The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 25, 1905, Image 5

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McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 31
Wheat Gl
Oats 20
Rye 40
Barley 20
Hogs 5 50
Eggs 15
QoodButtoi 18
Last Saturday was a birthday occa
sion for Dorothy Duncan and from
four to sis a company of little friends
assisted her in celebrating the event on
the home lawn Refreshments were
served and games played
The clock tower of the court bouse
has been given a needed dual coat of
paint this week The removal of the
rain stains from all over the exterior of
the building would also materially im
prove its appearance
Have you sesn the fancy china at
are Kept
Shriveled grains of
wheat are excluded
from the heavy
grains full of nutri
tion before the
of manufao
Wheatose begins
Flaked wheat food for breakfast
All good grocers
ftfSlJa vs liable Ladled ask Druggist fot
dole metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Itefune dnncerom Hubstl
tationsnntl imitations Buv of your Druggist
or send in stamps for Particulars Tenti
monlalH and Keller Tor JLadien in letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
SI00 JHadiaon Square PHKlJL FA
Mention tkl duuv
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Central Timo
1150 P it
620 AM
900 am
1015 PM
No 1 Mountain Timo 1206 r M
3 115pm
13 S50am
5 645pM
No 5 local to Wray
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 p m
No 175 departs 645am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Rrakeman Mc C Wayson has resigned
from the service
Conductor J E Lunberry is back on i
Nos 63 64 j
Mr and Mrs A F Richardson are
visiting in Denver
Conductor H R Childress is off duty
on account of his eyes j
Conductoi J F Utter is out with the
bridge special this week J
Conductor J F Utter is out with the
bridge special this week
Conductor A G Bump is off duty
nursing a case of poison ivy
G E Denton was called to Oxford to
the funeral of his father Tuesday
Conductor J J Curran and family
are spending a few days at Lyons Colo
Conductor M Douglass is piloting
the telegraph repair special west of here
this week
Conductor M S Parks is down on the
St Francis line vice Conductor Brooks
who is sick
Conductor Tom Malen has been given
the 63 61 run formerly held by Conduct
or Al Lyman
W G Selby has been given the Ox
ford yard and A C Paulson has gone
braking on 63 61
Brakeman L I Culbertson has been
at home part of the week on account
of illness of one of the children
Dispatcher Morrisseys family re
turned close of last week from their
vacation and outing in Colorado
C A Deloy came in contact with a
switch lever at Benkelman Tuesday
and is at home catching his breath
A number of young girl friends gave
a picnic in the city park Wednesday
in honor of Miss Georgia Parkhurst of
Virginia Illinois
C F Heber of the Western Union was
down on the Orleans branch part of
the week inspecting the line and instru
ments on the branch
Ex Supt A Campbell with wife and
daughter arrived home today on No 1
ina special car being weaker than when
he went to Chicago for treatment
Samuel C Uplinger has been ap
pointed mail clerk on the
vice Clarence H Kent promoted
and transferred to the Nebraska City
Holdrege run
General Supt Byram was at McCook
headquarters Monday While here he
approved the plans and specifications
for the addition and alterations to the
depot The work will begin in the near
future He went west on No 13 same
A hay burner set fire to some bedding
and clothing in the baggage car of No
5 at Wray recently and Brakeman LI
Culbertson lost some bedding and En
gineer L S Viersen some clothing be
fore Conductor S E Callens fire de
partment became effective
Conductor F M Washburn returned
home Tuesday from his trip to Des
Moines Iowa and attendance upon the
great gathering of railroad employees of
the various orders the prime object of
the convention being to decide upon a
basis of federation of the four great
organizations of railroad employees
Two train loads of the 17th U S in
fantry went east over the Burlington
Euesday One train went through Mc
Cook at three in the morning and the
other at three in the afternoon They
started from Manila on the morning of
July 1th The officers and their families
occupied a Pullman There were a
number of Filipinos among the number
Conductor R M Douglass of the Re
publican City Oberlin run noticed an
