It you are troubled with dizzy spoils headache indigestion constipation Ilol listers Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well If it fails got your money back Thats fair 33 cents L W McConnell McMillcn Druggist hns a largo as sortment of souvenir postal cards js SCOTTS EMULSION serves as bridge to cry the weakened and starved system along until it can find firm support in ordinary food Send for free sample SCOTT 130WNE Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street New York 50c and 100 all druggists F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McGOOK NEBRASKA TRY C Bnllard Coal Wood Building Material of all Kinds Screen Doors and Windows Phone Number One W F Wilson Subcessor to Nick Colling Buys and Sells Second hand Goods of all kinds Furniture wanted Rear of De Groffs Phone 316 McCook Nebraska A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska PUBLJC LIBRARY NOTES The September magazines are com ing Who will answer why Scotts works should be read The first installment of the life story of the greatest business woman in the worldMrs Ella Rawls Readerbegins in September issue of Everybodys maga zine Mr Russells narrative of the life of The Greatest Trust in the World was completed in August Everybodys magazine which may be loaned now as the September No is in Those who have been interested in this article should call for it at the library In one of the late magazines there are a series of photographs showing land scapes as seen above the clouds un dreamed of by most people these photo graphs were taken at day break 14000 feet above the sea level Mr H K Webster has contributed an interesting article to the September Leslies Magazine entitled How the Carnegie Hero Fiend works in practice The Heroes it has rewarded What it Uncle Sams Confessional is the name eiven by the treasury officials to the little office where sums aggregating four hundred thousand dollars have been returned byrepentent sinners This article is found in one of our late maga zines May Hileman Acting Librarian BARTLE Geo Theobald is in Iowa this week on business Rev Wilsons sister and family from Pleasant Hill Mo are here visiting this week Dr Arbogast reports a pretty girl baby has taken up its residence with Mr and Mrs N H Young M D Hobbs and family were visiting with their daughter Mrs H L Brown on Monday of this week Eugene Dutcher is now very busy putting up his residence on the fine block recently purchased of R S Baker G W Jones and A J Crawmer went to Omaha this week to buy fall goods for their stores Mr Crawmer will visit Chicago also Harry Payne has returned from his visit to Idaho and Oregon and likes Ne braska better than ever but has taken land and will move next spring The eleven delegates to the county convention at Indianola Wednesday fairly represented the wishes of this township though all were not present Chas Pycha A J Crawmer and ChasCammack each have sick babies in their homes this week It is hoped they will soon be well again ue Officer L J Capps of Hast ings Neb was in the city this week The boose smugglers are being closely watched here and may have an interest ing time in the near future James Epperley and his daughter Mrs Myrtle Keyes and her son will move to Delta Colorado September 3rd They have been residents of this place many years and will leave a host of warm friends About two weeks ago some party or parties placed iron bolts in the grain shocks belonging to Tom Saul about two miles south of Bartley Some of the bolts were run through Mr Sauls threshing machine doing much damage The bundles were then opened and searched for iron bolts before being run through the machine and nearly a dozen were found This week Bert Young was arrested charged with placing the bolts in the bundles and bound over to the next term of court in the sum of 500 W H Ferguson Sells Pictou Maitland lump coal at 775 ton Best lump threshing at 700 ton Best nut threshing coal at 650 ton Best egg coal at 575 ton He also pays the highest market price for all kinds of grain Try him Announcement I am prepared to furnish rooms to transients visiting the Lewis and Clark fair at Portland Oregon Breakfast if desired Take Waverly Richmond car to E 28th walk 1 block north Resi dence 854 Division St Mrs B F Sherwood There is no reason why you should buy a stove or range said to be just as good as a Charter Oak There are none just as good