The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 29, 1905, Image 8

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HcCooK Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 3G
Whoat CI
Oats 25
Ro 4 to
Barley 20
Hogs 4 75
Eggs 15
QoodBnttor 18
W R Wilson
Successor to Nick Colling
Buys and Sells
Second hand Goods
of all kinds Furniture
wanted Rear of De
Phone 316
McCook - Nebraska
V y
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block W est of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
Mrs Sina Smith of Wilsonvilleis hero
Mrs Davis has bought half of a lot of
Mrs Ruby
Mr Pogue was hero visiting Monday
and Tuesday
W A Stone has bought Webster
Dowlers place
Wm Hindmans have moved into the
Eifert property
Mrs Whittaker of McCook is here
visiting friends and relatives
Cecil and Mildred Pews mother of
Hebron Neb Is hero visiting
A baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs
R B Vernons one day last week
JLSims is fixing up n real estit
office in the News office for two gentle
Mr and Mrs J L Murr left Sunday
night Mr Murr going to attend confer
G B Morgan has bou -lit the Grand
ma VanVleet place in town and is having
it repaired
Quite a number of W A Stones rel
atives and friends of Wilsonville are
here visiting
Roy Thomas had a rib broken while
working around a thres bing machine
last Saturday
The following are under the doctors
care Howard Rubys baby Mrs Tom
Plumb and Mrs Maud Messnor
James Williams has just returned
from surveying a piece of land on Drift
wood Jimmy is just the man for that
Word was received that Mrs Lewis
Cann and daughter who have been visit
ing in Canada would not start home for
a few days on account of the formers
Ed Hummels father is here from Illi
The diphtheria patients are much
A shining new coat has been put on
the postolfice
District No 82 is building a new
school house
There was a party at Ora Bod wells
Friday evening
The carpenters that built the farmers
elevator left Monday
Earl Bodwell is tending the photo
graph gallery for Mr Ball
Regular passenger service was com
menced on this line Monday
Jinrij Hamp and Emmet Horton shell
ed corn Tuesday and Wednesday
We understand that Ed Stilgebouer
is to run the new meat market here
A truck came from under one of the
cars the other day and was not noticed
till just before the train left town when
Ora Bodwell told a brakeman of it and
saved an accident
a- 1 tjj 4 v j tL j
By Henry
To Be
Serially in
This Paper
HPHE SOWERS is one of
the very strongest of
recent novels
It is a graphic pen picture
of Russian life today made
from personal observation re
vealing the splendor of the
palace and the squalor of the
The Sowers is above
everything else a powerful
story of love hate and in
trigue full of human nature
Read THE SOWERS m This Paper
vrnij vrnc Luiiar Lne year
John R Brown of Missouri Ridge was
in town Monday
Miss Sadie McNeil is helping J Picket
in the storp this week
A little baby boy came to the home of
Fred Burt a few days ago
The Congregational people are holding
a convention here this week
David Brown of Edwin Missouri was
an Indianola visitor Friday
The fair is on come one come all and
join in the general procession
The Noble Company is here for a
week with a few variations each night
A large delegation from Danbury are
gracing the fair with their presencethis
Miss Gracie Smith of McCook is
spending the week with her cousin Annie
Miss Maud Carmichael of Cambridge
visited with friends in Indianola during
fair week
Quite a number of our citizens attend
ed the funeral of Mr Baker at Bartley
last Sunday
Mrs Mann who has been away all
summer in Oregon arrived home Mon
day morning
Mr and Mrs E S Hill have returned
from their trip to Colorado well pleased
with their visit
Mrs Beardslee of McCook is visiting
her daughter this week and attending
the convention
James Jensen and family are visiting
at the home Christopher Jensen living
north of Indianola
David Brown and wife of Edna Mis
souri visited with the family of W II
Smith Monday last
Mrs J G Ervin came home on No
5 Sunday pvening from a visit to her
daughters living near Kearney
Major Hess went to Bartley Thurs
day afternoon b the wagon route re
turning on No 5 in the evening
East Lynne is to be presented one
night this week at the opera house by
the Noble Company A full house is
Mr Martin Akers enjoyed a visit from
a sister living in Kansas a few days this
week She returned to her home Wed
nesday evening
Misses Gracie Smith Verna Brown
and Annie Smith drove out to the home
of Miss Sarah Jensen on Tuesday last
and spent a very pleasant day
Among the McCook people who came
down to see the wonderful things at the
fair this week we noticed our old
friends Mr and Mrs E J Mitchell
Mrs J J Wilson is selling out her
notion store preparatory to going east
She int nds going to Missouri soon
where she has a good position offered
Little Francis Powell fell from a build
ing last Friday and broke his left arm
in two places The case is a severe one
but the little fellow is getting along
nicely now
Newt Brown of Bariny Missouri is
out on a visit to his brother J Brown
He went some time ago to California
