V n I Ajers Ayers Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats hack ing coughs pain in the lungs It relieves congestion sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation It heals strengthens Your doctor will explain this to you He knows all about this cough medicine We iav uscl Aver Oherrv Pectoral In our faintly for j vetrs for tliroat and lime troubles suiil we think no medicine eui it Miik A Iojikiiov Appleton Minn 25e30JO0 c AVER CO I All IIIILlt r lmt Miea ofraygocflwmssa it J pyaojxpvawjaxfca Weak Throats AV reswiHBB3rtT7ixiEL Lsisi f J r -3 srresvtf ad Ksrnvni v PlflV stable gcmtly laxative NOTICE OF SUIT James O HnmmoudaJusepIiineM Hammond James O Ilumnioml as guardian of Josephine M ilannuoud a minor and Anion H Purvis defendants will take uotico that on the 9th day of August 1005 tlw plaintiff herein Milton II Hammond Ada A Hammond and Mary E Hammond filed a petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prajerof which are to obtain a judgment confirming tho undivided one sixth interest each of tho said plaintiffs and defendants un der tho will of Mirolda E Hammond deceased in and to tho northwest quarter section thirty five township two north range thirty Red Willow county Nebraska and for the partition of said realestato according to tho respect vo rights of said parties or if the samo cannot bo equitably divided that said premises be sold and the proceeds thereof divided between tho parties according to their respective rights You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday October 23rd 1D05 Dated this 12th day of Soptember 1905 Milton H Hammond Ada A Hammond and Maet E Hammond Plaintiffs By Bojla and Eldred their attorneys NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Thosouthwest quarterof the southwest quart- or or section zy the nortuwest quarter of tho northwest quarter and tho south half of the northwest quarter of section Sin townl north range SO west of the Ctli principal meridian and Eli Titus will take notice that on tho 2Sth day of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraskatho object and praj er of which are to foreclose a tax puchaeers lien upon tho above described land for the taxes for the years 1895 1SPG 1S97 1S9S 1899 19C0 1901 and 1902 that there was due to plaintiff at tho time of filing eaid petition the sum of 2111 00 for tho paymont of which sum together with costs ac cruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said pe tition on or before tho 9th day of October 1905 Edw aed B Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Tho north half of tho northeast quarter of section 29 in town 1 north range 30 west of tho 6th principal meridian and Charles T Boggs will take notice that on the 2Sth day of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purchaser s lien upon the above described land for the taxes for tho years ISM 1895 1S96 1S97 1S9 199 1900 1901 and 1902 That there was due to plaintiff at tho time of filing said petition the sum of jG700 for tho pajment of which sum together with costs accruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a decreo of foreclosure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or be fore tho 9th day of October 1905 9-1-4 ts Edward B Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior land office at Lin coln Nebraska August 31 1905 Notice is here by given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo made before R W Devoe clerk of the dist rict court at McCook Nebraska on October 14 1905 viz Homestead No 12253 Christian Smith Osborn Nebraska for the east half of the south west quarter and tho south east quarter of tho north west quarter and the south west quarter of the north east quarter of section 29 township Ji north range 250 westsixtb principal meridian He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Jacob Betz of McCook Nebras ka Truman F West of McCook Nebraska Elijah Beebe of St Ann Nebraska Casper Kakankamp of Osborn Nebraska W A Gkeen Register LEGAL NOTICE Harry Stern and the unknown heirs of Wells Rittenhouse deceased will take notice that tho mayor and council of the city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska will hold a special meeting at the city hall in said city at the hour of eight oclock p in on the eighteenth day of September 1005 the object and purpose of said meeting is to value and make a special assess ment for improvements upon lot 11 in block 9 original town now city of McCook said city of McCook having rebuilt and laid a sidewalk on tho west side of Main avenue and abutting said lot 11 on the east at an expense to said city in the sum of S4350 A special tax will be levied agaiust said lot 11 to pay the same and for tho cost of these proceedings By order of the may or and council of the city of McCook S lMts Attest W A Middleton City Clerk The State of Nebraska Red Willow county To all persons interested in the estate of A Campbell deceased Whereas Mary Campbell of said county has filed in my office au instru ment nuroorting to be the last will and testa ment of ACampbell late of said county de ceased and said Mary Campbell has filed her petition herein praying to have the same ad mitted to probate and for the issuing of letters testamentary which will relate to both real and personal estate I have therefore appointed Saturday tho 23rd day of September 1905 at 10 oclock in tho forenoon at the county court room in said county as tho time and place for the hearing of said will at which time and place you and all ooncerned may appear and contest tho allowing of the same It is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to all porsons interested in said estate of the pendency of this petition and the time and place set for the hearing of tho same by causing a copy of this order