E S I - m We will be MHMWIHIIIfeJHMHHaUUI Open for Dry Thompson hassold hisrestau Yant business to a man named Shafer who hails from the east somewhef e MrsM Lawritsonnnd children visit ed in Holdrege last weekjjthe Jjuests of -her sister Mrs Christina Stevenson iMrs Norman Bakerf accompanied by1 aer rtwo jroungest children visited in Bartley theJatter part of -last week Thomas Duncan arrived home from Minco Indian Territory Tuesday night visit awhile with his family Mrs Martin Akers and children went to McCook Saturday evening where they swill visit relatives for a feWdaysT Mr Puckelts new residence isneaV ing completion and when finished wjllbe one of the handsomest residences in town - T - li c - Qmte animprovementJs goingn jyjtuigan I I 11 Ul J I I I I IWI I1 M iTT the eaBtwsuburb3 of town in thBhapep S or a Qoaysiltueuiresiaence t juilt by Marion Powell for the use of his tenants V Business Will Fitch fs mending slowly and is able to sit up a very little each day He is very much reduced and it will be a long time before he is himself again Mrs A H Reynolds received a tele gram from Illinois Friday morning announcing the serious illness of her aged mother She left immediately for herbedside Mr and Mrs Whitmore father and mother of H C Whitmore arrived in Indianola Friday morning from their home in Illinois to make their son and family a visit The infant child of Mr andMrsFred Burt- died Tuesday afternoon and- was ouriea xnursaay me iunerai sermon was preached by Rev E Smith of the M E church at the home A little altercation occurred on our Streets Tuesday afternoon which result ed in a trial between W Short livery man and Bob Haining of the Up Town livery barn It took two lawyers and a jury to settle the trouole George Wyrick living north of Indian ola sold his farm the other day for- 12000 He offered the same farm a few years ago for 3000 and felt verymuch disappointed because his offer was re jected What does he think now JGWNorris lectured in the tional church last Wednesday evening The attendance was small on account of the darkness and rain Those who had the good fortune to hear him pronounce the lecture extremelyentertaini ng 1 - vuv 4 t por Sale A 3Ona recristered Shorthorn hull - el 1 i J uvu years old WHBENjAiiNBanksville Neb TMy L A 1 DANBURY George Welchs baby is quite ill Mrs Lewis Cann is still very low Ithamer Pew is here visiting his chil dren They have begun to build a house for Mrs Davis Little Jack Wicks has been quite poor ly with heart trouble but is better Nathan Hethuote and wife left for Iowa Sunday to spend the winter J L Sims shipped two car loads of hogs to Kansas City this week H W Keys and C W Dow of In dianola was here Tuesday on business Sam Messner has returned from In diana where he attended his fathers fun eral G B Morgan shipped a car load of potatoes to St Francis Kansas this week Rev Hall returned to his home 10 miles northeast of Indianola Tuesday for a short visit Mrs Hargers mother who had been visiting herreturned to her home in Mis souri last week Miss Gathia Noe of McCook visited at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs J E Noe Sunday C W Dow and family of Indianola visited at the homes of J L Sargent and J E Noe Sunday Mr McGuire Anderson Graham Mr Drake and L D Newberry have all sold their farms to some land buyers from the east- Mr and Mrs Fair who were visiting T E McDonalds and J G Evers left for their home in Council Bluffs Tues day evening Mrs S W Stilgebouer Sr left for Omaha Tuesday evening to have her eyes operated on for a cataract S W Stilgebouer Sr and daughter Lulu ac companied her COLEMAN HTV1 Cole took two loads of hogs to McCook Monday Mrs Mary Maloy nee Heun of Colo rado is here visiting the home folks Harry Cole has gone to Iowa and will make his home there for the present He was Ibrn here rin August 1885 and grew to manhood here He is aline young man and we wish him success long life anc happiness t C Slagel and Alma Lepper locked arms forlife on Wednesday last week They came here when littjte totsand grew up here They are very worthy young people and we wish them a long prosperous and happy life Wednesday LEBANON Mr Turner was sick again last week A concert troop visited town last week D F Hupp has painted his residence again L J Shippe was a Bartley visitor last Monday Henry Ilelt has sold his five acre tract to Robert Orr H L Harsch is building a nice resi dence on his farm Henry Helt and wife have gone to Missouri on a visit Kittie Wallman who has been sick so long is able to be up Bert Kennie is living in Wm Smidts now house until spring There was a party at che P B Garret home last Friday evening Mr and