The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 13, 1905, Image 7

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A Food
to Work On
Work Work Work
Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace In
the struggle the man with the strong body and clear
brain wins out every time
The man of to day needs something more than
mere food he needs a food that makes energy a food
to work on
Although some people may not realize it yet it is
a fact proved and established beyond doubt that soda
crackers and this means Uneeda Biscuit are
richer in muscle and fat making elements and have a
much higher per cent of tissue building properties
than any other article of food made from flour
That this is becoming known more and more every
day is attested by the sale of nearly 400000000 pack
ages of Uneeda BlSCUitj the finest soda cracker
ever baked An energy giving food of surpassing
value sold in a package which brings it to you with
all the oiiginal flavor and nutriment perfectly pre
served Truly the food to work on
Whoever you are whatever you are wherever
you work- Uneeda Biscuit
To Ira Chandler ami tho Nebraska Loan
Banking Company defendants You will take
notice that the plaintiff Lawrence H ltoouej
has filed his petitiou against jou in the district
court of Red Willow county Nebraska the ob
ject and prayer of which are to cancel and dis
charge of record the cloud cast upon the plain
tiffs title to lots numbered five and six in block
numbered twenty five 25 in the first addition
to tho town now city of McCook Nebraska bj
certain mortgage given May 1 1890 for the sum
of 900 00 to the Nebraska Loan Bankinp
company and recorded in book 19 page 471 of
th mortgage records of said county and tho as
signment thereof by said company to Ira C
Chandler on May 5 1S90 which assignment was
recorded July 1C 1890 in book 20 page 8 of the
mortgage records of said county plaintiff al
leging that said mortgage and the notes secured
thereby have been fully paid and satisfied
Plaintiff prajs for a decree that said mortgage
may be canceled and discharged of record and
that the cloud on his title caused thereby be re
moved You are required to answer t aid peti
tion on or belore Monday the 30th day of Octo
ber 1903
Dated this 20th day of September A D 1905
Lawrencc H Rookey
By J E Kelley his attorney
State of NebraskaRed Willow county ss Lu
the county court In the matter of the estate
of Sophia E Burgess deceased I Frank
Moore county judge of said county in sjid es
tate hereby notify all persons having claims
and demnnds against the estate of Sophia E
Burgess deceased that I have set and appoint
ed the following day for the examination and
adjustment of said claims and demands as pro
vided by law at the county court room in Mc
Cook in said county to wiU The 9th day of
April 1906 at two oclock in the afternoon All
persons so interested in said estate will appear
at said time and place and duly present their
said claims and demands in the manner re1
quired by law or show cause for not so doing
and in caso any of said claims shall not be pre
sented by the 7th day of April 190C tho same
shall be forever barred
Given under mv hand and the seal of the
county court this 7th day of October 1905
seal Fkank Mooee County Judge
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In
the county court In the matter of the estate
of Alexander Campbell deceased I Frank
Moore county judge of said county in the said
state hereby notify all persons having claims
and demands against the estate of the said
Alexander Campblell deceased that I have set
and appointed the following day for the recep
tionexamination and adjustment of said claims
and demands as provided by law at the county
court room in McCook in said county to wit
At one oclock afternoon of the 26th day of
March 1106 All persons so interested in said
estate will appear at said time and place and
duly present their said claims and demands in
the manner required by law or show cause for
not so doing and in case any of said claims
shall not be presented by the 2Ilrd dav of March
1906 the same shall be forever barred
Given under my hand and the seal of the county
court this 23rd day of September 1905
seal Feank Moore County Judge
Frank S Curry Mrs Frank S Currjhis wife
first name unknown aud John llegenberger de
fendants will take notice that on the 19th day
of September 1905 E C McKay plaintiff filed
his petition in the district court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against them the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage for
60000 given by the defendant John llegenberg
er to said plaintiff upon lot twelve block
thirtj -three in the second addition to the town
fnowcity of McCook Red Willow county Ne
oraska that no part of aid debt has been paid
except the sum of 48475 and there is now due
plaintiff from said defendants upon said note