to bo published in Tho McCook Tri bune a nowspaper printed and published in said county for threo weeks successively prev ious to tho day set for tho hearing In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 6th day of September 1905 Feank Mooee seal County Judge Jb A om from Fibre leaves the meat of the kernel to be made into California r Wheatose Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers THE BLUE RACER It Im About the FlectcHt Thing In the Hcptllc Family The swiftest snake I have ever known Is the blue racer as we used to call the reptile In the Arkansas foot hills and I want to tell you this par ticular snake can travel like a blue streak said a man from Arkansas The fact is the name blue racer was given to the snake because of the rep tiles llectness I have seen blue racers dart across the road at sucli a rapid pace that you could only see a mere suggestion of blue and if you did not happen to know the snake and its hab its you would not know what it was You could not possibly get the idea that it was a snake you had seen flash through the dust of the country road unless you knew something of the blue racer Just what speed the snake makes I do not know but it is a rapid pace The rattlesnake is supposed to have good speed and as a matter of fact the rattler can whiz along at a pretty swift gait but the rattlesnake is not In it with the blue racer It would be interesting to know just how fast different snakes travel and if we knew I dare say we would find that the blue racer is about the fleetest tiling In the reptile family New Orleans Times Democrat ANTIQUITY OF SILK The Product WttH Worth ltn Weight In Gold For Centuries The Chinese empress 2G50 B C was supposed to be the first wo man to dress herself in silken raiment though silk was used in the arts nearly 1000 years before her reign She was placed among the Chinese divinities un der the title of Sien Thsan which means first promoter of the silk in dustry Silk was worth its weight in gold in many parts of the world for centuries Its immense cost may be estimated by the fact that a silken garment is men tioned as one of the wanton prodigali ties of the Emperor Heliogabalus while a gown of the same material was re fused by Aurelius to his empress on the ground that he couldnt afford the price Such was the importance of the silk Industry in China that the people in the principal growing and manufacturing district took the name of Seres and their country Serica from the word Se which in the ancient writings means silk A curious thing about silk is this The raw material is pro duced by the cheapest iabor In the world while the finished product is among the most costy of merchandise VENETIAN WOMEN They Have To Need to Bother Their Heads About Fashions The women of Venice are absolutely free from the rule which Dame Fash Ion exercises over their sisters else where They care nothing for modes With them the length of the skirt re mains always the same neither short nor long and they alwajs wear plainly made dark dresses black stock ings and the heelless slippers of the east Hats are unknown The universal outdoor wrap for all ages and all sizes is the black shawl with a deep silken fringe It is folded with a short point above and a long one below and sometimes It envelopes the figure from head to foot It Is nev er fastened at the throat and when it slips off It Is gathered up with one outstretched arm which makes the spectator think of a bfs bird stretch ing its wing In their attire the women of Venice are independent only wearing local clothing but with feminine inconsist ency they are thoroughly up to date In the matter of hairdressing the style of their coiffures changing from time to time according to the vogue of the moment in London and Paris Only a Beprinninsr The rich widower was paying assidu ous court to the handsome young wom an lawyer I dont know Mr Welloph she de murred There are there are settle ments to be considered you know If that is all Miss Maggie he said well have no trouble Here he slipped a diamond ring on her finger How does that strike you he ask ed Hm she rejoined holding it up to the light and inspecting it critically I think it will do quite well as a re tainer Chicago Tribune A Bishops Full Bishop Peck of the Methodist church was a large man weighing over 330 pounds While on a tour and stopping at the residence of a presiding elder the bishop turned over in his bed and the entire furniture collapsed dropping -him to the floor with a tremendous thud The presiding elder rushed up stairs calling What is the matter bishop Is there anything I can do for you Nothing is the matter an swered the bishop but if I dont an swer the call to breakfast tell your wife to look for me in the cellar Excitements of BoKcrlnpr There must be an excitement about begging which is almost like the pleas ure of stalking taking the measure of the person you see in front of you and knowing the kind of appeal that is likely to weigh with him Bishop of Manchester Hoping lie Wont Find It That mans always looking for work Yes thats what he says but hes one of those people who go round with a snow shovel In July and a pitchfork In January Let no man talk of freedom until he Is sure he can govrn himself Goethe SCIENCE OF LIVING An Ounce ol Oo d Cheer Im Worth u Pound of Melancholy It has been said that If Is better to be born lucky than rich said Dr George F Butler but It is In fact bet ter to be born tough than either lucky or rich After forty eat less and elimi nate more Drink more pure water cnl keep the peristaltic wave of prosperity constantly moving down the alimenta ry canal Many people suffer from too much business and not enough health When such is the case they had better cut out business and society for a time and come down to mush