The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 29, 1905, Image 7

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    fe w
SI 00 a bottle
All druggists
cf fa pig
A is IS
folT Lk
Soda Crackers
Lowell Mass
h MJi1lllTjfS
Aid the Sarsaparilla by keeping the
bowels regular with Ayers Pills
James O liamniond Josephine MHammond
James O Hammond as guardian of Toephiue
M Hammond a minor and Ardeu H Purvis
defendants will take notice that on the 9th day
of August 1905 the plaintiff heroin Milton H
Hammond Ada A Hammond and Mary E
Hammond filed a petition in the district court
of Red Willow county Nebraska the object
and prayer of which are to obtain a judgment
confirming the undivided one sixth interest
each of the said plaintiffs and defendants un
der the will of Mirelda E Hammond deceased
in and to the northwest quarter section thirty
five township two north range thirty Red
Willow county Nebraska and for the partition
of said real estate according to the respective
rights of said parties or if the same canwit bo
equitably divided that said premises be sold
and the proceeds thereof divided between the
parties according to their respective rights
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before Monday October iird 1905
Dated this 12th day of September 1905
Milton H Hammond Ada A Hammond and
Makt E Hammond Plaintiffs
By Boyle and Eldred their attorneys
In the connty court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska To all persons interested in
the estate of Sophia E Burges late of said
county deceased You are hereby notified that
ou the 21st day of September 1905 Maude M
Burgess filed her petition in the county court of
said county for her appointment as administra
trix of the estate of Sophia E Burgess late of
said county deceased and that the same will
bo heard at the county court room in the city of
McCook in said county on the 7th day of Oc
tober 1905 at the hour of one oclock afternoon
It is further ordered that notice of said hearing
be given all parties interested in said estate by
the publication of this notice for three success
ive weeks in the McCook Tribune a newspaper
printed published and circulating in said
county Dated this 21st day of September 1905
seal 9-22-3 ts Fkank Moore County Judge
Frank S Currr Mrs Frank S Curryhis wife
first name unknown and John Hegenberger de
fendants will take notice that on the 19th day
of September 1905 E C McKay plaintiff filed
his petition in the district court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against them the object and
1 prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage for
SG0000 given by the defendant John Hegenberg
er to said plaintiff upon lot twelre block
thirty three in the second addition to the town
now city of McCook Red Willow county
i braska that no part of aid debt has been paid
except the sum of 1S175 aud there is now due
plaintiff from said defendants upon said note
and mortgage and the interest thereon and for
the taxes for the years 1902 and 1904 and first
quarter water tax for tho year 1905 paid bv
plaintiff tho sum of 40259 for which sum with
interest and costs plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to par the sameor
that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount
found due the plaintiff
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday October 30th1905
Dated September 19 1905
i E C McKay Plaintiff
Boyle Eldred Attorneys for plaintiff
Mi lawMssSS 5a
i tsVi Pi9
I l Mm mm
A 2150 Mans Outfit Complete for
It is Easy to Order
this Outfit
We positirely guma
tee to fit you perfectly-
Take Laxative Utoto
Seven Million boxes sold te pest 2 5 rronUs
- 5
IffTHr r 1
anything you choose milk for instance or alone
At every meal or for a munch between meals when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner in the morning when you wake hungry or at
night just before going to bed Soda crackers are so
light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at
times when you could not think of eating anything else
But as in all other things there is a difference in sod
crackers the superlative being
a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
preserved for you
To Ira Chandler and the Nebraska Loan fc
Banking Company defendants You will take
notice that the plaintiff Lawrence H Hoonoy
has filed his petition against ou in the district
court of Red Willow county Nebraska the ob
ject and prayer of which are to cancel and dis
charge of record the cloud cast upon the plain
tiffs title to lots numbered five and six in block
numbered twenty fire 25 in the first addition
to the town now city of McCook Nebraska by
certain mortgage given May 1 lt90 for the sum
of 90000 to the Nebraska Loan Sc Banking
company and recorded in book 19 page 471 of
the mortgage records of said county and the as
signment thereof by said company to Ira C
Chandler on May 5 1S90 which assignment was
recorded July 1G 1S90 in book 20 page S of the
mortgage records of said county plaintiff al
