r A r Ivi fcsa fr V P fc TWENTY FOURTH YEAR he Another Burlington Veteran Gone In the death of John R Roxby at bis home noar Arapahoe Tuesday another veteranhas gone to join the silent ma jority He was in the blacksmith service about a quarter of a century and at the head of the McCook shop until a few years since old ago required him to leave the service Ho was 75 years of age His wife survives him He was born in England in 1829 but lived most of his life in America Rev M B Carman conducted servi ces in the Methodist church Thursday morning after which the Masonic breth ren buried him in Riverview with full ritulastic service and honors D MMc ElHinney of Hastings in charge John Rate Roxby died at 5 oclock on Wednesday morning after an illness lasting more than a year He was born at Biker Hill near England on May 7 1828 Game to Amer ica in 1869 and commenced working for the C B Q in 1870 at Plattsmouth Removed later to McCook where he worked in the blacksmith shop for nearly twenty years resigning about Ave years ago Ho was a charter member of all the Masonic bodies in McCook and while living here was seldom absent from their meetings MASONIC HISTORY John R Roxby was a charter member of all the Masonic bodies McCook lodge No 135 A F A M King Cyrus chapter No 35 R A M council No 16 St John commandery No 16 Euroka chapter No 86 O E S Eminent Commander 1893 Senior War den 1892 Junior Warden 191 Captain of the Guard 18SS 1SS9 1890 lS9i 1S95 1896 1897 1S9S 1S99 A Farewell to the Bennetts About fifty Catholic friends of Mr and Mrs J HBennett and family tend ered them n surprise farewell at the Bennett home last Friday evening of most happy particulars the only dis discordant note being the fact of the approaching departure of the family to make their home in Omaha There was no clearly marked method of pro cedure but good time all around with Colonel Frank Colfer inimitably at the front of the stage Rev J J Lough run made a brief touching speech in presenting the departing ones with a souvenir of the love in which they are held by a large circle of McCook friends in the beautiful shape of a handsome cut glass dish They insist that Johns big heart overflowed and he dont deny it at this juncture Refreshments were served and the event withal was a memorable departing for all concerned Bid them God Speed On Tuesday evening of last week Mr and Mrs L J Baldwin were initiated into the Order of the Eastern Star and on Thursday evening following a very pleasant event took place at the home of Mrs Chas G Burnham Worthy Matron when the members of the order to the number of about thirty assem bled to say God speed to them before leaving for their home in McCook Neb Holmes D Packard Worthy Patron on behalf of the order presented Mrs Baldwin with a ring and Mr Baldwin with a fountain pen as a remem ber anco of the many friends they leave behind them The Merrill Mich Monitor School Superintendents to Confer County and city superintendents of public instruction will discuss with State Supt McBrien the law on the certification of teachers in the Nebraska public schools in the state house Sep tember 6th and 7th The state super intendent has issued a call to this effect It will be an important meeting of Ne braska educators who will discuss vari ous phases of the new school law and its operation Old Settlers Will Meet The third annual picnic of the Old Settlers of Red Willow county will be held on September 14th 1905 in the grove on Brookside farm near Red Wil low Mrs Kate Thomas Secy W S Fitch President Rheumatism gout Doison are results of backache and kidney trouble Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and cures when all others fail 35 cents L W McConnells Refreshing Toilet Waters What a delight to ladies these hot days Try it 25c to 3100 per bottle at Mc Connells If you like fine stationery ask to see the new stock of McConnells corres pondence papers Best table oil cloth all colors 15c at Thompsons Best apron check ginghams 5c a yard at Thompsons Elite petticoat3 5150 to 8300 at Thompsons MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Hazel Hare is in Chicago H W M Bell is a guest of Mrs I D Moore Mrs I N Biggs departed Tuesday night for Colorado Mrs Annie D Wibley has been in the city this week Mrs J S Chambers and the baby arrived home Sunday T A Erb of Akron Colorado was with us early in the week Mrs H E Langevin of Curtis is a guest of Mrs Hugh Brown Oliver P DeLong is in very delicate health and confined to his bed Mrs A D Yorker and Miss Mina Gray are guests of P E Potter Mrs T B Stutzman is here from Davenport Nebraska on a visit Mrs A C Hill of Keokuk Iowa is visiting her daughter Mrs F C Fuller Will Guyer is down from Sheridan Wyoming visiting McCook friends this carnival week Mrs E Hurlburt Jr of Lincoln is a guest of her daughter Mrs Alonzo Cone this week John Heinlein of Coleman precinct contemplates a visit to Germany in the near future Misses Ethel and Jessie Pope of St Joseph are with McCook friends this carnival week John Gaarde of the First National entertained his parents from Minden part of the week Misses Hannah and Kitty and Jamas Stangland returned Tuesday night fiom their Lincoln visit Supt and Mrs G H Thomas ar rived home Tuesday night on 3 from their visit in Harvard