V i I My By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Official Paper of Redwillow County REPUBLICAN TICKET STATE Suproino Judgo C HABLKS B LETTON Regents V G Lyford Fred H Abbott county Treasurer Benjamin Q Gossabd Clork Edwin J Wilcox JuIro JosEni C Moonn Sheriff H Ira Peterson Superintendent Flora B Qdick Coroner Dr J D Hare Surveyor James Williams Commissioner 1st District Frank S Lofton Commissioner ird District Cl a hence B Gray You are another Jasper The pub lisher of The Tribune would rather tell the truth than be president or a McCook alderman President Roosevelts recent trip south is but another evidence of the marvelous versatility and power of the greatest president since Abraham Lin coln A Kansas man who wanted to break up a newspaper was advisod by his lawyer to buy it and run it himself He did and succeeded beyond his most san guine expectations Congressman Landis of Indiana re cently witnessed a game of football and then went on record in the following language I desire to register my opinion that dog fighting cock fighting and bull fighting are Sunday Rchool games in comparison with modern foot ball Amen Joseph C Moore the Republican nominee for the office of county judge has been a resident of Red Willow coun ty for twenty fiye years and needs no introduction or word of commendation from The Tribune or anyone else for that matter and yet it is always a pleas ure to endorse an honest upright cap able nominee for office Such Joseph C Moore is The office of county judge one of the most important in the county will be in safe and honorable hands when Joe Moore assumes its duties next January An upright active residence in our midst of a quarter of a century guarantees it Besides his character qualifications he has the mental and clerical capacities to fulfill the duties of county judge faithfully and efficiently Give him a large vote next Tuesday Your confidence and franchise will not be misplaced To The Voters of Red Willow County As the candidate of the Populist and Democratic parties for sheriff of Red Willow county I find myself owing to the unusual demand for mechanics un able to make a personal canvas of the county I therefore place my candi dacy in the hands of my friends and as sure them that in case I am elected sher iff of this county I will conduct myself and the office in such a manner that no man will have reason to regret his sup port given me Holding the views I do that a pass given to a public official is a bribe I shall under no circumstances accept a pass from any railroad in case I am elected and it is tendered me 1 was born in this grand state educated in it and while I am proud of Nebraska and her institutions I would be prouder were her public servants unfettered in the discharge of their duty to their state by the abolishment of the pass evil I am willing to court defeat on this issue Respectfully yours Cecil E Matthews Bartley Neb Oct 23 1905 u 14 Take cold easily Throat tender Lungs weak Any relatives have consumption Then a cough means a Ch great erry Pectoral 1 deal to you Follow your doctors advice and take Ayers Cherry Pectoral It healsj strengthens prevents For 40 years I liave depended on Ayers Cherrr lectoral for coughs and colds I know it greatly strengthens ivealc 1imp Sins I A ltouiNSON Saline Mich 25C50CS100 All timceisis for JC AYEtlCO Tnivi 1 Miss axscsmxsMasiZfssi eak Lub OSKDflCT CTKE Avars Pills increase xha cc vity of the liver and thus aid recoi ry i i The Republican State Platform 1 Endorses the administration of Roosevelt and supports his efforts to control corporations engaged in interstate commerce 2 Demands immediate relief through existing laws or legislation from re bates and discriminations 3 Endorses the declaration of Roosovelt that corporations engaged in in terstate commerce should be under the supervision of some branch of of the executive government d Demands that Nebraska representatives in congress support the policy of the president in the correction of corporate abuses 5 Declares for the direct primary system 6 Commends the economical administration of state offices by republican officials 7 Declares against the free pass system nnd recommends a law to pro- hibit it sSsfSsfSSSm Judge Lettons Acceptance Gentlemen of the Convention I am not in any temper of mind at the present time or have the power of voice to make a speech I am not an orator at any time I want to say that I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this nomination I think no higher honor can be paid to a citizen of your state than to be nominated for the office of justice of the supreme court That court carries with it the power of life and death the disposition of the property of any man in the state and it is the most responsible position that can be tendered or given to any man in the state I appreciate the responsi bility of this position I want to say too that if elected which I expect to be I shall know neither rich or poor neither corporation