The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1905, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Central Time 1150 p m
12 850 AM
14 955 pm
main line west depart
No 1 Mountain Timo 1206 p m
3 115pm
13 925 am
No 176 arrives Mountain Timo 540 P M
No 175dopurts 645 AM
Sloopinrc dining and reclining chair cars
seats freo on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
Statesor Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen
ger Agont Omaha Nebraska
Engine 1210 is uudergoing light re
A snowplow has been fitted for a Kl
engine at Denver
Engine 2533 came in on 1 yesterday
after an overhauling at Havelock
No 2 was so late Tuesday morning
that she passed No 13 at this station
Warren Anderson is a new machinist
coming hore from Fairbury last week
Knud Stangland has been promoted
to a foremanship in the Havelock machine-shop
Trainmaster Weidenhamers family
has joined him here coming from Gales
burg Illinois
General Foreman Fuller went home
- - yesterday morning sick He is suffer
f ing with a severo cold
Braketnan and Mrs Ira Converse re
turned close of last week from their
wedding trip through the west and
The enginemen have been placed in a
pool It is stated that the trainmen are
to be similarly dealt with but deponent
sayeth not
There were three No 3s on Tuesday
night and four No 3s Wednesday night
when 38 cars of passengers were hauled
on the four trains
Engine 1753 returned this week from
Havelok where has been overhauled and
reduced to a simple engine She is or
was an old style Baldwin 4 2 compound
A special speed train on the Pennsyl
vania Central recently made a run of
72 miles in 56 minutes a speed of 77 1 7
miles an hour There were four coaches
in the train
Quite a number of extra conductors
were made this week Among those
raised are Neal Beeler of Hastings
Worth Humphrey of Oxford E O
Scott of Kepublican City G L Miller
and W S Ackerman
are a symptom of tne most serious
trouble which can attack a woman
viz falling of the womb With this
generally comes irregular and painful
periods weakening drains backache
headache nervousness dizziness Ir
ritability tired feeling etc The cure is
The Female Regulator
that wonderful curative vegetable ex
tract which exerts such a marvelous
strengthening influence on all femala
organs Cardui relieves pain and
regulates the menses It is a sure
and permanent cure for all female
At all druggists and dealers in Si 00
In my womb and ovaries writes Mrs
Naomi Bake of Webster Grove Mo
also In my right and left sides and
my menses were very painful and Irreg
ular Since taking Cardui I feel like a
new woman and do not suffer as I did
It Is the best medicine I ever took
jXiIJIfli immtfrMM
C S Bricker piecework inspector
was at headquarters Monday
Enginemen are admonished to read
Bulletin about book of rules
Conductor Solliday is on the sicklist
Has been threatened with pneumonia
The young girls of she Episcopal
church held a social in the chapel last
Asst Supt of Motive Power Fitt evi
dently does not regard profanity as a
necessary railroad mans accomplish
A now trainmasters cierk has been
installed this week and the timekeepers
have been given anorther assistant
Still they are busy
Peter Daly a husky young1 fireman
who recentl came to this division from
the east once upon a time met Bat
tling Nelson in the ring
A cab has been built over the engine
and operating machinery of the wrecker
which will protect both the opeeator
and the machinery from the weather
Burlington Extension Probabilities
It is now known that during the past
summer the Burlington made two sur
veys connecting two Kansas lines of
the road with the main line to Denver
The surveys made connect Oberlin the
terminus of the line from Republican
running into Kansas with Atwood on
the St Francis line The other survey
connects St Francis with Haigler in
the southeast corner of the state on the
main line of the Burlington to Denver
The two lines would thus be connected
with the main line to the west as they
are now connected on the east These
surveys would involve fifty five miles of
railroad building would give the Bur
lington a double track between Republi
can City and Haigler would make it
possible to detour traffic in flood time
and during wreck troubles and would
lessen the possibility of congestion of
business on the McCook division
One of the main reasons for connect
ing these lines on the west is that a great
deal of stock and grain from the two
Kansas branches is now shipped to the
west and this must be sent east to the
junction with the main line The build
ing would be a benefit to Denver jobbers
and a detriment to Lincoln jobbers
Another survey made years ago and
partly graded at the time connects Im
perial in Chase county with Holyoke on
the Cheyenne line of the road
It is known that a surveying party
worked several weeks during the sum
mer on the matter of connecting the two
Kansas branches on the west with the
main line and that the line from St
Francis to Haigler presents engineering
difficulties of some magnitude Direc
tor Perkins of the Burlington owns a
big ranch near St Francis Lincoln
Owing to the strenuous times exper
ienced on the Sheridan division Road
Foremen Benedict and Fitzpatrick of
the Alliance division and Road Fore
man Newton of the Sterling division
have been called to Sheridan to assist in
clearing the blockade to keep tab on the
new engineers and firemen recently em
