t K ft frv - i r - V v SCHOO SHOES A RATTLERS BITE How Under Some Conditions It May Not Kill tlie Victim It may seem absurd to claim that there are cases where he bite of a rat tlesnake Is not fatal yet such have happened and to understand these it is necessary only to understand the man ner In which this reptile strikes The spectacle of a rattlesnake at bay Is one a beholder never forgets The great long body lies coiled In a tense spiral the very embodiment of wick edness Poised in air the white bellied fore body is bent into a horizontal 5 rigid as an iron bar Raised from the middle of the spiral Is the tail quiver ing like a twanged banjo string and emitting a rattle like steam escaping from the pet cock of a radiator or like the sound of a mowing machine in a distant hayfield Awe inspiring the dread flat triangular head eyes gleam ing black and cold as Icy steel is ready to strike As the grewsome mouth opens wide and pink the long thin poi son fangs arise from a horizontal posi tion and stand upright like a pair of Blender curved needle pointed shad bones ready for business Like a flash far too quick for the eye to follow the snake strikes sending home its fangs an inch or two and in that same frac tion of an instant he has squirted a ta blespoonful of canary yellow viscous fluid into the wound and lies colled ready for a second attack In this incomprehensibly swift attack lies the answer why sometimes the bite of a rattler is not fatal for so won derfully swift is the attack that a bito may be imperfect leaving only a pair of tiny needle punctures with just enough venom to make a victim seri ously ill Another reason why a rattlesnakes bite is not always fatal Is that tempo rarily the reptile may be without ven om The snake may have esausted its poison on a previous enemy in which case it would have to wait several days before the deadly fluid has reaccumu Iated or again the vipers fangs may have suffered accident They may have been broken off and require time for new growth In any case certain it Is that a rattlesnakes poison applied in the proper way will do its work and then only the most expert and prompt assistance will save a victim A W Rolker in Pearsons Magazine Feared tlie Worst Friday Vizer a familiar negro about town in a certain part of Mississippi had been found dead and being a member of no church or lodge very unusual for a negro there was no one to pray for his soul in the great beyond A few old intimates however carried the body to the cemetery in a rude pine coffin and Bob McRaven one of the number an old befo de wan darky was called upon for a few remarks Bob removed his hat and stepped rever ently and sadly toward the open grave and in solemn funereal tones said Friday Vizer you is gone We hopes you is gone whar we spects you aint Lippincotf s Magazine True Greatness True greatness first of all is a thing of the heart It is all alive with robust and generous sympathies It is neither behind its age nor too far before it It is up with Its age and ahead of it only just so far as to be able to lead its march It cannot slumber for activity is a necessity of Its existence It Is no reservoir but a fountain Roswell D Hitchcock Both Strong For a moment he related I held my breath My she Interrupted admiringly how strong you must be He edged away blushed and felt in his vest pocket for a clove Cleveland Leader Dlsagrreeaule Economy Husband You are not economical Wife Well if you dont call a woman economical who saves her wedding dress for a possible second marriage Id like to know what you think econ omy is like San Francisco Bulletin His Line of Reasoning What reason does he give for not paying his wife alimony He says that marriage is a lottery and hence alimony is a gambling debt Comers Weekly vTorse Than She Tuaogbt Aunt But I thought you understood that George is a poor young man when you became engaged to him Niece Of course I did but I didnt imagine it went so far as his not being able to get a new automobile till next season Judge Walters Composition tLittle Walter was told to write a composition containing the word sel dom This is what he handed up to the teacher My father owned some horses but s flust week Ceseic SPEND LESS AND SAVE MOR RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Conductor A G Bump got the paycar today Passes dont go on No 1 and 6 since September 10th Inst Sunday The board in th8 train masters office has not been so full for several years New brakemen this week are L E Booth at Oxford and Wm A Quirk at McCook W F Meyers has been entertaining his mother who arrived in the city yesterday A new switch engine and crew were placed in service in the McCook yard yesterday Switchman M M Fisk is sick and Edgar Smith an old employe is in the yard in his place Steve Dwyer has resigned from the Burlington and gone into the train ser vice on the Moffatline Conductor A G Bump wa8 hurt in the breast first cf the week by an air hose bursting at Red Willow The Burlington run 67 special passen ger trains during the encampment rush in addition to crowded regular trains After being held to his desk at head quarters for two weeks Trainmaster Kenyo went west Wednesday night Engine 1354 came out of the shops Wednesday from an overhauling No 612 is in for repairs to a broken frame Brakeman and Mrs C A DeLoy are visiting his father on the farm near Alma where the father had a big sale this week Brakeman F 0 Roberson will go to Omaha Saturday morning to receive treatment for what is supposed to be a floating kidney Brakeman J J Barry and F F Neu bauer expect to leave first of next week for Hot Springs Arkansas for treat ment for rheumatism Master Mechanic Archibald was in Fort Morgan Colorado Monday at tending the coroners jury session over the late wreck at that point Conductor John Morris was called to Morris Illinois Sunday on No 12 by the serious illness of his aged father who is over eighty years of age Engineer E A Mellen who resigned from the service and afterwards desired to recall his resignation was turned down by the company his request be ing denied Since the passenger business has re turned to normal conditions three passenger crews