or individual and that so far as in me lies I will dispense justice with even hand to every man within the borders of the state I am told that your committee on resolutions will report to this con vention declaring against the issuance of free transportation by the rail roads in this state I want to say to you that I am in hearty accord with that declaration Further I understand that they have endorsed our president and 1 staud firmly with them on that proposition Further I understand they will report in favor of a direct primary The closer you get to the people the better for the interests of all I wish to thank the convention for this nomination I want to thank mv friends who made the magnificent fight upon this convention floor for mo I thank you all gentlemen To Move Quick Postofflce South An effort is being made to move the postoffice at Quick Frontier county one half mile south of its present loca tion Can Men Cook Come and see at the oyster supper given by the men at the Congregational church November 3rd Admission ana supper 25 cents K of P Convention Next Wednesday The local lodge is making active and pains taking arrangements for the dist rict convention to be held in McCook on naxt Wednesday afternoon and evening All Knights of Pythias in this part of the state have an urgent invitation to be present A banquet in the evening will be a concluding feature Iowa State Register and Farmer The old Iowa State Register enters its second half century in a new form with new departments and under a modified title It is now issued in magazine form This makes it handy to hold and more easily preserved With the new departments that have been added and under the editorship of Joe Trigg the always reliable Register is one of the best farm and home papers in the coun try In keeping with its change in form and manner the paper will henceforth be called the Iowa State Register and Farmer The subscription price is only fifty cents a year We recommend our readers to send to Des Moines for free sample copies Must Have First Grade Certificates Disregarding frequent warnings from the office of the state superintendent one third of the candidates for county superintendent in Nebraska have failed to comply with the new law requiring candidates for this office to qualify by securing a first grade teachers certifi cate The certificate must be had when the candidate is elected The election will take place November 7 In order to permit the delinquent ones to qualify for office State Superintendent Mc Brien has declared an emergency and ordered a special examination for No vember 3 and 4 This examination is only for candidates for the office of county superintendent and a candidate may take an examination at any county seat Lincoln Journal Frauds in Land Locations Denver Colo Oct 30 Capiases were served today on seven well known residents of Washington and Yuma counties located in the northwestern portion of Colorado based on indict ments returned by the federal grand jury sitting at Pueblo last week charg ing forgery and perjury in the location of government lands in the counties re ferred to Inspectors of the land office claim to have evidence of gross frauds commit ted by a ring which included former officials of the land registry office at Akron and many highly respected cit izens They asert however that a great number of the offenses have be come outlawed and that nothing can be done in these instances Further investigation is expected to result in many additional arrests The plan followed the inspectors explain was to make fraudulent final proofs on abandoned timber culture claims November Term an Equity Session The next term of district court in Red Willow county which sets on Monday November 13th will be an equity term and consequently no jury will be called PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES November Worlds Work contains A Personal Study of Rodin by Wil liam G Fitzgerald The home life and his working habits of the great sculptor early poverty and struggles his un changing course in working out his own inspirations unhindered by rebuffs Also The real conditions at Panama A wrong start to make the dirt fly Men ill fed ill housed discouraged Red tape and bad health A reorganization a new start and a hopeful outlook for a harder job than we realized by Eugene P Lyle Jr We have The Mettle of the Pasture a late book by James Lane Allen author of The Choir Inivisible A Kentucky Cardinal AlthoughThe Mettle of the Pasture is in all its course eminently characteristic of Mr James Lane Allen its opening will seem to the average novel reader distinctly original The heroine is presented to us on the evening when having received her sweethearts letter avowing his love she awaits his coming prepared to bestow upon him her heart and hand without reserve They have loved each other long and this is the natural and expected culmi nation of their years of mutual devotion He tells her presently that there