The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 27, 1905, Image 1

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Not a money malting scheme but
a public spirited enterprise to pro
vide things to see and hear that
are worth while
Five Great Attractions for 200
Good music Instructive Lectures
Profitable Entertainment for
the entire winter
All Numbers Will Be Given In the
Opera House
Bohumir Kryl tlio worlds greatest cor
notist the sunsatioii of two continents
Miss Julia Hciurich contralto Carl
Heinrich baritone and violinist Miss
Phoebe Mae Roberts reador An even
ing of real music enjoyment
They introduce intoniretativo read
ings solos duets trios and quartets
Each member is a talented artist in her
particular sphere They have won ap
proval and endorsement without a
single exception in tho various cities of
the forty two different states where
they have appeared during the past
three seasons
As a lecturer ho has been heard in a
groat many of the large cities of our
own country and has also spoken in
Rome Paris and othor cities of Europe
It is safe to say that no more successful
lecturer is now before the public
Father Moran ranks with the best ora
tors of this country and his lecture tours
have been decidedly successful
He is tho popular successor of Frank
Carne at the famous Peoples church of
Chicago Vast audiences throng Mc
Vickers Theatre every Sunday morning
in the vory heart of Chicago to hear
him discuss the foremost problems of
the world He will interest and instruct
any audience
and her
As a reader Mrs Gates is capable of
giving an entire evening without a
company but this season she has been
persuaded to star at tho head of a com
pany of such artistic strength as to
placet them in advance of any popular
concert troupe before the public The
company will consist of Walter Bentley
Ball baritone Ebba Hjcrtstedt the
Sweedish violinist and Grace Gilmore
pianist These three delightful artists
will with Mrs Gates give a program
unique novel popular and artistic
A book of live season tickets will cost
200 single admission tickets 50 cents
each All tickets may bo obtained at
McConnells Season tickets may also
be obtained from members of the com
mittee and from soliciting salesmen It
is a patriotic community duty to pitch
in and help make the course a success
Doings of Cupid This Week
Will C Harmon of McCook and Miss
Julia A Goodenberger of Marion this
county were united in marriage last
Sunday October 22nd 1905 at the
home of the brides parents in Marion
Rev M B Carman of this city officiat
ing The wedding occurred at three
oclock in tho afternoon and was witness
ed by relatives and friends of the young
couple An elaborate dinner was served
after the ceremony The young friends
were the recipients of numerous pretty
and useful gifts Mr and Mrs Harmon
are both well and favorably known to a
large circle of McCook friends They
will make their home in a newly-prepared
dwelling in West McCook and go to
housekeeping with the well wishes of
Orvilla E Barkley of Red Cloud an
Miss Laura E Abernathy of Alma were
made husband and wife this week Rev
M B Carman performing the ceremony
at the homo of Mr and Mrs Edwin
Welihen of our city Wednesday even
ing October 25th 1905 at 730 oclock
Mr Barkley is an employe in Keegan
Okersons barber shop
Wheat is beginning to move pretty
freelyv now Manager Garvey of the
Ferguson elevator tells us they are snip
ing about 15000 bushels a day Their
total shipments for the month of Octob
er will aggregate 40000 bushels
You can buy a new piano at
Suttons at 175 a better one for
200 and still a better one for 225
Call and see them
Best calicoes 5 cents a yard at Thomp
A McMillen prescription druggist
Ernest Cordeal is home for a short
Miss Vera Hilenan is homo from
Omaha on a visit to the homo folks
John Schlegel of Culbortson was
hero on business yesterday
Mrs A Calhoun has been visiting
Beatrice relatives and friends since close
of last week
City Attorney LeHew is officing
with C P Babcock now overLon Cone
Bros store
Mrs W A DeMay and Mrs Mitchell
Youngof Danbury were visitors of the
county seat Tuesday
Mr and Mrs William Parkes of
Red Cloud visited McCook and Indian
ola relatives and friends last week
Mr and Mrs G H Thomas were