and milk and first principles Dent be foolish Eat less and play more Indulge in less fret and fume and more fruit and fun There are people too indolent to be health literally too lazy to live Work your brains and keep in touch with people Do something for others and forget yourselves There is nothing so inane and detrimental to mind and health as the conversation of people on their aches and pains and troubles The froth of whipped eggs is a tonic compared to it All our appetites are conditional Enjoyment depends upon the scarcity A worker in any field whose age is near either the shady or sunny side of fifty should consider him self in his prime good for another halt century of temperate judicious work Let grandma wear bright ribbons and gaudy gowns if the colors become her and let grandpa be as dudlsh as he pleases with fiashy neckties and cheer ful garb Both will be younger for it and besides it is in harmony with na ture Gray hair Is honorable that which is dyed is an abomination be fore the Lord Cultivate thankfulness and cheerfulness An ounce of good cheer is worth a pound of melancholy Medical News DON QUIXOTE The Philosophy of Sancho Fjinzn and the Fame of Cervantes The enormous number of proverbial sayings In Quixote had much to do with the success of the book especially in England and France at a time when the apothegm and maxim were a favor ite literary form and quite apart from the inexhaustible fund of humorous ac tion contained in the work Sanchos sententious dicta made the noval as a collection of proverbs alone worth pres ervation As in the case of so many of Shake speares apothegms hundreds of Sancho Panzas saying have become so much a part of our common speech as to sound almost trite when we stumble across them on the printed page Diligence is the mother of success seems obvious enough but the man who first enshrin ed it in speech was a genius ne whom God helps is better off than the man who gets up early is a bit of worldly experience that conies home even now to many a doubter as to whether we get our deserts while Cromwells Trust God and keep your powder dry was anticipated by San chos Pray to God but hammer away Another shrewd piece of ob servation from the same source might save many a tradesman from loss to this day He who does not mean to pay does not haggle about price and the homely scrap of philosophy in which Sancho warns the world against stretching out the leg farther than the sheet that covers it is as necessary and pertinent now as it ever was London Chronicle Mistaken Identity Senator Proctor of Vermont accom panied by Mrs Proctor and a party of some fourteen persons was once mak ing a tour of the west A stop was made at Salt Lake City and the party started out for a walk about the city Senator Proctor and his wife headed the procession and the ladies of the party brought up the rear going in pairs That very same day another party of easterners was making the rounds of Salt Lake City and when they encountered the Proctor party in the main street they stood aside to let them pass Well well exclaimed one of the second party Theres a sight Look at that old Mormon and his wives Out for a constitutional I suppose I wonder he added if he has any more Fellow Worms Before Longfellow bought the house in Cambridge so associated with his memory it was owned and occupied by old Mrs Craigie Mrs Craigie was a woman of many eccentricities Moncure D Conway says in his book of Rem iniscenees Some one once tried to persuade her to have her trees tarred to protect them from caterpillars which also invaded her neighbors trees She refused to be so cruel to the caterpillars They are our fellow worms she said Bachelor Logic Old Mr Batchelor thinks he has proved that there is no such thing as a good husband Hows that He says that If a mans got sense enough to be a good husband he has too much sense to get married Cleveland Leader Intellectual Every household ought to have an encyclopedia observed the professor I think so too responded Miss Flut terby brightly They are so handy to press crumpled ribbons and flowers and letters and things Louisville Courier Journal Appreciated His Danger Canvasser You know how uncertain life is Business Man Thats so I might kill a life insurance agent any time and be executed for it New York Press Make not thy friends too cheap to thee nor thyself to thy friends Fuller TRIBUTE TO A CHINAMAN Irri iKon Ore Regret the Di 6 of Honest Gins Yicfc epnrturc A fine gold watch was presented to Giug Yick a few days ago oil his de- parture for home In the Flowery King dom says the Irrigon Ore Irrigator It was presented by the people of Irri gon in token of the high esteem in which Ging is held and bore this in scription To Ging Yick from his Ore gon friends Aug0 1003 Ging Yick has left us and gone to China tho land of his birth where a loving wife and family yearn for his coming He has not seen them for over eight years and there is among them one son now almost eight years old whom he has never seen Ging has been In the employ almost constantly for seventeen years of some member of the present Oregon Land and Water company and for nearly three years he has been at this place cooking in camp in cook house and finally in the hotel He and Mr Hol brook were the pioneers of Stokes now Irrigon There are people who do not like our almond eyed Celestial friends They call them chinks and think them an Inferior race unfit to deal or associate with To all such we would point to our friend Ging He was a cook He never posed for more than he was but there is not a person in the state of Oregon who did his duty better more honorably and honestly or in a pleas anter gentler way than did Ging The editor of the Irrigator is not a worshiper of the yellow man He be lieves that for many reasons