is something in his past life which he must avow After a struggle with him self to discover which is the mora wrong to tell her which means to hurt her or to keep his guilty secret He tells her She shrinks from him aud escapes to her room Rowans secret is not at the time revealed to the reader who there after follows first sad experience of Isabel She feels that she has been fearfully wronged and she resolves to cut Rowan from the list of her friends even from that of her acquaintances Isabel is an orphan who has been brought up by her grandmother The projected marriage is the dearest wish of this grandmothers heart The con flict between the two souls in regard to the matter the secret of which Isabels will not reveal to her unscrupulous re lation is wonderfully described At seventy Mrs Conyers preserved the rosy freshness the diplomacy the activity the desire for social power of youth and all the traits of the jungle The description of her long course of un scrupulous endeavor to wring Isabels secret from her and then to find out things from others which could be pieced together brings out in all the stronger relief the beauty and the nobility and the exaltation of Isabels wonderfu nature This is only the beginning of the story which thereafter involves more and more people including old Judge Morris into the creation of whose per sonality the author has poured all the love and passion of his nature In the manner of its writing the story shows Mr Allen at his very best Library hours Mornings from 1030 to 12 oclock afternoon from 130 to 6 oclock evenings from 7 to 9 oclock Sunday afternoon 2 to 5 oclock Ida McCarl Librarian UUT AND WIRE NAILS METHODS BY WHICH THEY ARE TURNED OUT IN VAST QUANTITIES The Wire Nail Proces In Simple and Almont Wholly Automatic While the Cat Nail IroccHM Ik Lckh Auto matic and Much Harder The making of nails is one of the oldest American as it is one of the oldest English industries but in Great Britain the greater part of the product has been hand work in America ma chine work Of modern nails the wire or French nails and the common cut nails are made in quantities which far exceed all other kinds The wire nails have increased enormously in general use during recent years but there are still many purposes for which cut nails are preferred The process of making wire nails is exceedingly simple and almost wholly automatic A large reel or spool of wire of a size equal to that of the shank of the nail to be made feeds forward at each revolution of the ma chine a piece of wire equal to the length of the nail and n fraction of an inch more This is seized firmly by clamps which straighten while they hold it and at the same time a pair of jaws so cut the wire as to leave a sharp point to the nail Before the clamps let go their hold a hammer the face of which is a die strikes the other end of the- wire a sharp blow which forms the head The clamps have corrugated sur faces not merely to hold the nail more securely but to impress upon it a series of ridges and depressions which make it harder to draw out when once driven home The making of cut nails is less auto matic and much harder Any one who has seen a nailmaker at work will un derstand the aptness of the old expres sion to work like a nailer The iron for cut nails is first rolled into sheets the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the nail It is then cut into plates as Avide as the nail is loug and of such length as a man can han dle conveniently say from fifteen to twenty inches The nail cutting machine is a heavy compact piece of meclmnism not much larger than a sewing machine before which the nailmaker sits on a stool It consists of but little more than a pair of shears strong enough to cut iron three eighths of an inch thick and a heading hammer Any one who will examine a cut nail will find that the shank tapers not on all four sides from the head as he may have supposed but on two sides only The other two sides are parallel It is the neglect to notice this fact which leads so many persons to start a nail into wood in a way which splits it From a small furnace near the ma chine the nailmaker draws a plato which has come to a dull red heat Holding this by means of pinchers he feeds the edge farthest from him to thu jaws of the machine As they descend they shear a tapering strip from the edge This is seized by clamps which hold it just long enough for the head ing hammer to strike the blow which forms the head and then drop it Now if the nailer were simply to push the plate forward again the tapering character of the strip which is sliced off would destroy the rectan gular shape of the plate and the nails would neither be of a length nor have square heads and points To obviato this difficulty the plate must be turned over between every two nails that are cut so that the head of the nail will come alternately from one side of the plate and from the other This and it is the principal part of the nailers work is done