Harvard visitors Saturday and Sunday
returning home on 5 Sunday night
Mrs CW Bronson returnedSunday
morning on 2 from visiting her mother
up in Dundy county near Hiawatha
Miss Mamie Chandler has been ill
for tho past week unable to be at her
desk in tho Barnott Lumber Co office
Mrs A L Whiteford of Savannah
Mo is a guest of her parents Mr and
Mrs T II Brittain of the South Side
J B Meserve arrived last Friday on
No 1 from New York where he has
been spending a few months on business
Mrs S J Cooley departed Tuesday
morning for Gage Oklahoma on a visit
to her son W W Cooley to be gone
several weeks
Mr and Mrs J B Meserve depart
ed on 12 Thursday morning for Ash
land Nebraska on a visit to their
daughter Mrs E E Magee
Mr and Mrs Roy Smith of Denver
announce a visit from the stork at their
home Saturday last Its a fine ten
pound boy and none are more delighted
than the grandparents here
President A Barnett of the Mc
Cook Commercial club is representing
the local club in Chicago this week in
the national convention of commercial
clubs held there on the 26th
Mrs Ellis Ford returned homeearly
in the week from her Illinois visit She
left Miss Edith in Onarga where she
will go to school in the seminary at that
place during the coming winter term
Rev J J Loughran of St Patricks
church received the news Tuesday of
the death of his aged mother in Edger
ton Wisconsin He departed on No 2
Wednesday morning for Edgerton to
attend the funeral
Sheriff Aaron Wood of Texas
county Mo arrived in the city Wed
nesday on 13 and on 14 the same night
departed for Houston the county seat
with his prisioner Pink Sells who
has been held in the county jail here for
safe keeping against his arrival Sells
is wanted in Missouri by a young woman
he has wronged
Miss Jeannette VANDEPOELformerly
in the millinery business here has
changed her name to Mrs J E Lovell
and is making her home down in Old
Kentucky the specific spot being Pope
Mr Lovell was at one time a drug clerk
in the employ of D W Loar now of
Beaver City They have friends many
here who congratulate
Miss Jennie Hill who was to have
opened a dress making parlor in our
city departed for Keokuk Iowa her
former home close of last week being
compelled to give up her project here on
account of not being able to secure suit
able quarters within a reasonable time
This is a matter of regret as Miss Hill
came highly recommended as an artist
in her line
Think of it A new piano for
175 200 or 225 See them at
Do You Like Oysters
Then come to the mens oyster supper
at the Congregational church Novem
ber 3 Supper 25 cents
Clydes Challenge
McCook Neb Oct 24 Lovell Clyde
the celebrated wing shot of Southwes
tern Nebraska is out with a challenge
to all the Western chicken killers over
Mr Clyde will use his own dogs Spike
and Spoke and their mother Bird all
of which have a national reputation as
bird pointers The above photograph
shows Mr Clyde and J W Spiker the
trainer of the three dogs The picture
was taken a year ago and since then
Spike and Spoke have developed un
usual hunting qualities Their team
work has never been excelled and the
setters have a record of thousands of
dead chickens Denver Post
175 200 225 will buy a new
piano at Suttons See them
r At J
council Proceedings
The council was in regular session
Monday exening October 23rd and
transacted the following business of the
municipality all being present but
Councilman Ward who was absent
from the city
The contract of the city relative to
the removal of the frame restaurant
building on lot 5 block 28 was ratified
Bills as follows were allowed on their
respective funds
John Ekstedt occupation fund 70 20
Tom Burgo same- 60 00
W H Billings same 45 00
W H Harmon same 6 00
McCook Loan Trust Co general fund 75 00
McCook Republican general fund 8 75
Barnett Lumber Co gonural fund 39 45
Bullanl Lumber Co general fund 4 63
J H Dalton goneral fund 20 00
McCook Water Works water fund 425 00
McCook Electric Light Co light fund 100 00
Pade Son cemetery fund 5 00
W A Gold cemetery fund 40 00
SS93 63
Report of police judge and of chief of
police were received and placed on file
Report of city treasurer was received
and referred to tho finance committee
Resignation of Mrs F M Rathbun
as a member of the library board was
read and accepted
