By F mik fftfop M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Official Paper of Redwillow County PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Everyone whether interested in univer sities or not should read the article in the September Atlantic MonthlyShall the university become a business cor poration by Henry S Pritchell this wag an address before the university of Michigan This same number oontains an article on Slaveryby William Garrott Brown Lincolns policy of mercy Also an article by William S Rossiter chief clerk United States census bureau and expert special agent for printing and publishing the twelfth census The problem of federal printing this gives a map of the Growth of federal printing from 1792 to 1904 also the Details of size and cost of certain publications issued by authority in the September Review of Reviews Leading articles of the month in the September Re view of Reviews are as follows How fast are the southern negroes increasing Are there superior and inferior races The international congress of psy chology The sinister side of Japans purpose Do Russians themselves really ex pect reforms Is emigration running Italy The terrible work of the recent earthquake in India The evolution of religion in France These magazines may be found at the public library Library hours from 1030 to 1200 oclock mornings after noons from 130 to 600 oclock even ings from 700 to 900 oclock Books must be taken out and returned during library hours only Ida McCakl Librarian CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Sunday school at 10 oclock Regular services George B Hawkes Pastor Baptist Regular services will be re sumed next Sunday morning and even ing A cordial invitation to all A B Carson Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Christian Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m subject The Way to God Y P S C E at 715 p m Preaching at 815 p m subject Come and see All are welcome L P Sanford Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodis t Sunday school at 10 Sermon at 11 a m and 8 p m Class at 12 Junior Epworth League at 3 Epworth League at 715 Prayer and praise service every Wednesday night at 8 oclock Preaching in South McCook next Sunday at 3 oclock Sunday school at 2 All invited M B Carman Pastor Populist County Convention The electors of the Peoples Independent party of Red Willow connty Nebraska are called to meet in the city of Indianola on Sat urday September 16 1905 at one oclock p m for the purpose of placing in nomination candi dates for the various county offices to be filled this fall and for selecting delegates to the state convention and to transact such other business as may come before the convention the basis of representation will be one delegate at large from each precinct and one delegate for every fifteen votes or major fraction thereof cast for the honorable Geo W Berge for governor in 1904 giving the following representation to precincts to wit Alliance 3 Beaver 5 Bondville 4 Box Elder 2 Coleman 2 Danbury 3 Driftwood 2 East Valley 3 Fritsch 4 Gerver 2 Grant 2 Indianola 6 Lebanon 4 Mo Hidge 2 North Valley 3 Perry 3 Red Willow 3 Tyrone 3 Valley Grange 2 Willow Grore 13 Total J71 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed but that the delegates presentbe empowered to cast the full vote of their precinct It is fur ther recommended that the various precincts hold their causus on Thursday evening Septem ber 14 1905 at 730 p m and at same meeting that their committeemen for the coming year selected H H Pickenb I M Smith Secretary Chairman Cera Botttaj la Fields Corn Is so plentiful In the vicinity of Chelsea L T that the farmers axe letting it rot in the fields Twenty cents s busel is all they can get for it and they do not think pays for harrastlng giuaiwtimm0r UMwttfw mmbmmwfmm frarrn carnival close of past week W V Miller of Marion had business in the countys capital Wednesday R P Loomis of the Willow has gone to Bloomingdale Miuh on an extended visit Mrs A L Knowland and Mrs L J Culbertson are Denver visitors this week wedding march plaved by Miss Vashti Moore the little niece of the bride Im mediately after the ceremony a three course luncheon was served The bride was gowned in cream colored silk creton The bride came to Lincoln from New castle Wyo a few months ago to make her home with her sister and has made many friends here The groom came i here from Madison Wis and has been H A Graham was one of Danburys in the service of the Burlington Mon citizens at the carnival end of last days Lincoln Journal week T A Erb of Akron is operating a boarding train between McCook and Ox ford now Mr and Mrs J A Wilcox and Miss Mabel are attending the reunion in Den ver this week Mr and Mrs L H Lindemann went to housekeeping Monday in the John Selby dwelling Mrs E D W Pogue and Marjory expect to leave for Evanston III their home tomorrow Dollie Pennell is attending school in Lincoln being a pupil in the convent ical school there Mrs E O Scott returned to Repub lican City Tuesday after spending carnival week here Mr and Mrs C P Lehn are among the Colorado visitors expecting to be absent about two weeks Dr William Hamilton is a new member of the local corps of U S ani mal industry inspectors