leging that said mortgage and the notes secured
thereby hare been fully paid and satisfied
Plaintiff pras for a decree that said mortgage
may be canceled and discharged of record and
that the cloud on his title caused thereby be re
moved You are required to answer said peti
tion ou or lielora Monday the 30th day of Octo
ber 1905
Dated this 20th day of September A D 1905
Lawrence H Rooney
By J E Keller his attorney
Impure blood always shows
somewhere If the skin then
boils pimples rashes If the
nerves then neuralgia nerv
ousness depression If the
stomach then dyspepsia
biliousness loss of appetite
Your doctor knows the
remedy used for 60 years
Iteturnlng from the Ciiluiii war I was i
perfect wreck 31 v blond was 1inl ami my
health was gone lint a few bottles of Ayers
Sarsaparilla comnletelv cured me
II U DouiiLuu Scranton Ia
J -
Department of the Interior lai d otlice at Lin
coln Nebraska August 31 1905 Nonce h re
by given that the following named ettr has
filed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim and that said proof will
be made before R W Deroe clerk of the dist
rict court at McCook Nebraska on October 14
1905 riz Homestead No 1225b Christian Smith
Ooborn Nebraska for the east half of the
west quarter and the south east quarter of the
north west quarter and the south west quarter
of the north east quarter of sectiou29 township
5 north range 30restsixth principal meridian
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz Jacob Betz of McCook Nebras
ka Truman F West of McCook Nebraska
Elijah Beebe of St Ann Nebraska Casper
Kakankamp of Osborn Nebraska
W A Gieen Register
Burlington Bulletin Rates
Chicago and return 62510 on
St Louis and return S GG3 on
Cures Grip
In Two Days
on every
tnn box 25c
Portland Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn 84500 on sale daily
Salt Lake Provo Price and Ogden
Utah and return 2790 on sale daily
Grand Junction and Mack Colo and
return S2790 on sale daily
Yellowstone Park through and in
cluding hotels and stage and return
7500 on sale daily
Cody Wyo Black Hills and Hot
Springs S D approximately half rates
all summer
Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin
points Michigan resorts on Lakes Michi
gan and Huron Canada Maine and
New England St Lawrence and Lake
Champlain regions very low tourist
rates all summer
If you will call or write it will be a
pleasure to advise you about rates train
service to reserve you a berth and to
try to make your trip a comfortable one
Geo S Scott
Agent C B Q Ry
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 2oc
Suit absolutely pue all--wool -worth - 1300
Fine soft Eat any style or color -worth -Pair
of stylish Shoos -worth ------
Percale Shirt -worth
Madras or - - - -
Par of Fine Suspenders -worth - - - -
Pair of fancy or plain Socks -worth - - -Nice
Handkerchief colored border -worth
Four-in-hand or maie up silk Tie -worth
Fine Leatherette Suit Case -worth - - -
HSmI fiy 4sSs
with order and -we -will sand this ontflt complete In
suit case by express to any address subject to
ation ind if everything is satisfactory pay express agent
tll85 balance and express charge
Slzs and MauremnU Coat comes in 35 to 12 chest
Five chest measurement Iants come 30 to 42 waist and 30 to
34 inseam give both measurements Shirts come li to 17J
Hats come 6 to X Socks come 9X to 11 Shoes come 5 to 11
Give sizes of all and state whether you wish suit of One
cassiniere or cheviot cloths
200 ggsgp W
- 10 si ntz I 1 3asLhI7
- 15 Ii99 I vvi J Tr
250 I vjvJlMigr IT i Ii
2150 I mn Vv vi
vbao ry 0 v
1 1
ES I gBr it V
ffi jy JB i i f i
fBrtmfafflm i
It ill becomes any of us to criticise
lapses in grammar says an authority
when we all of u consent to and
constantly make use of one nich lapse
ourselves To speak of the setting
sun is wholly incorrect Von my set
a book ou a table or even set a son on
a chair if lie be big enough not to fall
off but what does the orb of day set
and where does it set No sir queer
as it may sound to ears grown accus
tomed to the universal form the sun
sits If it sols anything why doesnt
It raise something If it shouldnt be
the rising and the sitting sun it should
be the raising and the setting sun
Think it over and when you get it ar
ranged to your satisfaction try to find
out what you mean when you speak
of a setting hen Philadelphia Rec
GenesiH of the Llprhtnlns Roil
The first lightning rod was not con
structed by Franklin nor set up in
America but by a monk at Seutten
berg Bohemia named Prohop Dil
wisch His apparatus was made and
put together during the spring and
summer of the year 1754 and was first
set up in the garden of the cure of
Frenditz Moravia on June 3 of the
year above n The rod attained
as much distii us that later made
by Franklin aim as the cause of the
inventor being presented with much
money and large estates His enemies
claimed that the rod was the cause of
the great drought of 17oT 175S and
1759 and upon the matter being report
ed to Vienna it was ordered to be taken
IVho He Was
A traveler saw a woman take a man
Vtlnc anil AVIIIa
