did uot speak and
after a moment Vassili went on stat
ing his case with lawyerlike clever
A body was found on the steppe
he said the body of a middle aged
man dressed as a small commercial
traveler would dress Ho had a little
money in his pocket but nothing to
Identify him He was burled here in
Ivor by the police who received their
Information by an anonymous post
card posted In Tver The person who
had found the body did not want to be
Implicated in any inquiry Now who
found the body Who was the dead
man Mrs Sydney Bamborough had
assumed that the dead man was her
husband on the strength of that as
sumption she had become a princess
A frail foundation upon which to build
up her fortunes eh
How did she know that the body
had been found asked De Chauxville
perceiving the weak point in his com
panions chain of argument
It was reported shortly in the local
newspapers replied Vassili and re
peated in one or two continental jour
nals as the police were of opinion that
the man was a foreigner Any one
watching the newspapers would see it
otherwise the incident might pass un
And you think said De Chaux
ville suppressing his excitement with
an effort that the lady has risked
everything upon a supposition
Knowing the lady I do
De Chauxvilles dull eyes gleamed
for a moment with an unwonted light
She may have information of which
you are ignorant he suggested
Precisely It is that particular point
which gives me trouble at the present
moment It is that that I wish to dis
De Chauxville looked up coolly He
saw his advantage
Hence your sudden flow of com
municativeness he said
Vassili nodded
You cannot find out for yourself
so you seek my help went on the
Again the Russian nodded his head
And your price said De Chaux
When you have the information you
may name your own price said the
Russian coldly
There was a long silence Before
speaking De Chauxville turned and
took a glass of liquor from the table
His hand was not quite steady He
raised the glass quickly and emptied
It Then he rose and looked at his
watch The silence was a compact
When the lady dined with you in
Paris did she recognize you he ask
Yes but she did not know that I
recognized her
For the moment they both overlook
ed Stelnmetz
De Chauxville stood reflecting
And your theory he said re
specting Sydney Bamborough what is
If he got away to Nijni and the Vol
ga it Is probable that he is in eastern
Siberia or in Persia at this moment
He has not had time to get right across
Asia yet
WEEK later Catrina watching
from the window of her own
small room saw Paul lift Et
ta from the sleigh and the
sight made her clinch her hands until
the knuckles shone like polished ivory
She went slowly downstairs to the
long dimly lighted drawing room As
she entered she heard her mothers
cackling voice
Yes princess the countess was
saying it is a quaint old house lit
tle more than a fortified farm I know
But my husbands family were always
strange They seem always to have
ignored the little comforts and ele
gancies of life
It is most interesting answered
Ettas voice and Catrina stepped for
ward into the light
Formal greetings were exchanged
and Catrina saw Etta look anxiously
toward the door through which she
had just come She thought that she
was looking for her husband But it
was Claude de Chauxville for -whose
appearance Etta was waiting
Paul and Steinmetz entered at the
same moment by another door and
Catrina who was talking to Maggie in
English suddenly stopped
Ah Catrina said Paul we have
broken new ground for you There
was no track from here to Osterno
through the forest I made one this
afternoon so you have no excuse for
remaining away now
Thank you answered Catrina
withdrawing her cold hand hurriedly
from his friendly grasp
Miss Delafield went on Paul ad
mires our country as much as you do
I was just telling mademoiselle
said Maggie speaking French with an
honest English accent
Paul nodded and left them together
Yes the countess was saying at
the other end of the gloomy room yes
we are greatly attached to Thors
Catrina perhaps more than I I have
some happy associations and many sor
rowful ones But then mon Bci
how Isolated we are
It Is rather far from anywhere
acceded Etta who was not attending
although she appeared to be inter
Far Princess I often wonder how
Paris and Thors can be in the same
world Before our our troubles we
used to live in Paris a portion of the
year At least I did while my poor
husband traveled about He had a
hobby you know poor man Humanity
was his hobby I have always found
that men who seek to do good to their
fellows are never thanked There Is a
little gratitude in the individual but
none in the race
None answered Etta absently
feoio Syfiiifcto s
Kansas City November 8 1905
Receipts of cattle thus far this week
are 54900 lasCweok 48800 last year
23300 Mondays market was generally
steady On Tuesdny trade for beef
steers was uneven prices ranging from
steady to fifteen cents lower Cows and
heifers were steady to ten cents lower
Stockers and feeders ruled stoady to
weak Todays trade for beef steers was
slow with prices barely steady The
same conditions apply to cows and heifers
