a i J rfnif fW New Walsn Block PLEASANT RIDGE Chris and Pete Smiths relatives have gone to Oregon where they expect to lo cate Mr and Mrs Claude Taylor were call ers at Dorsey Shepherds last Tuesday evening Jacob Betz and daughter Laura of Shawnee Oklahoma are here visiting relatives Mrs Clara Betz and little son Richard expect to start soon for Tumwater Wash for a visit with Mrs Bs parents Mrs Elmer Smith and little Roy and Miss Eva Smith will start Saturday for Ft Morgan Colo to visit their sister Mrs Paul Woods BOX ELDER Rev Kerr is visiting at home this week C H Mundy is home from his trip to Xenver Mr Younger has bought a new organ this week Foye and Younger are building a barn for Bain Kinzer Rev and Mrs Satchell of Culbertson are visiting their son Fred and wife this week Mr and Mrs F G Lytle are caring for a little son while Fred Satchell and wife and W A Stone and wife have the care of a little daughter jn each of their -homes While Fred Carter was threshing for W Y Johnson last Saturday a spark flew from the engine and set afire which burned four stacks of wheat and the separator PiKnnvttimiiim9timMimiWiiMim Chamberlains COLIC CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few dosea of this remedy will invariably core an ordinary at tack of diarrhea It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol era morbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Buy it now It may save life Phice 25a Large Size 50c WftMlWiMWMMMMt I It Will Pay You Well We will soon be Open for Business and will Save You Money on All Your Dry Good For this Fall and Winter Our careful and considerate buying from the best and largest markets in the East must certainly be of advantage to you Our low prices will certainly interest you WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK H C CLAP BARTLE Miss Nellie Rittenburg who is ill with typhoid fever is improving C E Matthews is in Arapahoe this week plastering two houses Mr and Mrs Grimes are entertaining relatives from Iowa this week Mr and Mrs John B Ryan of Win chester Ind are here visiting with Mr and Mrs Sipe Mrs Beck and daughter colored evan gelists are here this week holding a re vival in the M E church Mr and Mrs Will Schumaker of Nez Perce Idaho visited in Bartley Tues day with Mr and Mrs H L Brown Almost every day we have parties from the eastern part of this state and other states saying had no idea Red Willow was so good a county Red Willow county has seldom receiv ed so high a compliment as the premium from the state fair for exhibits of fruit vegetables and stock that won premiums over all competitiors The many readers of The McCook Tribune deeply regret the necessity of the mention made last week of the utter failure of Sheriff Crabtree to per form his official duties Art Crabtree without intoxicants has many friends in Red Willow county who have reasoned and plead with him to al andon the evil of drink but all of no avail He who was once a competent official and re spected gentleman has lost all and is ruined by strong drink The people are all losers in respect because of the acts of this official The prevention of future like occurrence can be assured by turn ing down candidates for public honor and trust who are addicted to strong drink RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 Capt Evans has bought the Benedict property in McCook and will move there November 1st Mr and Mrs Sie Vandervort from near Bartley visited at the home of Mrs JI Lee last Thursday and Friday Mr and Mrs I N McDougal left for their home near Haigler after a two weeks visit among relatives and friends Mrs W M Jones of Oklahoma City who is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs J I Lee is convalesent after a three weeks sickness James I Lee has shipped one car load of ice to Imperial two car loads to drege Neb and has engaged to ship two more car loads to Holdrege and to furnish ice for Culbertson and Indianola for therest of the year Evidently the ice business istgrowing McCook Nebraska DANBURY Roy Boyer is back from Colorado We have the merry-go-round with us this week Dr and Mrs W A DeMay visited at McCook Monday Josie Leisure and children - are at Pawnee City visiting Ami Teel of Indianola was over the first part of the week Edward Byfield was quite sick last week but is better now Ben Murphy is going to move to town and run his butcher shop Henry Ketteiing and wife of Lebanon visted in Danbury Sunday D P Clouse and sister Mrs Billings went to McCook Wednesday Chas Rogers is having an 80 foot ad dition put on his livery stable H V Lord is having a 20 foot addi tion put on his hardware store Mrs Mamie Scarrow returned to her home in Rawlins Wyoming Sunday OttoPweltzputin five furnaces Sims Laffertys Hoffmans Waughs and J E Dolph Mrs Lewis Cann is very poorly A Beaver City doctor was called to see her Tuesday Died The infant child of Jake Wishons died Tuesday morning with the croup Mr and Mrs Shorey of Wilsonville passed through here on their way to Hitchcock county Sunday Alfred Metcalf shipped three car loads of cattle to St Joe Sunday night and J L Sims one car load of hogs Take advantage of The Tribunes ex traordinary subscription offer found on second page of this issue Girls if you want red lips laughing eyes sweet breath and good looks use Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea The greatest beautifier known 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnells Dont Fail to Examine THE NEW ST06K AT Ideal 5 and 10c Store OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE You are as welcome if you dont Jbuy as if you do Bargains for All INDIANOLA Rev Crippen roturned from Ragan Wednesday night E J Mitchell of McCook was in town one day this week Mr and Mrs Fred Lakiu were