rSfc w f l B W s I y I EDNA BARR 1 VT Teacher of Piano McCook Nebr Studio Mrs A C Wlehes Dearborn St OB R J GUNN DENTIST 2 Offico over Grannis store McCook Neb C H Boyle C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE ELORED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 44 4 Postofllce BuUdfngUd M00k Neb DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 521 Main Avouuo Offico and Residence phone R3 Calls answered niht or day McCOOK NEBRASKA L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono 56 Office over McMillens drug store H P SUTTON McCOOK V tvs in J 1 a McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTEB McCook Nebraska SAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in PostoiSco building DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Offico Bldg Phone Xo 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA I Dr Herbert J Pretti Registered Geaduate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 1G0 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia 1 I W9JL MT v3 Hfc 1K f a jQ iZi Yi Jl -v Aii3 r T TT ri tJUK JKLlUJr Contractor and Builder Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCOOK N EBR ASKA tAAAMMAAAAAAAMMAVi V I F D BURGESS 5 j Plumber and j Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass y Z Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings m 9 Estimates Furnished Free Base- m ment of the Postoffice Building 7 9 McCOOK NEBRASKA I WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarante faM f i n 5 TO23Q lfcSTIMONIAL Delmont S D Dec 17 1902 1 nsed L K for hog cholera and it was all right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones and they all got well and done fine I also aed it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it Itis the only Medicine for hog cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke Harrington Neb Dec 1J 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thing I ever had on the for ftvnrvthinir it is intended for It IS good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of nil kinds it will destroy all kinds I F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa 6WBJBfyiWi HUMAN JEALOUSY the Difference Dctnecn the Pminlon In a Blan nnd n Woman The ranns jealousy is n stormy seit flooding everything tearing down and devouring everything in him that is strong filling his innermost heart ab sorbing all rivers of feeling and de stroying his mind The womans jeal ousy Is a narrow turbulent treacherous torrent which hides Its depth and high above which rise hard and silent banks it heightens her sensibility and Btrengthens her mind The jealous man is a wrathful lion he is noble and hunger only forces him to tear his prey to pieces The jealous woman is an infuriated snake she Is vain and passion only tempts her to sting The anger of the jealous man is directed against the object of his love and interrupts his love and that of the jealous woman is directed against her rivals and her love is intensified by it Jealousy makes a fool of a man it makes him ridiculous and lowers him in the love and esteem of the woman but a woman gains in wit and charm by her jealousy and it makes her more attrac tive to the man Jealousy is a terrible sharp weapon which a woman uses lightly in order to cut a few sweets on which to feed her vanity often she even wounds with it the man she loves in order to enjoy his sufferings The man disdains this cruel thing though did he use it it would rarely miss its object of awakening the dormant love of a woman of bringing hidden love to the surface and of creating love where there was none From The German of Borne PYGMY HIPPO AND ELAND Trvo Animals of Africa That Aro Practically Unlcnovrn There are two animals practically un known to the outside world These are the pygmy or Liberian hippopotamus and the Derbian eland The first named is just what its name implies a pygmy hippopotamus differing from the larger and common variety In three respects only In the first place It is much smaller than the common Hippopota mus amphibius being no larger than an ordinary fair sized hog in the sec ond place it differs somewhat from the common hippo in the character of its teeth and in the third place instead of spending its time in the rivers and lakes in large herds It -wanders about through the jungles singly or In pairs much after the manner of swine in search of mast Owing to the fact that it does not go in herds and is hard to distinguish against the dark back ground of jungle thickets it is an ex ceedingly difficult animal to hunt or find If anything the legs of the dwarf Liberian hippopotamus are a trifle lon ger in proportion than are those of the common river hippopotamus Next to the Liberian hippopotamus the Derbian eland of west Africa which the Mandingoes call jinke jan ko is today the least known of all rare and strange animals Outing The Printers Devil Aldus Manutius a printer in Venice to the holy church and the doge em ployed a negro boy to help him in his office The boy -was believed to be an imp of satan and svent by the name of the printers devil In order to pro tect him from persecution and confute a foolish superstition Manutius made a The Lawyers Habit The legal formality of addressing a court sticks to many a lawyer of con gressional preferment It is