n w If you nro troubled with dizzy applla Sieadaclie indigestion constipntion Hoi 1 listers Rockv Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well If it fails got your money bade Tbats fair 35 cents L W McConnell J McMdlen Druggist has a largo as- j sortment of souvenir postal cards SUPPORT SCOTTS EMULSION serves u a bridge to carry the weakened and starved system along until it can find firm support in ordinary food SrrJ for free sample SCOTT 1JOWNE Chemists 409 415 Iearl Street New York 50c and Si 00 all druggists S F D BURGESS Plumber and team Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA TRY W Bl art Coal Wood Building Material of all Kinds Screen Doors and Windows Phone Number One W F Wilson Successor to Nick Colling Buys and Sells Second hand Goods of all kinds Furniture wanted Rear of De Groffs Phone 316 McCook - Nebraska A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska s Contranted Type The outspoken romance of the Ger man Is sometimes trying to those of a different habit The author of the tni notes called From a Holiday Journal describes a young girl whom she met at a German bath a pretty doll like creature named Marie who knew how to sit still and do nothing all day long Presently It was discovered that Mo rle had a lover She disclosed the fact boldly My brautigam is young handsome rich she said proudly looking up to a tall English girl of seventeen And iiave you not a bridegroom too Or did you never have one The English girl had never before felt the humiliation caused by the lack of a bridegroom So she shamefacedly confessed that some one liked her only this spring but But you do not love him interrupt ed the German girl in loud but very bad English Oh I love my treasure so I love him so The English girl shuddered and blushed to the roots of her hair The words had been distinctly spoken and had evidently proved very amusing to a party of English in the vicinity Oh she implored would you mind saying Mike instead of love next time We never say love in English We have no such thing How She Died A minor poet who talked of his ladys person being curiously inixd would not be enthusiastically reviewed now adays But so startlingly beautiful was the lady In question one Susanna Ferwich who died of rheumatic fever at Hackney on July 3 10G1 in the flower of her age that tbese lines in praise of her have not only been pre served but they have even escaped classification with nonsense verse This explanation is perhaps neces sary before quoting the Inspired ac count of her death Behold damp sheets Cling close about her in the bed At which she waking said Im dead Shall I the careless maid go blame And tell her what a horrid shame It Is that y her negligence So choice a one is lost from hence London Chronicle It Is quite usual after a ball to find that the action of the heart shows traces of fatigue particularly in deli cate young women who complain of a vague sensation of uneasiness sad ness and even of pain and are in a word in a peculiar condition that is not yet disease nor is it health much nearer the former than the latter Dis eases caused by dancing are com moner in women than in men The most frequent are laryngitis particu larly in women who talk a great deal while dancing colds bronchitis and sometimes pneumonia and pleurisy Dancing should be absolutely forbid den in all cases of consumption which may assume a very rapid form from this cause It is counter indicated as well In all cases of heart trouble Effyptinn Styles of Writing The Egyptians had four separate and distinct styles or forms of writing the hieroglyphic the hieratic the enchorial and the Coptic The hieroglyphic was probably in use as early as the year 4000 B C and at first was made up entirely of pictures About the year 2000 B C the hieratic form or style was introduced In this the picture hieroglyphics were greatly simplified finally developing into forms purely linear The enchorial form of writing was in use among the Egyptians from about the year 700 B C until about the year 200 A D and was still a further simplification of the earlier forms which finally developed into the alphabetic form known as the Coptic The Horses Falling Hans the ruralist was in search of a horse Ive got the very tiling you want said Bill Lennox the stableman a thoroughgoing road horse five years old sound as a quail S175 cash down and he goes ten miles without stop ping Hans threw his hands skyward Not for me he said not for me I wouldnt gif you 5 cents for him I live eight miles out in der country und Id haf to walk back two miles Norman Voice Getting SpeclHc Bifferly When you and your wife were first married you used to call each other birdie didnt you McSwat Yes Bifferly Do you still do it Mc Swat Well I call her a parrot and a magpie and she usually refers to me as a jay Exchange The Self Possessed Bride One is in the habit nowadays of seer iug brides absolutely self possessed al most jocose laughing and smiling and nodding to their friends Mothers and sisters never cry nowadays at parting Lady Violet Greville in Graphic Oddities Because a man cannot hear a dew drop is no sign that he is deaf nor is it a sign of blindness because he never saw a horse fly a board walk a stone