County Treasurer and Mrs B G Gossard are visiting in Denver this week during the reunion Tom Whitmer formerly of Coleman precinct but now of Iowa is spending a while with us this week L W McConnell has been in Lin coln part of the week to buy holiday goods from an eastern drummer F M Wood a brother of Mrs J C Predmore is here from Belfast Ohio -returning home from the reunion Ed Reed has sold his dwelling to Ed Howell head of the blacksmith force who has been renting the place recently Mrs C K Coleman came down from Colorado last week and has been visit ingJMcCook relatives and friends since M R and T H Allen of Mulberry Indiana uncles of L C Foster are visiting him on their way home from Denver and the reunion Miss Mamie Fitzgerald visited her uncle P Walsh briefly first of the week coming up from Lincoln Sunday and returning home Monday Mrs C B Sawyer andtMiss Kate will return to University Place close of this week and Miss Kate will resume her studies first of next week Mrs J B Meserve went down to In dianola Monday morning to attend the I wedding of Miss Delia Andrews return ing nome on o Tuesday evening Mrs Anna Stayner departed on No 12 Wednesday morning for Guilford Indiana to be absent a few weeks Mrs Stayner and the girls accompanied her as far as Omaha returning home on No 3 some night Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postofiice Sept 7 1905 Mclntyre Mrs J B Schmidt Lillian ODell Sidney P Polly Mr O S Reader Mr Adam Roberts Mr C J Young S A Scott Mr Lee S When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster COLEMAN Mr and Mrs C DGriffiths were Den ver visitors close of last week W M Rozell has cane twelve feet high It was put in with a press drill H B Wales and Miss Mabel returned home Tuesday from visiting friends in Iowa C H Boyle and C H Meeker of Mc Cook were in this precinct one day last week Mother of H H Bandy came in from Missouri Wednesday to visit her son awhile Joe Menary of Iowa will visit friends here for a week or two He came in Wednesday Mr and Mrs H H Bandy saw the sights in Denver a few days close of last week and fore part of this Thos Whitmer of Iowa was in these ends of the county Tuesday and Wed nesday He lived here twenty years On Thursday afternoon Myrtle Bates got hold of a bottle of medicine and took a big dose Dr Easterdy was called and after several hours the little girl took a change for the better and the prospects this Friday morning are that she will recover On Wednesday night when No 3 stopped in McCook and the conductor was assisting an old lady to alight a man stepped up and said to her I will take charge of you You come and go with meyour name is Sharp She look ed at him closely and said Who are you I never saw you before He re plied Oh my name is Sharp am your boy the one you have come to see The mother and son met for the first time in nineteen years A Studied Slight She How that woman we just pass ed does hate me He She looked pleasant enough She Thats all done for effect but If you noticed she never turned to take in my new suit and hat Detroit Free Presa A Plausible Hlxon I wonder managed to live to age Dbcoa Probably Theory how Methuselah such a ripe old because then wre no beteria and disease censi la u tr MAIN STREEt MCCOOK NEBRASKA CARNIVAL WEEK AUGUST TWENTY EIGHTH TO SEPTEMBER SECOND MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Ora McElvain has gone to Den ver Mrs V O English is here from Au rora Mrs H C Kjser Superior is visiting in Mrs Anna Blatt of Lincolu the city part of the week was in Anna Cott Married A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the residence of the brides sister Mrs A P Moore 135 South Tenth street at high noon yesterday wheu Charles Blucker and Miss Anna E Cott were married Miss Georgia Ostrander was bridesmaid and Charles Crooker was best man Rev J H Salsbury officiated The bridal party descended J E IIorton of Lebanon took in the the stairs and entered the parlor to the Mrs John N Smith Dies In Omaha Mrs John N Smith who was taken to Emmanuel hospital Omaha about three weeks since for treatment and op eration died in the hospital last Sun day morning September 3rd at eleven oclock no operation having been per formed however The remains were brought to McCook on Monday night Funeral services were held in the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at two oclock conducted by Rev M B Car man of the Methodist church in the ab sence of the pastor A large gathering of neighbors and friends from Coleman precinct and from the city as well as sembled in the church to pav their trib ute to the memory of the departed Burial followed in Longview cemetery of this city A husband and two daught ers and many friends mourn her death Lucinda Witter was born in South Bend Indiana March 10th 1832 Was united in marriage with John N Smith May 3 1868 Came to Red Willow county about twenty years ago and bet tied in Coleman precinct RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 G F Randel followed the crowd to Denver this week Mrs W E Bower was reported quite low on Thursday Mrs W E Bower is a victim and suf ferer with rheumatism Will Bloomfields little girl was re ported very sick Thursday Vida Smith went home with her sister Mrs Miller for a months