I m It VVVbfcttBK e fe fex Phone 95 Main Avenue STIKIS V FRANKLIN zgaeuw - to be customer of the jjmL Its a Pleasure New Brick Meat Market They keep a full assorment of all kinds of meats They treat you so well and so fairly deal with you so squarely -that you want to come back Just try it once i Bm EESSaWSEM have been worn Feet or more given satisfaction recommend them imiii IN Mllllli by Forty Million and have always That is why we A full line of the latest styles always in stock For Convenience and Safety you should deposit your money in a As for safety we have burglary and ance time lock burglar alarms ficers and regular examinations The First National Bank of McCook yrc v x vu x yv to s Phonography s so simple as to be readily learned by any one of ordinary capacity and the benefits to be derived from it arc incalcu Eublic Jons Bright In the Enn Pitman System of Phonosrafhy Reporting Style For particulars write Dr E O Valme l PHONE 190 f Office over Bee Hive Esgag iflSl good bank fire bonded of- And our continued growth is evidence of the confidence reposed in us by the people of the community w President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President THE CITIZENS BAN f K OF MeCOOK NEB J5 B E B B3 Jf X Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 X iT b a b n 2C X DIRECTORS - O V FRANKLIN W B WOLFE A C EBERT x r LL ITAYNERS Shorthand Schoo McCook Neb DENTIST t Paul P Anton f lWWV VyxQV Ifi u Happenings at Portland Fair The Successful Flights of Captain Bald wins New Airship Large From the East A Celestial Visitor scrapers Beachey BIUDGE OF HILE Roy Knabenshue has been making a sensation in the east by his airship ex cursions around the sky- of New York city Lincoln a San Francisco youth of eighteen years has been making equal ly sensational flights through the air at the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland Ore Knabenshue first navi gated the air at the St Louis worlds fair in 1001 in Captain T S Bald wins airship the California Arrow Beachey has been sailing over the Portland fair grounds In Captain Bald wins new airship the City of Port land lie has been very successful in making round trips with his craft He generally brings the City of Port land back to the place from which she started and lands her on the identical supports upon which the ship rested when the voyage through the air be gan There have been interesting events of many kinds at the Portland fair during the summer The pecuniary success of the exposition has been a great surprise to every one It is an ticipated that the flow of visitors will continue unabated until the closing of the gates the middle of October At tendance thus far has surpassed ex pectations The million mark was passed before the fair was half over and it is now expected the admissions will reach 2500000 To the surprise of most persons a large proportion of the attendance is from the east The low rates offered by the railroads for NATIONS AND BUILDING GOVERNMENT the transcontinental trip have induced many to cross the Rocky mountains who never before thought they could afford to do so Not only have they seen the Portland fair but they have witnessed the glories which Mother Nature al ways has on exhibition in the far west and along the Pacific coast As the autumn is the ideal time for such a trip the travel westward during Sep tember and October is likely to be heavy Visitors to the exposition had an op portunity recently to study the results of Uncle Sams new educational policy with respect to the Indians A band of Indian girls as well behaved up to date and refined as any of their white sisters walked through the turnstiles and proceeded to see the fair They had journeyed to Portland without any assistance from the federal govern ment and earned the money Avith which to make the trip by giving entertain ments en route The girls were from the Shaw Indian school in Montana represented seven different tribes and one of them belonged to the Sho shones of which Sacajawea the heroine of the Lewis and Clark expedition was a member In their entertain ments the girls played basket ball pre sented the famine scene from Hiawa tha gave a pantomine entitled The Star Spangled Banner did club swinging and at other points in the programme resolved themselves into a mandolin club Several members of the club showed marked elocutionary talent The exposition now has a visitor from Mars or some other distant plan et Twelve powerful horses were re quired to drag the visitor to the grounds It is a massive meteorite of inany tons weight and fell at some time in the more or less remote past in the woods of Clackmas county about fifteen miles from the exposition site It was discovered in 1902 by a prospector who supposed it to be iron ore He kept his discovery a pro found socret and at once endeavored to get possession of the land on which it was located Failing in this he moved the iron to his own land nearly a mile distant Special trucks had to be constructed for the task which was one of considerable difficulty as secrecy was maintained in regard to the whole proceeding Perseverance triumphed but when the fact of his possession of the mysterious Iron be came known the carefully guarded secret leaked out and the owners of the land where it fell claimed it as their property and sought to gain pos session Litigation ensued The finder claimed that being a shooting star that had dropped from some unknown world it should not properly be con sidered a part of the land where it fell The persons owning the land claimed it as mineral property possession of which goes with the land The court ruled in their favor and established an important precedent in regard to whatever may fall in the future from Mars the moon or other heavenly bodies The biggest nugget ever found which weighs 1S2 ounces and is worth S3276 is exhibited