The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 08, 1905, Image 7

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City hall of McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska To Fruuk 3 Curry ThiB will tnko
notice that tho mayor and council of tho city of
McCook iol Willow county Nebraska win
a apociul meotinK at the city hall In flaid
at tho hour of oicht oclock p m on tho
i day of Soptomber ilKr to value and assess
IRt li
lot 12 in block 33 in the second addition to tho
city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska
for improvements Tho city of McCook afore
said having robuilt and laid a brick sidewalk
along the north side of said lot 12 and abuttins
thorooii and to levy a special tax upon said lot
12 to nay tho cost and expenses of building
said skip walk tho amount being 7005 nnd for
tho coats of these proceed iucs 8-25-4 ts
By order of the mayor and council
bealI Attest W A Middle ton
City Clerk
The southwest quarter of section 19 in town
1 north raie west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian unit John A Lutz will take notice
that on tho ilst day of July 1903 Edward B
Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the dist
rict court of Red Willow county Nobraska tho
object and prayer of winch are to forecloso a
tax purchasers lien upon tho above described
land for tho taxes for tho years 1895 1896 li97
1S9S 1S99 1900 1901 and 1902 thnt there was duo
to plaintiff at tho time of filing said petition
tho sum of 10100 for tho payment of which
sum together witli costs accruing interest and
attorneys feo plaintiff prays n decreo of fore
closure of said tax lien and a sale of said prem
ises You nro required to answer said petition
on or before the ltith day of September 1905
Euwaed B Cowles PlnintifT
Notice is hereby given to all persons having
claims and domnnds arainst Anna C Woods
late of Rod Willow County deceased that the
time fixed for filing claims against said eatato
is six months from the 15th day of July 1905
fcAH sucli pcrtous are required to present their
claim- witli the vouchers to the County Judgo
of said rrnnty at his oflice in the city of Mc
Cook Nobraska on or before the 15th day of
January 1906 und all claims so filed will be
heard before tho said judge at his office in snid
city on tho 18th day of Janunry 1906 at ten
oclock a in
Dated this 15th day of July 1905
seal Frank MoonE County Judgo
Boylo k Eldred Attorneys 20 4ts
Tho northwest quarter of section 5 in town
4 north range 30 west of the 6th Principal
Meridian and F C Eaton first name unknown
will take notice that on the 9th day of August
1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his peti
tion in tho district court of Red Willow county
Nobraska tho object and prayer of which are to
forecloso a tax purchasers lien upon the above
described land for the taxes for tho years 1S96
1897 19S lb99 1900 1901 and 1902 That there
was due to plaintiff at the time of filling said
petition tho sum of 9400 for the payment of
which sum together with costs accruing inter
est and attorneys feo plaintiff prays a decree
of foreclosure of 6aid tax liens and a sale of said
nremises You are reauired to answer said pe
tition on or before the lSih day of September
1905 Edwakd B Cowles Plaintiff
Tho south half of the northeast quarter of sec
tion 13 in town 1 north range 28 west of tho
6th Principal Meridiannnd George F Andrews
as trustee will take notice that en the 9th day
of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff
filed his petition in the district court of Bed
Willow county Nobraska the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien
upon the above described land for the taxes for
tho years 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was due
to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the
sum of 2475 for the payment of which sum to
gether with costs accruing interest and at
torneys feo plaintiff prays a decree of foreclos
ure and a sale of said premises You are re
quired to answer said petition on or before the
ISth day of September 1905
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
Harry Stern and tho unknown lteirs of Wells
Rittenhouse deceased will take notice that tho
mayor and council of the city of McCook Red
Willow county Nebraska will hold a special
meeting at tho city hall in said city at the hour
of eight oclock p m on the eighteenth day of
September 1005 the object and purpose of said
meeting is to value and make a special assess
ment for improvements upon lot 11 in block 9
original town now city of McCook said city of
McCook having rebuilt and laid a sidewalk on
the westside of Main avenue and abutting said
lot 11 ontho east at an expense to said city in
the sum of S4H50 A special tax will be levied
agaiust said lot 11 to pay the same and for the
cost of these proceedings By order of tho may
or and council of the city of McCook
Attest WA Middletok City Clerk
The west half of tho northwest quarter of sec