nothing un usual to hear an Impassioned orator in the house pausing in his argument or breaking in upon the argument of an other exclaim Now if your honor please Of course the house always marks the slip with a burst of loud laughter In the senate where there are also many lawyers it is rarer to hear the familiar words because de bate there is more sedate Strong Lungs Popleys looking bad Whats the matter with him Lungs You dont say Weak eh No strong Theres a new baby at his house that keeps him awake nights Philadelphia Press Well Provided Whew Barnstormer must have found food for thought in the dramatic editors article this morning Food I should say a full meal He got a roast and also his desserts Catholic Standard and Times Poor hat Candid Are you looking for work No answered the poor but candid man Im looking for money but Im willing to work because I cant get It otherwise Exchange SOOTHING A HORSE Iic Animals Eny Introduction n Stenin Street Roller In one of the broad uptown thorough fares a few days ago a mounted pa trolman encountered a steam roller In action and the horse was terribly frightened It rea ed and balked and then made angles across the street first one way and then the other until the policeman jumped off and tried coaxing Leading his mount step by step in the direction of the roller which had come to a standstill he pet ted the animal and talked to it urging it forward A fine horse like you to be afraid of a steam roller said the policeman The horse pricked up Its ears and ven tured ahead another step or two Come now come along You cant be a policeman and be afraid of a bit of Iron Now come on good boy The horse made a few more steps for ward Come on continued the policeman Now then be good The department cant afford to be giving 300 apiece for horses that havent any nerve Come on now Coaxing it along in this way with In finite patience the officer after several minutes got the animal up to the roller The horse daintily put forward one foot and tapped the front of the iron wheel waited a moment and finding that the machine did not kick or run reared contemptuously and tapped the object with both feet then wheeled and walk ed quietly away The policeman re mounted and It is safe to say that horse will never bother about a steam roller again New York Post HISTORY OF SHOES In No Article of Attire Have More Vaprarles Dcen ShoTvn Shoes or their equivalent are of a certainty even more ancient than gloves for they were a necessity of lo comotion while the other was but a luxury Sometimes they were made of skins sometimes of papyrus as in Egypt Often they were gilded and decked with jewels and the most ex pert artists of the day were employed to decorate the foot coverings of wealthy patricians consuls emperors and their favorites In no article of at tire have more vagaries been shown Today a lady who desires to be consid ered in the height of fashion wears shoes pointed as much as possible but in the time of Queen Mary the taste was all the other way and it was found necessary to issue a royal procla mation prohibiting shoes -with toes wider than six inches But perhaps the most extraordinary development in the way of footgear were the chopines in troduced by the ladies of Venice to make themselves taller than they really were The articles were really a kind of stilts made of wood and leather and sometimes reached the absurd height of twelve inches Even a trained acro bat would have difficulty in walking on such things and ordinary -women had such trouble with them that when they attempted a promenade they required the assistance of a servant at each side and another behind to keep them from falling From Redferns Royal and Historic Shoes Thnddens Stevens Wit When Thaddeus Stevens had taken public exhibition of the boy and an 1 to his bed for the last time a visitor nounced that any one who doubted him to be flesh and blood might come for ward and pinch him to make sure The mistaken impression -was removed but before this time the name printers devil had been attached to the boy and was thenceforth applied generally to the boyish assistants in a printing of fice Ruler of Russias Title The general allusion to the ruler of Russia as the czar is strictly speaking Incorrect His official title is em peror and autocrat Czar is the old Russian word for lord or prince and was abandoned by Peter the Great on his triumphal return from Poltava his crowning victory over Charles XIL of Sweden Since then the Russian monarch has been officially entitled emperor and at the congress of Vien na in 1815 his right to the imperial term was admitted by the powers with the proviso that though he was emperor he had no precedence over the kings of western Europe St James Gazette told him he was looking well Oh John was the quick reply it is not my appearance but my disappearance that troubles me One day a mem ber of the house of representatives who was noted for his uncertain course on all questions and who confessed that he never investigated a point under discussion without finding himself a neutral asked for leave of absence Mr Speaker said Stevens I do not rise to object but to suggest that the honorable member need not ask this favor for he can easily pair off with himself Evolution of the Skate The earliest known skates were those roughly