The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 06, 1905, Image 1

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Rev Carman Is Returned to the Mc-
Cook Charge
Mindkn Neb Oct 2 Special
Tho twenty first session of the west Ne
braska annual conference which opened
here September 27 closed today with
the appointments by Bishop Hamilton
It has been an exceptionally interesting
session and has been well attended from
the beginning The numbers of espec
ial interest were the two addresses by M
C B Mason the lecture by Bishop
Hamilton address by Robert Forbes
sermon by Bishop Hamilton and ad
dress by Frank D Gamewell
The following were the appointments
Holdrege District C C Wilson of
Holdrege presiding elder Alma T M
Hansom Arapahoe J T Carson At
lanta and Loomis R H Chrysler Ax
tell J O Hawk Bartley P E Kirby
Beaver Cit S J Modlin
Max E E Crippen Bloomington H H
Meeker Box Elder J A Kerr Cam
bridge W W Gettys Culbertson M
S Satchell Danbury Lebanon M L
Gardner Franklin A AKing Haigler
HarryShepherd Holbrook to be sup
plied HoldregeBFGaither Indianola
E Smith McCook MBCarman Min
den W J Stratton Norman Lowell
C A Norlin Orleans B F Eberhart
Oxford A W James Ragan Huntley
E B Crippen Republican City WJ
Crago Rivorton T W Owen Trenton
Stratton Joseph Ben nett Upland
Campbell J L MurrVilcox Hildreth
B Howe Wilsonville H Chader
Conference evangelists J W Taylor
Holdrege quarterly confeience A J
Clifton Culbertson quarterly confer
ence Omaha Bee
A Serious Cutting1 Affair
LeRoy Thrasher a new night clerk at
tho Commercial hotel and Cornelius
Davis the colored janitor of the post
office building and in the employ of J
E Kelley had some difficulty last Sat
urday evening which finally resulted in
the colored man being severely injured
by a sharp instrument of some kind in
the hands of Thrasher
The cutting occurred in front of Kee
gan Okersons barber shop It is
said that Thrasher called the colored
man out of the shop and that they en
gaged in a fight in whicu the negro was
cut in the neck an artery being cut be
sides other wounds are said to have
been inflicted by Thrasher on the head
and face of Davis by the instrument
Davis is confined to bed and still very
weak from loss of blood
Thrasher was arrested and taken be
fore Squire Berry Saturday night when
the case was continued until Monday
afternoon at four oclock October 2nd
At this time Thrasher waived hearing
and was bound over to the next term of
district court being placed under 81000
bond for his appearance Defendant
made no effort to give bond and was
placed in the county jail until the con
finement becomes irksome
Thrashers father wired a 1000 bond
from Dothan Alabama Wednesdayand
the young man was released The
father also wired he would be in the city
soon and see the son through his pres
ent difficulty
Water Tax Due
Fourth quarters water tax now due
Delinquent October 17th 1905 Office
open from 8 a m to 5 p m
J E Kelley Supt
Autumn Chaps--A
continuation of that velvety
is assured for this winter if you use Mc
Connells Fragrant Lotion
A few dozen heavy fleeced undershirts
no drawers worth 50c closing them at
29c at Thompsons
Mike Walsh has moved across the
street from his old location and wants to
see his old friends and many new ones
in his line of business
You make no mistake if you go to W
F Wilson the second hand man on
East Dennison street phone No 31G
to either buy or sell second hand goods
of any kind lie buys and sells right
Hes all right 29 2
Cards have been issued to the wedding
of Miss Florence Franfclin and Mr Ge6
Herbert Watkins which happy event
will occur at the brides home on next
Wednesday evening October 11th
They will be at homo in McCook after
Decemler 1st
lzzer bed comforts are found in every
corner and part of Red Willow county
They sell themselves on simple merit
and every purchaser sends a new cus
tomer tomorrow We have shipped
them as far east as Hastings and they
are scattered everywhere up west
Strictly homemade 14 yards of cloth 6
lzzer batts well tacked and hemmed
1S5 Others at 225 to 300 The
Thompson D G Co makers
Rev Harry Shepherd has gone to
Haigler to preach
Percy A Wells was out from Omaha
close of last week on business
Mrs G E Denton is visiting her
sister Miss Florence at Axtell
Miss Millie Elbert is working in
the county clerks office at present
Don McCarty is in the city after an
absence of a year or two on a visit
Mrs E M Cox went down to Repub
lican City Wednesday on a short visit
Mr and Mrs J W Hupp left last
night for their home in Seattle Wash
Stuart McLean went up to Denver
