K t LEGAL NOTICE v City hall of McCook Red Willow county To Frank S Curry TIiIb will tnko notico thnt tho mayor and council of tlio city of McCook Kod Willow county Nebraska will hold u bpeclnl mcotinj at tho city hall in fnid city at the hour of oiRht o clock p in on the lSth day of September 1905 to value and assess lot 12 in block W in the second addition to tho city of McCook Red WiUdw county Nebraska for iniprotomcuts The city of McCook afore said bavins rebuilt and laid a brick sidowalk along tlio uorlii side ot said lot 12 and abutting thereon and to levy a special tax upon paid lot VI to nay the cost and axiunMti nf linildiiiir said side walk tho amount twins 7005 and for tho cots of thesoiiroceodings uy onior ot tlij mayor and council seai1 Attest W A MiDDtiVroN City Clerk NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Tho southwest quarter of section 19 in town 1 north riugo JO west of tho Gth Principal Meridian and John A Lutz will take notice that on the 5lst day of July 190 Edward B CouIck pltiiutiff filed Ifis petition in the dist rict court f Kud Willow county Nebraska tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purclJis orn lien upon tho above describpd land for tho taxes for tho jears 1895 18961897 1893 1899 l KX 1901 and 1902 tliat there was duo to plaintiff at tho time of filing said petition the sum of 10100 for tho payment of which sum togethT with costs accruing interest and attorneys foo plaintiff prays a decree of fore closure of said tax hen and a sale of said prem ises You ire required to answer said petitiou on or bofore the 18th day of September 190 Edward 15 Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is Iioreby given to all persons having claims and lenmnds ncrainst Anna C Woods late of Red Willow County deceased that the timo flxed for filing claims against said eatato is six months from the 15th day of July 1905 All such persons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the County Judge of s aid ccutity at his oflice in the city of Mc Cook Nebraska on or before tho 15th day of January 1UW and nil claims so filed will be heard before the said judge at his oflico in said city on tho 18th day of January 1900 at ton oclock a m Dated this 15th day of July 1905 seal Frank Moore County Judgi Boj le Eldrcd Attorney 20 4ts NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The northwest quarter of section 5 in town J north range W west of tho 6th Principal Meridian and F C Eaton first name unknown will take notice that on the 9th day of August 1905 Edwaid B Cowles plaintiff filed his peti tion in tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska tho object and prayer of which are to foreclo u n tax purchasers lieu upon the above- described land for the taxes for tho years 1896 1S97 1898 189 1900 190 and 1902 That there was due to plaintiff at tho time of filling said otition tho sum of 9400 for tho pajment of which sum togother with costs accruing inter est and attorneys fee plaintiff prajs a decree of foreclosure of said tax liens and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the ISili day of September 1905 Edward B Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The south half of the northeast quarter of sec tion 13 in town 1 north ranee 28 west of the 6th Principal Meridianand George F Andrews as trustee will take notice that on tho 9th dn of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition iu the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska tho object and praj er of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon the above described land for the taxes for the years 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was duo to plaintiff at the timo of filing said petition the sum of 2475 for the payment of which sum to gother with costs accruing interest and at torneys feo plaintiff prays a decree of foreclos ure anu a sale or said premises lou are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of September 1905 Eda ard B Cowles Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Harry Stern and the unknown heirs of Wells Rittenhoue deceased will take notice that the mayor and council of the city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska will hold a special meeting at the city hall in said city at the hour of eight oclock p in on the eighteenth day of Soptember 1005 the object and purpose of said meeting is to value and make a special assess ment for improvements upon lot 11 in block 9 original town now city of McCook said city of McCook having rebuilt and laid a sidewalk on the west ide of Main avenue and abuttiug said lot 11 on tho ea t at au expense to said city in the sum of 4350 A special tax will be levied agaiut said lot 11 to paj the same and for the cost of theso proceedings By order of the may or and council of the city of McCook