with a sim ple turn of the wrist and the plate is fed forward as before As the ma chines run at considerable speed and the flop must be accurately timed in order that the end of the plate may meet the shears at the right moment and in the right place the difficulty and the tiresome nature of a nail makers work may be imagined Some idea of it may be had by holding the thick end of a shingle in a pair of tongs and attempting so to turn it with a single motion of the wrist that alernate sides will lie uppermost on a table A good nailmaker will make from two to four flops that is will cut from two to four nails a second the smaller nails of course being made more rapidly than the larger ones As the plate grows cool it is returned to the oven to be reheated and another plate takes its place A nailinakers hands and arms al ways show the character of his work by the tremendous development of cer tain special muscles and by callouses which become as hard as horn The common names of nails sixpen ny eightpenny teupenny and so forth are believed to be corruptions of six pound eight pound and ten pound names given in England to denote the weight of one thousand of a given kind of nails Sixpenny and eightpenny was an easy step from sixpun and eightpuu Edward Willistoa Trentz in Youths Companion The Other Way Around It seems to me exclaimed Aunt Rachel j ou two are always qusrrel ing when I come in On the contrary maam vocifer ated the masculine end of the domestic controversy You always happen In when were quarreling Chicago Trib une The animals to whom nature has given the faculty we call cunning know always when to use it and use it wisely but when man descends to cunning he blunders and betrays PATRIOTIC OLE BULL The GreatcNt Political Influence I Modern Norway Whht was it that made Ole Bull nv dcnlably the greatest political influ ence in the history of modern Norway The riddle is easy to read Althoui3i he voiced the peasants his own voice was that of no peasant but one of th most severely learned of European ut terances His instrumental mastery was complete and the technical diffi culties of his compositions have left them for the most part unperformable But Mozart was his chosen theme worshiped with such an ardor of con secration that the whole range of his works had for him no secret His fame therefore was of that order that opens all doors Statesmen and chief captains like Bismarck and Von Moltko were his intimates and he was their confidant To world artists like Liszt Chopin and Mendelssohn he was own brother Indeed a curious physical resemblance between Lisct and himself led to many amusing contretemps on this score And sovereigns diplo matists and great nobles were all proud to name him among their friends In him then Norway had found one who could stand for her in the highest ranks of the nations learn for her the secrets of statecraft and recover In her behalf the trick of thinking like a king For this is one of the losses en tailed on a people who are governed by foreigners from a foreign seat that they forget to think of their country as a whole the habit that Is the secret of rulers Yet it was only as a man and not by any means as a politician that an autocrat could claim the friendship of the distinguished artist His own sov ereign felt that he had cause for grave offense when the news reached Stock holm in 1S4S of his heading a pro cession in Paris to present the Norwe gian colors to Lamartiue But even royal anger could not resist the good stories told on the next visit and the king stood biting his lip at the careless bonhomie of Ole Bull as he turned suddenly and said By the way sire you should have been with us the other day in Taris when we went to ac claim Lamartiue Margaret E Noble in Century WOMENS WEAR IN WARTIME Homemade Cloth of Many Kinds Scruicd Horn For Hats We had one cotton mill to spin the warp The people stood in line to get a bunch of cotton for warp The filling was yarn cotton ilax and tow We got our dyestuff from the forest It was almost as bad on timber as the tanbark trade is now There was great rivalry among the women to see who could have the prettiest dress I have a quilt made of cotton and linen called a Confederate quilt The clothing for every member of the family was made from the raw ma terial carded spun woven dyed and made with homespun thread The tow linen cloth had one peculiar ity It was a great stretcher It was often exchanged for other things A man and his wife startcJ to town with cloth sufficient to get some articles On the way he remembered he needed a gimlet also He told his wife They decided to tie the ends of the cloth to two saplings he to stretch a gim let out of it I took great interest in the silk in dustry We fed the worms on mul berry leaves and such beautiful silk we did have A bright stripe in a cot ton dress made it very fine A family made gloves beautiful silk mitts with bees embroidered on the back Noth ing went to waste The thorn trees furnished