his old home Mrs H F McGlaughlin of Malmo is in the city this week assisting in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos store Mrs H K Frantz and Mrs Sam Pickard came up from Havelock last night and are guests of the Fullers Miss Jennie Hill of Keokuk Iowa arrived in the city on 1 last Friday and is a guest of her sister Mrs Fred Fuller Mrs J G Schobel and Marjory ar rived home Tuesday from Minden hav ing gone tnere for a brief visit from Denver Rev George B Hawkes of the Con gregational church departed on 13 Wed nesday for Boulder Colo on a short vacation Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell de parted Tuesday night on 3 for Sheri dan Wyoming on a visit to her brother Leonard Miss Stasia Brady and brother E J arrived home on 14 Sunday evening from a weeks sojourn in Denver andthe mountains Dr J A Gunn arrived in the city last Saturday and spent several da s here visiting his son Robert and friends of former days Captain Ed Reed of old time base ball fame wife and boy are carnival seers and visitors of McCook friends and ad mirers this week Miss Mary Mcgan and Gesuline re turned home close of last week from spending a few months with relatives at Rocky Ford Colorado Mrs A P Bonnot and little daughter arrived home Tuesday from spending part of the heated season at her oid home in Eau Claire Wis Dr E T Waters and some of the children were up from Oxford Tuesday taking a peep at the carnival and greet ing friends of the olden time Mrs C H Stennett has just re turned home from an absence of two weeks in Holdrege Her niece Miss Aline Kiplinger of Loomis accompanied her Perry Stone Mrs Hileman and Miss Stone were in the city last Saturday on their way home to LeClaire Iowa from tpending several weeks on the Pacific coast Rev A B Carson and family left Wednesday on 13 for Denver to visit with Mr Carsons parents His sister who has been visiting with him re turned home J H Bennett left Tuesday night for Grand Island on A O U W busi ness He will go from there to his new home in Omaha where the family will join him tomorrow J Fred Zell came down from Den ver close of last week and has been a keen mourner of the death of his close friend the late Alexander Campbell this week remaining over until after the funeral Wednesday Miss Alice McKenna and Miss Mar cella Ryan entertained a company of young friends at the McKenna home last Saturday evening in honor of Miss Alice Bennett shortly to remove with the family to Omaha to make her home The young people had a joyous time on the lawn sang songs had refreshments and a happy social time generally A NOTABLE CITIZEN IS GONE Death Claims Alexander Campbell Superintendent McCook Division After Long Illness WAS A LEADER AMONG RAILROAD BUILDERS Honor Paid by All to His MemoryHis Long and Useful Railroad Career A Few Personal Tributes and Sketches Monday morning at 230 oclock in his residence in this city passed awny one of the most notable figures in South western Nebraska in the death of Alex ander Campbell late superintendent of the McCook division of the Burling ton in Nebraska with whose history he is inseparably connected After a life of the most robust sort of the most strenuous activity for many years tilling a large place in ttie early railroad history of the Great Burlington System under the old regime from its infancy covering a period of about thirty five years some two years since his health began to fail Notwithstand ing overy scientific effort was put forth in his behalf nothing seemed able to withstand the steary march of the disease the almost certainly fatal per nicious anemia which ultimately had its way and the spirit of A C sped to its Maker Alexander Campbell was born in Scotland Octobor 28th 1843 The family immigrated to Lucknow Canada in 1848 He farmed and worked at his trade of blacksmith until 1863 when he moved to Northern Michigan then a newly opened mining district Here began his railroad career He engaged in the survey and construction of the first railroad built in that section of the country the Hecla Torch Lake RR of the Calumet Hecla Mining Co one of richest copper mines of the globe He remained as head operating official of the railroad until he came west in 1869 and entered the servico of the Burl ington which is graphically described by one familiar with that feature of his active life Alexander Campbell entered the Burlington railway service in 1869 at Plattsmouth Nebraska in the roadway department Mr Campbell vrtitJfWi tl JZt 5 3 frmsij B ASSESS jr - wtD waia - - MBBBBW voHTs 6J y jfiawiBSJ S -T sr ie -V iiL - - 3MBfL V2ba - -- TiTT Sf vtejl icikj3jj 1bv v wjj r sr twrai jrcs - t for two years was a laborer on track and a leader in the spiking force while building the railroad out of Plattsmouth In 1872 hj was made assistant road master with headquarters at Platts mouth which position he held until 1876 when he was made general road master with headquarters at Lincoln Nebraska In 1880 Mr Campbell was appointed assistant superintendent with headquarters at Hastings Nebras ka While stationed at Hastings Mr Campbell was made superintendent of the Western division and his office was moved to Red Cloud Nebraska After the Burlington had built its line into Denver in 1882 Mr Campbells head quarters were