The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 22, 1905, Image 7

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l PHONE 190
Office over Bee Hive
- -
W B WOLFE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surpl us 4000
Dr E O Valine
than the price of the McCOOK
TRIBUNE secures it and the
Weekly Inter Ocean
Both for One Year
only weekly paper published by a Chicago
daily and is the leading news farm and
home paper of the West Improved and
strengthened by the addition of man new
features Enlarged farm garden and dairy
departments Reliable and practical veter
inary department Home Health Club
Health and Beauty Hints The most com
plete household page Styles for all ages
The best Boys and Girls page offered by
any paper Queer problems and puzzles
Chess and checker columns Best Fiction
The International Sunday School Lesson
Full and complete market reports
The McCook Tribune regular price 100 a year
The Weekly Inter Ocean 100 a year
Both for only 105 a year
This extraordinary offer is made to secure
NEW SUBSCRIBERS but old subscribers
can take advantage of it by paying their sub
scriptions one year in advance Editor
FI lOffn Sept 27 0ot 7 tatata I
I Great Day Jg II Grand Electric P I
M Parade Lfl Pageant Jlftl
M OCTOBER JTTili Hight October V 111
H Hontaoscd of a a conceous display op H
Kurtoua allecorioal subjects
i J mk Kuto naperw OHIIiani SIBZ9 01 H
Y I 1 feSSSSS I 1 Bwlldirlng Bwyfr
M BAU niunr ubtobeic sin m
ory of OI Bull
xvw tales are told which are
wLUU that or the encounter In
years with the old Bernadotte himself
The king had referred to the Norwe
gians as my Poles at which Ole Bull
drawing himself up inquired When
has a Norwegian shown himself dis
loyal to the king Then without
waiting for an answer he announced
that he must nt once take leave Upon
this the king turned to him with an
Imperious I command you to stay
But the violinist shrugged his shoul
ders and replied Then 1 will see sire
whether a Norwegian remains free In
the palace of the king of Sweden At
this as Ole Bull would tell when re
counting the scene there came into the
face of the monarch the most winning
smile he had ever seen on a human
countenance and putting out his hand
impulsively Bernadotte exclaimed
Nay I heg you to remain A prince
should hear the opinions of all his peo
ple And the talk which then resulted
was the basis of deep conudeuce on
both sides Century
IfeinecUen the German Prodlsry
Christian Henry Helnecken the most
wonderful of all the worlds precocious
prodigies was born at Lubeck Ger
many In the year 1721 When but nine
and a half months of age this human
wonder could pronounce every word
contained In the German language and
before he had rounded out hid iirst year
of earthly existence he knew all the
leading events of the worlds history
At the age of fourteen months he could
give chapter and verse of any quoted
passage of the Scriptures and knew
the history of every book in both the
Old and New Testaments At the age
of two and a half years he could an
swer every question in the geographies
and histories then in use and could con
verse with visitors in either German
French Dutch Latin or Greek Ilis
fourth year was devoted to the study
of religion and ancient history He had
finished the studies mentioned and had
started ou a course in oriental religion
when he suddenly died before complet
ing his fourth year
Three Boys ami a Cioek
Three boys in a house were told ti
go and take the exact tiine by a clock
in the town The first lad wont look
ed at the clock came back and paid
It is 12 oclock In after life he
became a prosaic bookseller
The second boy was more exact Ho
said on returning that it was three
minutes past 12 He became a doctor
The third lad looked at the clock
found out how long it had taken him
to walk back to the house returned to
the clock then added the time of his
walk to the time of the clock and re
ported the result thus It is at this
moment 12 hours 10 minutes and 13
seconds That boy came to distinction
as Helmholtz the scientist
A Divided Church
There is a very striking instance of
religious toleration in Heidelberg an
ancient city of Germany One of the
most important buildings of that town
is the Church of the Holy Ghost
Through the middle of this building
a partition wall has been run so that
services according to the Roman Cath
olic and the Protestant ritual may be
held at the same time In the year
1719 an attempt was made by Charles
Philip the Elector to deprive the Frot
estants of their half of the church but
the townspeople made so strong a re
sistance that he was obliged to desist
and even to remove the electoral court
from Heidelberg toMannheim Lon
don Mail
Kumlilc Pie
There is a queer twist of language In
the phrase to eat humble pie The
word humble is a corrupted form of
the original numble which is an in
edible part of the carcass of a deer and
would make very poor pie The words
humble pie have the same original
meaning as to eat crow a phrase
common in political life There is an
enforced humility in this process and
the change from numble to humble
Introduced a thought which harmo
nized with the idea sought to be ex
pressed The last form of the phrase
has entirely supplanted the original
