The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 18, 1905, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Republican County Convention
Tho Republican electors of Red Willow coup
ty nro hereby called to meot in dulegnto conven
tion in Urn city at Indianola on Wcdnetdny
August 23rd nt one oclock p in for the pnr
poso of selecting twelve delegates to the sin to
convention and of placing in nomination candi
dates for tho following offices One county
treasurer one county clerk one county judge
one county sheriff ono county superintendent
ono county coroner ono county survyor and
to transact such other businoss as may proporly
come boforo the convention
Representation to tho convention will bo based
on tho votos cast for tho Hon Norris Brown for
attorney general at tho 190 J election allowing
one delegate for each 10 votes or major fraction
thereof together with ono delegate at largo from
each voting precinct On tho above basis the
several precincts will bo entitled to representa
tion as follows
Allianco 4
Reaver 7
Bondvillo I
BoxEIder 4
Coleman It
Danbury 3
Driftwood 4
East Valley 11
Fritscli 3
Gcrver 4
Grant t
Indianola 8
Lebanon j 11
Missouri Ridge 2
North Valley
Perry 3
Rod Willow 5
Tjrono a
Valley Grange 5
vtiiLow gkove
1st Pre 1st w 10
2nd Pre 1st w 15
1st Pro 2nd w 15
2nd Pre 2nd w 1
Total m
It is recommended that the primarios in tho
several precincts and wards bo held on Satur
day August 19th at the hour and placo desig
nated by tho committeeman It is recommend
ed tlmtno proxies bo allowed and that tho dole
gates present from each of tho respective pre
cincts bo authorized to cast the full vote of their
delegation By order of Republican county
central committee Lon Cone Chairman
C B Gkat Secretary
Tho Republican voters of Willow Groe pre
cinct aro hereby called to meet in caucus at the
following designated places in said precinct at
8 oclock p in Tuesday August 22ud 1905 for
tho purpose of nominating 55 delegates to tho
county convention at Indianola Nebraska and
to transact such other business as may properly
come before such caucus The number of dele
gates to elect in tho several wards and precincts
aro apportioned as follows
1st wardlst precinct 10 Basement Commer
cial Hotel
2nd ward 1st precinct 15 City hall
1st ward 2nd precinct 15 oflice of Biirnett
Lumber Co
2nd ward 2nd precinct 9 office of HHBerry
Lon Cone
A Barnett
C G Cogeizer
C B Gray
The Republican primary for Tyrone precinct
wiUboheldat the school house in district 2G
Monday August 21st 1905
at eight oclock p m
J C Moore Committeeman
Log Rolling Day
Thursday August 31
I Traveling
f men s Day
Friday September 1
driftwood precinct
Tho voters of Driftwood precinct will hold a
caucus in tho Frederick school house Tuesday
ovoning August 22nd at eight oclock for the
purpose of selecting four delegates to the Re
publican county convention to bo held in In
dianola August 23rd
W S Fitch Committeeman
perry precinct
Tho caucus of the Republican voters of Porry
precinct to olect threo delegates to tho county
convention in Indianola August 23 1905 will
bo held in my residenco on August 22 1905 at 7
p in central time
C II Harman Committeeman
Coleman precinct Republican electors will
hold a caucus in tho Coloman school house at
flvo oclock August 22nd for tho purposo of se
lecting threo delegates to tho convention to be
hold in Indianola August 23rd 1905
Jacob Betz Committeeman
The Republicans of Grant precinct will hold
their caucus on tho evening of August 21st at
eight oclock to select threo delegates to the
county convention to bo held in Indianola Au
gust 23 1905 H I Peterbon
bondville precinct
Tho caucus of tho Republican voters of Bond
villo precinct to elect threo delegates to tho
county convention in Indianola August 23 will
bo held at the usual voting place known as the
Sim Billings place on Monday August 14th at
8 oclock in tho evening
Charles Skalla Committeeman
The Republican electors of Valley Grange
precinct will hold a caucus in the Pickens
school house Saturday afternoon August 19th
at threo oclock for the purposo of electing five
dologatesto tho county convention to be held in
Indianola August 23rd
A D Johnston Committeeman
Republican -voters of Gerver precinct will
caucus in tho Dodgo school house Tuesday