as part of Nomes display at the exposition The nugget Is kept In a cage and visitors are per mitted to lift It Most women find the weight of the chunk of gold too great for their strength CZTTER THAN NAUTILUS TbQ Plimprer In Which 1renldettJ lt OMevclt Went Beneath Wnven When President Itoosevelt took his trip In the submarine boat Plunger it was the first time that a chief execu tive of the United States had navigated the depths of the sea after the fashion of Captain Nemo At the time he wnu forty feet under the waves of Lon Island sound and darting tills way and that In the strange craft with all the ease and unconcern of a man operating an automobile over a smooth road the powers of the world were anxiously awaiting the results of his efforts to secure peace between Russia and Japan the administration of a govern ment which controls the affairs of SO 000000 people rested upon his shoul ders and all In all the matter of his life or death was one of importance -Vv - K w f11 THE PIiTINGHi COMING TO THK SUKPACE In view of this fact his advisers felt as if it was risking too many great interests for the president to take his life in his hands by descending to the bottom of that branch of the ocean which lies off the shores of Mr Roose velts home town Oyster Bay N Y Every one knows of the presidents love of adventure and he unite natu rally was tempted by the thought of an experience which some people would shrink from undertaking As to the danger involved it is said he satisfied himself it was more imaginary than real and that submarine navigation has now reached a stage in the United States where a trip under the waves is no more foolhardy than a trip under the skyscrapers of New York in the far famed subway Although the Brit ish and French have met with disas ters in the navigation of submarine craft the history of such navigation of recent years in the United States has been exceptionally free from fatalities The Plunger is in command of Lieu tenant Charles P Nelson who won the sobriquet of Daredevil Nelson while fighting on the Gloucester under Wainwrigut at the battle of Santiago in the Spanish war He has Avon a reputation as an expert in submarine naA igation and the president felt that he was not incurring too great danger in placing himself in his charge The Plunger was launched in 1902 The vessel has a speed under Avater of seven miles an hour and on the sur face of more than eight miles an hour Tavo sets of motive power are pro vlded an electric motor for subma rine work and a gasoline engine for surface work OAer 300 dives have been made by the Plunger and on one occasion at NoAvport she made the record plunge of 145 feet A FRIEND TO THE KING Downger Duchess of Manchester Who Was an American Girl Tin dowager Duchoss of lanehester will soon entertain the king of Eng land at her historic Scotch seat Brae mar castle adjoining Balmoral Queen Alexandra may be of the party for she is an intimate friend of the duchess and both king and queen were her guests during the past summer at her seaside house Outside of his own family the dowager Duchess of Man chester Is considered King Edwards most Intimate friend among the fair sex He has been on intimate terms with her for nearly thirty years and no insinuations have ever been made regarding the friendship Queen Alex- yj THE DOWAGER DUCHESS OF iLANCHESTEB andra giving evidence of lier approval by also admitting the ducness to terms of intimacy She is one of the few women who can call on Englands queen without having the audience ar ranged in advance The dowager duchess was an Ameri can girl Miss Cousuelo Tznaga of New Orleans and she married the late Duke of Manchester then known as Tiscount Mandeville in 1S7C It Is related that she once helped King Ed ward then Prince of Wales out of a scrape by getting 23000 for him on short notice Ho never forgot the serv ice The social precedence the dowager duchess has enjoyeu through the kings favor appears to have given her much satisfaction It is said that she did not greatly mourn the death of her husband who was a noted high roller but the loss of her twin daughters a few years ago was a great blow to ter Loa Cone Bros Unusual Offer It isnt often that wo have faith enough in the medicine put up by other people to bo willing to offer to refund the money if it does not cure snid Lon Cone brother to a Tkiiiukk man who dropped into their storo but wo are glad to sell Dr Howards specific for the cure of constipation and dyspep sia on that basis The Dr Howard company in order to got a quick introductory sale author izes us to sell their regular fifty cent bottles at half price 25 cents and al though we have sold a lot of it and have guaranteed every package not one has been brought buck as uusatisfactory One great advantage of thisspecifie he continued is its small doo and convenient form There are sixty doses in a vial that can be carried in the vest pocket or purse and every one has moro medical power than a big pill or tablet or a tunibK r of minoral water We are still s elhng the specific at half price although wo cannot tell how long we shall be at lo to d so and any o ie who is subject to constipation sick headache dizziness liver trouble indi gStion or a general playod outcoudition ougtit to take advantage of this chance You can tell your readers that if they are not satisfied with the specific they can come right back to our store and we will cheerfully refund their money NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATE OF SOIllIA E BURGESS State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In tlio count court In tlio matter of the estate of Soiliia H Hures deceased I Frank Aloore countj jude of said county in sjid es tate lnrby notify all iHjrtoiis having claims aud demands against the estate of Sophia E Htircos deceased that I have set and appoint ed