ployed and to see that the best results
are obtained from the engines which
are being overworked Alliance Herald
The rumor that telegraphers and sta
tion agents on the Burlington have re
ceived an increase of ten dollars per
month in pay is not considered It is
said that some adjustment of wage mat
ters has been arranged with telegraphers
but that no such horizontal increase
has been granted State Journal
Anybody Would Know
that Thanksgiving is coming from the
carvers roasters etc being received at
W T Colemans hardware store
Wanted Immediately
A number of freight handlers at Mc
Cook Inquire at once of Agent Scott
McCook Nebraska
Healthy Spices
Poor spices poor appetitepoor health
McConnells spices make good appetites
Heating stoves at all prices and of the
very best quality at W T Colemans
Halloween passed without any extra
ordinary manifestations
We Want a Partnership with Yon
You want shoes we have them good ones too Why cant we get together and transact business you will be
benefitted and it will benefit us We will give you the benefit of our knowledge a large stock to choose from
give you prices that are as low as good business principles will allow us to make and give you a quality style
and fit in footwear that you do not get when you go into a department store or from a mail order house Dont
forget we are here to make good any defect in the shoes you buy of us
The Model Shoe Store
Rumored Change at Aurora
There have been peristent rumors
during the past few weeks of the resig
nation of Assistant Superintendent
Frank Harris at Aurora Nebraska and
the following special telegram fom
there gives the rumor additional cred
ence This resignation almost clears
the slate of the last remnant of the
Campbell regime
Aurora Neb Oct 26 It is rumor
ed that Assistant Superintendent Har
ris of the Lincoln division with head
quarters here has resigned and that ho
will soon be succeeded by Trainmaster I
Bracken from the Wymore division
TtcuaisEH Neb Oct 26 E P
Uraclten who has been loadma ler of
the Burlington with hf idquartfis at
Table Rock for some lime hs been
promoted to be assi tant superiri e tlt nt
of the Lincoln division i will nino
his family from Table R ck to Lmkoii
at once
Both of above speci tls are taken from
tho Lincoln State Journal
Cross Eyed AiiscTn
Near the village of Monterey Mass
in the heart of the Berkshires on a
knoll peculiarly -well fashioned by na
ture for its uses is a burying ground
of the Revolutionary period which pos
sesses more than ordinary interest by
reason of its well preserved headstones
These headstones were cut from a na
tive stone which has endured the ele
ments so well for more than a hun
dred years that the inscriptions are
now almost as easily read as they were
when the stones were set in position
A striking peculiarity is found in the
carvings on the headstones apparent
ly all the work of one sculptor who
had a specialty in the creation of cross
eyed angels Almost every one of the
old headstones is ornamented at the
top with the head of an angel and
each angel face is unmistakably and
painfully cross eyed This characteris
tic has led some guests near the bury
ing ground to call it the cemetery of
cross eyed angels New York Trib
Cooking Fish In Clay
The natives of the north woods
have more appetizing ways to cook
fish than any other class of cooks in
the world I believe said a Tomah
The universal favorite hoAvever
seems to be the clay method The fish
is wrapped in the clay without having
so much as a scale ruffled by tho
cleaning knife He is not dressed and
the only seasoning is a pinch of salt
placed in the mouth When the fish is
done up in the clay the package is
placed In the embers of the campfire
to bake When it is done the clay is
cracked open and the scales of tho
fish are found to be sticking in the
clay and the head is then broken off
The delicate flavor of a fish cooked in
this way cannot be described Some of
the cooks have a habit of cutting a
long gash along each side of the dorsal
fin and inserting a slice of fat bacon
This adds greatly to the flavor of tho
fish Milwaukee Sentinel
A Strnnse Thunderstorm
It was a strange thunderstorm that
struck Suffolk England Aug 4 1577
According to Holinshed the tempest
of lightning came through the wall of
Bliborough church and went a yard into
the ground knocking over twenty peo
ple and killing two Then it came up
again mounted the steeple by way of
the vestry door broke the bells and
darted off to Bungay six miles dis
tant There according to another
chronicler it became a fiery black
dog which dashed between two people
kneeling in church and broke their
necks and clawed another man on the
back so that he was presently drawn
together and shrunk up as it were a
piece of leather scorched in a hot fire
Claw marks remained on the door to
prove the reality of the black dog
Old Time Advice to Travelers
Edward Leighs Hints For Travel
ers was published at the end of the
sixteenth century Only those who
speak Latin should travel he says and
every one should be well grounded in
the true religion lest he be perverted
abroad Travelers- should know their
own country before being allowed to
leave it Before his voyage the traveler
should make his peace with God re
ceive the Lords supper satisfy his
creditors if he be in debt pray earnest
ly to God to prosper him on his voyage
and to keep him from danger and he