evening August 22 1905 at eight oclock for
tho purposo of electing four delegates to the
county convention to bo held in Iudianola Au
gust 23 F S Lofton Committeeman
Republican electors of Fritsch precinct will
hold their caucus in tho Barber school house
Saturday August 19th 1905 at two p m for
the purposo of electing threo dolegates to the
Republican connty convention to be hold in In
dianola August 23 1905
G M Goben Committeeman
The Republican county central committee is
called to meet in Indianola Wednesday August
23 at 11 oclock a m for the purposo of taking
up special business as per instructions of the
lastcounty convention
Lon Cone Chairman
Cash Offer Wanted
On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to
McCook Neb and the southeast quart
er of 22-3-29 13- miles east of McCook
Neb Address owner Benj Hammer
193S Emerson St Denver Col
You can rent cots for carnival week of
Xiudwick the House Furnisher at 75
cents per cot for the week Leave orders
at the store for the number you will
Mrs I D Wilkins and children are
Culbertson visitors this week
Dr H M Ireland has been enjoying
a touch of Colorado life the past week
or so
Mrs C J Snkll and children have
have been visiting McCook friends this
Mrs J W Hasty is among the pil
grims to Cambridge and the reunion
this week
Mrs H A Kouch and children left
yesterday morning forTerro Haute In
diana on a visit
Mrs E M Douglass left for Broken
Bow tho morning of Thursday on a vi
sit to a sister
Miss Nettie Carson of Denver
is visiting this month in tho homo of
her brother Rev A B Carson
Prof C M Barr one of the normal
instructors is assisting in county insti
tute work in Hayes Center this week
Mrs E D W Pogue and daughter
Marjorie of Evanston 111 are making
her parents Mr and Mrs I M Beards
lee a visit
Harmon Thompson formerly of our
city late o Bertrand has moved to Cal
edonia Minn Miss Luella accom
panying him
Mrs Grant Clark and children of
Albia Iowa who have been spending a
few weeks visiting A R Clark and fam
ily on the Willow departed on No 6
last night for Iowa
Court House Tower Clock Installed
The work of installing tho big clock
in the court house tower has been
completed today Mr A W Payne a
representative of the E Howard Clock
Co of Boston Mass being in per
sonal charge of the worK
The clock cost about S800 and is the
splendid gift of Major Albert Barnett
president of the Barnett Lumber Co
to the countv
The clock is the product of the
Howard Co which is a guarantee of
its first quality
The dials are almost seven feet in
diameter and the time may bo read from
a distance of several blocKS from the
court house
The clock is a regular strhung tower
cIock but is not equipped with a bell
at present The Tribute hopes tho
county or citizens of McCook will
maKe good this feature
The Tribune believes this is the only
tower clock in this part of NebrasKa
and undertaices to recognize the gener
osity and public spiritedness of Major
Barnett and express to him the keen
appreciation of the people of McCook
and of Red Willow county
The way acceptances are coming to
Jimmy Woodson leaves small room for
doubt that Friday September 1st
Traveling Mens Day will be one of tho
notable days of carnival week n week
full and running over with special days
and features something doing all the
time More than a hundred commercial
tourists mako this city in their regular
trips and most of them expect to be at
the big show September 1st
The Carnival Committee on lodging
conveniences desire to inform any one
who will undertake to conduct lodging
places during Carnival Week that tents
can be had for 125 rental for the week
cots 2oc blankets 2jc per pair stools
10c each pillows 13c each Arrange
ments can only be made by applying be
fore Saturday G p m Aug 19 to L W
McConnell or Geo Thompson Commit
The management of tho live stock ex 1
hibit for the approaching show to be j
held in connection with the street fair
and carnival August 28 29 is able to
announce that it has secured the ser
vices of two of the best judges of live
stock to be found in Nebraska to pass
upon tho merits of tho largo exhibit
promised Thomas Andrews of Cam
bridge will judge the horses and hogs
and Capt W J Evans of this place will
pass on the cattle Persons making a
showing of stock can safely leave the
