The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 29, 1905, Image 6

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    I P Witt k Ciiiin
The flitcheli Wagon
is without doubt the best
farm wngon sold in this mark
et today The users of wag
ons have learned this hence
the unprecedented demand
But we are prepared to supply
all despite unusually large
Farm Machinery
Furnaces and Stoves
We have a good line of furn
aces and heating stoves
If you are intending to put in
a furnace this fall be sure to
inspect our stock and get es
We are prepared to meet your needs in Press
Drills 5 Disc Drills 5 Hoe Drills Gang Plows
Sulky Plows Disc Harrows Pipe Frame Har
rows Corn Shelters etc Call on us when in
need of anything in this line
We have in stock
the Maleable the
Jewel and the Round
Oak Steel Rangesbe
sides a large stock of
Cast Ranges and
Wire Nails
We always carry a
large stock of Barb
Wire and Nails
We can also supply
your needs iu all
kinds of Builders
Ha r d w a r e and
We have alwas on
hand Axle Grease
Hard Oil Machine
Oil Cylinder Oil
and Belt Dressing
We also carry Lin
seed Oil and Paint
Do yoti ever ship anything to market
If so the selecting of vonr commission firm is a matter that should be
carefully considered It is important to you
First of all your interest demands absolute reliability lou want to
know for a certainty that your money will be returned to you after your
stock is sold returned promptly too
You want to bo sure your stock will bo sold for all it is worth on the
market a poor sale can undo your work of a long time
Your stock must bo handled carefully and correctly a good fill helps
materially to pay shipping expenses
Because our service insures you nil these good features we merit your
business Consign j our next shipment to us
South Omaha Sioux City South St Joseph
Wo nleo hnve our own houses at Chicago
Denver South St Paul and East Buffalo
Hcid our market letter in this paper Write ns for any special information desired
1 Tie Pioneer Hciim Store
and buyers if you want to sell be sure and see
me soon I have inquiry for all kinds ol lands
If you want to buy call on me and let me quote
my price and thus saveyou money
Office East Side Alain St
Over McConnells Drug Store
ricCook Nebraska
The McCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year
e jrutfmxtfyicuMJixnwBP
Americas Big
Game Preserves
Efforts Being Made to Prevent Extermi
nation of Wild Bensts Fish and Game
Birds Millions of Acres De
voted to the Purpose
UR forefathers did not give much
thought to the establishment
of game preserves In clearing
the forests and helping forward
the march of civilization they had plen
ty of wild animals to shoot and their
main idea in relation to the subject
was to kill tlieiu to supply the necessi
ties of existence or perhaps to make
the woodlands less full of danger to
the pioneer and his family But as
time went on the deer moose elk and
buffalo disappeared along with the
more dangerous animals such as the
bear ahd panther the wolf and the
rattlesnake With the four footed ani
mals went also the wild turkeys quail
and other game birds and even the
fish became very scarce Then came
a change Public opinion was aroused
long ao to the need for preservation
of the forests and as wealthy men be
gan to turn their attention to pleasures
of sportsmanship the necessity for do
ing something to prevent the extermi
nation of game was forced upon them
As a result numerous extensive pre
serves have been established by them
mostly in the east and south
In England in the time of William
the Conqueror it was as great a crime
to kill one of the kings deer as to kill
one of his subjects In former times
game laws were very oppressive in
Great Britain and poaching was pun
ished much as horse thieving used to
be punished in the United States in
new communities where vigilance com
mittees held sway It is only in recent
years that it has become necessary to
punish people for poaching in this
country for the very good reason that
there were no preserves upon which
they could poach
President Roosevelts interest in
game and also in the preservation of
the forests has had much to do with the
recent action of the national govern
ment in setting aside large tracts of
i - 1 im
land in western states and territories
as national parks In the year 11302 no
less than twelve new national forest
reserves were established Most of
them were located in Colorado New
Mexico Montana and Nebraska but
the largest of all was the reserve of
4500240 acres in Alaska Altogether
the new reserves have a total area of
14270470 acres The Yellowstone park
and the Yosemite valley have for some
time been national parks and then
area added to that of the new reserves
made a total of about 00000000 acres
under the protection of the national
government While perhaps the lead
ing idea in the establishment of some
of these reserves was the preservation
of the forests and of natural scenery
one important result has been the pres
ervation of buffalo elk moose and oth
er animals native to the lands thus set
The first private game park in the
United States of which there is record
was created by Judge J D Caton of
Ottawa 111 in 1SG0 for purposes of
sport and study In 1SS9 Austin Corbin
established what was long the largest
private game reserve in the United
States and the second largest in the
Avorld It consisted of over 30000 acres
is situated near Newport N H and is
known as the Blue Mountain forest
Peaks 3000 feet high are included
within the tract which is surrounded
by a wire fence eight feet iu height
One of the largest of the private reser
vations in this country is that created