Mrs A O Bartholomew visited their daughter in Bartley first of the week Bert Kinnie and wife and their daught er Sadie and husband have moved here from Council Bluffs Iowa Walter M Pennington was out from Bartley last week and built an addition 16x31 on Wm Murphys barn Mr and Mrs Henry Conrad are home from their trip through Colorado Utah Idaho Washington Oregon etc They report a godd time Nellie Ferrill took No 5 at Bartley and visited in McCook from Friday un til Sunday - She visited friends in Bart ley until Monday Ed Clark has a position running the scoop house for the Farmers Shipping Association at Wilsonville We under stand he will move his family there John Hummels father was out from Illinois a short time ago and while here he offered Emmett Horton fifty dollars per acre for his divide farm Old Mr Hummel was expecting every year that John would move back to Illinois Mrs Add West i3 here from Rice Lake Wisconsin Her father B F Bradbury has heen here several weeks visiting and has beenquite poorly most of the time while here we understand Mrs West came to accompany him home Fred Fritz has returned Jromr Wash ington He bought a half section of Mr Talcott and has built a new house and barn is still enthusiastic aboufcWashington but says he wanted room o raise cattle He only had about in WSshington v ii jrtf Takeadvantage of The Tribunes ex traordinary subscription offer found on second page of thisjtesue With a NEW EXCLUSIVE and UPTODATE LINE of orning Nov 1st - - Wf BARTLE i J B Haining lost a valuable horse last week George Wyrick sold three quarters of land last week for S10000 The lumber bill for Seward Flanni gans new barn was over 40000 Miss Grace Curlee of Lincoln visited in Bartley a few days this week E J Wilcox was in Bartley Friday shaking hands with his many friends James Sipe has a fine field of beets that is making twenty tons to rhe acre Two parties in our city were trying to rent property but found no vacant build ings Mr Fidler is building new side walks and crossings A welcome improve ment M D Hobbs was a visitor Wednes day in Bartley with Mr and Mrs II L Brown Mr and Mrs J Fletcher and Mr and Mrs Art Stevens visited in Danbury over Sunday Hewn Konhouse is building a large barn on the farm he recently purchased of W J Irvine Miss Bessie Walking has- recovered from her recqnt illness and resumed her place at teacher in our school George Cramer was down from Indian ola last week assisting in making need ed repairs on the Bartley bridge Mr Moore of Tyrone was a visitor in Bartley this week looking after his in terests as candidate for county judge Nebraska has again won fame in re ceiving at the Portland exposition 63 gold medals most of which were for corn Messrs Meeker and Pickens were whizzing around Bartley this week in their auto looking for voters favorable to them A Craig and his niece Mrs Frank Jennings returned from Curtis Tuesday evening and report their relatives re covering from typhoid fever The piling that has been out from under the river bridge for several monFhs were replaced with new piling last week commissioner Premer superintending the work The question is frequently asked Why does John Pipher go through Bartley toward the Republican river but always stops on this sidef An swers next week Red Willow county officers and con ventions have acted wisely in making nominations for commissioners and no hitch or confusion will arise on account of their election next month ions Our goods were all carefully selected from the largest and best stocks in THE EAST before the prices on wool and cotton were advanced and by visiting many of the principal markets we were able to secure exclusive and individual patterns in DRESS and WAIST LENGTHS of SILKS SILK EOLIENES CREPES FRENCH FLANNELS and all the new and latest weaves in WOOL DRESS FABRigs AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Are All Guaranteed Areon Rustable Are Perfect Pitting Are of Highest Quality but sell at prices as cheap as the CHEAPER MAKES ranging in price from 50c 100 150 and up to 600 per pair We VilJLsejl you a CORSET FOR ONE DOLLAR AND ABSO LUTELY GUARANTEE IT not to break on the sides If you break your corsets at this point ask for our CATT BREAKEM Style 55 LADIES BELTS in the NEW TAILORED EFFECTS i We will sell you for from 25c to 250 each and in all colors to match your gown This Belt for 25c We can furnish you in any color LADIES FANCY COLLARS AND TURNOVERS Call and see soma things new and stylish in this line We will show you exclusive designs styles and colors Beautiful Artistic Attractfve Our Underwear Stock INDIANOLA v 1 WU Allen has purchased a fine dew IpTano for the children