question of merit in the hands of such
men Indications are that the fine stock
showing will be made a success in every
Top Coat
is a woody outside cover
of the grain and serves a
good purpose the same
as a walnut shell but
you cant digest either
The entire outer coating
is removed from the
grains of wheat before
makingf the delicious and
appetizing California
Flaked wheat food for breakfast
All good grocers
Most Satisfactory Of All
Tho McCook junior normal which
closed on last Friday afternoon a ten
days session is acknowledged by all as
having been tho most successful and sat
isfactory of tho threo sessions Although
tho attendance fell a little below tho at
tendance of Inst year perhaps traceable
to the charge of 200 per individual for
tuition the work of the session of 1903
is regarded as having been moro solid
and satisfactory than that of either of tho
preceding years
Another fact is noteworthy namely
the large number of extra features dur
ing 1903 over and above the regular at
tractions Upon enumeration it appears
that over fifty extra attractions were en
joyed during the session of 1903 wo
mean by this features not regularly on
tho program for tho sessions And all
of them were worthwhile and some of
them wero especially good
Score a Fine Success
Miss Edna Barr and Miss Hazel Hare
scored a distinct artistic success last
evening in their recital in tho Metho
dist church tho musical being gener
ally regarded as one of tho very best of
tho season
The program given below shows tho
quaiity of tho music rendered and the
generous approval of the audience
was indicative of their appreciation of
the efforts of the young ladies who have
been most faithful students of the mas
They wero ably assisted by Mrs G
H Thomas and Mr John N Gaarde
A good sized appreciative audience
greeted them
The program given is as follows
1 Sonate 1st Mov Grieg
Edna Baku
2 Concerto 1st Mov Ch De Heriot
Hazel Hare
15 Clarinet Solo Hergsou
Me Gaaede
1 Nocturne Op l Chopin
Edna Baim
j Adagio Ft Rie
Hazel Hake
0 Oh Dry Those Tears Teresa Del Riego
Mrs Thomas
7 Trio Tho Lot Chord Sullivan
Edna Rare IlAzel Hare
Mr Gaarde
S Scherzo Rhoinburger
Edna Hark
9 Rondo Do Reriot
Hazel Hare
Stocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for BuBy People
Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form 5 cents a bo c Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
Parker Amusement
Edward Conrad is nursing a broken
arm Both bones of the right arm vert
fractured Ho was on horseback and in
riding undor a treo was knocked off onto
tho ground by a limb
William Wallwcnt down to Hampton
Nebraska early last week and on Wed
nesday was married to Kuto Eberbardl
of that placo Thoy returned home on
Saturday last to bo charivaried the
third time having been twice stormed
while at Hampton
Verne Roborson ontortained a company
of young girl friends Tuesday from two
to five oclock Ice cream and cake
were served
Eltha Downs s with relatives and
creek this week
friends over ou School
Geneva Fitch left last Friday for
Colorado Springs Colorado to bo gone
a month visiting relatives
Mr and Mrs Jasper Dutton and fam
ily and Mr and Mrs Weir of Mt Pleas
ant Iowa wore guests of Mr and Mrs
W G Dutton Thursday and Friday
enroute to Portland Oregon They will
visit parts of Canada on their return
DoanS 91
is tho Cream of all thats good The
sensitive touch of tho most experienced
miller can produce no better flour
The ladios of the Methodist churcb
will serve dinnor and supper every day
of the carnival in the dining room of the
new church
The Alton Troupe
of Acrobats
j L
With C W Parker
Amusement Company
with its 24 cars of effects and 250 men will be the chief amusement feature of a week which will be chock full day and night with wholesome amuse
ment free from graft gambling or aught unclean or immoral
A CARNIVAL of PLEASURE Never Before Witnessed in Western Nebraska
A Gorgeous Flower Parade Rich Elaborate Decoration
rirnni nprdaqia stocksnow f
1 1 VUU1V IHIlrkOrvrL
ONE WEEK tural Exhibit I j
A V vi H H m B I T lib IBte a 1 wfti Mi m fMrvnrloir oti1 Titocloir 7 A
m m iwlluaJ cum i uwouaj m
i W JT m m if H jW
A r August 28 and 29 Jf A
I - I Y 1
Co I
oo3qH3 be jsl ie ifs re y with txss
The People of McCook Are Spending Thousands of Doars to Make This a M emorab e Event