and mortgage and the interest thereon and for
tho taxes for tho jears 1902 and 1904 and first
quarter water tax for the jear 1905 paid by
plaintiff the sum of 40259 for which sum with
interest and costs nhuntiif pros s for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the sameor
tuui Mini irejju ca uu ruiu tu subisij iuduuiuuu
found due the plaintiff
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Mondaj October 30th1905
Dated September 19 1905
E C McKay Plaintiff
Boj le Eldred Attorneys for plaintiff
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss
At a conutv court held at the county court
j room in and for said county October 3rd A D
190a Present Drank Moore county gmlge in
tho matter of the estate of Pauline Phillippi
deceased On readiug and filing the petition of
Edward A Phillippi prajing that the instru
ment filed on the 3rd day of October 1905 and
purporting to be the last will and testament of
the said deceased may be -proved approved
probated allowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of the said Pauline Phillippi de
ceased and that the execution ofNsaidinstru
ment may be committed and the administra
tion of said estate may be granted to Benjamin
Strine as executor
Ordered that October 23rd A D 1905 at 2
oclock p m is assigned for hearing said peti
tion when all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a county court to be held in and
for said county and show cause why the prayer
of petitioner should not be granted and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCook Tribune a weekly news
paper printed in said couuty for three success
ive weeks prior to said day of hearing
A true copy Fkank Moore
seal County Judge
A Guaranteed Cure For Plies
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of bow long standing in 6 tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
k 2150 Mans Outfit Complete for
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bkomo quinine tsitili ts
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
14 OE
if V
Suit absolutely pure all wool worth - 1300
Fine soft Hat any stylo or color -worth - 200
Pair of stylish Shoos worth ------ 250
Madras or Percale Shirt -worth - - - - 75 FfiR
Par of Fine Suspenders worth - - - - 25 run
Pair of fUacy or plain Socks worth - - - - 10 an ap
Nice Handkerchief colored border worth - 15 iiJ
Four-in-hand or made up silk Tie worth - 25
Fine Leatherette Suit Case worth - - - 250
TOTAL - 215Q J
CCUn IIC IMC nfll I AD Trlth order and tre trill send thU outtlt complete In
OLllU UO Ulir UULLHn coltcasebr express to any address subject to examin
it Is Easy to Order
this Outfit
We posllifdy gutrta
tee to lit you perfectly
ation ua 11 eTeryuung is satuiactory pay express agent
IUI balance and express charges
Slut and McaiuremcnU Coat conies In 55 to 42 chest
clre cbest measurement Pants come 30 to 42 vralst and 30 to
jtinseam giro doid measurements snirts come It to 1715 1
Hats come 0V to 7X Socks come 9Jf to 11 Shoes come S to 11
uire sizes or an ana state vrnetnerjou wish salt otnna
casslmero or chariot cloths
3 4C
I Rsttf Jlii
1 ft fWB IPS
- lis
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures a
record such as no other remedy for the
diseases and weaknesses peculiar to
women ever attained the proprietors of
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription now
feel fully warranted in offering to pay
500 in legal money of the United
States for any case of Leucorrhea Fe
male Weakness Prolapsus or Falling
of Womb which they cannot cure All
they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of
their means of cure
The Vice President Independent Order
of Good Templars
An experience which many women have was
related by Miss Agnes Stebbings of 231 East
30th Street New York City as follows I
had very poor health for a year until life
looked dark and dreary to me Had head
aches backache also pain my sleep was
broken and fitful I longed for health Tried
several medicines but none were of any last
ing benefit until I took Doctor Pierces Fa
vorite Prescription I soon realized that I
had found the right remedy It helped nature
to throw off the poisons that saturated the
system removed all pains and strengthened
the digestive organs and brought the roses of
health back to my cheeks This medicine if
taken occasionally keeps the system in perfect
condition helping it to throw off the disease
and consequences of exposure to dampness I
am pleased to give it my endorsement
Favorite Prescription makes weak
women strong sick women well Ac
cept no substitute for the medicine
which works wonders for weak women
Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps for the paper covered book
or 31 stamps for the cloth bound Ad
dress Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y
To Core M Cfcfliii One Day 1
I Take Laxative Bromo mnine Taiiets v pr I
