H Ranges M The Hitchell Wagon is without doubt the best farm wagon sold in this mark et today The users of wag ons have learned this hence the unprecedented demand But we are prepared to supply all despite unusually large sales i Farm Machinery We are prepared to meet your needs in Press Drills 5 Disc Drills 5 Hoe Drills Gang Plows Sulky Plows Disc Harrows Pipe Frame Har rows Corn Shellers etc Call on us when in need of anything in this line We have in stock tho Maleable th Jewel and the Round Oak Steel Ranges be sides a large stock of Cast Ranges and Cooks Wire Nails We always carry a large stock of Barb Wire and Nails We can also supply your needs in all kinds of Builders Ila rdware and Tools If you want co buy call on me and let me quote my price and thus save you money LELindeman Office East Side Main St Over McConnells Drug Store flcCook Nebraska uu ii lh i 1 ip Furnaces and Stoves We have a good lino of furn aces and heating stoves If you are intending to put in a furnace this fall bo sure to inspect our sW k and get es timates Oils We have alwajs on hand Axle Grase Hard Oil Machine Oil Cylinder Oil and Belt Dressing Wo also carry Liu seed Oil and Paint and buyers if you want to sell be sure and see me soon I have inquiry for all kinds ol lands nr do n NOW 1 1 Tip Pimippr Hsintafp turp 1 LAND j OWNERS j STOCKMEN NOTICE Do yon ever ship anything to market If so the selecting of your commission firm is a matter that should be carefully considered It is important to you First of all your interest demands absolute reliability Yon want to know for a certainty that j our money will be returned to you after your stock is sold returned promptly too You want to be sure your stock will be sold for all it is worth on the market a poor sale can undo your work of a long time Your stock must be handled carefully and correctly a good fill helps materially to pay shipping expenses Because our service insures you all these good features we merit your business Consign your next shipment to us CLAY ROBINSON CO stock Yards KANSAS CITY We also have our own houses at Chicago South Omaha Sioux City South St Joseph Denver South St Paul and East Buffalo Read our market letter in this paper Write us for any special information desired The flcCook Tribune Only One Dollar the year Gossip About a Few Governors Kiggins and the Apples Stokes Res laurajit Experience The Pictur esque Executive of Ar kajijas H 1 n t governor ma- GINS RANK W fJTVK imvumnr by the Mercantile Trust couipanj No one has yet found out why the loan was made or who got the money My impression is said Governor will honor them so long as you send mo a monthly statement of what tho money was expended for The checks soon began to come in to the old gen tleman thick and fast At the end of the month he inquired if the boy had forwarded his state ment of expenses and on being in- Baptist He is about fifty years of age Is the son of a Sev enth Day Baptist clergyman and is the editor and own er of a newspaper the Westerly Sun The fact that Gov ernor Utter belongs to a religious body which observes tho seventh day of the week instead of the first as the Sabbath 1 rySKK 4Z32vr6y I j j GOVERNOR UTTER gives rise to some peculiar conditions His paper is an evening daily and is sun shines the last day of the week but when the sun sets his Sabbath is over and then he may appear if he likes at public functions A great many of the gala events of the state occur on Saturdays and often the H Jackson who is a Congregationalism If the celebrations are prolonged into the evening the governor himself may put in an appearance The latters religious scruples prevented his enjoy ing the spectacle of the inauguration of President Roosevelt March 4 fell this year on Saturday Little Rhody was represented at the inauguration by numerous officials but the chief execu tive of the commonwealth was not among them Governor Edward C Stokes of New Jersey recently made the discovery that even the chief executive of a sov ereign state doesnt cut much of a figure unless he has a well stocked pocketbook with him The governor and a friend Dr Norton visited a Trenton restaurant and their bill was tiOVERXOR STOKES about 1 The man in charge was new and did not know either of them The governor went to the desk to settle and discov ered that he had not a cent in his pocket Dr Norton hastily made an investiga tion of his pockets with a like result The man behind the desk frowned ominously I am Governor Stokes explained the governor and I will settle this Avhen I come in again Well Im President Roosevelt and you pay me now replied the man frostily The governor and Dr Norton at tempted further explanations but the man in charge didnt melt On the con trary he was rapidly losing his tem per when one of the old waiters who knew the governor came in and identi fied him Then the new manager apologized and everybody laughed Governor Albert B Cummins of Iowa who has been having a little dis cussion in the newspapers with Sec retary Shaw of the treasury depart ment over the question of reciprocity is sometimes called the father of the Iowa idea of tariff revision He Is known for his advocacy of curbing the 11111 uniwanmmimmmaamtmmmammmBaMKmmMammmmmwmMaBmm3KBmBmnonaamaaBBBnBamtmala trusts abolishing railroad rebates re vising the tariff and negotiating reel- j procity treaties and was a leading figure at the recent reciprocity confer ence In Chicago Governor Cummins married Miss Ida L Gallery of Mich igan a woman of much talent and twx About ten years ago when her husband and some half dozen others were candidates for one of Iowas seats in the United States senate she gave a harmony dinner to all the candidates It was a unique affair and though Mr Cummins did not win of New York e scmitorship as a result of it the state who Is in Eu rope taking a vaca tion is a good story teller and often il lustrates his points with anecdotes A few days before his departure for rope he was asked about the famous GS3000 loan made to the Equitable Life 1 GOVERNOR CUM MINS stor3 goes that pipes were laid at that time which led to his being nomi nated and elected governor several years afterward Governor Cum mins was traveling in Texas not long ago and made a speech in the course of which he said I am very fond of Texas and have been ever since a Hlggins that when the report of the llluc lenient wnicu occurred 111 my state superintendent of banks is made We were folding