should make his last will and wisely
order all his affairs since many that go
abroad return not home
A I Il ITY Proprietor
The Roman Bride Cnlce
Bride cake is a relic of the Roman
Confarreates a mode of marriage
practiced by the highest class in Rome
In Confarreation the bride was led to
the altar by bachelors but conducted
home by rrried men and the cere
mon3 took phee In the presence of ten
witnesses by the Pontifex Maximus
whereupon the contracting parties mu
tually partook of a cake made of salt
water and Hour Only those who were
born in such wedlock were eligible for
the high sacred offices But the cus
tom of breaking a cake over the
brides head when she enters her hus
bands house is borrowed from the
Greeks Avho as an emblem of future
plenty poured figs and other fruits
over the heads of both bride and bride
Pockets In Their Cheeks
Chipmunks squirrels and ground
squirrels take food in their mouths and
with their tongues push it out between
the teeth Into an elastic pouch connect
ing with the mouth thus extending
the cheeks The pocket gophers have
pockets outside the mouth along the
front of the cheeks These pockets ex
tend back under the skin to the shoul
ders and are filled and emptied by the
aid of the fore feet and claws They
are often stuffed so full of pieces of
roots stems and leaves as to give a
very ludicrous appearance to the litt
animal Roots and stems are cut into
pieces about an inch long and packed
lengthwise Leaves are folded or rolled
to fill the smallest space St Nicholas
Whlttleri Good WIhIici
A young woman once sat at a board
ing house table beside a reserved and
awkward country boy whom she de
lighted to tease When she left she
asked him to write in her autograph
album The poem which John G
Whlttier wrote there stands as a warn
ing to other young ladies that she who
laughs first at a seemingly dumb coun
tryman may be herself laughed at
many years later The quaint conclud
ing stanza is
Thy life may nothing- vex it
Thy years be not a few
And at thy final exit
May the devil miss his duo
In consideration of the very impor
tant fact that three fourths of the prin
cipal constituents of the body is water
and that it is far more essential than
food how little heed is paid to the mat
ter of its consumption and purity by
the average person One to two quarts
of pure cool water should be consum
ed daily by every one Eight full
glasses of water daily should be taken
throughout the day between meals
was the advice given by a noted phy
sician in a lecture on dietetics
Tombstone Advice
On the tombstone of Richard Cutter
and wife who were buried In Hudson
N H in 1790 and 1788 Is the follow
ing advice
Watch ye that live for ye dont know
How near ye are to death
Or what may give the fatal blow
To stop your fleeting breath
Editing Under Difficulties
Little Sister Most of the articles in
your paper this month is awful poor
Little Brother editor Amateur Month
ly I know It but the boys that wrote
em sent stamps for their return and I
needed the stamps
A Bnsliel of Children
Willie Ive been married five years
and got a bushel of children James
Hows that Willie My name is Peck
Ive got four children Dont four
pecks make a bushel New York
A Doubtful Compliment
Maud What was it he said about
me May He merely remarked that a
woman is as old as she looks Maud
The idea How old does he think I
Typhoid Ento and Pare Water
In Vienna the typhoid rate or 12 1
deaths to 10000 inhabitants fell to i
after a pure water supply was ob
tained In Dantzig the mortality fell
from 10 per 10000 to 15 In Munich
after the introduction of a good water
suppiy and proper sewerage the rate
fell from 21 per 10000 to 63 and in
Boston from 174 to 56
Pain may go by the name of rheuma
tism neuralgia lumbago pleurisy No
matter what name the pains are called
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will
drive them awa 35 cents
L W McConnell
it is
Dress Goods
Burlington Bulletin Rates
Special Homeseekers Rates Greatly
reduced round trip rates to the North
Platte Valley and the Big Horn Basin
October 17th November 7th and 21st
December 5th and 19th This is an un
usually good chance for you to look at
lands in these new regions which offer
a big profit to those who secure them
Home Visitors Excursion Visit the
old home when you have cleared up the
seasons work Cheap excursion rates
to various sections of the East The
only excursion November 27th limit
twenty one days
Winter Sunshine in the Mountains
Daily low excursion rates to Colorado
A Cheap Way to Spend the Winter
in California The very lowest one way
rates daily to California and Puget
Sound when you add the one way rate
eastbound in tho spring you have se
cured a very low round trip rate
Through tourist sleepers to the whole
Coast region
Cheap Homeseekers Rates to the
West Southwest and South the first
and third Tuesdays of each month
Write me iust what trip you have in
mind and let me advise you the least
cost and the best way to make it
LWWakeley GPAOmaha 11 3
If you are troubled with indigestion
it will pay you to look at
constipation sour stomach or any other i
pain Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea
make you well and keep you well
L W McConnell
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn as
Wheat 63
Oats 25
Rye SA
Barley 20
Hogs 4 75
Eggs 13
Good Battel 20
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 11 Fresh and Salt Meats