for his health but not being greatly ben
efitted by the change he decided to try
our tine climate for awhile
Ben King is helping Will Myers with
his hay
Mr Helms folks are kept busy cann
ing fruit
Mrs Taylor has a fine lot of apples
and plums
Gabrilla Longnecker is visiting her
brother Holton in Eollinsville
Jacob Longnecker and family were
here from Sterling Colorado
Mrs L J Burtless John Burtless
wife and little daughter visited friends
Saturday and Sunday
Owens Longnecker is cutting an im
mense crop of fodder with a new corn
binder It takes all the strength to set
up the shocks
The stork hovered over the homo of
Louis Longnecker and left a 8 pound
girl Louis sometimes touches the
ground when he walks
Mrs Jacob Longnecker has been with
her sister since the 18th of August The
children are delighted to be home again
and we hope to keep them there
Red Willow was well represented at
Denver Mr and Mrs Sexon Mr and
Mrs Miller Mr and Mrs Hongland Mr
and Mrs Helm and daughters and little
sons and Mr Canaga
Mrs G B Nettleton of Colorado
Springs was warmly welcomed by her
old friends and neighbors and many in
cidents were recalled as she passed
through all the varied experiences of the
new county
One of the most enjoyable picnics was
held at the appointed time and place
There were a few of the real old settlers
present Some were away some tired
out from being in Denver at the G A
t Rsome were busy others were pouting
A bounteous dinner plenty of water
melons and social intercourse were
really more pleasant than set speeches
and formality One noticeable feature
of the occasion was the number of chil
I American continents
House is one of the duties that a weak
woman looks forward to with dread As
a rule she knows that she must pay for
the over strain with days or weeks of
womanly suffering
Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and sick
women well
Backed up by over a third of a cen
tury of remarkable and uniform cures
a record such as no other remedy for
the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to
women ever attained the proprietors of
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription now
feel fully warranted in offering to pay 500
in legal money of the United States for
any case of Leucorrhea Female Weak
ness Prolapsus or Falling of Womb
which they cannot cure All they ask
is a fair and reasonable trial of their
means of cure
I took two botles of your Favorite Prescrip
tion and two of the Golden Medical Discov
ery and am feeling well writes Mrs Dan
McKenzie of Norway Mines Cape Breton Co
Nova Scotia I had uterine trouble also pain
in the side and headache After taking your
medicine I was cured You may publish this or
use it In any way you think bet as I cannot
speak too highly of Dr Pierce and his medicine
Free Dr Fierces common bense Med
ical Adviser is sent free on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of mailing only
Send 21 one cent stamps for the book in
paper covers or 31 stamps for the cloth
bound volume Address Dr R V Pierce
Buffalo N Y
James McDowell is quite ill at present
Miss Lillie Burton is under the doc
tors care
Mrs Albert Burton was on the sick
list first of the week
Rev Kirby and wife are attending
conference this week
S W Clark and family moved into
their new home Monday
Mrs Ogg is here from Missouri visit
ing with her daughter Mrs Fred Bent
Mr and Mrs Guy Curleeof Ilolbrook
were over Sundav visiting with their
daughter Mrs Fred Bentley
Mrs Bel has so far recovered from
the injury recently received that she is
able to enjoy a visit this week with her
daughter Mrs Chas Ginther
Thos Saul moved one of his thresh
ing outfit to Colorado south of Wray
where he has grain to thresh He took
a crew with him who are used to tho
Prof II II Gallatin came to Cam
bridge Sunday morning walked up to
Bartley and was united in marriage to
Miss LilJie Lohr in the afternoon re
turning to his school atBrunning Neb
Monday on No 12 with his wife Both
parties are well known here and all join
in wishing them a pleasant future
Farm lands are on the boom and sev
eral farms have changed hands being
sold in nearly every instance by parties
residing in the middle and eastern part
of the state John Reiter sold 240 for
5000 John Foreman sold 160 acres for
S1800 John O Miller sold 320 acres for
85000 J W Arbogast sold 160 acres for
S2800 W N Lyman sold 320 acres for
S5300 Smith Brothers sold 160 acres for
81800 W W Lemasters sold 160 acres
for 83000 Geo Theobald sold 240 acres
for 83500 K C Kanhause sold 305 acres
for 86000 I W Stevens sold 160 acres
for 83600
Came to Red Willow county from
Iowa in 18S3 Was known all over the
county as an eccentric industrious hon
est man He has held many minor
offices given him by the votes of the
people for the past few years He has
been mail carrier from the railroad
station to the postoffice and endured
many hardships for small remuneration
entirely faithful to his trust He was
taken sick Friday afternoon and died
Saturday evening September 23 at the
age of 75 years and a few months His
wife with whom he has lived over forty
eight years survives and with her who
mourn his decease are two sons and two