The test of time 54 years of it stamps them the most dur able and economical stoves made We have them in all sizes at prices -you can not duplicate Polk Bros sale agents McCook Neb There is no dealer out of town or in town that will offer you a Stove or Range of same grade and quality as low in price as we sell our Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges We buy them for cash direct from the factory and will sell them below all possible competition 8 ll 4ts Investigate Polk Bros McCook Neb You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment ju3t remember the reliable Girl Wanted For general house work Mrs L M Best Phone 91 DANBURY Clarence Yarnell is on the sick list Rupert VanPelt is improving slowly Mrs Simon Billings went to McCook Sundny Quite a few attended the reunion nt Cambridge Mrs G W Billings visited in Wilson ville Sunday May Dolph visited in Wilsonville the first of the week Mrs Chas Lord of Oklahoma is visit ing in Danbury J C Lafferty has the foundation laid for a new bouse Born to Mr and Mrs Ernest Galusha Aug 20 a baby boy Born to Mr and Mrs Charles Thomp son Aug 21 a baby girl Rev Caldwell and family of Jennings are here visiting friends Clifford Burbridge and Guy French went to Indianola Sunday Mrs J M Leisure a sister in- law of B N Leisure is here visiting Mr and Mrs McDonald of Indianola visited at J E Noes Sunday Mrs Walter Pate is going to return to her home in Sidney Neb soon Mrs Lizzie Young is here from Fre mont visiting relat ves in Danbury Mrs H N French was sent to Omaha Saturday to have an operation perform ed for a tumor SW Stilgebouer Jr of Bartley visit ed friends and relatives in Danbury Sunday Mrs Philips Gliem and children re turned from York Neb Tuesday where they have been visiting Mr and Mrs Patton left for Topeka Kansas Sunday night Mr Patton will preach near Topeka S R Messner and W A Minniear were called to Indiana on the account of the sickness of their fathers Prof G VV Fletcher of Beaver City will teach the high room this year Sarah Norris of Imperial will have the intermediate room and Miss Gracie Phillips will have charge of the primary room Langleys circus of Morland Kas was here exhibiting the after part of Saturday night and Sunday morning with brass knuckles and pistols They practiced on Bert Millers head etc Our Marshal Young come in on the after beat At this writing dame rumor says that the marshal is to be sued for false imprisonment Langely should be brought back and punished Give us a grand jury judge LEBANON A baby girl at William Campbells They have a new baby at Charlie Huffs Mr and Mrs John Logan have a new baby Albert Guys new residence has been painted Steve Austin is laying a new sidewalk in front of his lumber yard Ira D Pennington went to McCook Monday to seek a railroad job The farmers elevator is being rushed to completion as fast as possible Rev William Scofield attended the Christian Endeavor convention inCurtis Urban Bartholomew has gone over by Bartley to help Charles Hickman thresh Mr and Mrs A W Hunt of Wilson ville attended the funeral of George Ralsten Mr Caldwell of Jennings Kansas preached in the M E church Sunday evening Luther Smith left Monday for Mon tana to visit his father and motherwho we understand have bought land there We understand that George Newland has sold his confectionery to Ora Bod well and contracted to sell his barber shop to a Kansas party A C Bartholomew was planning to attend the G A R encampment at Chattanooga and visit his sister in that state but word comes that the yellow fever has caused the encampment to be abandoned for this year George Ralsten died in the hospital at Lincoln and was buried from the ME church Lebanon Sunday August 12th Rev Muir preached the funeral sermon The church was profusely decorated with flowers in wreaths crosses bou quets etc Mr Ralsten came here in 18S9 and had made a host of friends Maud COLEMAN Coleman is in northwestern Iowa Viola Corner has been doing Mrs Sharps work while she is sick Mrs 3 N Smith has gone to Omaha to have an operation performed Robert Moore threshed 140 acres of wheat and got 4000 bushels He has 360 acres to thresh yet H H Bandy had over S00 bushels of wheat on twenty five acres and twenty two acres of barley made 1160 bushels No hunting allowed in this precinct and no trespassing on farms or lands with dog and gun under penalty of the trespass law Take notice