visit Sunday T A Endsley will commence school in the Pickens school house next Mon day John Brittain is seeing the sierhts at the Nebraska state fair in Lincoln this week Mrs Nettie Lutz and son left for their home in Marietta Kansas Tuesday morning Mr and Mrs Will Broomfields little girl has been quite ill but is better at this writing Miss Nettie Endsley opened her school in the North Star school house on Mon day morning Louie Jacobs went home with her sister Mrs Mary McMullen from Hayes Center Sunday Miss Roxy Byfield commenced teach ing school in the Fitch schoolhouse Monday of this week Mrs A D Johnston returned home last week from a three months visit with her brother in Oregon Mr Guthrie of the Singer Sewing Machine Co had a lucky runaway Mon day in East McCook without damage or injury Mrs Myrtie Wright and family and Mrs Mary McMullen and family visited with the home folks Mr and Mrs H C Jacobs carnival week Miss Genva Fitch arrived home Wed nesday from Colorado Her aunt Mrs G B Nettleton accompanied her and will remain until after the Old Settlers picnic any way Valley Grange and Bondville people have been strongly represented in Den ver this week among them are Mr and Mrs Henry Hesterworth Mrs H Hari Meyer Mr and Mrs Henry Kisker Mr and Mrs Vontz and others Mr and Mre Will Miller and daught er Merle from Trenton came down last Thursday Woodmans day Will re turned home the same evening Mrs Miller and Merle visited her parents Mr and Mrs W H Smith until Sunday 5T S2KSCS Mos mchaietts 31ncl Tx Jrfpooit At the coming session of the Massi chusetts legislature a bill will be offer ed giving to each city and town the privilege of raising money for munici pal purposes- by such methods as the town or city may deem best This the single tax proposal which was de feated in the last bay state legislature Dynnino Urlven from Car Axle The Great Western Railway of Eng land is lighting its corridor tiains by electricity obtained from dynamos driven from the car axle Storage batt teries are carried for use when the vunning speed is slow and for stops V- -T Modern and Progressive Forepaugh and Sell Brothers Worlds Greatest Shows which will -exhibit in McCook Fridav September 15th have been enltird upon such n broad scale of liberality as to almost preclude tho depiction of i t a magnitude on paper Forepaugh and Sells Brothors always modern and progressive have had for years the biggest and best show on earth yet this season they have more than doubled their immense amusement enter- ipnsa uy cne nnaition oi complete new- trains hundred of horses and people and by ec tire new snows ine crown- 1 inj featuro of theso almost unlimited additions is the grand spectacular and I pantomimic production Panama or tho I Portals of the Pea in which is shown 1 ten hundred characters and a special 1 trainload of magnificent costumes and sc nen This s nectacle is shown in the 1 largest tent over made for a circus a vist canvas theatre arena and norial enclave brillantly lighted d iting 12000 people The monster free street parade a glittering pageant fully three miles in length is alone worth tho amouut charged for the circus proper It is replete with new and novel proces sional attractions displaying beautifully j carved and decorated iloats tive of everv country on theglobe richly attired horsemen from every known na i tion and monster herds of elephants and camels with a dmsion for the children j and a full hundred cages of tho rarest wild animals known to zoologists In tho arenic performance Forepaugh and Sells Brothers introduco 375 performers oach one a premier artist There are mora than 200 acts in the circus pro gram and most of the acts are jsively novel and sensational In tho j trained animal display Forepaugh and Sells present three herds of huge ele j phant actors squadrons of cute little pouies in acts that never fail to please the children Captain Webbs wonderful performing seals and cake walking and high school horses in exhibitions of the highest type of equine intellegence and marvelous new conceptions The circus performance is given on two stages in three rings and on a wide quarter mile hippodrome track These wonderful shows will exhibit here one day only and give performances at two oclock and at eight oclock Admission tickets and reserved numbered chairs will be sold at Forepaugh and Sells down town ticket office L W McConnells drug store circus day at exactly the same price charered in the tinkpt u nrmnc nn tha i show grounds A Car of California Peaches Pears and Plums in McCook Now is your chance to get same FOR CANNING Ask your mer chants for them If they cannot supply you come to the car on second track south of Freight Depot The H Q Phelps Commission Company Comfort and Service Last season we were told so many times by mothers that our School Shoes were the best they ever bought The children did not com plain of their shoes hurting them and they wore so well We ordered again the same line for this year and now have them in ready for you If you will drop into our store we will be glad to explain other features of the shoes that look well feel comfortable and give such good service The Model Shoe Store A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska -a 4 r s i h V y U