The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 18, 1905, Image 3

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Folk Who Are
Talked About
Attorney General Moodys New Task
Wittes Legal Adviser Judge Calvin
Page Minister Hicks Maud
Gonnes Troubles
this is
the season
when profes
sional men usual
ly take things
easy and go on
long vacations the
attorney general of
the United Slates
William II Moody
is delving into the
scandals in the de
partment of ngri
culture Mr
Moody is a man
who thrives on hard work He Is con
sidered to resemble the president both
in figure and in the strenuousness of
his habits The attorney general is
not so impulsive as Mr Roosevelt but
is built on much the same lines physic
ally being of medium height stocky
appearance and ruddy well browned
complexion Like the president he is
athletic walks eight or ten miles a
day and is a good horseman Before
Mr Moody was attorney general ho
I was secretary of the navy and before
that he was in congress He went to
congress with a high reputation as a
lawyer His conduct of the common
wealth side of the celebrated Lizzie
Borden case at Fall lliver Mass had
heralded his name throughout the
country During the drawing of seats
at the beginning of the Fifty fourth
congress lie and another short heavy
set young congressman found them
selves sitting side by side
Havent I seen you somewhere
asked Mr Moodys neighbor
1 Really I dont know It is pos
sible we have met somewhere was
the reply
Oh I know you You were counsel
for the commonwealth in the Lizzie
Borden trial and your name is Moody
My name is Quigg and I reported that
trial for the New York Tribune And
the lawyer and reporter now national
legislators shook hands
On his mission to this country to con
fer about terms of peace between Rus
sia and Japan M Serglus Witte the
czars chief envoy has the advice of a
professor of International law Fred
erick von Martens whose opinions on
subjects pertaining to international re
lations caia y much weight in Europe
Although of German extraction his
career has been associated chiefly with
Russia and he has been of great serv
ice to that country in past years in
the good use he has been able to make
of his knowledge of international law
and foreign affairs Professor von
Martens was born
In 1S43 at Pernau
in Livland one of
the Baltic prov
inces He clings
to the von in his
name because it
marks him as be
longing to the mi
nor German nobil
ity Most of the
leadingRussian and
German universi
ties have conferred
degrees on Pro-
f e s s o r Martens
Since 1S71 he has been professor of
international law at the University
of St Petersburg He has served as
special commissioner of the Russian
government on several Important oc
casions has been prominent in con
nection with The Hague peace confer
ence movement has written much for
reviews and magazines and is the au
thor of several books among them
The International Rights of Civilized
Nations The Brussels Conference
and the Oriental War of 1S77 and
iThe Right of Private Property in
The honor of being the host of the
Russian and Japanese peace commis
sioners during their stay at Ports
mouth falls on Judge Calvin Page a
Iwell known New Hampshire lawyer
The quarters of the visiting foreigners
are the Hotel Wentworth on the At
lantic coast a few miles from the city
of Portsmouth They travel back and
forth each day between this hotel and
the Portsmouth navy yard where they
hold their sessions
The hotel is owned
by the estate of the
late Frank Jones
and Judge Page as
one of the trustees
of the estate man
ages the property
It was in this way
that he extended
the courtesies of
the resort to the
judge calvin peace conferees
page ami said that no
board bill would be rendered as the
Ihonor of entertaining such a distin
guished party would be a sufficient
Iconsideration However Judge Page
lis quoted as saying that Le hopes the
conference will not last so long that it
will involve keeping the hotel open
after the regular summer guests have
departed and making special provision
Ifor the envoys and their attaches since
the building is designed only for use
during the warm months The judge
is quoted as saying concerning his
About the menu Japanese Im
told eat snowballs aDi rats Now
i in TViH omnnrh nrp not
our rats owe
verv fat and Tm afraid wont come up
to the standard Bu Russians Im
old are great for fish In Russia ev
ery man of wealth so Im told has a
private tank of his own Into which he
casts the live fish taking them out as
fast as required So you can see we
can suit the Russians easily and as
for the Japanese they are very cultured
and polite and will understand that
we are unable to accommodate them