shaped from the canon bone of a horse or cow and Scandinavian ar chaeologists claim an antiquity of 1G00 years for these The wearer of these rude skates obtained speed not by a stroke of the foot but by pushing him self along with a piked staff Skates made entirely of wood were next intro duced These were followed by wood en ones shod with flat strips of iron Then were gradually developed bladed skates and finally experts evolved the Fen type Norwegian racer and figure skates of the present day London Standard Offering No Challenges Do you claim that the world owes you a living No answered Meandering Mike De man dat goes around claimin makes hisself unpopular Im satisfied to git my llvin whether its owin to me or not Washington Star Ills Shorthand Employer to new clerk Yon dont seem to keep pace with my dictation Why dont you write shorthand I be lieve you told me that you knew short hand Clerk So I do but it takes me longer than ordinary writing Lacking the Motive Fewer I wonder why the car doesnt startl exclaimed an impatient passenger There are not enough people on board yet to make the cargo replied another who understood the situation On a Plate He Id like to take your photograph Edle Really youre sweet enough to eat She I see and thats why you want to put me on a plate Illustrated Bits There Is a selfishness even In grati tude when it is too profuse Cumber land MITCHELL Will Cry Your Sale Right Ho can get your notes cashed NEW BARBER SHOP UEWLY FURNISHEH AND FIRST CLASS IN EVERY WAY Rear of First Natl Bank Earl Murray Competent sale clork furnished Keauced Rates toKansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti more Buffalo and numerous other points east west north and south will be on sale in the near future Call on agent for particulars To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative bromo quinine tablets AH druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 2oc WWWfmm A woman worn out who never has to lift a hand for herself who does not know the meaning of the word worry How can it be possible That it is possi ble is proved by the experience of many a woman who because of sleeplessness nervousness backache and other wom anly ills becomes an utter physical wreck Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription gives new life and new strength to weak worn out run down women It establishes regularity dries unhealthy drains heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness It makes weak women strong and sick women well I suffered for five years with inflammation which caused violent pain and often torture so bad at times that I could not be about to attend to my daily duties writes Mrs Julius C Bell of Bathroad Kingston Ont Iife was simply misery to me and I did not know which way to turn for relief Had tried doctors but found they did not help me Jfy druggist advised me to try Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription eulo gizing it in glowing terms I decided to give it a trial and brought a bottle home I am happy to say that after the use of the first botUe I felt so much improved I decided to take another and after that a third bottle I have good reasons to be pleased for I am to day a well woman work is easy and the world looks bright I have per fect health thanks to your medicine Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong sick women well Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be used with Favorite Prescriptioa when ever a laxative is required V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President CITIZENS B OF McCOOK NEB 5 V FRANKLIN W B WOLFE ANK Paid Up Capital 50000 Surpl us 4000 BIB DIRECTORS r A C EBERT BBBBl X M MbbT BBW BBKwWElBBBBBBlKreiBBm 4 SfVk BW EBBBBbI H SB vKJ jjrS wk W M MS Stanf 97 Opf 1 torsive I fM SOMETHSMC DOIHC ALLTKE TIME H m Great Day MM Grand Eisctrlc gB m Parade Mf Pageant gifH 1 OCTOBERTHBaa Night October WuM il BBBBWBBPllBBqPBBBBBBBWB BJW B BBgB 3WW W iliBlB BM IbBBBb JH Komposcd of a a corceous display of IB Kurtoua allegorical subjects H H tiombinalloh of presented ina H H Kuto Kapers Brilliant Blazs of I I g SSaal 1 1 BiwIldirKg Beauty g H CRANO COURT BALL7MICHT OCTOBER 6th H REDUCED HATES ON ALL RAILROADS jBj SEEJTGUR LOCAL AGENT H The MGook Tribune SiOO per Year The Food Value of a Soda Cracker You have heard that some foods furnish fat other foods make muscle and still others are tissue building and heat forming You know that most foods have one or more of these elements but do you know that no food contains them all in such properly balanced proportions as a good soda cracker The United States Government report shows that soda crackers contain less water are richer in the muscle and fat elements and have a much higher per cent of the tissue building and heat forming properties than any article of food made from flour That is why U need a Biscuit should form an important part of every meal They represent the superlative of the soda cracker all their goodness and nourishment being brought from the oven to you in a package that is proof against air moisture and dust the price being too small to mention NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 33EKSaSi2K2223EKSK3sES IJraaKfAart nWn5ga 52 - Pimoe mi Cur a Cold is One tmy Two Days oii every 4srzr boXo 25c sn55SESsi MCTftj k