The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 18, 1905, Image 5

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    Gfr JPS WIP wfWeifB
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn as
Wheat 61
Oats 20
i y o 41
Burloy 3
toss 5 M
Ekrs 15
Good Uuttot Ijj
Opening Uintah Indian Reservation
Tho Uintah Indian Reservation will bo
thrown open for settlement on August
28th Registration will commence
August 1st at Grand Junction Colo
Vernal Price and Provo Utah closing
August 12th Reduced rates granted
Call for particulars George S Scott
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
articleusually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
Reduced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tonn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in tho near future Call on agent
for particulars
It will not wash and rub off
This complexion all envy me
Its no secret so Ill tell
Take thou Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
The best of every
thing in his iine at
the most reasonable
prices is Harsh s
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
a M
The Butcher
Phone 12
No 6
Time Card
ii -
Central Timo 1150 pm
0 XlX A Ma
900 AM
1015 pm
No 1 Mountain Time 120 p m
lo oiauVM
5 C 45 pm
No 5 local to Wray
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 510 p m
No 175jrtoparts 645 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
scats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
Statesor Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or write Goorgo Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer Ilouchin is numbered with
tho ill this week
J W Archibald took in tho doings at
Cambridge yesterdny
L M Baumgart and W H Stout
are now machine shop helpers
M M Fisk was sick and off a day or
two and Sam Cook relieved him
Conductor S E Callen was over tho
division with tho pay wagon this week
Clarence Stokes arrived home yester
day on No 2 from his trip to Colorado
Mr and Mrs O R Redding were
among tho Cambridge visitors Thurs
Frank Amick and V D Amon are
bucking the extra list at Oxford now
brakeman this week
Martin Thorgrimson and and J C
Greene are now members of the ma
chinists force this week
J Sherwood machinist and A E
Keating machinist helper resigned
from the service this week
Conductor J F Amick of Orleans
came up to headquarters Tuesday on
his way to Missouri on a visit
Conductor F M Washburn will leave
for Burlington Iowa Sunday to attend
a general O R C meeting
A E Newkirk is a new apprentice in
the machine shop and E Bender a new
wiper in the round hbuse this week
Conductor H R Childress eyes wore
bothering him some this week and
Conductor C M Kent had the 14218
Conductor L C Wolff is still on the
sick list and Conductor H A Beale is
down on the Orleans St Francis line in
his place
The Burlington Company it is rum
ored will spend 3000000 on its lines
west of the Missouri this season in im
Brakeman M R Sheldon of the Re
publican City Oberlin lino is sick and
Brakeman Ralph Smith of headquarters
is down relieving him
Conductor Eph Benjamin will go to
Omaha Sunday on grievance commit
tee work Conductor C W Dewey has
the 14222 meanwhile
A bridge special will start over the
McCook division out of Hastings to
day and inspect bridges over the entire
division I S P Weeks andW S
Perry will be on the special
and buyers if you want to sell be sure and see
me soon I have inquiry for all kinds ol lands
If you want to buy call on me and let me quote
my price and thus save you money
Office East Side Main St
Over McConnelPs Drug Store
McCook Nebraska
Fireman J E Kelso is on the ailing
list this week
W Austly of tho boilermaUers resign
ed this week
Engineer F E Whitney is off duty
and sick this week
L Pierce wiper in tho round house
nights resigned this week
C F Shipton is a now helper in tho
blacksmith shop this week
Fireman and Mrs J E Kelso are
visiting Imperial relatives this week
S B McLean of Sterling Colo chief
clerk to Supt McFarland -was in the
city Wednesday
Eugineer and Mrs W II Dungan ar
rived home midweeic from a short va
cation in Colorado
Agent T G Rees at Arapahoe at his
own request has been transferred bacK
to Imperial this weeK
The pile driver has gone out of com
mission after an unprecedented cam
paign of about twa months
J 11 Frankenfield arrived homo from
his trip to Pennsylvania Monday and
will resume his place in tho Oxford yard
in a few days
T Wolfe is a new laborer in the round
house days A Stultz and Zeck nights
William Croughau and C Crawley all
round house laborers resigned this
At the meeting of the local O R C
Sunday last Conductor F M Wash
burn was elected head of the local lodge