S lb 4ts Attest W A Middletox City Clerk NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The west half of tho northwest quarter of sec tion 7 in town 1 north range 30 west of the Gth Principal Meridian and L W Tulleys as trustee will take notice that on the 9th day of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraka the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien up on the above described land for the taxes for the years 1S93 1894 1S95 1S96 1S97 189S 1S99 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was due to plain tiff at the timo of filing said petition tho sum of 57910 for the pajment of which sum together with costs accruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or before the ISth day of September 1901 Edward B Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The north half of tho southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25 in town 1 north range 30 west of the 6th Principal Meridian and J Lowell Moore as trustee will take notice that on the 31st day of July 1905 Edward B Cowles plain tiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prajer of which are to foreclose a tax pur chasers Jien upon the above described laud for tho taxes for the jears 1895 1S9G 1897 1S9S 1899 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was due to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of 9690 for the payment of which sum together with costs accruing interest and at torneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclos ure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of September 1905 Edwaed B Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The north half of the northwest quarter of section 21 in town 1 north range 30 west of the 6th principal meridian and Almon E Davis will take notice that on the 23th day of August 1905 Udward B Cowles plaintiff filed his pe tition in tho district court of Red Willow coun ty Nebraska tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon the land above described for the taxes for the years 1897 189S 1899 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was due to plaintiff at the time of filing said petit ion the sum of 3525 for the payment of which sum together with costs accruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of fore closure and a sale of said land You are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of October 1905 91-1-4 ts Edwabd B Cowles Plaintiff 0ftgWMiriTtfiriUWVW Chamberlains COLIC CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol era morbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should Koyl IUIO 4CU1GUJT IU Uia uvsuiw Buy it now It may save life Price 25c Large Size ooo imiiwurirrTTnmi i It--- a- - Cruelty to Anlmnli Colonel Martin resident ncir the city of Gnlway on tlio southern border of Connemara Ireland was probably the first to start the worthy humanitarian crusade against cruelty to animals The surprised British house of lords shout ed Insult and derision at Lord Erskine when In 1S11 he ventured to gently plead the cause of dumb brutes The British house of commons would have treated Martin in the same manner when he Introduced his bill for the pre vention of cruelty to animals but for wholesome regard for his dueling repu tation Dick Martins act as the humani tarian statute was known was passed In 1822 a memorable date in the his tory of humane legislation On June 24 1S24 Colonel Martin and a few other benevolent Individuals met In Loudon and formed the first societ3T for the prevention of cruelty to animals Forty years later the movement spread to America In 1S0G Henry Bergh formed the New York society Wonln In Ue Ordinary well educated people use from 3000 to 4000 words in conversa tion Accurate thinkers and reasouers who avoid vague and general expres sions and wait till they find a word that exactly fits their meaning em ploy of course a larger stock eloquent speakers may even rise to a command of 10000 Shakespeare who had a greater wealth of expression than any other writer produced all his plays with about 15000 words Miltons works are built up with 8000 find the Old Testament contains 5G42 Our language therefore is not after all so formidable as it seems when we hear of a dictionary of 230000 words Skeats Etymological Dictionary which Is limited to primary words that Is to say It would explain luck but not lucky or unlucky or luckless deals with no more than 13000 and among them are some really antiquated ones which were used some centuries ago but are now to be found in the diction ary only Blackwoods Clever With Her Month To write and even to sew by means of the lips and tongue alone would seem a sheer Impossibility and yet Dr Rubinstein of a medical expert of reputation in Ger many according to the London Globe vouches for having himself seen an authentic instance The case