the following day for the examination and adjustment of said claims aud demands as pro vided by law at the county court room in Mc Cook in said county to wit The 9th day of April lOOCat two oclock in the afternoon All persons so interested in said estate will appear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and demands in the manner re quired by law or show cause for not so doing and in case anj of said claims shall not be pre sented by the 7th da of April 1900 the same shall be forever barred Given under mv hand and tlio seal of the county court this 7th dav of October ltKi skuJ Fkank JIooke County Judge 10 KWts NOTICE r the district court of red avillow coun ty NEHRASKA In the matterof the application of GeoIJulli guardian of the estate of May Katcliollor a minor heir of Lizzie Bitclicllor deceased for leave to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of tho order of the Hon R C Orr judge of the district court of Red Willow countj Nebraska made on the ICth day of October 1905 for tho sale of the rttl estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public vendue to the high est bidder for cash at the front doorof tho court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebras ka on the i5th daj of November 190 at tho hour of one oclock p in of said daj the fol lowing described real estate Lot numbered twelve in block numbered twenty five in origin al town now city of Mccook Red Willow coun ty Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour Dated this lfeth day of October 19U Geo Bullis Guardian of the estate of May Batchellor a minor J E Kelley his attorney 10-20-its John W Bate defendant will take notice that on the twelfth day of October 1003 Edith S Bates the plaintiff herein filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county State of Nebraska asainst tlio said John W Bates the object and prater thereof being to obtain a divorce from said defendant and to obtain the care and custody of Merjl Bates the minor child of said plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as the nature of the case may require You are required to an swer said petition on or before the twentieth dav of November 1905 Dated this twelfth day of October 1903 10 iwts Edith S Baths By W S Morlan her attorney CHESTERS ENGLISH raHYBOYI v - iM f tf i n Sf i i2reiable Lc ask Druszlst fbi CJIICHESTEBJ S ENGLISH in Red n ol mwjllic boxes sealed with blue rubon Talte no oilier Itcfiise dansrroun HiihnLi Inlioniinnd iiiiitntioiio Hiirnr1 irrir fir SPnrl Jr in vTumnd for T9 - moninU Js stamps Particular am lienor for Imlicn in letter irn Mail 10000 Testimonials bold bj ftcfe by return all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 8100 Aladiaon Square 1IIiA PA Alentloa this DDer The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it C MARSH The Butcher Phone 12 i mtn igigiB siyjgp I D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building MeCOOK NEBRASKA M ike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street in P Walsh building McCook I Com in Nebraska BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES Ecz ma Skin cancer and nil jiiinfnl itch ing skm treated by the most cer tain methods Moles Uirtl mat k mid fuciul bliMiitshes ruiiiovi d by etneity Blood poison in all stages All privit o and genito urinary diseases Cilli ruiM nitAUfE fitciilist Skin Blood 1 ienito Lrinnry lis 1213 O S ru t I Nebra ska i ilCIVATK lIUSiMTVL ramrgimajvug Buekstaff IHarn8SS Best Tvlade California Oak Leather No 1 Trimmings First Class Workmen Look for trade mark ON ENDS of TRACE Ask Your Dealer DR CALDWELL Of Chicago PRACTICING Aleopathy Homeopathy Electric and General Medicine will by request visit professionally McCOOK NEB OCT 2T At Palmer Hotel Hours l p m to 9 p m Returning- every four weeks Consult her while the opportunity is at hand DR CALDWELL limit her practice to the bpecial treatment of of the eje ear noe throat lungs female disease- diseases of children and all chronic and s urgical diseases of a curahlo nature Karly consump tion bronchitis bronchial citarrah chronic catarrh headache constipation and bowel troublesrheumati inneuraliria ciutica Bricnts disease kidney nervousness indigestion obesity interrupted nutrition slow growth in children and all wa tiiiR diseas es in adults deformities clulrfeet curvature of the spine dieaes of the briiii paralysis epilepsj heart disease drop j swelling of tho limb- stricture open sores pain in the bones granular enlargements and all long standing diseases properlj treated BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES Pimples blotches eruptions liver -pots fall ing of the hair bad complexion eczema throat ulcers bone pains bladder trouble weak back burning urine passing urine too often The effects of constitutional sickne or the taking of too much injurious medicine receives treatment prompt relief and a cure for life Diseases of women irregular menstruation fallingof the womb bearing down pains fe male displacements lack of sexual tone Len corrhea sterility or barrenness consult Dr vvamweu anu sne win snow tnem the cause of their trouble and the wai to become cured CANCER GOITER FISTULA PILES and enlarged glands treated with the subcutan eous injection method absolutely without Dam and without the loss of a drop of blood is one of her own discoveries and is really the mot scientific and certainly sure method of this ad vanced age Dr Caldwell has practiced her profession in some p tho largest hospitals throughout the country She has lately opened an ofhee in Omaha Nebraska where sho will spend a portion of each week treating her many patient3 No incurable cases accepted for treatment Consultation examination and ad vice ono dollar to those interested DR ORA CALDWELL CO Omaha Nebraska Chfcago Illinois Address all letters to 103 Boo Building Omaha Jfl V i f i f ff 1 r 2