to succeed Conductor J W Line who
has been that official during tho past
The Chicago Alton is manufactur
ing equipment to use wirelss telegraphy
on its engines The equipment protects
two miles ahead and same distance in
the rear by means of an automatic Hert
zian wave transmitter and receiver
mounted on top of the engine cab The
iustrument shows red light if another
engine approaches within two miles
ahead green light if from rear and
white light when none are within tho
two mile zone A bell rings constantly
when red or green lights are shown
It is reported that one hundred miles
of sixty six pound steel to be taken up
from the Burlington main line in Ne
braska will be used in the construction
of the Great Northern lino from Sioux
City to Ashland The company is lay
ing its main line through Nebraska with
eighty five pound steel and it is said
that by next winter practically tho en
tire main lino east of McCook will be
laid with heavy steel none of it less than
seventy -five pound and most of it eighty
five pound steel Recently orders were
issued for the placing of one hundred
miles of eighty five pound steel on the
Nebraska main line this order follow
ing an order to place thirty five miles of
the heavy steel west of Dorchester
Lincoln Journal
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Sunday school at 10
Preaching at 11 Subject The Head
ship of Christ Y P S C E at 715
Sermon at 81o Subject Seed Time
and Harvest Bible study Wednes
day evening at S All are welcome
L F Sanford Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Baptist Sunday the pastor wil
preach his last sermon before going on
his vacation He desires a large atten
dance of members especially Morning
subject The Blessings of the Fol
lowers evoning The Mist Over the
Eyes A cordial welcome to all
A B Carson Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at 10
oclock Sermon at 11 Christian En
deavor society at 7 Preaching at 8
Prayer and conference meeting Wednes
day night at 8 oclock Evening sub
ject Am I My Brothers Keeper All
cordially invited to these services
George B Hawkes Pastor
Me thodis t Sunday school at 10
Sermon at 11 a m and 8 p m Class
at 12 Junior Epworth League at 3
Epworth League at 715 Prayer and
praise service every Wednesday night at
8 oclock Morning subject The Im
partial God Evening addressWhat
I Saw in Historic New England The
fourth quarterly conference and busi
ness meeting tonight Friday to which
all members are urged to be present
Sunday school picnic next week
M B Carman Pastor
f Avnys reliable Ladle ask DrugKiat foi
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Refuae danceron oImII
tntlonsand imitation Buvof your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Tontl
moniala and Relief Tor Ladle in letter
bT relMrn 11 10000 Testimonials Soldbj
all Druggist
8100 JUidUon Square JPHILA PA
Mention tM pastr
Great Grief asul Head Slinvinp
Among tho ancients shaving the haa 1
was a very common mode of express
ing great grief or sorrow Sometimes
it was done by the priest or some other
religious functionary formally cutting
off the hair sometimes by violently
plucking It out by the roots In ex
treme cases among men the beard as
well as the hair was either cut oil or
plucked out The Idea seems to have
been that mourners should divest them
selves of that which under ordinary
circumstances was considered most
beautiful ornamental and becoming
Lucian and he is not the only one of
the ancient writers by any means who
gives points on this queer mourning
custom says that the Egyptians ex
pressed their intense sorrow by cutting
oil the hair upon the death of their wil
Apis and that the Syrians acted in the
same manner at the death of Adonis
Olympiodorus remarks cancerning
Job i 20 that the ancients among
whom long hair was reganled as an or
nament cut it off in times of mourn
ing but that those who commonly
wore it short suffered it upon such oc
casions to grow long
Irish Surnames
There is a magnificent sonority in
the names of MacGiollamoholinoge
MacGulshenan MacOiraghty ODoo
yarma OTIowley OQuigley OMuI
clohy and OMulmoghery Many of
the names are extinct but a large pro
portion are still in evidence and what
Is more in nearly every ease the fam
ilies beariTio them are to be found
in the same localities formerly inhab
ited by tliem Dohertys in Donegal
Driscolls in Cork Maederniotts in Con
naught Meaghers in Tippernry and
OSuIlivans in Cork and Kerry It is
a notorious fact that many of the fam
ilies which have come to be regarded is
typically Irish are of alien extraction
Thus the Flunketts are of Danish ori
gin the Burkes Dillons Roches IIus