unusually strong odor emanating from
a coal car on a train in his charge a
few days since and upon investigating
discovered a badly decomposed body o
a man on a coal car in the train Papers
on the remains showed the man be
longed to Chicago Heights and parties
were notSed with result that instruc
tions were received to prepare the body
and ship same to Chicago But mean
while the remains had been interred at
Republican City It is stated that a
Chicago undertaker will be sent out to
disinter and prepare the body for ship
ment to Chicago
Another light rain fell here the 21st
Mr Rozell will build a fine brick
residence soon
Carl Korns is the new engineer in the
Indianola roller mills
I Mrs Gamsby is entertaining a lady
friend from Holdrege
Miss Bertha Porter visited friends in
Bartley last Sunday
Police Judge Ryan made a business
trip to McCook Monday
The Misses Redfords of Cambridge
visited friends here Thursday
Gus Krider has accepted a position in
the Bell Telephone Company
Miss Bertha Smith came home from
McCook the first of the week
W H Smiths new brick furniture
store is now ready for occupancy
Mrs Fred Hendershott spent Sunday
with her sister Mrs Ollie Colling
Herman Andrews was in the city last
Sunday the guest of Roscoe Korns
Mrs Jos Sullivan and son of McCook
visited Roy Kennedys folks Sunday
Several of the teachers went to
McCook Saturday to take examination
Mrs D W Schoenthal and children
have gone to Bennett to visit relatives
Mrs S G Hayes and daughter left
for their home in Omaha Thursday
Augustus Krider went to Minden
Wednesday morning on business tele
Mrs William Porter went to Bartley
Sunday morning to visit her friend
Mrs White
Repairs are being made on the high
school building this week A new roof
is among the improvements
Mrs Simeon Billings came down from
McCook Sunday morning and visited
j through the day with Mrs Baxter
Rev Crippen and family have gone to
Colorado on a fishing excursion They
expect to be gone about ten days
Vonnie MacDonald visited in Cam
bridge a few days last week with the
Misses Mabel and Maud Carmichael
Jake Kern and two little boys of
McCook spent Sunday in Indianola
the guests of W H Smith and family
Mrs Gerver of McCook was the guest
of Mrs W H Allen last week She
also attended the reunion and returned
to her home in McCook Sunday
Mr and Mrs I M Beardslee of
McCook Mr and Mrs E D W Pogue
and Marjory of Chicago and Chas P
Beardslee of Cripple Creek spent Mon
day with Mr and Mrs Will Dolan
Mr Frank Deffer principal of the
Indianola high school arrived in town
Tuesday We understand that school
has been put off for a week to give the
teachers an opportunity to visit the
grand encampment at Denver if they
so wish
Brushes We cannot help praising the
fine quality of our hair brushes Fine
white or unbleached bristles solid backs
and a variety of woods including Ebony
Caebala satin wood etc Price from
25c up Combs of all kinds coarse
and fine rubber celluloid horn bone
Shampoo Soaps Hair Tonics Dand
ruff Cures Scalp Cleaners and
Shampoo Brushes
McConnell Druggist
Forepaugh and Sells Bros
The famous Forepaugh and Sells
BroB show will be in McCook Septem
ber 15th
Rev Carman in Cambridge Mass
During Rev Carmans recent visit
to his mother in Cambridge Mass he
delivered a sermon which was com
mented upon as follows by the Chron
icle of that city Sermon was given in
Grace M E church
Another large congregation attended
the 5 oclock vesper service at Pilgrim
church Rev Merrill Carman of Mc
Cook Neb who is east visiting his
mother was the preacher His text
was Mark 836 For what shall it
profit a man if he gain the whole world
and lose his own soul The preacher
spoke of the creation of man how God
breathed into him the breath of life and
made of him a living soul he spoke of
the disobedience and fall and then pro
ceeded to estimate what it cost God to
redeem mankind from the effects of
Adams disobedience and sin What is
a soul worth What did it cost to save
a soul It was the old old story of
Christs suffering and death a story
that is often told yet one that never
fails to touch the heart As he spoke
of the birth of Christ how his parents
were compelled to flee by night to escape
the wrath of Herod how all through
his life he was misunderstood and ma
ligned as he depicted the agony in the
garden the indignities that were heaped
upon him in his trial before Pilate and
as ho graphically described the shame