The Law Magazine and Review tells
nu odd story of a Hamburg merchant
who had iiv sous who were all ardent
teetotalers The merchant was con
trary minded and to rescue the mis
guided young men from the error of
their obstinate ways lie directed in his
will that each of the five should on the
day of the funeral drink a glass of
wine to his memory in some public
place adding sis a condition subsequent
that if any of them should refuse to
drink the enjoined glass his share of
the inheritance should be forfeited and
divided up among the more complai
sant brothers but if all should refuse
the whole family property should go
to charities
No other testament so odd on the sub
ject of wine is recalled except that of a
total abstainer who left a fine wine cel
lar a recent legacy to himself to his
heir with directions that its contents
should be poured untasted on the
The Life Wan In Him
Daniel OConuell once unraveled a
queer plot In a will case Witness aft
er witness swore that they saw the
document duly executed At last a con
stantly reiterated expression caught
the lawyers attention The life was
in him over and over repeated By
the virtue of your oath was he alive
he asked one witness By the virtue
of my oath the life was In him he
was answered Then OConuell turned
to the man and very slowly and very
solemnly t i Now I call upon you
in the presi of your Maker who
will some day iss sentence upon you
for this evidence I solemnly ask you
and you answer at your peril was not
there a live lly in the dead mans
mouth when his hand was placed upon
the will Cornered and pale witn
fear the witness confessed that this
had actually happened
Doei the Sun Set
by the collar yank him up the steps
into a rauroati car jam mm uown into
a seat pile up a valise and two big
brown baskets with loose covers and
long handles at his feet and say
Now sit there until I help Mary
Jane en the car and dont move till I
come back
When the woman reached the door
the traveler said to her
Is that man your husband
Naw roared the woman Hes
my daughters husband and she hasnt
spirit enough to say her soul Is her
The Benprnl Groshenk
The Bengal grosbeak builds a nest
shaped like a bottle and always selects
for its support a long lithe limb over
hanging a stream of water The en
trance is beneath and from the situa
tion and peculiar shape It is absolute
ly impossible for a snake to gain ad
mission to the nest One naturalist
records seeing fourteen attempts on the
part of serpents to get at the nest but
the hungry snakes always fell off into
the water
Changed Position
Fielding How time changes a man
Theres Battser A dozen years ago he
was so engrossed with the teams on
the diamond that he cared for nothing
else Now all his thoughts are centered
in his family lou know lie has a wife
and eight children Rhuns Well that
isnt so much of a change He has sim
ply transferred his interest to his home
nine Judge
Working the OM Man
Do you think her
father will give his
Sure Ive been playing poker with
him once a week for the last six
months and letting him win Hell feel
like he has been offered a pension when
I ask him Houston Post
The Rest Tlicy Could Do
Rich Uncle Well Annabel have you
named the baby for me Young Wife
N no Uncle James but we have come
as near to it as we can We call her
Jemima Chicago Tribune
Childhood has no forebodings but
then it is soothed by uo memories of
outlived sorrow George Eliot
A A IE a
Thirty BoIInrn n Word
A poet and literary man of some ce
lebrity was visited in his study one
morning by a mauager of a lecture bu
reau who said that he had called to
ask the writer to take part in an en
We want you to read selections
from your own works Mr Gillespie
together with an original poem com
posed expressly for the occasion Name
your own price Well announce in the
My price interrupted Mr Gillespie
will be C0
Isnt that a little steep
Not at all everything considered
The manager tried to beat him down
to Jo0 but he was Immovable and the
bargain was finally closed at the first
named figure
Alpheus said Mrs Gillespie after
the caller had gone wasnt that more
than you Intended to charge him when
he first spoke
Yes he said its Just twice as
much But he Irritated me thirty dol
lars worth by calling it progrm
What Gave the Earth It Motion
You have often asked or had the
question asked of you What gave the
earth its daily motion and how is the
force of that motion kept up but have
never been really satisfied with the an
swer given or the reasons therefor
which you were able to advance In ex
planation The astronomers are not
even agreed upon this question Some
of them claim that the original initial
centrifugal force was directed in a
line slightly to one side of the center
of the globe which would of course
cause the earth to rotate upon Its axis
and by the law of Inertia of matter
must continue to revolve at a uniform
rate of speed This law of the inertia
of matter is to the effect that matter
once set in motion must continue to
move until arrested by some outside