Sunday last to be absent a few days on
a visit
Mrs Sarah Spickelmier of Long
mont Colorado is in the city guest of
Mrs L M Copeland is upfromMin
den and guest of her daughter Mrs J
G Schobel
Mrs II A Beale is visiting in Chi
cago Rock Island and other points for
a few weeks
Miss Ethel Barnett arrived home
last Saturday on No 14 from her visit
in California
Mrs E S Waite left on No 6 Mon
day night on a visit of some length in
Illinois among relatives and friends
Miss Bertha Graham of Holdrege at
tended the Woodworth Wilcox recep
tion Wednesday and ia remaining in
the city over Sunday
Mrs M A Northrup arrived home
from Kansas City Mo on 13 Sunday
being called home by the sickness of her
son-in-law C II Boyle
Frank Colfer is in an insurance office
in Omaha and Arthur is in the dental
department of Creighton university for
the fall and winter term
H L Kennedy went in to Omaha
Thursday night to see his wife who will
undergo a second operation in a hospital
of that city close of this week
John LeHew night mail carrier and
janitor has resigned and contemplates
going to Cheyenne to work G Fred
Kinghornis filling that niche now
- Mr and Mrs Thom
as Pa are spending a few days with
their niece MrsiJ H Moore on their
way home from Washington and Cali
Rev J J Loughran who was recent
ly summoned to Edgerton Wis by the
serious illness of his aged mother is
expected home tonight His mother is
Mrs W W McMillen and daughter
Miss Maude will arrive home tonight
from spending part of the summer in
Somerset county Pennsylvania visiting
Fred Bush of Coglizer Bush was
called up to Palisade Monday night by
news of the serious injury of his mother
who was it is feared fatally injured by
having a hay stacker fall on to her
Mrs Terpening of Utah Illinois was
in the city Wednesday in company
with Mrs C B Hoag of Indianola visit
ing old friends Mrs Terpening is visit
ing her brother Bob Thomas at Indian
John W Thomas editor of Good
Will Tidings Omaha was in the city
Tuesday on a mission of soliciting
funds for the Tinley Rescue Christian
Home for fallen girls and women of that
C II Boyle who has been quite ill
for the past two weeks with an attack of
pneumonia is now much improved and
progressing nicely toward compiete re
covery which will be welcome news to
many friends
Dr H M Ireland and Miss Gertrude
Colvin were married last Saturday at
the home of the brides sister Mrs A O
Thomas of Kearney Nebraska Rev L
F Sanford officiating They have since
been visiting at his old home in Craig
Neb Congra ulations
We have a large assortment of choco
lates bon bons nut candies etc Try
some of our delicious confections next
time you want something extra good
McConnell Druggist
All the popular and tasteful table fit
tings and the established necessities
and fads of the hour at Colemans
Sterling silver and quadruple plate in
richest patterns
Best apron check ginghams 5 cents at
Childrens white bear skin coats in
splendid quality for 400 also the bear
skin in extra heavy weight 300 per
1 yard at the Thompson D G Co
TwHMi w tMi
The Last Bird Has Flown
For a brief while close of last week
Red Willow countys jail was without a
prisoner the last prisoner having taken
advantage of the numerous opportuni
ties thrust upon him and bid the jail a
fond goodbye and farewell and gone
hence at least elsewhere just how and
when is not real definitely known It
is at least known that he did not break
out Whether he got away while out in
care of the jailer or whether he in
some manner secured the keys or a
friend for him may not ever be definitely
known But Clarence Gill charged
with attempted murder is at liberty so
far as the jail of Red Willow county is
concerned and there is small concern
about the details It is sufficient to say
that he could easily have made his es
cape at other times had ho thought it
Perhaps this incident would not of
itself attract much attention or com
ment but jail deliveries in Red Willow
county under the present sheriff have
become the established rule We are
informed that out or oignt prisoners
placed in his keeping eight only have
escaped This is a record perhaps never
equalled before in this state It is a
record of which Sheriff Crabtree can
hardly be proud and which is a disgrace
to this county
A Quiet Home Wedding
Mr George D Burgess and Miss Geor
gia McCarty were quietly married on
Tuesday evening October 3rd 1905 at
the home of his parents Mr and Mrs
Frank D Burgess in the presence of a
few near relatives of the young couple
Rev A B Carson officiating They
took the night train for Omaha and will
be absent about a week or so on a short