tion 7 in town 1 north range CO west of tho
6th Principal Meridian and L W Tulleys as
trustee will take notice that on tho 9th day of
August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed
his petition in the district court of Bed Willow
county Nebraska the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien up
on tho above described land for the taxes for
the years 193 1S94 1895 1S96 189718981899
1900 1901 and 1902 that there was due to plain
tiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of
7910 for the payment of which sum together
with cos ts accruing interest and attorneys fee
plaintiff prays a decreo of foreclosure of said
tax lien and a sale of said premises You are
required to answer said petition on or before
the 18th day of September 1905
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
The north half of the southeast quarter and
tho southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section 25 in town 1 north range 30 west
of tho 6th Principal Meridian and J Lowell
Moore as trustee will take notice that on tho
31st day of July 1905 Edward B Cowles plain
tiff filed his petition in the district court of
Red Willow county Nebraska the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a tax pur
chasers lien upon tho above described land
for the taxes for the years 1895 1896 1897 1898
1899 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was duo
to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition
the sum of 9090 for the payment of which sum
together witli costs accruing interest and at
torneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclos
ure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises
You are required to answer said petition on or
before tho lfeth day of September 1905
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
JThe north half of the northwest quarter of
section 21 in town 1 north range 30 west of
the 6th principal meridian and Almon E Davis
will take notice that on the 28th day of August
1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his pe
tition in the district court of Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska tho object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon tho
land above described for the taxes for tho years
1S97 1S9S 1899 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was
due to plaintiff at the time of filing said petit
ion the sum of 3525 for tho payment of which
sum together with co3ts accruing interest and
attorneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of fore
closure and a sale of said land You are re
quired to answer said petition on or before the
9th day of October 1905 91-1-4 ts
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
I Diarrhea Remedy
A few doses of this remedy will
invariably cure an ordinary at
tack of diarrhea
It has been used In nina epi
demics of dysentery with perfect
It can always be depended
upon even in the more severe
attacks of cramp colio and chol
era morbus
It is equally successful for
summer diarrhea and cholera
infantum In children and Is the
means of saving the lives of many
children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family should
keep this remedy in his home
Buy it now It may save life
Price 25c Large See 50o
VVayi In Which Wild BrntcM Show
Their Contempt For Mankind
Wild animals have a great many
ways of showing their contempt for
humnnklnd said an artist who has
made a specialty of modeling annuals
Every one has an idea that ele
phants become tame and even fond of
people but this Is altogether wrong
They are easily trained but are never
tamed They are docile just so long as
the keeper has his goad in his hand or
the memory of a burning endures 1
had proof of this one day while model
ing one of the elephants in a big ani
mal show I was sitting In his stall
with my modeling stand not knowing
that on certain days he was given an
extra allowance of chain Suddenly he
flung his trunk around with such force
that It smashed the stand to bits and
sent me a dozen feet outside the stall
lie never forgot his failure to finish
me and soon afterward he expressed
his dislike in a more vulgar if less dan
gerous manner As I worked I heard
him make a loud sucking noise but
suspected nothing At last when he
had his mouth quite full of saliva he
blew it toward me
This Is not only a trick of elephants
but of other animals as well as I have
learned to my sorrow Camels have
the same habit and while working
near a camel one day I was treated to
a shower of finely chewed cud
This sculptor and other artists agree
that the cat animals have a different
mode of attack There seems less of
spite and more of real hate in their
method Sculptors usually place their
modeling stands as close to the bars as
possible This same one was once
working close to a tigers cage with
the beast inside lying very quiet ap
parently asleep Without even raising
his eyeballs the big cat struck be
tween the bars with his heavy forepaw
splintering the stand and sending the