force Others clnim that the motion Is
a compound resultant of the motion of
the earth in its orbit and the attraction
of the sun
How a Wound Hei
If you have run a pin hit your thumb
or received a bayonet thrust precisely
the same thing takes plaf e A myriad
of Avhite corpuscles tho e tiny first
aid cells the phagocit s from the
surrounding blood vessels and lym
phatic glands at once come hurrying
to the rescue They begin to clean up
whatever wreck there lias been made
in the skin and muscular tissue They
eagerly absorb into themselves or clus
ter opposlngly about all foreign mat
ter that has been introduced into the
wound Then they proceed to pile
themselves tier upon tier around it
like so many little sandbags about a
broken bastion Later they gradually
join together and solidify into the lay
er of new skin which appears beneath
the sloughed off scab They are at once
workmen and repairing material A
E MacFarlane in McClures
Why He Sees Donltle
The reason that a man sees double
who has gazed too long on the wine
when It is red is that the nerve centers
are changed by the action of the alco
hol There is a want of harmony in the
action of the muscles which move the
eyeballs Consequently instead of both
eyes being focused simultaneously on
an object one eye receives an impres
sion independently of the other The
two impressions are communicated to
the brain and the object is therefore
seen twice The inflamed condition and
loss of energy in the brain centers from
overdoses of alcohol also account for
the staggering gait of an intoxicated
How Icelanders Tie Horses
The Icelanders have a strange but
effective plan for preventing horses
straying away from any particular
spot If two gentlemen happen to be
riding without attendants and wish to
leave their horses for any reason they
tie the head of one horse to the tail of
the former In this state it is utterly
impossible for the horses to move on
either backward or forward If dis
posed to move at all it will be only in a
circle and even then there must be
mutual agreement to turn their heads
the same way
The Money Lenders
There are many examples of Lord
Talmerstons read wit in Sir M E
Grant Duffs book Notes From a
Diary In a debate about the Jews
an orator rather bored the house by
enumerating many of the tilings which
the English owed to Hebrew initiative
Lord Palnierston in reply gave the dis
cussion a sprightlier turn I quite
agree with the honorable gentleman
he remarked Many of us owe a
great deal to the Jews
Priests nnd Benrds
The beardless priest is only a matter
of custom there being no edict upon
the subject All of the popes from
Adrian VI to Innocent XII and all
the cardinals and other church clerics
during the same period were bearded
dignitaries Ignatius Loyola St Fran
cis Xavier Francis de Sales Vincent
de Paul and the Cardinals Rellarmine
and Richelieu all wore full beards
An Awful Finish
Hen What makes you look so glum
Rooster Ive just been chased out of
the wood shed with a feather duster
It got so close to me that I recognized
the tails of three of my family De
troit Free Tress
A Man of Ability
Chollie Can you recognize ability
when you see it Miss Ruth Miss Ruth
looking around Certainly Where
ii any
It cannot be too often repeated that
it is not helps but obstacles not fa
cilities but difficulties that make men
Oilico ovor
Teacher of Piano
McCook Nebr
Studic Mrs AC WIelics Dearborn St
OB B J 0
McMilloiis drug s toru
Rear of First Natl Rank
Earl Murray
DENTIST -one us
Ollicu ovor GraunLs Htoro McCook Nob
C II Hotlk C K Gmirrd Co Atts
Attorneys at Law
Louk DiMtimco II
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
Iostollico liiiildint
McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Oillco Residence KM Main Avcutio Oilice uiid
Rosidmico plioue Kl Calls nusuuruil uiht or
Real Estate Insurance
Phono MI
McCook Nebraska
3ABentof Lincoln Land Co and or McCook
WatorUorks Ollice in lostolhc building
Will Cry YourJSaie Right
I If ran not
jouniolus cashed
oiiil cti nt -ale clerk
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Dr Herbert J Prait
Registeued Gradiate
Oflice over McConnells Drue Store
Telephones Oflice 1C0 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
and Builder
Farm Buildings
a Specialty
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on jour farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous year
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarante
iSL fop-
Delraont S D- Dtc 17 1002
I used L K for hoe cholera ami it was all
right It cured my hos I had three ones
and they all cot well and done fine I also
nsed it for chicken lice and mite- ad it is all
you claim for it Itis the only Medicine forhosr
cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I avod my hog- with it last
year and am goinrf to keep it in tho
time as it i3 tho best thing I ever Lad oa tha
place for everj thing it intended for Itia
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kind it will detroj al
F W Wok ax
Manufactured bj the National Mciicil Com
pany Sheldon Iowa