wedding trip Upon their return they
will make their home with his parents
To the strains of the wedding march
played by John Gaarde the groom
marched to the alter with the brides
maid Miss Francis McCarty and later
came the bride leaning upon the arm of
her brother and the grooms best man
Mr Walter McCarty The beautiful
ring ceremony was read by Rev A B
Carson of the Baptist church During
the evening a wedding luncheon was
The Tribune wishes the young people
a prosperous and happy married life
and in so doing expresses the wish of
many friends in McCook
Beauty Aids
and Toilet Needs
Our stock of toilet articles and prep
erations is always complete As soon as
anything new and of real value appears
we stock it No matter how simple or
unusual a want may be in this line we
can supply it
L W McConnell Druggist
When you buy one of those Coles
Hot Blast heaters of W T Coleman
and reduce your fuel bill one half dont
it count
For Sale
One registered Shorthorn bull five
years old
WHBENJAMiNBanksville Neb
Ideal 10 cent store opens soon
Best spooled carpet warp 19c a pound
at Thompsons
The county commissioners held a brief
session Tuesday
Albert McMillen was in Omaha part
of the week on business
Mens and womens pure wool under
wear 100 each at Thompsons
Best table oil cloths 15 cents a yard
including white at Thompsons
Girl Wanted For general
Mrs L M Best Phone
and sending in their
sions this week
For Sale My ten room residence at
a low figure A P Bonnot
For Sale A six room dwelling on
Melvin street Apply to Frank Traver
There is a small oxidized watch with
chain at The Tribune office for the
The old soldiers have been
vouchers for pen-
American Beauty Corsets are unequall
ed Money back after four weeks wear
if dissatisfied at Thompsons
Leon Louis Rices concert in the
Methodist church last Friday evening
was a delight and deserved a full house
Fur scarfs and muffs and childrens
and misses fur setts in all the different
popular furs from 100 to 1250 at
For Sale or Rent The Kimmel res
idence one block west of court house
seven rooms in good repair 13 per
month or will sell on easy payments
with twenty per cent cash Write J W
Kimmel Lincoln Neb 29 2ts
Quiet Wedding Elaborate Reception
The wedding of Mr Charles R Wood
worth of Boise Idaho and Miss Mabel
Emily Wilcox of our city at the home
of her parents Mr and Mrs Justin A
Wilcox Wednesday evening was char
acterized in chief by the simplicity and
quietness of the marriage ceremony and
the elaborateness of tho ensuing recep
The wedding ceremony was performed
at 530 Mrs G II Thomas at the
piano played Mendelssohns wedding
march and the bridal party approached
little Dorothy Carman flower girl pret
tily dressed in white organdie bestrew
ing their way with roses After the
brido and groom came Miss Myrtle
Meyer and Mr John D Mundis of Den
ver bridesmaid and best man ending
with little Dorothy Dungan ring bearer
sweetly dressed in a white Persian lawn
carrying the wedding ring in a basket of
roses and maiden hair fern The cere
mony was performed by Rev M B Car
man of the Methodist church under a
wedding bell done in Marguerites with
aback ground of lace curtains smilax
and bunches of daisies In addition to
the regular ring ceremony the high con
tracting parties were participants in a
brief significant ribbon tying ceremony
each tying a knot in a broad piece of
cream ribbon which ended in a double
bow knot beautifully suggestive of the
indissoluble nature of the bonds Only
members of the family and those in
charge of dining room were present
The brides gown was of imported
point desprit over ivory satin trimmed
with ivory satin ribbon and French lace
She carried a bouquet of delicate pink
and cream tea roses
The bridesmaid wore a blue silk
crepe garment trimmed with cream lace
and her bouquet was of cream tea roses
The ensuing reception was a very
elaborate affair invitations being out in
excess of three hundred Tho young
ladies of the Awl Os club were in
charge of the early hour exclusively
The front porch was illuminated and
converted into a cloak room with Miss
Stella Fuller and Miss Stasia Brady in
Miss Nellie Smith greeted the guests
at the front door and ushered to the re
ceiving line composed of the parents
bride and groom and bridesmaid and
groomsman in the parlor
From the parlor the guests were grac
iously advanced by Miss Minnie Rowell
through the sitting room which wasmod
estly decorated with ferns and tea roses
Miss Ida McCarl ushered to the pink
and white dining room which was pre
sided over by Mrs E M Bigelow with