was that of a young girl paralyzed In all her limbs from the age of seven to four teen when she died This afflicted lit tle creature by a triumph of will and patience than which in its own way few finer achievements have been re corded trained lips and tongue to do the Avork of the hand and to do it well for she could not only sew but could do it Avith neatness and speed even ar ranging pieces of licht stuff in their places by the same means In three weeks she embroidered designs in silk on a piece of canvas some yards long Criers at the Pari Hallos The position of crier at the Paris halles or central markets is one which in AieAV of recent revelations in a case before the Ihav courts ought not to be despised The men who ciy Gati nais foAvls for sale earn 20 a month Those who sell Brittany fowls get 1G a month and those Avho dispose of ducks only receive 10 per month Rabbits bring the crier only a pittance for G a month is all he gets Not every body can be a crier for unless you have sound Aocal chords and a passable voice you will not be engaged It also requires a man with a strong constitu tion for the crier is at work from G oclock In the morning till 8 oclock in the evening and on an aAerage he should sell 2000 foAvls per hour Lon don Globe Cromwell and Christmas During the commonwealth in Eng land Avhen puritanical feeling held sway many determined efforts were made to put down Avhat were termed superstitious festivals and among these that of Christmas day The holly and the mistletoe bough Avere to be cut up root and branch as plants of the evil one Cakes and ale were held to be im pious offerings to superstition Thus in 1647 the Cromwell party ordered throughout the country by the mouth of the common crier that Christmas should no longer be obsered Waste and Poverty With regard to Avaste which lies at the foundation of nearly all poAerty the working classes have exalted it in to a principle of action An English servant as a rule wastes as much of her employers substance as possible When she marries and has children she continues to be wasteful in her own home London Hospital Physical Evidence Do you know said a Sunday school teacher addressing a new pupil in the infant class that you have a soul Course I do replied the little fel low placing his hand over his heart I can feel it tick Moberly Nev Monitor Worse Than She Thonght Aunt But I thought you understood that George Is a poor young man when you became engaged to him Niece Of course I did but I didnt imagine It went so far as his not being able to get a new automobile till next season Judge Walters Composition Little Walter was told to write a composition containing the word sel dom This Is what he handed up to the teacher My father owned some horses but last week he seldom There are but few proverbial sayings that are not true for they are all drawn from experience Itself which Is the mother of all science Cervantes PAUL REVERES HOUSE Patriotic Acton of BoKtoiiitinn ADMIRAIi PKINCE LOUIS OP BATTESBEBG his AAife and the czarina looks upon her elder sister Trincess Louis of Bat tenberg as a mother Prince Louis is the offspring of a union between Triuce Alexander of Hesse brother of the late czarina and Mile Hauke whom Prince Alexander abducted from the Imperial School of Maids of Honor at St Petersburg and wedded as soon as he had crossed the frontier Though he comes of a Ger man family Prince Louis is a rear ad miral of the British naAy and director of the naval intelligence department His position in case of war between England and Germany would possess some embarrassments He is not a mere figurehead in the navy but joined Jt as a youth of fourteen fared like an ordinary midshipman worked his way up from rank to rank fought at the bombardment of Alexandria and has Invented the cone signaling apparatus In use in the British navy Officially his visit to American waters is In the character of a British naval officer rather than In that of a prince He commands the second cruiser squad ron a fleet of fast warships and is re puted very popular with the British seamen In Saving It Front Dcxtrcction The action of patriotic Bostonlans in saving from threatened destruction tho house iu which Paul Ilevere once lived Illustrates the fact that a desire to pre serve ancient landmarks is coining to be more and more a characteristic of Americans In Boston which has sa many historical associations a very strong public sentiment exists against permitting objects that are linked with important events or distinguished per sonages to be destroyed or perish of neglect The plan is to use the Ilevere house as a historical museum Long- PAUIi HEVERES HOUSE feliows poem has made Paul Ilevere ride to Lexington and Concord to give warning of the approach of the British troops familiar to all Itevere was born in 1733 and died in 1818 He