they will never can never assimilate with the great English speaking family But we do believe in giving yellow men brown or black men credit full credit when they perform their duty exceptionally well And Ging did more than this He did it always cheerfully always promptly and he had the intuition to do the right thing at the right time And over and above and beyond this he was honest clear down to his toes not because he was watched or because he feared de tection but because it was his nature to be honest and loyal and true He goes to China never to return He cannot come back owing to the laws of our country but he doe3 not care much for he has been frugal and saving and ranks as a rich man at home But we often wish that there was some elas ticity to the exclusion act some clause that would allow such men as Ging to go and come at will for we who know him best know him to be a man who would only honor our country by re turning ROOF GARDEN FOR LONDON Formerly a Private Garden of the Duke of Westminster The first of Londons public roof gar dens Avill be opened in a few weeks at an electric supply companys new transforming station in Duke street Grosvenor square Westminster says the London Express It will be laid out in the Italian style and it opens up possibilities in the utilization of many wasted spaces on the top of London buildings If it proves a success the metropolis may soon be graced with many similar attractions The site of the building was formerly a private garden belonging to the Duke of Westminster but the corporation obtained permission to build upon it on condition that they made and under took to maintain a roof garden which should always be kept open to the pub lic between sunrise and sunset The architect has so arranged the building that the roof garden is only eight feet above the pavement This was done by the Ingeniously simple method of putting the greater part of the engine room underground The garden is entered by flights of steps on either side of two magnificent pavil ions placed at each end and is bordered by a handsome stone railing The whole structure Is built of Portland stone and the actual extent of the open space available for the public will be about 250 by GO feet Among the attractions of the garden will be an ornamental fountain while flower beds will be kept gay with color from early spring to autumn with trees growing in tubs to complete the picture Seats of course will be pro vided and Westminsters garden In the air promises to be one of the most restful and picturesque spots in Lon don Dinners With Ilnrry Up Costumes No indeed the love for dressing up has not worn itself out in Newport says the New York Press Though fan cy dress dances naturally are not as much in vogue as in winter fancy dress dinners are proving a delight for juan The idea had birth in rainy day boredom in English country houses where guests were requested to come to dinner in costume The shorter time given the greater the fun as much in genuity has to be used to make up a dress from materials Immediately at hand An unwritten law of the game is that there must be no consultations with costumers and no unfair advan tage taken of the resources of town It is astounding what original and amusing makeups can be devised when time presses and dinner waits nnd the diners derive far more amuse ment from a dinner of this kind where ones looks depend on ones ingenuity than from one entailing greater outlay Whistle For Wounded Men A surgeon in the Japanese Red Cross service has invented a whistle whlcn emits a very loud sound with a slight expenditure of brnth It Is for the use of soldiers when they are wounded and desire to attract attention Germanys Costly War Germanys African war has already cost the taxpayers nearly 50000000 SSISSaEKSKKEs A MATTER F HEALTH Up R ibsoSisfeSy Pure HAS M SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phatic acid Will Trade Two well improved farms in south western Minnesota for a stock of merchandise-land at a low cash price Ad dress box 2 Lakefield Minn 915 A Guaranteed Cure For Plies Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in GtoM days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo CHESTERS ENGLISH NNYROYAL PILLS t Safe Al vavs reliable Ladii n aslc Druwrfst for OIZICIIKNTKHS KTiiilASll 111 Ueti and M metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon TaJie nn oilier Iteftifce dangcrouii uitl tutionnni imitation Buy ofyourDnifjelst or send in for stomps Particular Testi monials and Keller for rutlir In letter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Hold br all Drugxist8 CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 Jlaillnon Square iHILA IA Mention tnii onotr Try HUBERS t FOR GROCERIES Fresh Fruit Vegetables Agent for GOLD HEDAL WEDDING BREAKFAST vUrrtlCo ONLY FIVE CENTS MORE than the price of the McCOOK TRIBUNE secures it and the Weekly Inter Ocean Both for One Year THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is the only weekly paper published by a Chicago daily and is the leading news farm and home paper of the West Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new features Enlarged farm garden and dairy departments Reliable and practical veter inary department Home Health Club Health and Beauty Hints The most com plete household page Styles for all ages The best Boys and Girls page offered by any paper Queer problems and puzzles Chess and checker columns Best Fiction The International Sunday School Lesson Full and complete market reports The McCook Tribune regular price 100 a year The Weekly Inter Ocean 100 a year Both for only 105 a year This extraordinary offer is made to secure NEW SUBSCRIBERS but old subscribers can take advantage of it by paying their sub scriptions one year in advance Editor i J A