Miss Aimee Menard assisting at the
table and Miss Medora Santee serving
refreshments The decorations of this
room were the most elaborate in the res
idence the ceiling and sidewalls and
draperies being of pink and white arti
ficial chrysanthemums the flowers were
pink and white carnations
Miss Addie Doan ushered to the white
dining room where Mrs William Lewis
presided assisted at the table by Miss
Mollie Ryan and in serving by Miss
Edna Yarger The chief decorations
here were the table occupying the center
of the room streamers of white ribbon
dropped from the electrolier to the four
corners of the table which together with
walls china cabinet and lace curtains
had a sprinkling of autumn leaves and
woodbine berries White carnations
were the flowers
Mrs Anna Colfer was in charge of the
presents room where were displayed a
rare lot of beautiful and elegant presents
in silver cut class china pictun s etc
No decorations were attempted here for
lack of space
Miss Laura McMillen had charge of
the wedding and guest book
other room where a vase of red dahlias
was displayed
Miss Carrie Budlong Miss Effie Ab
bott and Mrs R M Douglass are to b s
entirely credited with all the artistic
decorative effects
For the closing hour of the reception
the assistants were in each instance
changed Miss Francis McCarty and
Miss Tacie DeLong served in the cloak
room Mrs Albert McMillen received
the guests Mrs Adele Phelan ushered
to the pink and white dining room
where Mrs C II Meeker presided at
the table and Mrs W Ernest DeWitt
served Mrs J G Schobel directed
guests to the white dining room iu which
Mrs A C Ebert had the seat at the
table and Mrs H J Pratt and Mrs
Ainsworth Monks served refreshments
Mrs C L Fahnestock had charge of
the guest book etc
The young folks took their departure
last night on No 3 for their future
home in Boise Idaho to stop briefly in
Salt Lake City Utah en route They
will go to housekeeping in a new home
ready for them on their arrival and will
be at home to their friends after No
vember 15
fi rj Ill 4 fl
The bride is one of McCook s own a
charming accomplished and popular
daughter whoso life has been largely
spent here and whose circlo of friends is
co extensive with her acquaintanceship
The groom until recently was employ
ed in Albert McMillans drug storo
During his residence in McCook many
learned to admire him for gentlemanly
deportment and the sterling excellency
of his upright character Ho is now
employed in Boise Idaho in a similar
To their new homo go with the henrty
and genuine best wishes of a host of Mc
Cook friends
The Converse Anton Nuptials
The home of the brides mother Mrs
Augusta Anton 407 Marshall street
this city was the setting for a charming
nuptial event Tuesday ovoning of this
week October 3rd 1905 when at the ap
pointed hour of 630 oclock Mr Ira E
Converse and Miss Ida Louise Anton
were united in marriage Rev M B
Carman of the Methodist church per
forming the simple ceremony in an im
pressive style using tho ring service
The wedding ceremony was planned
and carried out in colonial stylo and was
witnessed by only relatives of tho high
contracting parties
A large canoply bell of roses smilax
and ferns was arranged in one corner of
the parlor and here the bridal party
assumed their stations to the strains of
the wedding march played by Miss Lyda
Converse a sister of the groom while
little Mabel sister of the bride dressed
in white silk carried the wedding ring
in the center of a large rose and a little
friend Jennie OConnell scattered sweet
roses before the advancing couple
The bride was gowned in a pretty
cream colored chiffon silk trimmed in
bow knot point lace Tho groom wore
the conventional black
The home was tastefully decorated
with roses smilax ferns and carnations
The color scheme of the parlor was car
dinal and green Long festoons of smi
lax and soses extended from tho four
corners of the room to the center of the
ceiling while ferns smilax and roses de
corated the electric light chandlier and
curtains The arch way leading into
dining room was a bower of green and
roses The dining room was festooned
with smilax ferns and carnations vEile
wide bands of pale blue and pink rib
bons drooped from the center of the
ceiling to the four corners of the table
ending in large bow knots that extended
to the floor
Following the ceremony was served a
four course wedding supper
The bride is a charming young woman
who has grown from a child into young
womanhood in our city She is much
admired and loved by a large circle and
all join in wishing her a wedded life
of much happiness