moved from Red Cloud to McCook Nebraska and he occupied the same position with headquarters at McCook until shortly before his death He was one of the best known railway builders in the western country He practically built the entire Burlington system from Lincoln to Kearney Nebraska later on from Hastings to Red Cloud and Red Cloud to Denver He also built the line from Red Cloud to Endicott from Oxford Junction to Kenesaw Holdrege Nebraska to Cheyenne Wyoming Culbertson Ne braska to Imperial and from Brush Colorado to Union Colorado and practically all the branch lines in Kan srs and Nebraska on his division Of a total mileage west of the Missouri river of 420A miles Mr Campbell was responsible for the construction of 1450 miles There is no better known railroad man in the west than Mr Campbell He was considered one of the most able railroad constructors and operators on the Burlington system To know Mr Campbell was to love him and this is the manner in which he was always spoken of by all the employes under his jurisdiction His homelife was a most happy one He was united in marriage with Miss Vaughn at Hastings July 28th 1880 Seven children were born to them five surviving together with the faithful and loving wife Norman J George A A Bruce Elsie and Walter V The illness of departed dates back almost four years A leave of absence of six months was given him in January 1904 to enable him to recuperate his failing health This time was largely spent at Excelsior Springs Mo but with only temporary relief A little later Mr Campbell was relieved of his offlical duties as superin tendent his superior officers of deeming absolute rest from work and worry necessary to his recovery In November same year he began treatment with Dr Billings the Chicago specialist mak ing monthly trips to Chicago for exam ination But these journeys finally be came too trying and he entered tho Presbyterian hospital at Chicago under the personal attention of Dr Billings Hope was entertained up to two weeks before his death that medical skill could prolong life and stay the progress of the disease but to no avail and his removal home was determined upon Last Friday on No 1 accompanied by Mrs Campbell and Elsie he returned to McCook in a private car under the care of a Chicago physician his condi tion having assumed a very serious aspect It was hoped that his home coming might prove beneficial but the candle of life was soon to be extin guished Sunday afternoon it was thought the end was at hand and the family was summoned to the bedside There was a temporary rally from the sinking spell but he grew gradually weaker until the end came at 220 Mon day morning August 28th His illness of quite four years was absolutely de void of pain or ache life simply ebbing away with each decreasing red corpuscle msJIPfsviffmim9mKmmmm9aM llll l 4k J fTr - nbtllf MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 1 1905 Death Relieved Her Sufferings Mrs Sophia Burgess sufferings of many weeks came to an end Wednes day morning at four oclock and her patient courageous soul passed on to its reward Her illness has been of a long and painful duration and death is a welcome issue Tho sorrowing children have the tendorest sympathy of all in this added bereavement Departed has long been a resident of Southwestern Nebraska and of Mc Cook and her gentle sweet manner and ways her faithful and true Christian character endeared her to many friends who mourn with the family in the pass ing of this dear mother to her reward boPHiA Jii Morgan was born on the Island of Limbay off the coast of Ire land in 1829 Came to America in 1834 Was united in marriage with George J Burgess in St James church Chicago Illinois September 5th 1837 Two years later they moved to Ottawa Il linois where they remained about twenty-five years In 18S4 they came to Arapahoe and in 1893 to McCook Died in McCook Nebraska August 30th 1905 Funeral services were held in St Albans Episcopal church Friday morning September 1st at 10 oclock conducted by Rev E R Earle of Arap ahoe and interment following in Long view cemetery besides those of her hus band who preceded her in death September 1904 in Death of an Old Veteran Last Saturday morning about 730 oclock while temporarily mentally un balanced by illness and worry over the illness of a brother Henry Walker shot and killed himself at his home north of the city Tho remains were buried from the home Sunday afternoon by the mem bers of the G A R interment being made in the Longview cemetery Henry Walker was born in Niles Trumbull county Ohio in October 1843 He moved to Illinois later in life enlisting in the 61st Illinois infan try company H and serving during four years of the civil war He after wards served three years in the regular army He became a resident of McCook in 18S5 Mr and Mis WE Bellows of Carroll Nebraska the latter being a sister of Mrs Walker and Mr and Mrs Alonzo Decker of Kanona Kansas she being a sister of the deceased were among those present at the funeral The bereaved wife and son have the deep sympathy of all in this sad affair a card of thanks We are very grateful to neighbors and various lodges especially to the G A R post for many kindnesses and assistance shown in our bereavement and sorrow Mrs Mary Walker