gevn aiMiara vm ow j - m -- j vy
IWejBeWeWI M Iiiii I i ritr tt i -1 EEflEf
Triad of ihe
Beef Packers
It Will Bs an Important IKttle In the
War Against Trust The Nature
of the Charges and the
Men Involved
most important engagement
THE fought In the war against
trusts promises to be the battle
which the federal government
will begin on Oct 2 against the beef
packers Mouths were speut by a fed
eral grand jury In examining the opera
tions of the packing companies which
are charged with forming conspiracies
in restraint of trade The result of this
long and searching investigation was
tho presentation to the court of n
formidable list of indictments Among
the men whose names are on tills list
are captains of industry who count
their dollars by millions and the cor
porations represented by them are
among the most powerful lu the world
of trade and commerce With unlim
ited funds upon which to draw In fight
ing the charges against them these
men and corporations will have the as
sistance of the bestjegal talent obtain
able The representatives of the gov
ernment will have a task of almost
unprecedented difficulty
Referring to the general belief that
certain lara corporations have fla
grantly viol itul the Sherman antitrust
law President Iloosevelt recently said
at Chautauqua
Many of these combinations by se
cret methods and protracted litigation
are still unwisely seeking to avoid tho
consequences of their illegal action
The government has very properly ex
ercised moderation in attempting to en
force the criminal provisions of the
statute but it has become our convic
tion that in some cases such as that
of at least certain of the beef packers
recently indicted in Chicago it Is im
possible longer to show leniency
Twenty one packing company offi
cials aud five of the corporations with
which they are identified were indicted
by the jury which closed its sessions
in Chicago on July L Seventeen of
the twenty one officials indicted were
charged with organizing a commercial
I I Mm Mil
conspiracy resulting in Increasing the
cost of meat to the consumer The re
maining four were indicted for con
spiring to secure rebates from rail
ways in the shipment of meat The
corporations indicted were Armour
Co the Armour Packing company
Swift Co the Falrbank Cauniug
company successors to Nelson Morris
Co and the Cudahy Packing com
pany J Ogden Armour is president
of Armour Co and Charles W Ar
mour Is president of the Armour Pack
ing company Michael Cudahy is presi
dent of the Cudaby Packing company
but for several years he has not been
in active direction of its affairs such
duties having been performed by the
vice president and general manager
Edward A Cudahy The grand jury
which investigated the packing com
panies worked three months at its task
There were twenty two members at
the start and twenty two at the finish
When the indictments were presented
the court said to the jury You have
worked at the sacrifice of your busi
ness in the interest of the public If
more citizens were actuated by the
same public spirit there would be less
need for enforcement of the laws
At the head of the federal depart
ment of justice Is the attorney general
of the United States William H
Moody The prosecution of these noted
cases falls to the United States dis
trict attorney for the northern district
of Illinois Charles B Morrison and
he is aided In his task by Oliver E
Pagln assistant attorney general
District Attorney Morrison has been
a resident of Illinois since early boy
hood when his parents left the east
and settled in Lee county He grad
uated from the Union College of Law
in Chicago In 1878 and began the prac
tice of law at Dixon HI In 18S4 he
was elected state attorney of Lee
county He was twice re elected to
that position and in 189S received the
appointment of assistant United States
district attorney His promotion to his
present post followed
Oliver E Pagln has made quite a
record in the Investigation of frauds
and scandals In the federal service and
In the prosecution of offenders against
the laws of the United States He
drew up the Indictments in the Oregon
land fraud cases Including those
against Senator Mitchell and Repre
sentative Hermann he prepared thef
report to the federal grand Jury In tho
case of the postofflce scandals and is
regarded as an expert in the drawing
of criminal pleadings He is forty five
years of age was formerly assistant to
the United States district attorney n
Chicago and was appointed to his
ent post lalfioa
David E Tliouiiinon Itcoentlr Pro
moted From the nasslllnn MlmtJon
David E Thompson who has been
promoted from minister to Brazil to
ambassador to Mexico has risen from
the ranks through the agency of energy
and brains Mr Thompson Is a native of
Hillsdale Mich and was born In 1S7A
When he was seventeen years old he
sought employment in Lincoln Neb
lie was unknown and almost penni