fence a dogs pants a rope walk or a clam bake Her Abilities Do you believe there is anything in mind reading If there isnt my wifes an awful good guesser She never has to wait for me to do any confessing Chicago Record Herald The Kiss Feminine Brother Which one of those Penton girls Is it that you dont like Sister Sssh Some one might hear you When the crowd comes up Ill kiss her twice Illustrated Bits LIVE STOCK MARKETS AT KANSAS CITY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS C7FICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAHP SIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kans is City Aug 16 1903 Receipts of cattle thus far this week are 42200 Inst week 44100 last year 29100 Corn fed be of steers Mondny were steady to strong grassers slow and steady to 10c lower Fed cows and hei fers were firm best grassers weal and canners strong to 10c higher Stockers and feeders were t low and steady to 10c lower rates On Tuesday cornfed beeves were scarce and firm grassers liberal and weak to 10c lower Cows and hei fers wore generally steady for all kinds but closed weak Stockers and feeders were igain dull heavy feeders in best demand common light btockers almost unsaleable Todays trade was lightly supplied with cornfed beef sters and the market was active for thpm at btendy to strong prices Grassers were slow and steady to 10c lower Fed cows and heifers were scarce and firm Gras sers started out weak but closed steady Good to fair heavy cows were hardest to move Yeals were steady to string bulls slow and weak Stockers and feeders were dull and weak to 10c lower The following tables gives quotations now ruling Extra prime cornfed stoers S5 20 to 35 5 Good 4 fco to n 20 Ordinary 4 2i to 4 75 Choice cornfed heifers 4 CO to 5 f0 Good I 10 to 4 60 Medium 3 50 to 4 10 Choice cornfed cows 4 X to 4 25 Good 5 25 to t So Medium 2 75 to 3 25 Canners 1 50 to 2 50 Choice tags 4 25 to 4 75 Choice ud bull 3 50 to 4 00 Good 3 25 to 3 50 Bologna bulls 2 0 to 2 50 Yeal calvps 5 25 to 5 75 Good to choice native or western stockers 3 CO to 4 00 Fair 3 25 to 3 CO Common 2 75 to 3 25 Good to choice heavy native feers 4 10 to 4 25 Fair - 3 0 to 4 00 Good to choice heavy branded horned feeders 3 40 to 3 65 Fair 3 25 to 3 40 Common 3 CO to 3 25 Good to choice stock heifer 2 75 to 3 00 Fair 2 25 to 2 75 Good to choice stock calvessteeis 4 00 to 4 50 Fair 3 50 to 4 00 Good to choice stock calves heifers 3 00 to 3 50 Fair 2 50 to 3 00 Clioice wintered grass steers 4 10 to 4 40 Good 3 75 to 4 10 Fair 3 40 to 3 75 Choice grass cows 2 75 to 3 15 Good 2 50 to 2 75 Common 2 00 to 2 50 Receipts of hogs thus far this week are 17700 last week 16500 last year 1S500 Mondays market was 5 to 1qC higher Tuesday steady at 10c lower and today to 10c lower bulk of sales rul ing from 809 to 605 top 613 Receipts of sheep thus far this week are 6900 last week 9800 last year 20900 Mondays market was strong to 10c higher Tuesday strong and active and today 10 to 15c higher Not half enough killing or feeding stock is arriving to fill the demands of the trade We quote Choice lambs 86 50 to 700 choice yearlings 560 to 575 choice wethers 475 to 500 choice ewes 450 to 475 CULBERTS0N Born to Mr and Mrs Bostock a girl Tuesday morning Mrs T Plummer and son are visiting her father D L Shumaker this week Mrs Sawyer of Indiana is looking after the interests of her land near Cul bertson Mrs Templeton of Kenesaw came in on No 5 Saturday evening to visit her parents Mr and Mrs Latta Mr Norman helper at the depot was sent to Wilsonville Sunday where he is to have a similar but better job Rev A 3 Clifton has sold his resi dence to the M E church which will be used henceforth as a parsonage Misses Emma and Mayme Keller started for Iowa Wednesday morning where they intend teaching this winter Mrs Schaaborn who has been seri ously ill for the past month at Win Kellers was taken on No 2 Wednesday morning to Lincoln for medical treat ment Mr Hare of Lincoln who is represent ing the Farmers Mutual Insurance Co was here last Friday and adjusted the claim of Geo W Trimpey and son of a setting of barley and oats which was destroyed by lightning on Tuesday night of last week An address on Mormonism will be given in the M E church at Culbert son Saturday evening at eight oclock by Rev A J Clifton admission fee fifteen cents A Mormon Sunday school song will be sung by three young men Mr Clifton spent a few years in Utah among the Mormons and he can tell you something about them Everybody come Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Aug 7 1905 P Amos Miss Lucy Brown MrChas Baxter Ed Cummins W G Casej J H Childs Thos Farrell R Guthrie Douglas Kennedy Mrs A M Probst Mr Otis Sanders Helen Stone Bertha L Wilson When calling for these letters please say they wore advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster INDIANOLA Did you see the eclipse Rev Crippen was quite sick on last Saturday Wesley Harrison of Oak Neb is hero on business Tim Haley was on the sick list a few days last week Mr and Mrs Hiram Rankin visited in Lincoln last week Jud Parker is in town at presen call ing on old friends Mrs C Jenson hns gone to Illinois to visit her son Jnmes I M Smtih of McCook was an In dianola