Mrs J V r Welborp hasTeturned ifrora her Missouri trip vr J G W Norris returned -to his home in iMcCook Thursday night Mrs Daharsh livinjxorhftpwDis very sick with heart trouble Professor Calvin has organized a large singing class with more to follow Landlord Cosgro spent afejv days In Lincoln last weekin a business way Will Fritsch is able- tojbe oak again Jafter several weeks tussle wif h typhoid fever- c - - Mrs Lawritson and children returned tfrom their Holbrook visit Thursday niglit Miss Flora Quick went to McCook Thursday night on business pertaining Jto her office - G W Short came home Saturday from his eastern trip Whilo away he visited Chicago and several other cities of note Mr Cosgro of the Cosgro hotel took the train for Kansas CitySunday morn- ing where he will receive treatment for his infirmities A little brawl occurred on cur streets last Monday evening between two young men non residents of this place No bones were broken Mrs James McClung is taking care of a few weeks old baby from the home until a permanent place can be found for the little stranger i John Dolans little daughter is nursing a broken arm caused by falling from the foundation of their new house on which sbehad been -walking Miss Mabel Carmichael who is teach ing north of town went to her home in Cambridge Saturday morning returning Jo five Sunday night Vor their home in Oklahoma last Thurs day evening W A Dolan is having an addition ibuilt onto his newly acquired property -an north Indianola F M Strockej is building a neat four room brick house near his residence for rental purposes - t EL V Keyesls having a new sidewals built in front of his office Luke Hay len is doing the work Ethel Silvernail arrived home Tues day night from Adams Neb where she has been visiting friends Thomas Duncan of JMinco I -T ar rived in this cjty on JasJTjaesdayQVen rl ri sing lur uvisii ttitu ms iulujjj S- New Walsh Block Phone 56 it q In Our HOSIERY DEPARTMENT you will be surprised at the EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES and ELEGANT FINISH found in every pair of our LADIES AND CHILDRENS STOCK INGS Our prices throughout this de partment will make you COME BACK CUSTOMERS GIVE IT A TRIAL DONT FAIL TO SEE our assort ment of Outings Flannelettes Knit Goods Gloves Mittens Embroideries Laces Trimmings etc will save you MONEY TIME and PATIENCE How Because we bought no seconds nor did we select the cheap est garments we could find to retail at the popular prices but for 25c 50c 75c 100 and up to 250 garments we carefully selected the very best values obtainable instead of trying to save from 25c to 150 on every dozen and thereby giving our customers an INFERIOR GARMENT at a POPULAR PRICE LET US SELL YOU YOUR UNDERWEAR YOU JUDGE ITS VALUE WE KNOW YOULL COME AGAIN C A PNEQTI V TMt7TTE VATT t0 visit our store and look over our new stock Whetherou buy or not your visit will be appreciated We will WE eAKJMEjILI llNVilE IUU at all times endeavor to have anything you may want in our line and giving our entire attention to thislexclusive line of merchandise we can better supply the wants of the ladies in McCook and of every family in Red Willow County Our Time is Always Yours Courteous Treatment to AH n w vLA THUHWilll C JU JL 1 a 30IO V X iiaf 4 mk J John Theobald returned to his home Tuesday after several weeks visit with his sister Mrs Francis Robinson Grand Custodian R E French gave a three days school of instruction to the Masons of Bartley last week Several parties from Ilolbrook and Indianola were in attendance and all enjoyed a banquet Saturday evening RED WILLOW Mrs Wm Meyers spent the day with Mrs Tyler Monday The Helms are undergoing the throes of threshing this week Mrs E A Sexson is visiting friends in Furnas county this week Mrs Smith and Mrs Tyler have re covered from their sickness Dr Ireland and wife were visiting friends on the Willow last Sunday Jacob Longnecker and family will re turn to their home in Colorado this week Jacob Longnecker and family spent a pleasant evening with Will Randals family the first of the week Mrs F C Smith had an at home Wednesdaj evening Oct 2o postponed from Oct 18 on account of sickness The Better Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated you cough and there is more irrita tion more coughing You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for a while You take SCOTTS EMULSION and it cures the cold Thats what is necessarv It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength Thats how Scotts Emulsion deals with a sore throat a cough a cold or bronchitis WELL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE SCOTT B0WNE 5f i 4 n t Tf - r1