us pins and hairpins Our millinery was our crowning effort Hats were made of cotton thread cro cheted put on a block stretched very stiff and ironed then wired We had homemade flowers and all kinds of ma terial for trimming A cloth frame made stiff and covered with scraped cows horn was much admired if it did look like a cocoanut cake Char lotte X C Observer This Stream Itnns Up Hill One of the few instances of a stream running up hill can be found in White county Ga Near the top of a moun tain is a spring evidently a siphon and the water rushes from it with suf ficient f orce to carry It up the side of a very steephill for nearly half a mile Reaching the crest the water flows on to the east and eventually fiuds its way to the Atlantic ocean Of course it Is of the same nature as a geyser but the spectacle of a stream of water flowing up a steep incline can probably be found nowhere else In the country and appears even more remarkable than the geysers of the Yellowstone Overoonfiilcnce It is a dangerous point in any mans career when he feels sure of his posi tion or his fame Overconfldence is the first sign of a decline the first symptoms of deterioration We do our best work when we are struggling for our position when we are trying with all our might to gain our ambi tion to attain that which the heart longs for Success Magazine The Real Tests Is he a thoroughly honest man I dont know answered the man from Missouri I have trusted him with hundreds of thousands of dollars but I never tried him with a book or an umbrella Washington Star Missed IIci Clinsee May I believe that Miss Passey had a proposal when she was sixteen Blanche Indeed And the poor thing was so young and thoughtless that she lid not accept The oftener a man lose5 his temper he more he has of It Galveston News Fashionable and reliable suits coats skirts uaucrwcjr corsets and o a- low prices As affent for - - in t Americas fore most costutirv 1 ani In a i Miiin tuoauriiia vt mis vicinit iRyv Mionplnjr artvamni 7C J c v b i h urn eijO eil by v -- r me uaiut iiis in rnt r Va -Vv -v rrest cities thn rwlviin v 1 v jjh 5 ZJ iH l it L mt f tucsoi strictly corn- WW Wml mmt m lmm mi Mmim m r r num tmmt timx I Its combined xrlVj Vac lovcst prices ob- tnlnnliln nnv PVvrr where WfrMU You an have garments made to your special or der selecting your own style and material and having your measurements taken by a sys tem which in sures a perfect fit It is a thoroughly scientific system which is giving perfect satwtac tion today to thousands of Mandcl Bros customers all overthecountry MrlHJlSr f - VMoX The style supre macy y is no better known than the low cost of t h o 1 r K a r The most economical therefore as well as the most par ticular will be pleased with the service- they receive through this agency I invite every lndy who desires to be always fashionably and at the same time economically dressed to call and examine Mandel Brothers latest modes in suits wraps skirts and other apparel AGENT FOR Mandel Brothers Chicago AT MrCOOK NEBRASKA 1 MI Dr 7Jiaiaimt iari C Reynolds Rooms 1Q UO Iturr Block Surgery and Gynecology f one eco i i itL L uCOIu HKU CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Christian Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a in Y P S C E at 715 pm Preaching at 815 pm Elder Wilson of Indianola will occupy the pul pit on both occasions All are welcome L F Sanfokd Pastor Baptist Rev A B Carson will close his pastorate with this church next Sun day lie will speak in the morning on The Romance of the Way In the evening upon The Highest Mission of Memory A cordial invitation to all A B Carson Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the months Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 Sermons 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 7 Sunday school lesson Esther 410 to 53 Praise and prayer service at 3 Meetings every night next week Mrs Beck and daughter will sing at each service Everybody invited M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 Preaching atll am and 7 30 p m C E at 630 p m leader Miss Lily Campbell Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 pm Rev H C Halber sleben of Palisade will preach in ex change with the pastor Note change in hour of evening services Special music All are cordially invited Geo B Hawkes Pastor Be Humane to your faithful animals Buy a horso blanket at W T Colemans A large and fine selection Take advantage of The Tribunes ex traordinary subscription offer found on second page of this issue A company of high school friends en joyed a delightful Halloween party at the home of J WVAndrews of the cus tomary particulars and seasonable feat ures DONT LOOK AT THIS and then say Not Worth While but come and Fee really what the worth of 5 and 10 cents amounts to at THE IDEAL Xew goods arrivinc weekly A line stock of HOLIDAY GOODS will be offered at verv inter esting prices The Ideal 5 l0c Store Opposite Postoffice f k - fj J s y V S A - - y i