less and was glad to get a job at han
dling freight as a truckman in the
depot of the Burlington and Missouri
railroad He was soon promoted to lie
a brakeman and then rose to be a
conductor Nine years after entering
the service of the Burlington road he
was division superintendent of the en
tire system Meantime he had been
saving as much as possible of his earn-
ings and making small Investments
Everything he touched seemed to yield
good returns By 1S90 his private busi
ness was of such magnitude that he
decided to retire from his railroad posi
tion and devote himself to looking after
his investments A few years more
and he was on the list of millionaire-
Six years ago the Nebraska legisla
ture was engaged in selecting a
Lcessor to William V Allen In the
United States senate There was a
prolonged contest and Thompson was
one of the leading candidates coming
within seven votes of securing the
honor President Roosevelt appointed
him minister to Brazil in 1002 and now
advances him In the diplomatic service
by tendering him the post resigned by
Ambassador Edwin II Conger Mex
ico is a country in which Mr Thomp
son Is much interested and years ago
i he showed this interest by making ex
tensive investments there
Mr Thompson Is noted for his gen
erosity While the Omaha exposition
was In progress he sent all the chil
dren of Lincoln between the ages of
eight and sixteen to see the sights of
the show Every Christmas he gives
away a whole carload of flour Dur
ing his connection with the Burlington
road he established a system of res
taurants which yielded him a yearly
revenue of from 10000 to 15000 It
was only a short time before he came
so near being chosen senator that there
was a bigger rush than usual in one of
these restaurants one day and Mr
Thompson who then gave them his
personal supervision chanced to be on
hand Seeing that a group of men
were not securing attention he step
ped up took their orders and brought
them their food as if it were a mere
everyday affair They did not know
until afterward that they had been
waited on by a millionaire
Alexander Bonlipran Former Russian
MlniHter of Interior
Alexander Gregorovitch Bouligau
who recently resigned the post of min
ister of the Interior of Russia after a
brief career in that office is a stanch
upholder of autocratic ideas He draft
ed a plan for a national assembly and
the one adopted and recently promul
gated was based on his ideas though
it Is said Important modifications were
made In them Boullgan was born in
1835 and graduated from the Imperial
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College of Jurisprudence at St Peters
burg In 1871 He served as magistrate
In different capacities and In 1879 be
came Inspector of prisons an office
he used It is said to make the lot of
political prisoners a hard one He was
active in sending suspects to Siberia
during the Durnovo ministry and be
came a bosom friend of the late Grand
Duke Sergius -who when be was gor
eruor general of Moscow made Bonll
9bs1b Assistant
Teacher of Piano
McCook Nebr
Studio Mrs A C Wichcs Dearborn St
DENTIST one us
Oflico over G rami is store McCook Neb
C H Hotle C E Eldked Co A ity
Attokneys at Law
Lour Distnnco Phono -14
Room 1 and 7 second lloor
Ioatollico Huilding
McCook Web
and Surgeon
Otlico rtetmletin 7M Muin Aveuno Oflico anI
Rosidenco plioue 53 Calls answered night or
Real Estate Insurance
Phono 56
Oflico over
AIcMilleus ilruK store
McCook Nebraska
ESKont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Wator Works Oflico in PostolHco building
Will Cry Your Sale Right
Mv can Kot Comjutont salo clerk
jour notes cashed furnished
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No IS
Consultation free
izr --a- A
Rear of First Natl Bank
Earl Murray
z jw
T3 Sr 1
4 - k
Pv gj
Dr Herbert J Prai
Registeeed GbaduateSjM
Office over McConnells Drag Stors
Telephones Oflico 160 residence131
former location Atlanta ueorgia
Joel Hight
Contra ctok
and Builder
Farm Buildings
a Specialty
To Prevent Hog Cholera
Prom appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the lesseg
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guaranty
m iCFtT
fslrjjk 12 a K
2 Ti
Delmont S D Dec IT 1902
I used Li K for hog cholera and it was all
right It cured my hogs- I had three sick on4
and they all got well and done fine I also
nsed it for chicken lice and mite3 and it is alt
yon claim for it Itisthe only Medicinp forhog
cholera I think Gotlieb Jessb
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902
I am nsing Liquid Koal and am well pleated
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all tha
timaasitis the best thing I ever had on tha
place for everything it i9 intended for Itii
good for chicken cholera lice on stock Insect
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
ifanufacinred by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon IcWa