have been taken out of the passenger service Conductor S E Callen has his old 5 and 12 run again Mrs W C Hanson wife of the agent at Holbrook was a passenger on No 6 second sectionSunday nightfor Omaha being summoned there by the serious illness of her mother in a hospital there Waycar 14252 has been placed in service on the main line Three more crews are needed to handle the big freight business Two freight crews were dead headed to Hastings Wed nesday to assist in handling the busi ness out of Hastings A P Ely left Tuesday for Chicago to be present at the meeting of time keepers at headquarters on business in connection with the proposed new schedule for firemens pay an in crease having recently been asked by the firemen Mrs Ely is visiting her parents in Red Cloud during his ab sence The Denver Times announces that the Burlington will have extensive ware houses and f reighthouses upon the block at Delgany and Fifteenth streets which it now entirely owns It will also build very large shops and roundhouses at Thirty eighth street and Argo These structures and the land lately purchased will cost the Burlington at least 8500 000 and maybe more Engineer and Mrs I L Rodstrom have deep sympathy in the death of their new born son Sunday morning Mrs Rodstrom is getting along quite nicely at this writing The little one was taken to Holdrege Monday morn ing for burial there W H Wyatt father of Mrs Rodstrom accompanied Mr Rodstrom to Holdrege on his sad mission Mrs G H Rugg sister of Mrs Rodstrom is with her at present HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medloine for Easy People Brings Gbldea Health and Benewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney TroublesPimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let form 85 cents a box Genuine made by Holustkr Dana Cokpast Madison Wis - GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES The September Century is here which contains The Viking Ship Found at Oseberg by S C Hammer Haakon Nyhuns this isa brief description of the excavation of the Oseberg ship Also Ole Bull as a Patriotic Force by Margaret E Noble There are two very interesting articles in the August Munsey a The Re former of the British Navy by Fred T Jane Sir John Fisher the remarkable sailor who has resigned King Edwards fighting fleet and who would probably command it in case of war b The Czars of Russia from Ivan to Nicholas by Edgar Saltus The formation of the empire The wild tribes of which it was composed The constructive and bloody work of Ivan The lines formed and characteristics developed that have made Russia what Russia is and has been for three hundred years All per sons living in the county are entitled to take books or magazines from the li brary Everybody is welcome to the use of the library as a reading room Ida McCarl Librarian POINTED PARAGRAPHS We never knew any one who did not talk shop too much How you admire the man who catch es you doing a good deed on the sly What a sorry spectacle a spoiled child is when away from its mother A whipping never hurts so much as the thought that you are being whipped Some men are washed of their sins so much that they finally have a faded look Tell a bad story without names and every one will have an enemy to attrib ute it to Ambition dwindles away in time like a cake of soap and by the time a man is seventy he cant remember that he ever had any In the tub with him Atchison Globe Surf Bathing Abroad Unlike Americans Englishmen pre fer to have their surf bath before breakfast They slip out of their rooms nd Into the surf as a sort of duty and prefer a buff bath or one without the Incumbrance of a bathing suit if they can be permitted to enjoy it With them the bath even In the breakers is more of a duty than a pas time as it is with the French and Americans Neither do the people of continental Europe enjoy the pleasures of the surf with the same avidity as marks the summer day along the American coast There Is more or less of custom or fashion to dictate to the temporary dwellers along the seashore Enough to Kill Io The Greek room is usually not a place for humor nor Is the professor of Greek at the College of the City of New York a very humorous person Nevertheless tlie following joke was sprung on him The class had just re turned fijom the chemistry room where they had bravely listened to a dis course on the elements The Greek lesson was commenced with a history of Io and her endless wanderings Fi nally Professor Tisdall asked What did Io die of A student who had been awakened by the question gasped out ledide of Dotassium HANDLING ANIMALS Done Properly Hnrdly the Most Vi cious Will Resent It There is hardly a living creature sqjd a naturalist that will not permit a hoirasn being to touch it if it is done in tlie right way It is necessary to be gentle and patient and at the same time without fear I have seen natives scratch the heads of tigers and lions within a few days after they were trapped Hunters of wild elephants often crawl among a herd and rub their legs The great brutes although they are on the alert will permit the caress and stand still until the plucky hunter is able to slip a rope around he leg of the animal he wishes to cap ture i In our own country I have seen many men who can creep to a trout stream and gently place their hands under a trout Very softly they rub its belly and the trout will lie quite still until with a sudden jerk it is land ed on the iank I have also seen professional rat catchers put their hands palm upward before a rat hole when the ferrets were driving them As a rat ran out it would sit still on the rat catchers hand Then with his other hand he would stroke it delicately and in three times out of four he would manage to lift the rat without alarming it and drop it Into his bag I have evn known a man who could handle the salt water blue crab the most belligerent and vindictive 4 n 4tiAtaA W iiJ iu v - x BOER AMUSEMENTS Among Them Are Pole Climbing- Ax Throwing and Sonde Racing The Boer is a firm believer in the advantage of exercise though his ways are not ours One favorite form if pole climbing This consists of hav ing one arm tied behind