An ordinance providing a system of
sewerage for tho city of McCook was
read first time and referred to the or
dinance committee Adjourned Court
esy of the city attorney
Hello Central
Hello Central please give us McCook
Both ladies and gents yes children and
As well as tho farmers from each rural
Who are blessed with such harvests of
all kinds this fall
Hello have I got them
Well you listen too
Yes call your young lady friends
Heres good news for you
Hello did you know well you ought to
be told
That the finest new stock of dry goods
Is now being opened and soon will be
At prices that few yes or anycan meet
The stock is the finest and just bought
of late
Not shelf worn and soiled youll see
when you look
That every article is right up to date
Just suitable for the ladies who live in
Just south of the bank in the new
Walsh block
Well be pleased to welcome our friends
one and all
For theres where we open this elegant
And youre all invited when intown to
H C Clapp will open hi3 new stock
stock of Dry Goods in the new -Walsh
block next Wednesday November 1st
See advertisement on last page
Masquerade Skating Party
There will be a masquerade skating
party at the skating rink halloween
night Tuesday October 31st Tickets
25cents All spectators ten cents See
small bHls for particulars v
A Cigar For You
We have cigars- that will suit every
fancy have one that will suit you Try
some of our cigars you will notice the
difference McConnell Druggist
Horses for Sale
Onehundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
Wall Paper Special
We are selling one and two room rem
nants at special low prices
A McMillen Druggist
A number of freight handlers at Mc
Cook Inquire at once of Agent Scott
McCook Nebraska
Heaters Colemans
The careful buyer is always a money
saver Money saved is money made
See Colemans goods and note his prices
Anybody Would Know
that Thanksgiving is coming from the
carvers roasters etc being received at
W T Colemans hardware store
The cap manufacturers of this coun
try have been making a great study
during the last ten years to get some
thing for the head wear that would be
warm give good wear at the same time
be stylish Keith Bros Co of Chicago
feel that they have at last reached the
climax in cap manufacturing and are
off eringthe trade theirqewline otinside
fur trimmed bauds in all the new up to
date colors and shapes through their
special agent for McCook and vicinity
F M Colson Prop of Bee Hive
tShtcTiL 3kLig
n Vfvwii5ngiSagjiwMiajBaiMiiiijiujt i i T P -- - i
mnmmmmmuwirrmtrvrfzmTrZimlJJmi - -
Has Gone Home In Peace
Rev George Scott quietly and peace
fully slipped away from earthly scenes
Thursday morning between 5 and 6
oclock to his home beyond Departed
was 81 years of age and has been In
feeble health for some time
Brief services were held at the home
of his son Agent George S Scott this
afternbon at 330 oclock and the ro
mains will be shipped tonight on G for
burial in Tecumseh a former home
The Tribune hopes to be able to pay
a filling tribute to the memory of this
grand good old man next week
Wrecked Engines Arrived Wednesday
The engines involved in the Otis and
Eckley wrecks were brought into port
Wednesday afternoon No 1849 a R2
with her own steam the 145 a class A
in tow Both engines are pretty badly
smashed up in front pilots etc and
were at once run into the back shop for
repairs which will be rushed as rapidly
as possible as both engines are needed
in the service The 1749 is Trammells
engine the 145 Dungans Dungan was
returning to McCook light from double
heading No 3 to Akron the night be
To Telephone Subscribers
Owing to the fact that the construc
tion of the new exchange is now in prog
ress subscribers will be bothered more
or less with their instruments not work
ing as good as they might until this
work is completed but I assure you our
best efforts will be used to keep out all
trouble as near as possible
C I Hall Manager
A Successful Mission
Rev Edward J Mullaly C S P has
been conducting a successful mission in
St Patricks church of o u r city all
week with large attendance and deep
spiritual interest The mission will close
tomorrow evening The reverend gentle
man is an able zealous eloquent expo
nent of the Catholic faith
Strayed Strayed
From my farm 36 miles northwest of