Ills Expenses
One of the candidates at an election
in Derbyshire England was a new
comer not remarkable for his generos
ity He found himself defeated at the
polls and bade adieu to the electors
with the words At any rate ladies
and gentlemen my wife and I have
spent a very happy fortnight in the
peak Yes came a sudden retort
from the crowd and thats all you
have spent
The Modest Girl
Ah my love sighed the ardent
lover if you only knew how beautiful
you are
You mustnt speak of it protested
the modest girl I dont want to
Why not
Because she said it would make
me too conceited Philadelphia Press
A Better Motto
My motto said the new lodger
Pay as you go
The landlady shook her head It
wouldnt do in my business she said
A man might remain a month and
then forget his motto when he went
My motto is Pay Saturday night or
Better Tlinn Slgrns
Friend Are you superstitious Do
you believe in signs Successful Mer
chant tfo Newspaper advertisements
ere better and cheaper
A Cold Ware
Yes and after she refused mo ihe
waved her hand in t arewelL
Sort of a cold wave wasnt It
A Heartfelt Tribute to a Frlonrt j
A menu of former United
Marshal Isaac O Barnes having died
he attended the funeral He arrived
promptly and seated himself in tl
crowded room to await the service
For some reason there was a very lon
delay and the solemn silence ai th
darkened room was anything but con
genial to a man of Mr Barnes diio
sitiou The heat also was very opress
Fanning himself vigorously with his
bat and twisting uneasily in his chair
Barnes remained silent for what to
him was a very long time But at last
being unable to contain himself longer
he leaned over toward a solemn lock
ing man on his right and remarked in
a hoarse whisper audible all over the
room I presume you were well ac
quainted with Billy referring to the
Yes Indeed said the stranger IK
was a vary line man
I should say he was replied
Barnes and smart too smarter than
lightning Why sir he continued in a
louder whisper getting excited if he
had had the running of this funeral
hed been underground an hour ago
Boston Herald
Antiquity of Wood Enprravlnpr
Wood engraving the art of cutting
designs on wood in relief is said to
have been known and practiced by the
Chinese as far back in the worlds his
tory as the rign of the famous Em
peror Wu Vang 1120 B C Wood
stamps were without doubt used by
the ancient Egyptians and Romans lo
marking brick and other articles of
clay and in various European countries
for attesting deeds and documents at
a very early period when writing was
quite a rare accomplishment Wood
engraving as we now understand it
dates from the beginning of the fif
teenth century and was used at that
time In Germany for printing playing
cards and ligures of saints The earli
est known example is in a collection
made by Earl Spencer It represents
St Christopher carrying the infant
Saviour across the sea and was found
pasted within the cover of a Latin
IIS in an old convent In Bavaria
dated l i
OriK in of tle Metric System
Some very interesting facts have
been collected about the foot the most
widely used measure of length in mod
ern times The measure is derived
from the length of the human foot but
apparently has varied more than that
portion of the skeleton can possibly
have done in historic times The an
cient Welsh foot for Instance was
nine inches long whereas the Piedmont
foot was twenty inches In modern
times it has varied from the Span
ish foot of less than eleven inches to
the Venice foot of more than thirteen
inches Almost every country has used
a foot measure of a different length It
was this confusion which led the
French to devise the metric system
Han Jaipurs Grain Goluli
A curious instance of the magnifi
cence of eastern ideas and admiration
for tilings that are large Is the grain
golah to be seen at Bankipur in
Bengal India It was built as a gran
ary in 1TS3 but never used as such
Its Avails are of masonry twelve feet in
thickness and it stands ninety feet
high with a circumference of forty
three feet at the base and would con
tain about loOOOO tons of grain Ac
cess to the interior is obtained by a
staircase on the outside leading to a
platform on the top where there Is a
stone placed in the center which can
be removed Now it is perhaps the
finest whispering gallery In the world
Smothered Pif
There is a fish In Hawaiian waters
which Is known by the native name
of humuhumunukunukukuapuaa which
means literally sewing up the nose
The Hawaiian method of killing a pig
to be roasted is to smother it not cut
its throat and it Is smothered by sew
ing up the pigs mouth and nose This
fish with the long name has spines
which in ancient times were used as
needles to sew up the pigs mouth
hence the name more fully means the
fish that provides the needles for sew
ing up the nose of the pig
Wanted That Kind
There arc some spectacles declar
ed the lecturing arctic explorer that
one can never forget
Excuse me mister called the voice
of Farmer Foddershucks from the au
dience but would ye mind giviu me
th address of the firm thet makes
em Im allers a forgettin mine
Cleveland Leader
The Dinner Party
That the success of a dinner party
does not depend on the excellence of
the chef but on the proper assortment