and keep off Mrs W M Sharp has been quite sick but is better now A trained nurse has been caring for her Mr Sharps sister from the eastern part of the state is caring for her now She was a bright girl and they were at a base ball game She had won his enthusiastic heart understanding the game right off and be loved her more than if she had been his sister It reminds mo of the household he says the plate the batter the fouls and the flies And it reminds me of marri age she added First the diamond where they are engaged the struggle and the hits when the men go out and finally the difficulty they have in getting home Then he sat and thought and thought Ex BOX ELDER Miss Alice Graves is quite sick I H Harrison has gono to look for a new location Ms J K Gordon who has been visiting her parents near Garnett Kan is expected homo this week Mrs R W King of Rodney Iowa arrived last Tuesday to visit her par ents Mr and Mrs J S Modrell A W Campbell Stephen Bolles and W B Sexson attended the county con vention at Indianola last Wednesday ttt rW To MOTHERS and FATHERS GUARDIANS and SONS Our goods have arrived wish to the fact that our FOR and we Clothing Shoes and Furnishings are complete VERY BEST MAKES HIGHEST GRADE OF GOODS We will sell our School Suits at Lowest Prices Call and see them 2 piece Norfolk Suits all wool sizes 3 to 18 for 400 3 piece Sack Suits all wool sizes 3 to 18 price 250 up 2 piece School Suits good quality all sizes 100 up Boys Black and White Shirts 25c Boys Sateen Shirts 45c All lot of our Gold Shirts retailed at S150 from the window slightly soiled guaranteed fast colors 50c A boys choice of Batr Ball or School Compan ion with each suit Come and select from the laigest variety of clothing in McCook at DIAMOND THE WORKING MANS FRIEND S GROCERIES Fresh Fruit Vegetables Agent for GOLD MEDAL WEDDING BREAKFAST COFFEES 1 iiiFniiTniBgBBaEBEBBaBtKBiiiiiitdiiitiEBBEaaBieBBSBBiaBBBeaeiBBiaaaaaaiaiiiMaiMBinaai When You Want a Hat When you Want a Dress Shirt When You Want a Dress Shoe We have the kind for Carnival Week and in fact every week in the year THE BE McCook HIVE Nebraska Try HUBERS The flcCook Tribune Only One Dollar the year NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY yCRNISHED AND FIRST CLASS IN EVERV WAV Rear of First Natl Bank Earl Murray s JOR HIGHT Contractor and Builder Farm Buildings a Specialty satisfaction GUAKANTEED McCOOK NERBASK Oh Yes On Yes E J MITCHELL will soil your household Roods at auction for jou at any tituo Ho is tho boy who makes tho Roods bring tho high dollar Seo him nt the Republican oilico for dates Phono 17 Dr Herbert J Pratt Registered Gkaduate Dentist Oflico over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 100 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Goorgia L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phone 36 Office over McMillens drug store H P SUTTON McCOOK McCOOK NEBRASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 524 Main Avenue Office and Residence phone 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska SaAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoffice building C H Botxe C E Eldbed Co AtVy BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postoffice Building McCook Neb DR R J GUNN DENTIST phone m Office over Grannis store McCook Neb WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee SlZ s - 1 Aljr IQUIP ttiPkOAL mzz rt FiH wiA V ANI 1 ymt I lfcSTIMONIAL DelmontSD Dec 17 1902 I used L K for hog cholera and it was all right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones and they all got well and done fine I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it It is the only Medicine for hog cholera I think Gotlieb Jehke T - Tarnton Neb Dec 111902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased wiui it 1 am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all tha timo as it 13 the best thing I ever had on tha place for everything it is intended for It is good for chicken cholera lice on stock insecti of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN rvnSiUreTby the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa I To Cure a Cold in One Day 0 1 I Take Laxative BrmO Wlline Tablets VLJ on every I I Seven RCffion boxes sold in past 12 months ThlS Signature W Mjtyrsn bOX 25c I IHHHHHHHHHHHHKHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHnHHi fik m I v f V r Jr r j i 4i ii