clay in wads on the floor The artist
warned by a sixth sense developed by
those who are much about animals
had jumped back just in time to es
capeNew York Herald
The simple life does not need lentils
or cellular clothing It needs those
rarer things gratitude and humility
G K Chesterton
She wore far too much rouge last
night and not quite enough clothes
That Is always a sign of despair In a
woman Sebastian Melmoth
Keep your head on your shoulders
Its bound to rest on some one elses
occasionally Still keep it mostly on
your own A Pagans Love by Con
stance Clyde
If you feel that youve really got to
tell a secret go somewhere where its
dark an youll be alone Then keep
your mouth shut The Middle Wall
by Edward Marshall
Isot that marriage is so beautiful but
it is necessary- a girl should And that
out for herself so -that she can turn her
mind peacefully to other things A
Pagans Love by Constance Clyde
The Gnest and the Waitress
A dainty stranger wafted into the
dining room of a hotel in Smith Centre
the other day and as the chair wus held
back for him pulled out his handker
chief and dusted the seat carefully
Pulling up his trousers he seated him
self wiped the knife fork and spoon
with a napkin worried a few crumbs
off the table and heaved a sigh of re
lief Without hesitation the girl who
stepped forward to take his order deft
ly wiped the strangers mouth which
had been drawn into a pucker of dis
satisfaction at the imaginary untidi
ness abounding and planted a kiss
thereon that was plainly heard in all
parts of the room The dainty stran
ger when he recovered ordered meekly
ate hurriedly and left quickly Kansas
City Journal
Says a writer in the London Chroni
cle A vulgarism one which like ag
gravate for irritate has come into
use by way of the kitchen stairs is
demean with a sense of derogation
or abasement It is to be seen in many
a paper and even many a book and
heard in many a speech It is the sec
ond syllable that has misled the popu
lar understanding but the noun de
meanor should have saved the edu
cated from their blunder with the verb
When the cook refuses to demean her
self she is excusable because de
meanor is not in her vocabulary
The Feast of Nature
The Feast of Nature was a grand
French revolutionary holiday held
Aug 10 1793 A plaster image of na
ture was erected in the Place de la
Bastille and the chief members of the
convention the public committees and
all public functionaries knelt in adora
tion after which came the firing of
salutes dancing and general public re
joicings The holiday celebrated the
finished constitution of the republic
A Collection of Idiots
I want to ask for the hand of your
daughter in marriage said the young
Youre an Idiot said the Irate fa
I know It But I didnt suppose
youd object to another one in the fam
ily Yonkers Statesman
Both Annoying-
Two things make my wife awful
What are they
To get ready for company that dont
come and to have company come when
she isnt ready Philadelphia Inquir
The Author Are you unfamiliar with
my book The Friend I have a nod
ding acquaintance with It Life
The Way Made the Jfevr
Earth After the Flood
I will tell you the story of
lie Is the man who made the
new earth after the big water came
and covered it
Big waters came and there was
pothing anywhere except water and
the sky and the sun and the stars
said the old Chippewa
made a great raft and put on it some
relic of everything that had been on
the earth specimens of each kind of
animals of all the trees shrubs plants
flowers birds rocks and one man and
one woman In short he did not leave
anything except sand He forgot to
save some sand and yet he could not
do anything without it He sailed out
far Into the flood and made a little
island very very small Then he fouud
he had no sand no made a very big
line longer than hundreds of deer
skins cut up into ribbons and tied to
gether and he toek a muskrat off the
raft and tied the line to it and threw
It into the water The frightened rat
dove down and down and when there
was no longer any pulling at the line
knew the rat was at the
bottom of the sea Then he began to
pull the line up At the end of it came
the poor muskrat stone dead drowned
But saw that the little
black paws of the animal were clench
ed as if there was something In their
palms and that the rat held tight hold
of even after death The little paws
were forced open and in them were
found half a dozen grains of sand One
grain would have been enough for the
blew his breath on the
muskrat and its life came back to It
Then he mixed the sand in the little
island that he had made and blew on
that also As he biew and blew it
swelled and swelled until it was so big
that could not see the
sides or end of it in any direction
was not quite certain
whether he had made it as big as the
old earth before the big water came
Ho had to make It as big as it had
been so big In fact that no man or
crenture could And the end of It He
had plenty of animals that could travel