seys and all the tribe of Fitz are
Anglo Norman while the Mitchells are
English London Spectator
A Tooth
A tooth is a living structure Inside
of each tooth is a cavity Oiled with
pulp which gives it life Nerves and
blood vessels connect this pulp with
the general system and circulation of
the body The ivory surrounding the
pulp is covered over by a surface of
enamel Doth ivory and enamel are
harder than any other bones because
they contain a greater quantity of bone
earth Enamel on the tops of the teeth
is one sixteenth of an inch thick It
consists of little six sided prisms
placed side by side and held together
by an exquisitely fine cement The
pulp of the tooth becomes diseased and
toothache follows Tartar is a secre
tion made by three glands in the
mouth full of small living organisms
which assimilate matter in the saliva
and deposit it on the teeth in the shape
of phosphate of lime
Living Mummies
Living mummies exist in Tibet near
Gyangtse at a spot the name of which
in English may be rendered as the
Cave of Happy Misery There are
about twenty small caves in the solid
rock each built up in front with stones
and mortar They have padlocked
doors tiny drains and small holes
just sufficient for a man to pass his
hand through In these cells men are
buried for life with the idea of thus
attaining merit Once interned they
are in extreme cases never seen again
by mortal eye Even the hand which
they stretch forth froin the small hole
for their daily dole of food is covered
by a glove They speak to no one and
no one speaks to them Even their
death is only made known when they
fail for several days to stretch out the
hand for food
Persian Way o Entiupr Watermelon
The ordinary Persian bill of fare
sounds something like the banquets de
scribed In fairy tales said a man who
has spent some time in the orient
While traveling in that country I
found that the best overture to a way
side repast is a watermelon not cut
in slices as is done in this country
but eaten like an egg one end being
cut off and the contents eaten with a
vooden spoon the roseate fluid tric
kling all the time to the bottom and af
fording a fragrant drink when the first
course is over
The Potato
The potato Is one of the most valu
able plants Ave have Besides being
one of the most necessary articles of
food it has a variety of other uses
A great quantity of the starch used in
our laundries is made from it and aft
er the starch has all been separated
from the pulp what is left is used in
the manufacture of boxes From the
stems and leaves of the plant a fluid
that produces sleep is made In many
places bread cake and puddings are
made of potato flour
Mother Why arent you and George
as good boys as your little brother
Young Hopeful I spose its cause
youd had more experience bringin up
boys when you commenced on him
Home Notes
Something For Film to Do
I am willing to do anything said
the applicant for work
All right said the hard hearted
merchant Please close the door be
hind you when you go out
The Foolish anil the
The fool doesnt know a good thing
when he sees it the lazy man doesnt
seize a good thing when he knows it
Philadelphia Record
To prevent writers cramp use the
scissors instead of the pen Lots of
newspaper men are never affected by
writers cramp Boston Transcript
wpjeSPSfp pT1
very Piece
in our stock has been
Less than 20 per cent
from Former Price
All desirable goods too At the present price
it will pay you to buy for next seasons use if
you have bought all you can use for this sea
son What we have left in
and some at less than cost They are bar
gains Call and see them
DeGroff Co
FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
W B WOLFE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
Should be encouraged in all possible
ways Like good morals and manners
the instruction should begin in the home
As early habits mold the future character
so do those who early acquire the saving
habit lay the foundation for future suc
cess Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings
to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business
of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless
possibilities in success and man- a young man owes his start
in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to
a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically
the first deposit made We invite your savings accc tints
The First National Bank nccook
Ayers Pills
Vegetable liver pills That
is what they are They cure
constipation biliousness
sick headache
J C AyerCo
Lowell Mass
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS DYE
a beautiful brown orrich black Use nram iiAuicoxi22cj iE