Indian ola visitors Saturday Georgo Burt hns sold his farm south of town to Charles Dutcher Mrs Nettie Hedges is empoyed as clerk in the store of N J Uerling On Tuesday night a baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs John Puckett R E Smith came over from Danbury a few days ago for a short visit with the home folks Wm Shumaker and family arrived on No 12 Monday morning for a visit with friends in this city Mrs J Welborn is visiting at the home of her brother-in-law Jese Wel born in Southwestern Missouri Augustus Kreigher of the telephone business came down on No 12 Sunday morning and spent the day with friends Mrs J J Wilson returned to Indian ola on No 5 Friday evening after an absence of about two weeks in Missouri Mr and Mrs Bernard Hillers are re joicing over another little fellow that has come to make its home with them C B Hoag with about half a dozen others went over to Danbury Wednes day to try tho speed of tho new ma chine Mrs R N Hawkins went dowu to Omaha Tuesday morning where she wiH be the guest of her mother for awhile - Our new minister Rev E Smitn of the M E church preached his initial sermou Sunday morning to a good con gregation Mrs Edith McCarrick and baby Mil dred returned to Indianola Thursday morning after a few days visit with friends in McCook Rev E B Crippen attended confer ence last week and went from there to Ragan to fix things up a bit before the family goes there to reside Misses Lydia and Gladys McCool were in town last Saturday doing some shopping Miss Lydia is teaching school in her home district That was a hard frost Wednesday morning W II Smith reports the bursting of the water pipes on his lawn caused by the hard freezing A permit was erranted Wednesday morning to Mr and Mrs Huntwork for tho burial of their infant child whose death occurred after a short illness The Rev Hawkins is entertaining a sister from Kansas who will care for his aged mother during the absence of his wife who is visiting her mother in Omaha Will Fritch is still very weak after his siege with typhoid fever but with prudence and care will come through all right unless some unforseen complica tions arise Georgo Short took the train Sunday morning for Chicago where ho will visit for awhile after which he will go to Indiana and renew acquaintances with old time friends Mr and Mrs John Dolan went to Beaver Crossing last Wednesday morn ing to visit the latters mother who is quite aged The two younger children accompanied them C B Hoag our wide awake liveryman is the possessor of an automobile since yesterday morning and is now prepared to deliver people all over the connty in an alarming short space of time Henry Shouse has sold his residence property in the north part of town with the intention of moving away but after some consideration has decided to stay with us awhile longer He has purchas ed the Kennedy place and will occupy the same in the future RED WILLOW Mrs McDougal was visiting her niece Mrs Charley Rinck Gabriella Longnecker returned from Rollinsville on last Saturday She was accompanied by Holton and family Mr and Mrs Fred Rawles and Mr and Mrs Hougland have come in from Colorado and are at present at Mr Houglands Wednesday of this week was a red letter day at John Longneckers There was a reunion of the family Holton wife and child from Rollinsville Colo Jacob wife and two children Louis wife and two children gathered around the table with home folks and the way turkey chicken pumpkin pie etc dis appeared proved they had good appe tites John Longnecker had an appre ciation of the circumstances as shown by his open countenance He enjoyed being with his stalwart sons all of whom are larger than he The photographer from Indianola came out and put into permanent form the group of father mother sister brothers and little grand children sixteen in all Corn Stubblo Cats Throat L T Davis a farmer living near West Union W va had his throat cut by a corn stubble and almost bled to death before assistance reached him While hauling fodder he fell from his wagon his throat striking the sharp pointed stubble A tearing gash -was the result h6 ft Here is a good opportunity to buy Clothing for Men Boys and Children If you have made out a list for clothing to send to some order house bring the list with you we sell you anything in our line for the same money and we will save you the freight beside you patron ize your home and help build up the country in which you live By buying your goods of us you Save Money Time and Labor ggj Remember us for your Fur Over coats and Caps we will sell you the McKibbin Fur Coat for less money than you pay for some Southern Furs elsewhere ft Yours for Clothing and Gents Furnishings srl DIAMOND THE WORKING MANS FRIEND Opening evenings THE SAVING HABIT cess Stokes9 Grocery Should be encouraged in all possible ways Like good morals and manners the instruction should begin in the home As early habits mold the future character so do those who early acquire the saving habit lay the foundation for future suc Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts The First National Bank nccook A 1000 LOAN with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association can be paid off in monthly payments of 1252 If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain our system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association arnctt Lumber Company SELL THE BEST POSTS TANKS LUMBER COAL WOOD GIVE US A TRIAL PHONE 30 CITIZENS BANK BLOCK MCOOK NEB WW A W W ft VEGETABLE SICILIAN tl A JLLajI Hair Renewer Perhaps you like your gray hair then keep it Perhaps not then remember Halls Hair Renewer always restores color to gray hair Stops falling hair also If yocr ARtpct eaaaot mrpgj tow wnA 100 fc a r tiAU a ivs luaa z u drf 31 k