with the snowball and rat diet and
everything will be all right
Colonel John Hicks the new minis
ter of the United States to Chile is a
newspaper man an author and a dip
lomat He is a Wisconsin man but
was born in Auburn N Y In 1847
When he was a child his family re
moved to the Wolverene State and
when the civil war
came along his
father joined the
army and was
killed in fighting
for his country
Young Hicks had
to struggle in mak
ing his upward
climb but he
worked his way
through college
joined the staff of
the Oshkosh North
western and gradually won a name for
himself in journalism He i now
owner and editor of the Northwestern
has written much under the pen name
of Sandy Broad and is the author of
The Man From Oshkosh Colonel
Hicks was appointed minister to Peru
by the late President Harrison As min
ister to Chile he succeeds Henry L Wil
son who was transferred to Belgium
John Kendrlck Bangs once ran
across a gift copy of one of his books
in a secondhand bookshop still having
this inscription on the fly leaf To his
friend J G with the regards
and esteem of J K Bangs July
1S99 Mr Bangs bought the copy and
sent it to his friend again with a sec
ond inscription beneath This book
bought In a secondhand bookshop is
re presented to J G with re
newed and reiterated regards and es
teem by J K Bangs December 1S99
There are some peculiar features in
the suit for divorce which Mrs John
McBride better known by her maiden
name of Maud Gonne and often called
the Irish Joan of Arc has brought in
Paris against her husband the gallantt
colonel of the Irish brigade which
fought on the side of the Boers in the
South African war
f 5Kxf V rrsfjfrf5
maud gonne
When the beautiful
and eloquent plead
er for the cause of
Ireland united her
fortunes with those
of the officer who
fought so bravely
in the Boer war
the romance of the
union attracted
much attention
Both were pictur
esque figures both
were devoted to the
Idea of freeing Ireland from English
rule through the use of the sword and
their marriage was supposed to be a
case of true love But it has proved
otherwise In the course of the trial
In Paris the counsel for Colonel Mc
Bride Maitre Labori who defended
Dreyfus asserted that the Irish Joan
of Arc was subject to hallucinations
giving as an example her belief that
she is the reincarnation of an ancient
Irish queen He argued that her be
lief that her husband was unfaithful
was simply another of her hallucina
There is a story that Mrs McBride
might have had for a husband no less
a hero than the renowned English gen
eral Lord Kitchener According to the
story he ceased to be a suitor for her
hand when she asked him to lead an
Irish army against England
George S Nixon successor of Wil
liam M Stewart as senator from Ne
vada is a native of California and
forty four years of age He is a busi
ness man and his early career was one
of struggle against adverse circum
stances He learned telegraphy and
when scarcely more
than a boy was an
operator at a lonely
station in Nevada
ne obtained a posi
tion in a bank and
rose from one post
to another until in
1SSG he organized
the First National
Bank of Winnemuc
ca of which he is
plalaki5s4 it
president He now
controls four other 6Eorge s nixon
banks and also
owns valuable mining property and
several large cattle ranches lie at
one time owned a newspaper and has
served in the Nevada legislature Sen
ator Nixon supported William J
Bryan in 1S9G and lf00 but for sev
eral years has acted with the Repub
lican party Fifteen years ago the
senator had an adventure with bank
robbers which he will not forget as
long as he lives He was alone one
evening in the Winnemucca bank
when five desperadoes rode up and
proceeded to take possession of the
premises Before he could reach for
his Winchester which was ten feet
away he was covered with a Colts
revolver and was ordered to throw up
his hands The outlaws placed a knife
at his throat and he was forced to un
lock the safe and give the robbers 32
C00 in cash Not a cent of that booty
has ever been captured The robbers
were pursued as soon as an alarm
could be given and aparty collected
but they got away
It Is all right to go to law Going to
the lawyers is what costs Tarrytown
N Y News
A Vesctalile Caterpillar
In New Zealand and Australia they
have tin animal vegetable oddity
which cannot be equaled by any other
animate or Inanimate object upon the
earths surface It is the queerest of
the many antipodean wonders and
paradoxes and for the want of a
better name has been called the
bulrush caterpillar or vegetable
worm The native Tasmanian name
for the oddity is aweto hotete
The aboveground portion of this vege