learned from his father the trade of goldsmith and in 173G we hear of him as a lieutenant in tho Crown Point expedition lie engraved the plates and printed the paper money ordered in 1775 by the provincial con gress and was a member of the famous Boston tea party During the Revolu tionary war lie was a lieutenant colo nel of state artillery and was In the Penobscot expedition of 1779 After the Avar lie added iron casting to his business and it Avas he Avho recast the famous bell in the belfry of Queens chapel at Portsmouth X II when the old church burned in 1S0C and Avas re placed by the present St Johns church The bell was captured from the French at Louisburg in 17oG ADMIRAL AND PRINCE But Louis of Battenhergr Is No Mert Fisrnrehead In the nvy America has become someAvhat used to the visits of European princes but it is not so Aery often that a member of a royal house comes here in com mand of a squadron of Avarships like Prince Louis of Battenberg personal aid-de-camp to King Edward VII of England As his visit has an official character the courtesies tendered him Avill be in the nature of expressions of good AAill toward the nation he repre sents as Avell as marks of friendship for the prince himself Although his name and title are German he be longs by marriage to the English royal family He was born in Austria fifty one years ago but lias been naturalized in England and his wife is the Prin cess Victoria daughter of Queen Vic torias favorite daughter Alice He is a brother-in-law both of Prince Henry of Prussia who A isited America in 1903 and of the czar of Russia In deed he is reputed to be the favorite brother-in-law of the czar and it Avas at the temporary home of Louis of Bat tenberg on the banks of the Thames that Emperor Nicholas for a number of weeks courted Alix of Hesse uoav John Chinamans Big Boyceit Why It Is In Force Against Amcr ican Goods New Exclusion Treaty 080000 000 Trade at Stake T - i KaajojBau HE governor of Newclnvang re cently notified Chinese mer chants that they Avere liable to punishment by death for boy cotting American goods But the guess has been hazarded that neither the governor of Newchwang nor any other Chinese official intends to execute many Chinese merchants for refusal to handle goods manufactured or pro duced in the United States Over 10 000 of the leading business men of Hongkong Shanghai Canton and oth er Chinese cities are said to have signed the boycott of America and all tilings American and the boycott reso lution carries with it a fine of 3000 for not adhering to the agreement Were tho Chinese government to carry out the threat of beheading all these leading subjects of the king of heaven it A ould have a bloody task on its hands but of course nobody expects it to push to such an extreme its pro fessions of friendship for the United Slates The boycott Avhicli lias uoav reached a point where it is exciting much concern among American ex porters is a matter for Aiiich the Ce lestial government disclaims responsi bility The spokesman for the Chinese sovereign says that the boycott is much regretted by the government and that it is all due to the guilds over which the authorities have no control These guilds of merchants and mem bers of crafts are very powerful and exist in all the large commercial cen ters A Avriter conversant Avith ori ental affairs tells of visiting one of the guildhalls of Canton as tho guest of an educated Chinese merchant ne was astonished at the superb building which formed the home of the guild and at the courtesy and suavity of the hospitality shoAvn When these guilds inaugurate a boycott they can make it very effective The merchants are Avatchcd by spies and if a violation of the agreement is reported and the imposition of a fine does not suffice the highbinders are called in and then the merchant disregards the boycott only at the risk of his life This in- X rtr trfrrrrirfir wtr ting fang stitution is an old one in China Many years ago a certain craftsman made bold to set aside the rules laid down by his guild when a boycott Avas in progress To punish him 123 members of the guild each one in turn bit the unfortunate man as they passed out of the guildhall To be certain that none had failed in his duty only such Avere allowed to go home as gaAe eAidence by their bloody mouths of their par ticipation in the punishment The policy of the Chinese govern ment from time immemorial has been to discourage natives from leaving the country therefore it does not take of fense against exclusion of laborers or coolies from the United States But there is nothing so offensiA e to a Chi nese gentleman as to be confounded Avith a cooly and for this reason the indignities to Avhich the member of the merchant and professional class has often been subjected in coming to this country have stirred up a feel ing at home Avhich