The groom formerly of Hendley has
been a resident of this city for tho past
four years an einployejin the Burlington
train service He is a young man of
sterling qualities of character and popu
lar and much respected by all
Many handsome and useful gifts were
received by the young couple
They departed oh No 3 Wednesday
night for the west and will visit in Den
ver Salt Lake City and other western
points before their return to McCook
where they will make their home at No
407 Marshall street and will be at home
to their frieuds after November 1st
We are constantly adding new things
to our cut glass lines We have a fine
assortment of cut glass which you will
enjoy examining No obligation to buy
if vou dont wish to W T Coleman
A McMillen prescription druggist
Mens extra size pants 40 4S 50
inches at Thompsons
Removed Dr Kays office is now
over Pades furniture storo Phone 93
First class dress making Call at
Weygint dwelling 2ts
Jennie M Cottom
For Rent Front bedroom or parlor
nnl front Iiorfmnni suitable for four
II L Kennedy
Very handsome assortment of ladies
misses and childrens caps at Thomp
The Marseilles hand corn sheller is
known to be the most durable and
light running See the assortment at
James Harris has gono into the land
business to sell such land as the other
fellows fail to sell and to give satisfac
tion generally where the other fellows
fall down
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than tho cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Wy Aw
McConnell for drugs
Try McMillen s cold euro
Everything in drugs McConnell
McMillons cough cure is effective
Have you so3n tho fancy china at
Keep an eye on tho opening of the
new 10 storo
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Mens extra size suits 40 and 48 at
The cravenetto covers
sins of the modiste
a multitude of
Childrens sleeping garments 35c to
50c at Thompsons
Special prices on Hammocks at Mc
Millens drug store
Fur scarfs in genuine
Isabella fox
750 at Thompsons
Bargains at The Ideal 10 cent storo
Look out for the opening
Boys and girls union suits of under
wear 25c to 90c at Thompsons
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Wanted Pupils for a now class just
starting in shorthand LWStayner
Boys very heavy and warm all wool
three piece suits 500 at Thompsons
The next meeting of tho county com
missioners will be held on November 9
For preserving we have all tho sup
plies you need McConnell Druggist
For Sale My residence on northeast
corner of Catholic church block
R M Douglass
See that cano topper at W T Cole
mans It will pay you to buy one this
Mens undershirts and drawers in
extra sizes 4G 48 50 inches at Thomp
Twenty different patterns in dinner
ware to select from at Ludwicks furni
ture store
For Sale No 0 Remington type
writer and a Round Oak heating stove
botlrnearly new L W Stayner
Cash offer wanted on lot 3 block 7
First addition to McCook Newman it
Laycock 711 17th St Denver Colo
Anyone wishing first class dressmak
ing done apply to Mrs A Lee Rooms
over Diamonds clothing store G 3ts
For Sale Four room house in South
McCook Easy monthly payments or
will trade for stock L M BestPhone 91
It is W F Wilson phone 316 East
Dennison street who buys and sells
second hand furniture of all kinds right
Try him
A vote taken to determine the rrost
popular thing in town would most cer
tainly elect the lzzer cotton batt 12
ouces 12 i cents at Thompsons
That gasoline engine that W T Cole
man had on exhibition at the carnival
seems to be the right thing judging
from the way the people talk who have
them in use
Call up phone 310 if you have any
thing in the sccond haud goods line to
buy or sell That means W F Wilson
Hell do the square thing with
everv time 29 2
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across tho street from his old1 loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc
Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will
give your repairs prompt and careful at
tention Repairs for every stove made
Examinations free of charge
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
Red Willow county got a draft for a
cool hundred dollars from the state fair
board for its premium for an exhibit at
the state fair this fall scoring among
the hiirh ones of the counties of the
state c
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Hon Geo W Norris who has just re
turned from Europe will address the
people of McCook at the Methodist
church next Monday night Oct 9th at
S 15 under the auspices of the Brother
hood of St Paul The public is invited
No admission fee