Culbertson two horses one a brown
gelding white star in forehead and
about 14 years old the other a black
gelding 8 years old Weigh 800 pounds
each Undersigned will pay liberal re
ward for information leading to their
recovery John RiTZCulbertsonNeb
It flay Seem Early
but Coleman is already receiving ship
ments of holiday goods He is yearly
enlarging and improving this department
of his business and this season will of
course excel any previous one hence he
is beginning early to lay in his attrac
tions for the big holiday trade he has a
right to anticipate
The Buying Power of Your Dollar
is greatly increased by buying the Hamilton-Brown
Shoes at Stulkens Shoe
Store In order to make room for large
stock of new shoes coming 1 will sell
my present line of school shoes at a dis
count of twenty per cent
Sugary Delights
Our candies will please you by the
richness and rare quality of their flavor
They are the most delicious delicacies
that can behad
McConnell Druggist
Everybody to come to the Halloween
entertainment and supperat the Metho
dist church Monday night October 30
190b at 8 oclock given by the Junior
Epworth League
Salesmen Wanted
to look after our interest in Red Willow
and adjacent counties Salary or com
mission Address
The IIarvuy Oil Co Cleveland O
For Sale
Make me an offer on 10 acres fine
smooth land half mile east of brick
school house McCook
F Harris Aurora Neb
Can Men Cook
Come and see at the oyster supper
given by the men at the Congregational
church November 3rd Admission and
supper 25 cents
Be Humane
to your faithful animals Buy a horse
blanket at W T Colemans A large
and fine selection
Then look around if you care to
McConnell Druggist
Special gospel meetings will begin at
the Methodist church next Tuesday
evening Song service at 745 Mrs
Lavina Beck and daughter of Lincoln
singing evangelists will assist first teu
nights We invite the public to all
thfisn sfirvifRS
-- ffslrtTr - I Ic r rmirrnr TiMn frrlj
VUDUiau 4ovitorau luipiutou
the latest thing out for farm use It
burns cobs wood or coal Just what
you need on the farm If you see them
you will want one
rfefci k -
Iff v r f
ttt h it tt
McConnell for drugs
McMillens cough cure is effectivo
Young mens overcoats 450 at Thomp
Best table oil cloth 15 cents a yard at
Horse blankets and storm robes at W
T Coleman s
See those new 175 200 and
225 pianos at Suttons
Beet scoops beet knives and scoop
end gates at W T Colemans
Boys two and three piece suits from
SI 25 to S500 at Thompsons
Cream in sealed 10c an 1 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Best colored carpet warp on spools
21 cents a pound at Thompsons
For Sale A six room dwelling on
Melvin street Apply to Frank Traver
Removed Dr Kays office is now
over Pades furniture store Phono 98
At W T Colemans you can have your
choice of steel ranges at from S1500
There are no batts but Izzers and
wearo their prophet Tho Thompson
D G Co
Dress skirts from S200 to 800 in all
colors and cloths Alterations free at
For Sale Residence on North Madi
son street Inquire at house one block
west of court house
All the newest and best things in
dress goods at Thompsons 300 pieces
25 cents to 150 a yard
The Lincoln Mixed Paints are guar
anteed pure A McMillen
For Sale A hard coal base burner
practically as good as new Cheap
E II Doan
Mens very heavy corduroy suits with
double breasted vest coat and vest
warmly lined with heavy woolen cloth
1000 at Thompsons
The men of the Congregational church
will give an oyster supper at the churcn
Friday November 3 from 8 to 11 p m
A fine program and oyster stew all for
25 cents A good time assured to all
We have customers for two good stock
farms and three wheat farms in western
half of Red Willow county
Reynolds Land Co
Address either Culbertson or Omaha
C O Fahrenbruck the general repair
man announces his business elsewhere
in this issue He will repair your sewing
machine bicycle gun etc promptly
and well Two doors east of DeGroff s
The hotel at Cedar Bluffs Kansas
has been purchased by J E Lawthers
who lately sold his farm over in Grant
precinct and he has taken charge of the
hotel property and will manage the
Factory bed comforts are not worth
house room The Izzer home made
ones are the same size as always made