ful death upon the cross it was plainly
evident that the sympathy of the audi
ence was aroused by his vivid and
pathetic description of the suffering
through which the Saviour passed to
redeem man Mr Carman is a man of
fine physique has a powerful voice full
of tenderness and pathos has good com
mand of language and a magnetism that
compels attention His power to gain
and hold the interest of the congrega
tion was clearly evident and his dis
course evoked much favorable com
ment The music at both services was
very good John P Kuhney of Boston
was the organist The mornings con
tribution was a voluntary Elevation
Batiste postlude Triumphant
March Heintze In the evening a
Religious Melody Guilmant and
Processional Clark were executed
Mr Sayles E Smith and Miss Ina A
Remington of Danbury were married
in the office of the county judge by Rev
A B Carson pastor of the Baptist
church Wednesday August 23rd
They were accompanied by Mr Man
ford Steele and Miss Esta Remington
Out-of-town products are not in com
petition when quality and excellence are
considered as factors in flour Theres
none so good as Doans 91
Water Supply for Tamplco
English engineers are making sur
veys and plans of Tampico and the
surrounding country with a view of
supplying the town with drinking wa
ter and a complete system of sewer
age Should these works be carried
out there will be an excellent opening
lor the sale of plumbing supplies At
present there is no plumbing estab
lishment In the port
Cnpld Ambuhed
Mr Slowgait about to propose
time 11 p m I am about to say
something Miss Chillington that I
should have said some time ago Look
into my eyes and tell me if you can
not guess what it is Miss Chilling
ton suppressing a yawn You look
as sleepy as I feel so I guess you must
be going to say good night Chica
go News
City hall of McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska To Frank S Curry This will take
notice that the mayor and council of the city of
McCook Bed Willow comity Nebraska will
hold a special meetinp at the city hall in said
city at the hour of eight oclock p m on the
18th day of September 100j to value and assess
lot 12 in block 33 in the second addition to the
city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska
for improvements The city of McCook afore
said having rebuilt and laid a brick sidewalk
along the north side of said lot 12 and abutting
thereon and to levy a special tax upon said lot
12 to pay the cose and expenses of building
said side walk the amount being 7095 and for
the costs of these proceedings
By order of the major and council
sealI Attest W A Middleton
City Clerk
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Buiy People
Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Kocky Mountain Tea In tab
let form 35 cents a box Genuine made by
Holuster Dana Company Madison Wis
We have now on exhibition our
During all the Carnival Week
which we will be pleased to show you without cost We know if you see the goods and get our prices we can
secure your trade Its the kind of goods we sell that brings us business
A E PETTY Proprietor
McCook Nebraska
in aur stock has been
A f
- i
Less than 20 per cent
from Former Price
All desirable goods too At the present price
it will pay you to buy for next seasons use if
you have bought all you can use for this sea
son What we have left in
and some at less than cost They are bar
Call and see them
DeGfroff Co
t T-
Should be encouraged in all possible
ways Like good morals and manners
the instruction should begin in the home
As early habits mold the future character
so do those who early acquire the sa in
habit lay the foundation for future suc
cess Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings
to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business
of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless
possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start
in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to
a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically
the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts
The First National Bank riccook
Ayers Pills
Vegetable liver pills That
is what they are They cure
constipation biliousness
sick headache
J C Ayer Co
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS DYE
tiucauuiiu uiuwu ui iicuutuvfi r use
rim era or skcgguts osR riuix co 5ishu2lh
The MGook Tribune 100 per Year