Stockers and feeders showed more life
and best offerings held firm others un
changed Veals and bulls were steady
The following table gives prices now
Extra primo cornfod steers S5 50 to 6 00
Good 5 00 to 5 50
Ordinary 4 00 to 5 00
Choice corn fed heifers 4 25 to 4 75
Good 3 50 to 4 00
Medium 2 50 to 3 50
Choice cornfed cows 3 50 to 4 00
Good 2 75 to 3 25
Medium 2 25 to 2 75
Canners 1 50 to 2 25
Choice staKS 4 00 to 4 50
Choicofcd bulb 3 25 to 3 75
Good 2 50 to 3 00
Bologna bulls 00 to 2 50
Veal calves 5 00 to 6 25
Good to choice native or western
stockers 3 50 to 4 00
Fair 3 25 to 3 50
Common 2 75 to 3 25
Good to clioico heavy native feeders 3 85 to 4 25
Fair 3 50 to 3 75
Good to choice heavy branded
horned feeders 3 23 to 3 50
FHir 3 00 to 3 25
Common 2 75 to 3 00
Good to choice stock heifers 2 75 to 3 00
Fair 2 25 to 2 75
Good to choice stock calvesstoors 3 50 to 4 00
Fair 3 00 to 3 50
Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 00 to 3 50
Fair 2 50 to 3 00
Choice wintered grass steers 3 50 to 4 25
Good 3 25 to 3 50
Fair 3 00 to 3 25
Choice crass cows 2 75 to 3 00
Good 2 50 to 2 75
Common 2 00 to 2 50
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 39100 last weok a3300 last year
17100 Mondays market was firm
Tuesday five cents lower and today ir
regular but averaged a shade higher
bulk of sales running from S190 to 195
top 8500
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
are 13500 last week 15300 last year
8500 Mondays market was steady
Tuesday firm and today again firm We
quote Choice lambs 8725 to S750
choice yearlings S575 to 8600 choice
wethers 8550 to 8575 choice ewes
S5 00 to S525
State of NebraskaRed Willow county ss In
the county court In the matter of tho estate
of Sophia E Burgess deceased I Frank
Moore county judge of said county in said es
tate hereby notify all persons having claims
and demands against the estate of Sophia E
Burgess deceased that I have sot and appoint
ed the following day for the examination and
adjustment of said claims and demands as pro
vided by law at the county court room in Mc
Cook in said county to wit The 9th day of
April 1906 at two oclock in the afternoon All
persons so interested in said estate will appear
at said time and place and duly present their
said claims and demands in tho manner re
quired by law or show cause for not so doing
and in case any of said claims shall not bo pre
sented by the 7th day of April 1906 the same
shall be forever barred
Given under my hand and the seal of tho
county court this 7th day of October 1905
seal Fkank Moore County Judge
6jf There is no specific for
consumption Fresh air ex
ercise nourishing food and
Scotts Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it if there
is anything to build on Mil
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung
fif From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form hence
it did very little good They
can take
and tolerate it for a long
time There is no oil not
excepting butter so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scotts Emulsion
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous
We will send you a
sample free
CJ Be sure that this
picture in the form of
a label is on the wrap
per of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy
Scott Bowne
409 Pearl Street
New York
50c andlj all druggUu
That We Cant Be
Undersold Is a
Well Known Fact
Our department of Mens Youths and
Boys Clothing IS COMPLETE and
EST PRICES The old story of every
thing is advanced in prices dont hold
good with us when others go up in fig-
ures we reduce our prices We know
how We have saved customers many
dollars by bringing their mail order list
and samples to our store We compete
with any mail order house any mail
order outfit will be duplicated by Dia
mond where you have the privilege of
seeing and trying on your goods Dont
have to send any dollars in advance
We have an elegant line of ladies furs
in all styles mens fur coats
Opening evenings
Follow the Crowd to
VanDepoel McFarlands
Three Days Only November 16 17 18
We will offer our new
and up-to-date line of
Street Hats and Trimmed Hats
of 25 per cent for cash
Dennison Street West
of Citizens Bank
at auction
at his farm 2 miles southeast of McCook Nebraska
45 DUROC JERSEY spring boars and gilts all sired by tho Great
Jumbo Red Boar Jumbo Jum 2G313 a son of Morton Cos celebrated
Jumbo Red 7873 This boar weighs 800 pounds as a two-year-old and
headed my show herd at the state fair
25 POLAND CHINA spring boars and gilts strong in Missouri Black
Chief Tecumseh and Perfection blood
Sale will be held at the farm in comfortable quarters commencing at
10 a m regardless of the weather Free conveyance frem town to ibe
sale Breeders from a distance will be entertained free at the Commercial
Hotel in McCook Mail bids may be sent to either auctioneer Send for
catalogue Free lunch at noon
Gerald Wilcox owner
L W LEONARD and E J MITCHELL Auctioneers
ill ft y P4i
ili I Hi IB
IS ill llVll
The McCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year
-Word contest HOSPE PIANOS has been post
poned until November 2ist A Hospe Co Omaha Neb