in the Adirondacks by Dr W Seward
Webb comprising 40000 acres George
W Yanderbilts S0000 acre estate in
North Carolina has a tract of 0000
acres which is inclosed and finely
stocked with game
Almost every state in the Union now
has strict game laws and forest fish
and game commissions Between the
action of the local authorities the care
taken on the subject by the national
government and the money expended
by wealthy individuals in the creation
of private reserves the prospects are
now much better than they formerly
were for the perpetuation instead of
extinction of the wild animals game
brds and fish native to the North
American continent
I iit yj WrVSZiPixflJfi
Md Wtlllmnlnn FIciiiIiikm Fine
Record n nil ANtronomcr
Mr Williamina Paton Fleming who
recently located a new star is already
famous for her discoveries of celestial
bodies The star she found a short
time ago is in the constellation Aquila
and is of the variety known among as
tronomers as Novae Mrs Fleming
once before discovered a Nova in the
constellation Aquila so the new star
was named Nova Aquila 2d Since
17T2 when the first star of the Novae
variety was discovered by Tycho
Bralie only fourteen such stars had
been found prior to Mrs Flemings
latest find and eight of these were de
tected by her When it is announced
that Mrs Fleming has captured a new
star it does not mean that in search
ing the heavens through the telescope
one fine evening she ran down a new
member of the stellar family or that
any one by looking in the i ight place at
the right time could observe it She
made her latest discovery seated at
her desk in the Harvard astrophoto
graphic building and looking over pho
tographic plates That is the way she
has made most of her new acquaint
ances among the stars She does com
paratively little star gazing through
a telescope but she has a keen eje
for anything unusual in a negative of
any particular portion of the heavens
Mrs Fleming enjoys a high standing
among astronomers She was born in
Dundee Scotland and her father Rob
ert Stevens was much interested in
photography and introduced the tak
ing of daguerreotypes in Dundee She
taught for a time in her native place
and In 1S77 married James O Fleming
and came to America In 1S79 she be
came an assistant at the Harvard ob
servatory and in 1S9S was appointed to
the lesponsible post of curator of as
tronomical photographs She has more
than a dozen women working under
her direction and has a remarkable
record in observing stellar spectra and
in finding new variable stars
Theodore D Jervey Author of The
Kldcr Brother
Theodore D Jervey author of The
Elder Brother a novel dealing with
life in South Carolina during the re
construction period is the recorder of
the city of Charleston in which city he
was born in August 1S19 He wa
graduated in 1S79 from the Virginia
Military institute and two years later
was admitted to the South Carolina
f4 f jest iSma
y - vj
- r
bar Since that time with short inter
vals Mr Jervey has practiced law and
for several years was also connected
with daily journalism in Charleston as
an editorial writer
Judge Jervey has long felt that no
true picture of the conditions prevail
ing in South Carolina during recon
struction has been produced It was
with a view to supplying that void that
he undertook at the solicitation of
friends who understood his peculiar
qualification for the work to write
The Elder Brother which has proved
to be one of the very successful books
of the year
Judge Jervey though a small man
is gritty to the last degree as was
demonstrated on several occasions dur
ing his connection with journalism In
Charleston The dignity and assurance
with which he calmed a bully who had
knocked down Mr Jerveys newspaper
chief will long be remembered by those
cpn worn nroonnt
Our goods have arrived and we
wish to the fact that our
Clothing Shoes and
are complete VERY BEST MAKES
will sell our School Suits at Lowest
Prices Call and see them
2 pieco Norfolk Suits nil wool sizes 3 to IS for S4 00
3 piece Sack Suits all wo si sizes 3 to 18 price 2f0 up
2 pieco School Suits good qunlity all sizes 100 up
Boys Black and White Shirts 2fc
Boys Siteen Shirts 4Hc
All lot of our Gold Shirts retailed at 150 from the
window slightly soiled guaranteed fast colors 50c
A boys choico of Bat Ball or School Compan
ion with each suit Come and select from the
laigest variety of clothiug in McCook at
Should be encouraged in all possible
ways Like good morals and manners
the instruction should begin in the home
As early habits mold the future chcracter
so do those who early acquire the saving
habit lay the foundation for future suc
cess Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings
to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business
of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless
possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start
in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to
a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically
the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts
The First National Bank nccook
A 1000
with the McCook Co operative
Building Savings Association
can be paid off in rt a j q
monthly payments of P
If you are paying more you pay too much We can
mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and
less money in the aggregate than an- comepting associa
tion Call on the secretary who will explain our
system Office in First National Bank
cCok Building Savings Association
Mnnr rmrmajj
a gM
Ay ers Pills
Sugar coated easy to take
mild in action They cure
constipation biliousness
sicK neaaacne
LowoU Mass
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS RYF