the back and swarming to the top of the pole with the aid of the legs and the free arm It sounds simple but it is not half so simple as it seems Another exercise is throwing the hatchet or ax to be more correct An ordinary wood chopping ax is used for this This is round the head until it reaches a sufficient momentum when it is released Tlie man who throws the farthest does not of necessi ty win as it is necessary that the blade should bury itself in the earth on reaching its destination It requires a considerable amount of skill to accom plish this Another kind of amusement is spade racing The men stand with one foot on either side of an ordinary spade grasping the top of the handle between the hands At the signal they start forward by a series of jumps If a mans foot leaves its proper place he is disqualified There is no more se vere strain on the muscles of the leg than this The distance for such a race as this is generally twenty paces The Boer is gifted with wonderful endurance At long distances he could hold his own with any but he would not stand any chance Avith our men at sprint racing as he lacks the necessary speed The Sacred Scarab The sacred scarabaus was for many centuries venerated by ancient Egyp tians a cult shared recently by Hotten tots and akin to that of the holy cricket of Madagascar In explanation of this Thespesion said The Egyptians do not venture to give form to their gods they use sym bols of occult meaning A black and a golden green beetle Avere botli regard ed as emblems of Ra the sun god of Ptah the creative poAver and of re birth resurrection and immortality Every beetle Avas held to be male and self produced Its thirty toes symbol ized the days of a month and tlie pel let of dung in which it rolled along its eggs was a type of the movements of the sun In ancient Egyptian philosophy the sacred scarab is spoken of as the first living creature that sprang from the mud of the subsiding Nile It was closely connected with astronomy and used as an amulet of sovereign virtue for the living and the dead Origin of Grass Widow Why should a woman separated from her husband be called a grass widow asked a young man of the antiquary The term grass widow the latter answered has nothing to do with the herbage on our lawns Grass is a misspelling sanctioned by custom of grace In the past when divorces were rare a woman separated legally from her husband was Tailed a vlduca de gratia by the Roman church and the French called her a veuve de grace The meaning of both terms is the same widow by grace We took the veuve from the French and translated it properly into widow but the grace we incorporated Into our language misspelling it in the process You would be technically cor rect in writing grace instead of grass widow but it is probable that no one would understand what you meant Philadelphia Record Schoolboy Blunders A H B of Ascot sent to the London Globe some specimens of howler3 perpetrated by board school children and collected by a board school master On the nature of gases An oxygen has eight sides In natural history A cuckoo is a bird which does not lay its own eggs A mosquito is a child of black and white parents and A bliz zard is the inside of a fowl In geo graphical study we get the following The equator is a menagerie lion run ning round the earth and through Africa A meridian is the place where they keep the time and The Inhab itants of Paris are called Parisltes Among answers we have heard before Is that of the child who declares Izaak Walton was such a good fisherman that ho was called the judicious hooker One Good You say he is a financial wreck Then why is It that he appears so happy Well I guess his credits so poor that he cant even borrow trouble Cleveland Leader Disproved Do you think time is money said BIffson Cant be replied Bangs They gay there Is no end to time and Im broke Detroit Free Press H You can do this on your shoe bill in a year with us than elsewhere because we give a little better value than others for the price asked It will not only save you money but your health too to have good solid comfortable shoes that keep the feet dry and warm and we have them We always have dressy shoes for men and women for social and dress occasions but we want to call your attention to the line for the business and professional man and the busy woman who want something in foot wear that will not distract their mind from the puzzling questions they have to solve giving them comfort and protection from the elements We have them too The Model Shoe Store essb mi m J jixt rsmaca A E IKTTY Proprietor McCOOK NEBRASKA SCHOOL SHOES New Goods t B Clothing Dry Goods Shoes U U You will soon want boys school suits Buy them now at DeGroff Co Time Card McCook Neb JlHUil Iffll MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No 6 Central Time 1150p m 2 620 am 12 900 am 14 1015pM main line west depart No 1 Mountain Time 1206 pm 3 1125pm 13 S50am 5 645 pm No 5 local to Wray imperial line No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 p m No 175 departs 645 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska Have you sean the fancy china at Ludwicks Good advice to women If you want a beautiful complexion clear skin bright eyes red lips good health take Hol listers Kocky Mountain Tea There is nothing like it 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnells Wanted A girl for general -house work in family of two No children No washing I L Rodstrom Rheumatism gout backache and poison are results of kidney trouble Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and cures when all others fail 35 cents L W McConells MuMillen Druggist has a large as sortment of souvenir postal cards Are you lacking in strength and vigor Are you weak Are you in pain Do you feel all run down The blessing of strength and health come to all those who use Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea -35 cents LWi McCpnneHs Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market Vrtii l7 The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is flarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it d c lira The Butcher Phone 12 t -a 4k ZZZ I