table worm is a fungus of the order
sphaeria which grows to a height of
six or eight Inches When pulled up
by the root this fungus Is found to con
sist of a large caterpillar showing
head segments and breathing holes
every detail of the grub being perfect
y preserved On examination the In
terior of the caterpillar is found to be
composed of a punky looking sub
stance really the root of the fungus
which has cremated every fiber of
what was once a living breathing
creatures anatomy In all the in
stances which Bucklaud records the
sphaeria had made its attack in the
fold of skin between the second and
third segments of the caterpillar and
had replaced all the animal substance
of the creatures body with a hard
brown vegetable growth resembling
the fungoid growths on blackberry
and other vines
Veils In Churches
During the tenth century no woman
was allowed to appear at church with
out a veil It had to be a real veil too
covering and concealing the features
in order that the prayers and medita
tions of the men might not be disturb
ed by the contemplation of feminine
loveliness There was a tradition that
the origin of the custom was in an or
der from a great French saint When
a young man he met a little girl with
features so noble and beautiful that
although he was many years her senior
he immediately fell in love with her
because she resembled a young lady
to whom he had been engaged years
before but who died in his arms The
man and the child separated and he
became a priest Many years later he
saw her In the congregation just as he
was entering the pulpit to preach and
the sight disturbed him to such an ex
tent that his sermon was a failure
and he ordered all the women thence
forth to wear veils
Birds In Attack
Birds display great skill and cunning
in the chase the attack and in guard
ing themselves from injury during the
struggle for supremacy The secretary
bird is the inveterate enemy and untir
ing pursuer of the snake All sorts
even the most venomous he hunts with
a zest that is at once interesting and
amusing The snake flees from its
foe who follows watching every op
portunity for a blow When the reptile
turns the bird uses one of his wings
as a shield and strikes with his foot
The snake buries its fangs in the wing
but leaves the poison in the plumage
and the bird escapes unhurt Repeat
ed blows from the powerful claw con
fuse and disable the snake and at last
it falls to be at once dispatched by
thrusts of the sharp beak into its head
The bird then tosses his victim into the
air and catching it as it falls swal
lows it
Englnnil8 First Organ
Elfeg bishop of Winchester during
the reign of Alfred the Great is re
puted to have procured an organ for
his cathedral It was the largest In
strument then known having 400 pipes
divided among ten keys supplied by
wind from twenty six pairs of bellows
and requiring the services of no fewer
than seventy blowers Judging from
this the Winchester organ either came
from Germany or was built upon a
German model for in that country
until much later the wind was pro
vided by a species of treadmill ar
rangement whereon the blowers
gripped a bar each working two pairs
of bellows like those of our smiths
with their feet London Queen
SnEittiiiK Inper
Very often it is worth knowing
how to split a sheet of paper Suppose
you had an article which Avas printed
on both sides and you desired to paste
it in your scrapbook You would
paste it between two sheets of stout
paper and when nearly dry draw
these apart You will have half of the
printed sheet on each and by the use
of moisture you can readily detach
Three of Them
One word in the English language
in which the vowels occur in regular
sequence is facetious Is there an
otherRochester Post Express
Ever hear of the word abste
mious Cleveland Leader
What is the matter with arseni
ous New York Tribune
All autobiographies are lies No
man is bad enough to tell the truth
about himself during his lifetime and
no man is good enough to tell the
truth to posterity in a document which
he suppresses until there is nobody left
alive to contradict him George Ber
nard Shaw
Woke IIliu Up
Bashful Beaumont Er I er
dreamt I er kissed you last night
Whats that a sign of
Modest Maiden Well its a sign that
youre more sensible asleep than
They Fall Short
Foreigner Are the earnings of your
household servants large as a rule
American No not nearly so large as
their pay Pittsburg Post
He who knows only his own side of
the case knows little of that Mill
riiouBh Still Vounsr He Hn Done
Enough For a Lifetime
Dr Sven Anders Hedin the Swedish
geographer and explorer who has writ
ten to Swedes in America urging them