and Son Notice to Pupils The superintendent will be in his office in the east ward school building Friday and Saturday of next week September 8 and 9 to meet and classify new pupils and to consult others who may be deficient in credit G H Thomas Supt Where to Get Your Premiums Parties who won premium at the Mc Cook live stock show will be paid in full by calling on F A Pennell at the First National bank E J Mitchell Supt Public School Opens Sept 11 Supt Thomas announces that the fall session of the McCook public schools will open on Monday September 11th See his announcement as to rule3 for admission of new pupils etc Thelma The latest perfumes fresh and frag rant as springs earliest blossoms McConnells Dont Drug- a Headache Cure it with McConnells headache capsules Prompt Efficient and Harlmess You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable The annual meeting of the Womens Missionary society of the Congregational church will be held at the home of Mrs I M Beardslee Wednesday afternoon September 6th at three oclock All members are requested to be present New broadcloths new worsted suit ings new single dress patterns of Mo hairs and tailor effects new Cravinettes in seven shades new plaids new indi vidual silk dress patterns just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ladies cheap calico wrappers for 39c at Thompsons For Rent the cottage just south of my residence L W Stayneb r - NUMBER 14 Certificate of Succession Treasury Department Ofllce of Comptroller of tlin Curroncy Wash MKtoti AuRiist 5 1WT Wurhkah In satisfactory eridonco presented to the uudoraitmnil it han been marie to appear that Tiik tiEST National Hank ok McCook in the City of McCookin the County of Red Willow and State of Nebras ka hns complied with nil the pro visions of tho Act of Concrati to epablo National HnnkiriR Aesocia tions to extend their corpora to exist once and for other purposes ap proved July 12th lbiCl Now tiikrevorI Thomu PKnno Deputy und ActinK Comptroller of the Curroncy do horoby certify that The FmsT National Hank in tho Citv of McCook in the County of Red Willow and State of Nebraska is authorized to have succession for tho period specilluri in its amended articles of association namely until close of businos ou August Gth 1925 In testimony u hereof witnooq my baud and seal of ollice this Fifth lay of AuKiist 1P05 T P Kane Deputy and Actiun Comptroller of seal the Currency MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Everything in drugs McConnell Elegant new Thompsons laces and ribbons at Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market Mens extra size pants 40 4S 50 inch es Thompsons Special prices on Millens drug store In McConnells foot comfort to weary feet Hammocks at Mc- powder theres New dress goods in laest styles just received at Thompsons Dr Kay oflice on Dennison street rear of Citizens Bank Phono No93 Death has been busy in our midst this week bringing sorrow into niany hearts Twenty different patterns in dinnei ware to select from at Ludwicks furni ture store Fifty patterns of tho newest fancy fall waistings just received The Thomp son Dr Goods Co To Rent Four rooms unfurnished Inquire at the home of William Weygint north of brick school Remember II P Waite Co have a large stock of lubricants Have you ever tried Sunlight axle grease Read what H P Waite Co have to say about the Malleable steel range and its demonstration at their store Dwelling For Sale Four room house on lot 2 block 25 Original McCook George Schmidt We have something new in perfumes to show you are delightful Recent importations that McConnell Druggist American Beauty corsets and girdles four weeks actual wear then money back if dissatisfied All styles sizes and prices at Thompsons exclusively McCook has an enviable reputation as the foremost city of enterprise in thf western country Doans 91 patent has been one of McCooks best advertise ments M E Wells general boiler inspector of lines west of river has gone to the Wabash where he gets a better position in motive department F E Kennedy will be promoted to general boiler inspec tor Cash Offer Wanted On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to McCook Neb and the southeast quart er of 22-3-29 y miles east of McCook Neb Address owner Benj Hammer 1953 Emerson st Denver Col You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in ac up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed Our living friends are not our only advertisers Competitive importations resort to devious methods to decry the meritsDoans 91 patent The infant child of Mr and Mrs Henry Weintz died on Monday morning Tho little remains were buried in Riverview in the afternoon same day For Sale Four room house in South McCook Easy monthly payments or will trade for stock L M Best Phone 91 Best calicoes 5c a yard Thompsons Mistakes Made at the Mint John Erhard of Philadelphia has a coin daid 1S91 which has a hea I en either 3idj showing that mistakes are j ade evon -it tle mint Every fin ished coin passes through the hands cf a great many expnr s and there Is lit tle chance of an piece escap ing this scrutiny There are sail to be many of them In circulation how- ever No particular value Is attached to the coma outside oZ their rarity a curiosities rj