visitor Friday Mrs W McCool and children are out at the farm a few days Mrs Whittaker of McCook visited with her daughter this week Mrs John Townley is entertaining some friends from the Beaver The hum of tho threshing machine is heard from all parts of the compass George Whittaker of McCook spent Sunday in Indianola tho guest of friends The union meetings nre still in pro gress and are being quite well attended Mrs S E Hagerand daughter Rachel are visiting friends and relatives in In dianola Mrs J R Neels sister who has been here visiting has gone to her home in St Louis Hiram Rankin and family of Cripple Creek Colorado are visitors at the homo of Mrs Rankin Frank Purvis with wife and baby drove up from Bartley Sunday afternoon and visited with friends Quite a delgeation from Indianola went down to Cambridge this week to take in the reunion R E Smith came over from Danbury Friday evening and will visit the home folks for a week or so Misses Cora and Mamie Mann drove over to Bartley Wednesday and visited with their sister Mrs Etta Paine Mrs XV Andrews and daughter of McCook came down Saturday morning and spent a few days with friends C S Quick and family arrived home from their western trip Wednesday morning They report a fine time Miss Arnold of the Franklin academy who has been in Colorado spending the summer stopped off at Indianola for a day to visit friends The young people of Indianola enjoy ed a surprise party on Ray Anderson Wednesday night The surprisers were generously treated to icecream and cake and everybody had a good time Mrs Mahleyof Mt Pleasant Iowa ar rived Tuesday evening on No 5 for a visit with her mother Mrs E A Sexson Mr and Mrs Sexson and Mrs Mahley will visit the grand encampment at Den ver SCHOOL CREEK Nearly every one is stacking his grain Valentine Gray spent Sunday at home Anna Sargent visited the home folks Sunday The Gray brothers threshed Thurs day with a horse power Jim Gray is here from Doniphan Neb visiting his brother S M Gray Ed Vandervort visited Ed Raymond north of Cambridge Wednesday Mrs Colling and Mrs John Dutcher visited with Mrs Gray Thursday Mrs Kilgore is able to be around after being confined to her bed four weeks Quite a number from this neighbor hood will attend the reunion this week Burt McCracken sold his farm recent ly to a Mrs Downs consideration 2 500 Mr and Mrs Sedden visited their daughter Mary Korb Thursday and Friday F M Goodwick is here from Hum bolt on business and visiting old time friends S M Gray accompanied his grand daughter to Wymore Monday She has been visiting here BOX ELDER Uncle Floyd is on the sick list this week Miss Lillie Groves is spending a couple of weeks at home visiting with rela tives from Iowa The farmers are all kept busy thresh ing stacking and making hay when it isnt too wet for such work Mrs Stephen Bolles is enjoying a visit from her father and mother Mr and Mrs Bonner of Scandia Kansas Edwin Piper who at one time was a resident of this vicinity but for a few years has been attending school and teaching in the State Univerisity spent a few day this week calling on eld acquaintances Ho will teach in the Iowa State University the coming year The mills of the Gods grind slowly but never grind finer flour than Doans mills produce DANBURY Last Saturdny night it rained 23 in in Danbury Monday afternoon the thermometer registered 112 degrees in tho sun and 9S in tho shade A baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs VanVloet August 7th Mr Gentrys father and brother of In dianola aro here visiting Mrs Jeannetto Hindman of Canada is hero visiting friends nnd relatives Fred Billings and Mr and Mrs Alfred Harris of McCook visited in Danbury Sunday Miss Estolla Robinson who has been attending medical school returned home last week Mrs Lewis Cann and daughter Mrs Alfred Palmer left the first of the weeK for Canada Mrs Langly and son Frank of Mor laud Kansas are hero visiting frionds and relatives From the heavy rain Saturday night about six feet of water ran into Alex Strains cellar G B Morgan and son Donald return ed from Kansas City and St Joe Sat urday night S W Stilgebouer and Samuel Gra ham went to Cambridge Monday to at tend the reunion Mrs William Greenwny and three oldest girls and Mrs E E Hayes and Pearlo and Roy Hayes went to McCook last Saturday on business BARTLE Tom Saul was a McCook visitor last week A J Lohr put down a well for Oscar Rittenburg this week Miss Kate Dietsch is in McCook this week attending normal A J DeAmond and Bob Fischer wore McCook visitors Tuesday Judge Harlow Keyes attended to legal business in Bartley Monday D C Baker is out for nomination as sheriff of Red Willow county Ben Gossard was inourcityjast week shaking hands with his many friends A J Malenburg has sold out his busi ness in Omaha and is now here to look after his farm G W Reese of Kansas City Mogave two very interesting temperance lectures here this week Commissioner Premer is attending the G A R reunion at Cambridge this week and then will go to McCook Dentist Ilaler of Cambridge has changed his time of visiting Bartley from Friday to Saturday of each week The social given by the Ladies Aid society of the Christian cmrch was a financial success the receipts being