to raise 0000000 for the Increase of
the naval defenses of Sweden is an
ardent patriot and he has reason to
feel grateful to his country and its gov
ernment for Ids work In behalf of sci
ence was made possible by the gener
ous aid King Oscar and the Swedish
riksdag have extended him An alli
ance with the Swedes in America is
the only Scandinavian alliance Ave
SAvedes at home can think of he says
He was born in Stockholm in 1SG3 and
educated at Stockholm Upsala Berlin
and Halle at the university of the lat
ter city receiving the degree of doctor
of philosophy In 1S85 he undertook a
journey of exploration in Persia and
In 1S00 King Oscar sent an embassy
to the late shah of Persia and Hedin
was a member of the party The next
year lie made a journey through Klio
rassan and Turkestan A dozen years
ago very little Avas known about the
mysterious land of Tibet In 1S93 Dr
Hedin set out on a trip from the Rus
sian frontier to Peking through a por
tion of Tibet and the Lobnor region
His accounts of his experiences Avhlch
were quite adventurous and of his
scientific observations which were of
much Aalue excited keen interest and
led to his undertaking in 1890 another
expeumon to tiie same region xnis
time he had a large caravan was
backed by King Oscar and had the aid
of the czar of Russia and the special
assistance of General Kuropatkin He
devoted three years to gathering mate
rial regarding the geography geology
ethnology and plant and animal posses
sions of the regions explored He
learned much about Tibet though he
was not permitted to enter Lassa
Prlnee Chnrles of Denmark Who
Wishes to Be King of Xorwny
Prince Charles of Denmark whose
aspirations for the vacant throne of
Norway are favored by Emperor Wil
liam of Germany Is the second son of
the cfoAvn prince of Denmark He is
thirty three years of age and is three
years the junior of his AA ife who was
the Princess Maud third daughter of
King EdAvard VII of England As a
sm i
-- ga
The Boyuton Furnace Cos
and Heaters
Have been well known for over sixty years in every
town village and hamlet in the country as the
most durable powerful and reliable goods made
There have been many
changes and improvements
made on them from time to
time and are now equipped
with ever well known practi
cal improvement Have your
furnace installed now Late
fall is a very busy time with
us when we can not give every
little detail of furnace installa
tion the care and attention
which we have learned by
many years of practical experience so essential to
the successful operation of a well arranged modem
heating plant Our Prices on Furnaces Material and
Workmanship are Below All Competition
Call and see us
am 1g CL
rfJtw o
The riitchell Wagon
is without doubt the bust
farm wagon sold in this mark
et today The users of wag
ons hare learned this hence
the unprecedented demand
But we are prepared to supply
all despite unusually large
Furnaces and Stoves
We expect this week a car
load of furnaces and stoves
If you are intending to put in
a furnace this fall be sure to
inspect our stock and get es
Cut Prices on Gasoline Stoves
Every Gasoline Stove in our store will be marked
way down for a few days to clean up the stock If
in need of anything in this line now is the time to
We haAe in stock
the Maleable the
Jewel and the Kound
Oak Steel Rangesbe
sides a large stock of
Cast Ranges and
Wire Nails
We always carry a
large stock of Barb
Wire and Nails
We can also supply
your needs in all
kinds of Builders
Ha r d w a r e and
We hae always on
hand Axle Grease
Hard Oil Machine
Oil Cylinder Oil
and Belt Dressing
We also carry Lin
seed Oil and Paint
R 1 flip Pifiiippf flartarp xttirp
Wlif bkhm I llilJ I iulluUi 11 111 II li 111 ululu I
wmlk 1 J
girl she was very popular with the
English public and has always had
Inclinations to be unconventional and
democratic Her marriage to Prince
Charles occurred July 22 ISflO and a
son was born to the royal couple on
July 2 1003
On his marriage to Princess Maud
the young man Avho coA ets the Norwe
gian throne receiAed a settlement of
2500000 as his wedding gift and a
splendid residence in Copenhagen His
mother was an only child of the late
Charles XV of Sweden and Norway
and his grandmother Avas Princess
Louise of the Netherlands who at the
time of her marriage to King Charles
was accounted a great heiress Prince
Charles as a boy at school was mixed
np in a hazing affair which resulted
In the death of a fellow Btudent
Kgraam Vp J Jtf pi IMi il I l lv ieihSSr
We also have our own houses at
A 0 1 I 1S G w9t II ifh C V p3 IL1 R 7 1 Y 9 E P
0 J
ovw in o i tfvasirt i usnvn tl
Read our market letter In this paper Write us for any special Information desired s