daughters all married The many
friends of Mr Baker mourn his loss and
tender sincere sympathy to Mrs Baker
and other relatives
Albert weeKsnas traded for a cane
binder to harvest his crop of cane
J E Dodge is moving to Marion so as
to be closer to his merchantile job
The Benjamin public sale went
through as billed September 22 1905
The steam threshers are putting in
good time getting the grain in bins and
to market
School commences at 2so 51 at Banks-
ville Monday October l22 Miss Rector
will be the teacher
Fred Wesch is running a one horse
disc drill putting his rye and winter
wheat in the cornfield
Mr Williams now living on the H
Relph place is reported to have bought
the Phebe Knobbs claim on the west side
of Grant precinct also the Isaac Matson
40 joining it in Hitchcock county on the
v i
Len Younger is the owner of a new
F G Lytle was on the sick list the
first of the week
Born to Mr and Mrs J A Modrell
September 21 si son
Tom Elmo purchased a horse of T M
Campbell last week
Miss Lillio Groves and sister of Os
bufn were callers in this vicinity Mon
A T Crane returned last Monday
from his trip to Illinois and left his
father improving in health
Rev J A Kerr left last Tuesday for
conference would have gone Monday
evening but was detained to preach the
funeral of one of Mr Dulands twins
Mrs Cora Campbell and Mrs Nannie
Shepherd of Osburn and Miss Maggie
Bovell of Louisiana were visiting rela
tives and acquaintances in this vicinity
last week
George Bond who has been visiting
relatives in thn vicinity left last Satur
day morning for his home at Urbana
Illinois his sister accompanied him as
far as Geneva Nebraska where she
will visit her son J B Johnson and
Mrs Alice Lease returned to her
home in Redfield Kansas Monday
W N Rodgers took some of his fine
stock to the Red Willow county fair
Gerald Wilcox brought homo a fine
pen of hogs purchased at the state fair
Mr and Mrs I N McDougal of
Haigles are guests of relatives and
friends for a few days
Jake Ball put down a now well for
Frank Freelove first of the week The
old well having given out
Mrs Frank Fieelove left for the
Portland exposition Tuesday on No 13
She will be gone about two months
E R Sageser and family returned
home Monday from a three weeks
visit in Lexington Ky Mr Sagesers
old home
Mr and Mrs Judd Gragg arrived
from Lena Neb Wednesday and are
visiting relatives and frieds on Ash
creek being guests of Joe Downs
The Kennedy school 1 ouse is being
newly floored and painted If work is
finished in time school begins October 2
with Miss Susie Lellew as teacher
A E Overman is perhaps the highest-salaried
separator tender in Nebras
ka 83 a day is the usual high mark
but in a recent instance he secured an
additional 83 per day for his services in
that capacity
Good advice to women If you want
a beautiful complexion clear skin bright
eyes red lips good health take Hol
listers Rocky Mountain Tea There is
nothing like it 33 cents Tea or Tablets
L W McConnells
xiS X
A USS2 tcta
I Ufe KM33J333IM5J3 Ttte
1 XsjjjCC
Geo Howell sold bis farm last week
H H Borry of McCook wn3 up this
way Tuesday
W Lewis of Iowa spent several days
here looking after his land crops
Mrs G HSimmorraan and MraRobt
Traphagen are visiting in Illinois
Uncle Billy is awful tricky A week
ago last Saturday he had four boxes
taken into the houso and oach ono had
a busliel of fine large tamo plums
Auntie smiled a smote that was sweet to
behold and she hasnt got over it yet
T F West went to McCook Tuesday
and knowing be would need a little
spending money he took ten loads of
shoats along that averaged 358 pounds
Nearly 1000 wortti He had three
loads more but parties that were to haul
them in failed to appear
aobtrll to Sopport Are
The government of Bavaria haa
voted a considerable aura for the main
tenance of art institutions throughout
the kingdom during the coming year
The allowances for the purchase of
paintings and their preservation is
particularly liberal The various art
Institutes In Munich receive handsome
subsidies and the Germanic museum
In Nuremberg gets an Increased allow
ance Various other institutions have
been voted large amounts for repairs
and maintenance Thse art allow
ances In all reah 8108163 marks
7397411 Emil Henr7 In Chicago
Corn Stubble CulK Throne
L T Davis a farmer living near
West Union W Va had his throat
cut by a corn stubble and almost bled
to death before assistance reached him
While hauling fodder he fell from his
wagon his throat striking the sharp
pointed stubble A tearing gash waa
the result
For the best
of all kinds of Build
ing Materials
Steam and Domestic
Coals see
Dr E O Vaime
l PHONE 190
T Office over Bee Hive
Phone No i
Try Carney Egg
Largest Commercial School and Institute of Shorthand and
Telegraphy west of the Mississippi river Owns and occupies
jentire building Graduates assisted to positions Students may
work for board
Tho Large Illustrated Catalogue
is Free Address
H ivioiu tAmS JTf riS 7 NAA
B -- -7 M
I ssSsUm mrSHi I
m BIgni ucioDerwili
M Hute Haoerm diiks bi - H
Sum Cense ind uminn diui 01 H
H Sum Mnonconae OSWllairing BIUiy H
uiei 1Y111 loutr ue rememDerea Dy those I Want your IHOUStaClie Or Deard KlIIKilUljUAiyiV