a revival public it will not show much Tue preacher was a magnetic That is to say a check to John man and couId melt the hearts of his Smith for Instance would not be bearers iuto the very ecstasy of reli luminative as to the purpose for which SIoils fervor One night a young man the money was used was asked j walked iuto the revival meeting and Exactlv To Illustrate I recall that took a seat close to the P1 and di rectF iu front of the preacher Finally when I was a young man going to lege the father of a friend of mine gave ln hIs exhortation the preacher said him a check book before his departure Now a11 who want to S to leaven for school saying Now you make out riSt away please rise Everybody checks for whatever vnu need and 1 rose except this young man The preacher repeated his words and looked straight at the young man but he remained in his seat Now all please rise who viint to go to hell right away said the preacher look ing the young man right in the eye Still the stranger remained in his seat and no one arose Young man said formed that he had paid no further e reverend gentleman I dont un attention to the matter But the next j derstand you I proposed that all who month the checks were more numerous desired to go to heaven right away than for the first mouth and for riso but vou kept your seat I then amounts considerably larger Then tho proposed that all who wished to go to old gentleman thought he had better ell right away rise and yet you did give some attention to the young mans not move You are beyoud my under detailed statement and he sent for it stan He discovered for one thing that tho Not at all said the stranger 1 young man had eaten ten barrels of am from Texas and we are very well pies in one day j pleased down there with our present j condition and I have no desire to The governor of Rhode Island George change at all II Utter is a Republican in politics I and in relieious faith a Seventh Dav Governor Jefferson Davis of sas who aspires to the seat In tho United States senate now held by James II Berry is a picturesque figure in politics He has a strong hold on the rural vote and the following incident illustrates why he is so solid with the red necks as the backwoods citizens are called Oxen are often used for purposes of locoino j tlon In certain parts J of the state and last year ln the cam paign Mr Davis driving a yoke of spotted oxen reach ed the metropolis of said to be the only daily in New Eng 1 one of the hill coun land which omits the Saturday edition ties He went in and appears on Sunday evening The to the hotel and governor does no business of either a j found a letter from private or public character while the his wife written GOVERNOR DAVIS from the executive mansion in Little Rock He was still reading the letter when a party of his red neck con stituents came into the hotel ofllce Hello Zach said the hearty gov ernor grasping the outstretched hand cnier executive is represented at tnem 0f the first man in the party Hows by the lieutenant governor Frederick the folks Theyre all right Jeff answered the delighted red neck Hows your folks V Jes got a lettah from ray wife an swered the governor holding up the dainty notepaper Shes right pert too but plum nigh beat out Been a bilin soap all day Shortly after the governors first re nomination when the statehouse was crowded with people extending their congratulations a friend sent a card to the executive chamber Presently the governor came out He was In his shirt sleeves and as he grasped his friends hand he said Say Jim you dont need any card when you come to see me If the other fellow had been elected you might have needed a card but when you come to see me just walk right in and hang your hat on the peg and unpack your trunk Governor Albert E Mead of the state of Washington is sometimes likened to Abraham Lincoln not because he re sembles the emancipator in personal appearance but because of his man ner of speech and his witty way of saying things Governor Mead was born in Kansas in 18G1 but his parents removed to Illinois when he was a boy He Is a graduate of GOVERNOR MEAD the Southern Illi nois university at Carbondale and of the Union College of Law at Chicago He began the prac tice of his profes sion ln Leoti Wich ita county Kan In 1833 lie moved to the state of Washington and settled in Blaine Whatcom county was elected mayor in 1S92 and ln the fail of the same year was chosen to the state legislature In 1898 he was elected prosecuting attorney of What com county and removed his residence to Bellingham the county seat He was re elected prosecuting attorney ln 1900 returned to the practice of law on the expiration of his term and la 1904 was nominated for governor on the Republican ticket and elected To MOTHERS and FATHERS cess GUARDIANS and SONS Our goods have arrived and we wish to the fact that our Clotihng Shoes and Furnishings are complete VERY BEST MAKES HIGHEST GRADE OF GOODS We will sell our School Suits at Lowest Prices Call and see them 2 pieco Norfolk Suits all wool sizes 3 to 18 for S400 3 piece Sack Suits all wool sizes 3 to 18 price 250 up 2 piece School Suits good quality all sizes 100 up Boys Black and White Shirts 25c Boys Sateen Shirts 45c All lot of our Gold Shirts retailed at 150 from the window sljghtly soiled guaranteed fast colors 50c A boys choice of Bat Ball or School Compan ion with each suit Come and select from the laigost variety of clothing in McCook at DIAMOND5 THE SAVING THE WORKING MANS FRIEND A 1000 LOAN Should be encouraged in all possible ways Like good morals and manners the instruction should begin in the home As early habits mold the future character so do those who early acquire the saving habit lay the foundation for future suc Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts The First National Bank riccook with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association can be paid off in monthly payments of 122 If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain our system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association Barnctt Lumber Co mpany Stokes Grocery SELL THE BEST POSTS TANKS LUMBER COAL WOOD GIVE US A TRIAL 239EHRBEmBESHSEMMMMsHJ PHONE 30 CITIZENS BANK BLOCK MCOOK NEB 1 ulL0 flair Kenewer A high class preparation for the hair Keeps the hair soft and glossy and prevents splitting at the ends Cures dandruff snri always restores color to gray hair sgrti3 i m w - L K t HI