at your homes but contain six batts in
stead of the four often used Price
185 to 250 Thompsons exclusively
We will pay seventeen cents a dozen
cash for strictly fresh eggs until further
notice Eleven cents a pound for large
turkeys Seven cents a pound for hens
Eight cents a pound for prime beef
hides The Gurney Poultry Co
McCook Neb
The bright dressy right kinds are at
Thompsons Scarfs 100 to 1250
Muffs to match 225 to 350 Misses
sensible sized fur setts at 225 to 450
All the popular kinds of furs viz Isa
bella Fox Red Fox Beaver Squirrel
Electric Seal etc Youll recognize the
difference between our glossy soft and
well made furs and the other kinds upon
sight Your inspection requested
The Wreck at Vance Nebraska
One of the worst wrecks in the history
of the Burlington road on that division
occurred at Vance a small station north
of Bridgeport Neb October 15 when
two freight trains met in a deep cut
Both engines were entirely demolished
and the cars reduced to kindling wood
Three trainmen were slightly injured in
the wreck and traffic was blocked for
several hours Denver Times
Oysters like mother used to mate at
mens oyster supper given by the men of
the Congregational church November
3rd Admission 25 cents
Mrs Griffin is prepared to do dry
cleaning satisfactorily Call up phone
306 if you have any work of that kind
Best apron check ginghams five cents
at Thompsons
tjL i
t wV f
1 A i
Conk Bros Druggists
You nro now doing your fall
house cleaning and wo beg to an
nounce that we have some great
bargains in ono and two room
patterns of artistic wall decora
tions which to make room for
now stock wo will soil at a sacri
Theso are worth your inspec
tion also worth twice as much
money as wo ask for them We
invite you to call and bo shown
Wo also havo a complete lino of
screen paints Paint your screens
in the fall if you wish them to
stay in good condition
Try our Ebony stove pipe en
amol for your pipes stoves etc
It is tho best ever
Try McMillens cold euro
Everything in drugs McConnell
Have you sen tho fancy china at
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Special prices on Hammocks at Mc
Millens drug store
Heating stoves at all prices and of the
very best quality at W T Colemans
Twenty different patterns in dinner
ware to select from at Ludwicks furni
ture store
Fred E Bortfeld the piano tuner is
in the city Leave ordors at II P Sut
tons store
If you want to know how it feels to be
without ccrns use McConnells Light
ning Corn Cure Ten cents
Cash offer wanted on lot 3 block 7
First addition to McCook Newman
Laycock 711 17th St Denver Colo
For Sale Four room house in South
McCook Easy monthly payments or
will trade for stock L M Best Phone 91
The season for storms is nearing Sea
Colemans stock of storm robes Note
substantial quality and reasonable
Mens extra fine Beaver cloth over
coats with best satin lining in coat and
sleeves 1500 Next quality 1000
Next 500 at Thompsons
Heaters for both hard and soft coal
Coleman sells the best makes tho Amer
ican market affords and they cost no
more than the poorer sort See his be
fore buying
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry pggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc
Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will
give your repairs prompt and careful at
tention Repairs for every stove made
Examinations free of charge
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than tho cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry egg3 etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
James Williams county surveyor was
over from Danbury close of last week
doing a little surveying for Joseph Me
nard who is building a new brick on
lower Main avenue and for E H Doan
on his eighty just east of town
The J W Andrews W H Ferguson
case which was to have been tried in
chambers last Friday before Judge
Orr was on that day settled out of
court before the hour of trial upon
terms known to the parties in question
C L DeGroff Co have purchased
from William Zint the eighteen feet of
ground upon which their clothing de
partment is now situated This give3
the company a lot 43 feet wide which on
The Tribune some day expects to see
them build a business house in keeping
withtheir splendid and growing busi