over the earth and find out how big It
was so he decided to take two huge
buffaloes off the raft and send them to
see whether there was any end to what
he had made The buffaloes ran off
with all speed and sat
down and waited In a few days the
buffaloes came back and said they had
found the end of the earth So
blew and blew and blew on the
ground again and it swelled so fast
that you could see It broadening AYhen
he had blown until he was tired he
took a crow off the raft and sent it to
see if It could find the end of the
earth The crow was gone a very long
time but at last it came sailing back
on the wind and said it had flown till it
was tired out and there was no sign of
any end to the earth
to make sure blew
again and swelled the earth a great
deal bigger Then he untied and un
caged and untrapped all th animals
and drove them from the raft on to the
land and left them free to roam where
they might He took all the trees
plants bushes and shrubs and planted
them around and he blew the grass
out of his hands as hard as he could
blow It so that it scattered all over
Next he let loose all the birds and bee
tles and bugs and snakes and toads
and butterflies and finally he Invited
the man nnd woman both Chlppeways
to go ashore and make the new earth
their hunting ground And
task was done St Nicholas
Titles In Germany
The question of title is one of the
most delicate In Germany a fact of
which the stranger Is constantly re
minded in Intercourse with the people
particularly with Tie women Frcu
Professor Frau Director Frau Doctor
are most particular about their hus
bands titles being attached to their
own names But when it comes to mil
itary circles it is different and both
men and women protest vigorously
against this sharing of titles Lieuten
ant von B objects to having his wife
addressed as Frau Lieutenant which
title belongs as well to the wife of
Lieutenant Schmidt or Haff of a lass
aristocratic regiment
Dumas Scheme
Alexandre Dumas Sr was once vis
iting his son who at that time lived in
a villa near Paris They sat In a tiny
scrap of a garden behind the house
under the one small tree it contained
It was a broiling hot day and Dumas
who was very stout said to his son
I am suffocating with the intense
What shall I do father
Suppose you open your chamber
window and let a little air into the
garden replied old Alexandre with
One Exception
No declared Mr Nagget there
never was a woman on earth who
could refrain from turning around to
rubber at some other womans clothes
No replied his wife sweetly
Didnt you ever hear of Eve- Phila
delphia Press
How She Toole It
Adolphus Hunt Dont you think it
would be a noble thing for you to do
with your wealth to establish a home
for the feeble minded Miss Riche
Oh Mr Hunt this is so sudden
Women and Smuggling-
Many a lady smuggles who would no
more tip her ball Into the better posi
tion at croquet than she would cut a
throat or scuttle a ship Andrew Lang
Genuine benevolence Is not station
ary but peripatetic It goes about do
ing good Nevlns - - -
Do You Use Sales Books
r r
- so th -
l phone 53 - 1
M forward IZ j
t t
Z tW
The north half of the northeast quarter of
section 29 in town 1 north range 30 west of
tho 6th principal meridian and Charles 1
Boggs will take notice that on the 28th day of
August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed
his petition in tho district court of Red lllow
county Nebraska the object and prayer of
which are to forecloso a tax purchasers hen
upon the above described land for the taxes for
the years 1894 1S95 1S9G 1S97 1S9S 1S99 1900
1901 and 1902 That there was clue to plaintiff
at the time of filing said petition the sum of
0700 for the payment of which sum togother
with costs accruing interest and attorney s
fee plaintiff prays a decreo of foreclosure of
said tux lien and a sale of said premises lou
are required to answer said petition on or be
fore the 9th day of October 1905 9-1-Us
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
The southwest quartorof tho southwest quart
er of section 29 tho northwest quarter of tho
northwest quarter and the south half of the
northwest quarter of section 32in townl north
range 30 west of the Gth principal meridianand
Eli Titus will take notice that on the 2tfth clay
of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff
filed his petition in tho district court of Red
Willow county Nebraskathe object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a tax pnehasers lien
upon tho above described land for tho taxes for
the years 1895 lbSG 1S97 1S93 1M9 1CU0 1901 and
1902 that there was due to plaintiff at the time
of filing said petition tho sum of 11100 for the
payment of which sum together with costs ac
cruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff
prays a decree of foreclosure and a sale of said
premises You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 9th day of October 190
Edwabd B Cowles Plaintiff
Alvin Brown Beulah Brown and John M
Evans non resident defendants will take notice