of the company was precisely the opin
ion of a very witty old lady who wise
ly said My dear it isnt the menu
that makes a good dinner its the men
you sit next to
A Bluff That Failed
Careful Youth Do you know that
chocolates are frightfully bad for the
digestion Why 1 was reading in the
papers tonight about a girl that died
of eating too many Ills Fair Compan
ion flippantly Well if that girl had
been a friend of yours she would have
been living yet
Toole Xothlns AVlth Him
Hicks Well I see old Goldros has
lost every dollar he had in the world
Wicks Incredible What was It fail
ure Hicks Yes heart failure He
died this morning Catholic Standard
and Times
Silence Is frequently a duty when
suffering Is only personal but it Is an
error and a fault when the suffering is
that of millions Mazzini
May E Gold trap to A KnanII lot- 1
2 and 3 blk S rd McCook
Coleman Co to Ira Sheets 1 toe
Gertrude Wales to C F Lolm wd to
sw qr 27-1-29
atJA X
m egsass33tt5 nsa
1 mwHMH Hiiffi mw
iriro wt
G Lang to P Catlett d to sv qr e
qrlSaud w hf no qr 19-2-29 1000 00
K G Kavis to C A Perry wil to v Iif
G V Jones to V X Lymau qcil to
lot IS blk 44 Bartley
G W Jones to V XIyman vd to lot
10 blk 44 Hartley
L L Co to Tryphena Hathbim vd to
lot 1 and 2 blk 7 2nd McCook
C F Lelin to May Bennett vd to lot
G blk 10 4th McCook
B Rooney to J Rooney qcil to pt 1 2
anil a blk 30 McCook
N Kinkead to C E Johnson pt ne qr
nwqrand so qr nw qr 11-1-26
G C Burns to C E Johuson pt ue qr
nw qr 11-1-26
200 CO
700 CO
1 00
4000 00
150 00
A L Ormau to F T Walker wil to n
hf nw qr 27 and sw qr 22-3-20 300 00
G Lanff to P Catlett wd to e hf ne qr
and o hf se qr 19-2-29
G Amen to B Hoffman swd to pt se
qr se qr 30-3-29
Typhena Rathbun to CF Lelin wd to
lots 1 and 2 blk 7 2nd McCook
F W Warner to P F McKenua swd
to sw qr 5-1-30
II Clarke to P F McKenna deed to
swqr 11-1-29
S Clyde to V Franklin deed to e hf
no qr 14-4-30
II B Campbell to G Traphagau wd
to w hf sw qr 14 anil e hf se qr 15-3-30
J V Logan to J W Dailey agent to
u hf nw qr and pt se
U S to T Murphy pat to e hf sw qr
and w hf se qr 3-3-30
U S to J Barber pat to uw qr 9-4-27
U S to C T Brewer pat to sw qr
The Absolutely Pure
king Powder
Made of Cream of Tartar and
Free From Alum or Phospfoatic Acid
Royal Baking Powder renders bread biscuit cake
and all flour foods finer and more healthful
been made in the county clerks
since last Thursday evening
C E Mathews to A R Rowe ml to
lots 11 12 mill U in G Esther jarkS
J II Norton to M C Shurtlelf wil to
uw qr
Baking powders made from alum phosphates and other
harsh caustic acids are lower in price but they are injurious to
the stomach
The injurious effect of alum on the mucous coat of the
stomach is positive and beyond dispute it is both an irritant
and an astringent The use of alum in any article of food or
article used in the preparation of food should be prohibited
JOHN C WISE MD Medical Inspector U S Navy
Real Estate Filings j
The following real estate tilings h te
oliico All druggists refund the monpy if it fail3
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
4S0 0
1900 00
761 00
2000 CO
30 00
00 00
1000 CO
151 00
110 00
250 CO
1700 00
1500 CO
In the county court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska To all persons interested in
the estate of Sophia E Burpess late of said
county deceased You aro hereby notified that
on the 21st day of September 1905 Maude M
Bursess filed her petition in the county court of
taid county for her appointment as administra
trix of the estate of Sophia E Burgess late of
said county deceased and that the same will
be heard at the county court room in tho city of
McCook in said county on the 7th day of Oc
tober 1905 at the hour of one oclock afternoon
It is further ordered that notice of said hearing
be given all parties interested in said estate by
tho publication of this notice for three success
ive weeks in the McCook Tribunp a newspaper
county Dated this 21s t day of September 1WI5 I
seal Fkank Mooue County Jinle i
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative hkomo yrixiNK tablets
you lacking in strengt i and vigor jf
i Ar ou weak Are you in pain Do
lo0 00 you feel all run down The blessing of
strength and health come to all those
who u i Uollisters Kocky Mountain
Tea 35 cents L V McDonnells
Will Cry Your Sale Right
He can Kot 7ointint sale clerk
your notes cashed furnished
Rear of Firt Xatl Bank
Earl Murray
Diarrhea Remedy
A few doses of this remedy will
invariably cure an ordinary at
tack of diarrhea
It has been used in nine epi
demics of dysentery with perfect
It can always be depended
upon even in the more severe
attacks of cramp colio and chol
era morbus
It is equally successful for
summer diarrhea and cholera
infantum in children and is the
means of saving the lives of many
children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family should
keep this remedy in his home
Buy it now It may save life
Price 25c Large Size C
Largest Commercial School and Institute of Shorthand and
iieiegrapny wesi 01 me ivusissippi ner uwni auu uLiupin
ientire buildinc Graduates assisted to positions Students may
work for board
The Largo Illustrated Catalogue-
is free Address
Fresh Fruit Vegetables
Agent for