can scarcely be ap preciated in the United States The object of the agitation is to compel better terms for the Chinese in the new treaty betAveen America and China The former Chinese minister to the United States Wu Ting Fang has special charge of the negotiations as to this treaty and it has been sus pected that he Avas influential in pro moting and directing the boycott of American goods Mr Wu has denied however that the movement Aas countenanced in any AA ay by him But he points out th -it it is a serious and powerful move ment and must ineAitably injure Amer ican trade with China and the friend ship hitherto existing betAveen the two nations unless a neAV treaty embody ing more fiA orable terms for China than the old shall soon be negotiated He suggests educational qualifications for Chinese desiring admission to the United States and the admission of coolies to Hawaii and the Philippines without such restriction The value of American exports to China Is about 00000000 a year By the terms of the boycott resolution Chinese merchants bind themselves not to buy or use American goods to ship in American ships or permit their chll dren to attend American schools bes zzsaz Keduced Rates toKansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti more Buffalo and numerous other points east west north and south will bo on sale in tho near futuro Call on agont for particulars Mokt to Hejlp Ghlsr JOHN iQ ttf iff i feA fesjjfi IV- iA ill of remarkable and uniform cures a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknessess peculiar to women eer attained the proprietors and makers of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay 500 In legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea Female Weakness Pro lapsus or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure All they nsk is a fair anal reasonable trial of their means of cure Worlds Dispensary Medical Asso ciation Proprietors Buffalo N Y Take Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets instead of any other laxative Stokes Grocery IBJJWWBfifSESSawSt Burlington Bulletin Rates Chicago and return S2510 on sal daily St Louis and roturn 2065 on salo daily Portlnnd Tncoma and Seattle and ro turn -1500 on salo daily Portland Tacoma nnd Seattle and re turn ono way via California S5GC0 on sale August 10 to 17 inclusive also 20 HO 31 San Francisco and Los Angeles and roturn 5000 on sale August 10 to U inclusive Demur and return on sale daily 12 00or sale Aiigu t 12 lJ and 15 940 on Aug k to S -pt 1 5510 Salt Lake Piuvo Price and Ogden Uiih and return 2700 on halo daily Grand Junction and Mack Colo and return 2790 on sale daily Yellowstone Park through a n d in cluding hotels and stage and return 7500 on salo daily Detroit and return 2925 on sal Aug 13 and 11 Pittsburg Pa and return 3100 an sale Aug 18 and 11 Kansas City aud return 1170 on sate August 23 to 31 Chattanooga Tonn and return 3210 on silo September 11 to 1G Cody Wyo Ulnck Hills and Hot The anxious mother of the family often- Spring b D approximately half rated times carries the whole burden of I aj suuinier sibility so far as the home medication of common ailments of the girls or boys are i Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin concerned The cost of the doctors visits points Michigan resorts on Lakes Micm are A ery often too great for consideration i - - - At such times the mother is invited to write g d Huron Canada Maine and to Dr R V Pierce of Buffalo N Y for New England St Lawrence and Laks medical advise which is given free - respondence is held strictly confidential Champiain regions very low tourist rates all summer 500 REWARD FOR WOFflEH If WU Cal1 r Wte lt WiU b AVHO CANNOT BE CURED pleasure to advise you about rates train Backed third of up by over a a century j service to reserve you a berth and to try to make your trip a conifortablo one Geo S Scott Agent C B 0 Ky To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative uromo quinine tablet All druggists refund the money if it fail to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c PHONE 30 CITIZENS BANK BLOCK MCOOK NEB Tae- - it- ijvimt i j m JjtjiniJiBJawHtaKKjTiaULWM aiiW Bp E O Valine l PHONE 190 Office over Bee Hive BEHTIST In mr first show case wrn will find some -1 my 31 - you VI vv extraordinary bargains in silks which are short lengths greatly reduced in price in order to close Call and Look Them Over New Outing Flannels and Blankets My complete stock was bought early before the advance in prices and you will receive the benefit Make Your Selections Early A Few Mens Hats at Bargain Prices These are odds and ends but good styles and the prices have been cut in two Dont Miss Looking Them Over Phone 16 McCOOK NEB 3 I lilWWtlli i yij inn l iiiuiiMagwi V Ms- a W5 ktit vi1V ffitrPSi p p j3j p pvj SSMf f A A f ii I HI B v jr WW X x6 9 i if X