over 3000 Harry Letts and Mr Corbin of Indian ola were here Friday in the interest of Mr Letts nomination for sheriff He received many promises of support Mrs Sellick bought ten lots here last week and will erect a good residence where she and her daughter will make their permanent home having leased her farm in Frontier county Dear Gus I have solved problem just give her regularly Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea It will make her healthy happy and docile as a lamb 33 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnell To Core Take Laxative Bromo The ladies of the Methodist church will servo dinner and supper every day of the carnival in the dining room of the new church LEGAL NOTICE Harry Stern and the unknown heirs of Wells Rittonhouse deceased will take notice that the mayor and council of the city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska will hold a special meeting at tho city hall in said city at the hour of eight oclock p in on tho eighteenth day of September 1005 the object and purpose of said meeting is to value and make a sjecial assess ment for improvements upon lot 11 in block 9 original town now city of McCook said city of McCook having rebuilt and laid a sidewalk on the west side of Main avenue and abutting said lot 11 on the eas t at an expense to said city in the sum ofS1350 A special tax will be levied agaiust said lot 11 to pay the same and for the cost of these proceedings By order of the may or and council of the city of McCook S lN4ts Attest V A Middletox City Clerk NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The west half of the northwest quarter of sec tion 7 in town 1 north range 30 -west of the Cth Principal Meridian and L W Tulleys as trustee will take notice that on the 9th day of AuKust 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien up on tho above described land for the taxes for the years 13 194 1S95 1896 1897 1S9S 1S99 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was due to plain tiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of 7910 for the payment of which sum together with costs accruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or before the lfeth day of September 1905 Edward B Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Tho north half of the southeast quarter and tho southeast quarter of the southeast ouarter of section 25 in town 1 north range SO wot of the 6th Principal Meridian and J Lowell Moore as trustee will take notice that on the 31st day of July 1905 Edward B Cowles plain tiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax pur chasers lien upon the above described land for the taxes for the years 1895 1S96 1S97 ls9S 1S99 1900 1901 and 1902 that there was due to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of 9690 for the payment of which sum together with costs accruing interest and at torneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclos ure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or before tho ISth day of September 1905 Edward B Cowles Plaintiff Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months TMs Signature NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLV KCKNISHED AND FIKST CLASS IN KVEItV WAY Ronr of First Nutl Buuk Earl Murray - n CONTKACTOK AND BuiLDKIt Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUAUANTEED Mnrnnw NFRRASK I On Yes On Yes E J MITCHELL will sell your household goods atauction for you at any time He is tho boy who makes tho goods bring tho high dollar See him at tint Republican office for dates Phone 17 Dr Herbert J Pratt Registered Guadl atk Dentist Ollico over McConnelPs Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office lfiO residence 131 Formor location Atlanta Georgia L H LINDEMANN Real EstateInsurance Phono 50 Office over McCOOK McMillons drug store NEBRASKA H P SUTTON McCOOK -A JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Oflice BIdg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 524 Main Avenue Oflice and Residence phone 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska SoAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoflice building C H Botle C E Eldred Co Attf y BOYLE ELDRED Attoknets at Law Long Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postoflice Building McCook Neb OR R J GUNN DENTIST pncwE n2 Office over Grannis store McCook Neb WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee S v K t J ur aEQut 33 c 4JP 5 I ir B VZ2T XZEr v IhSTIMONIAL DolraontSDDec171902 I used L K for hog cholera and it was all right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones and they all got well and dono fine I also used it for chicken lico and mites and it is all you claim for it Itis the only Medicine for hog cholera I think Gottlieb Jerke Harrington Neb Dec 1 1 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thing I ever had on the place for everything it i intended for It is good for chicken cholera lice on stock insect of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F V Woman JAHES CAIN rnSanreiby the Notional Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa Cold in On Day WW 111111113 Tablets JQ - aJCyysri Cores Grip In TWo Days on every cox 25c h J i v 1 Ml