that on the 28th day of August 190i Edward B
Cowles plaintifffiled his petition in the district
court of Red Willow county Nebraska tho ob
ject and prayer cf which are to foreclose a tax
purchasers lien upon the nortli half of tho
northwest quarter of section 14iu town lnorth
range 30 west of tho 3th principal meridian for
the taxes for tho years 101 1902 and 1903 that
there was duo to plaintiff at the time of filing
aid petition the sum of S15S0 for the payment
of which sum together with costs accruing in
terest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a de
cree of foreclosure and a sale of said premises
You are required to answer said petition on or
beforo the 9th day of October 1905
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
Department of the Interior land office at Lin
coln Nebraska August 31 1905 Notice is here
by given that the following named settler has
filed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim and that said proof will
bo made before R W Devoe clerk of the dist
rict court at Jlcvjoolc isoDraska on ejewjuer n
1905 viz Homestead No 1225S Christian Smith
Osborn Nebraska for the east half of tho south
west quarter and the south east quartorof the
north west quarter and the south west quarter
of the north east quarter of section 29 township
5 north range SOwestBixth principal meridian
He names tho following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of
aid land viz Jacob Betz of McCook Nebras
ka Truman F West of McCook Nebraska
Elijah Beebe of St Ann Nebraska Casper
Kakankamp of Osborn Nebraska 95ts
W A Green Register
If you do remember that you can get them
made right here at home Your printing will
give entire satisfaction if it comes from the
Reduced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
A -woman worn out who never has to
lift a hand for herself who does not
know the meaning of the word worry
How can it be possible That it is possi
ble is proved by the experience of many
a woman who because of sleeplessness
nervousness backache and other -womanly
ills becomes an utter physical
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription gives
new life and new strength to weak worn
out run down women It establishes
regularity dries unhealthy drains heals
inflammation and ulceration and cures
female weakness It makes weak women
strong and sick women well
I suffered for five years with inflammation
which caused violent pain and often torture so
bad at times that I could not be about to attend
to my daily duties writes Mrs Julius C Bell
of Bathroaa Kingston Ont Life was simply
misery to me and I did not know which way to
turn for relief Had tried doctors but found
they did not help me My druggist advised me
to try Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription eulo
gizing it in glowing terms I decided to give it
a trial and brought a bottle home I am nappy
to sav that after the use of the first bottle I felt
so much improved I decided to take another and
alter that a third bottle I have good reasons to
be pleased for I am to day a well woman work
is easy and the world looks bright I have per
fect health thanks to your medicine
Sick women are invited to consult Dr
Pierce byletter Address Dr R V
Pierce Buffalo N Y
Favorite Prescription makes weak
women strong sick women well Ac
cept no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be
used with Favorite Prescriptioa when
ever a laxative is required
Burlington Bulletin Rates
Chicago and return 82510 on sale
St Louis and return 826 G5 on sale
Portland Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn 84500 on sale daily
Portland Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn one way via California 5000 on
sale A ugust 10 to 17 inclusive also 20
i in 21
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return 85000 on sale August 10 to 14
Denver and return on sale daily 12
00on sale August 12 13 and 15 8940 oa
sale Aug30to Sept i 8510
Salt Lake Provo Price and Ogden
Utah and return 82790 on sale daily
Grand Junction and Mack Colo and
return 82790 on sale daily
Yellowstone Park through and in
cluding hotels and stage and return
87500 on sale daily
Detroit and return 82925 on sals
Aug 13 and 14
Pittsburg Pa and return 83400 on
sale Aug IS and 19
KansasCity and return 81170 on sale
August 23 to 31
Chattanooga Tenn and return 3210
on sale September 14 to 16
Cody Wyo Black Hills and Hot
Springs S D approximately half rates
all summer
Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin
points Michigan resorts on Lakes Michi
gan and Huron Canada Maine and
New England St Lawrence and Lake
Champlain regions very low tourist
rates all summer
If you will call or write ic will be a
pleasure to advise you about rates train
service to reserve you a berth and to
try to make your trip a comfortable one
Geo S Scott
Agent C B Q Ry
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative bbomo qcinin e tablets
AH druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c