1 I 1- CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Co w tPf ijMjC are Alwavs reliable Ladlca asle Irusrclt fo CUICIEIMTiie H KXULINH In Bed and JoII metallic boes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Reruoe clanceroiu nubxtl utlonamid Imitation Buy or your Druggist ir send 4c In Mumps for Particular Tmtl mnnlalH and Keller for Ladlcx In Utter by return Mall 10001 Testimonials Sold by all DruRRlHta OHICHE8TKR CHEMICAL CO 2100 Jladliuu Square IMIIJLA PA Mention thlt DDr It TRY Bl ar Coal Wood Building Material of all Kinds Screen Doors and Windows Phone Number One W F Wilson Successor to Nick Colling Buys and Sells 5econdhand Goods of all kinds Furniture wanted Rear of De Groffs Phone 316 McCook - Nebraska A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS OBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBa Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska lamherlains COLIC CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success 4 It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol era morbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family Bhould keep this remedy in his home Buy it now It may save life Price 25a Large See 50c DANBURY Miss Byfield was here visiting friends and relatives the first of the week Miss Alta Morgan took Jsettye Eno to her home in McCook nnd returned Fri day Mrs Dow and three children of Indian ola visited at the home of Mr J L Sar gent the latter part of last week Mr and Mrs Bartholomew of Lebanon visited with friends in Danbury Sunday and Monday Mr Noo moved his family over from Indianola Monday He will help J L Sargent with his well business Pius Lebn and family visited relatives in Indianola last Sunday Miss Blanche Hethcote is back from northwest of McCook visiting friends and relatives Mrs Korb is on the sick list Miss Bird from the eastern part of the state is visiting at Mrs Rubys RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 Miss Lulu Alexander of Hastings is a guest of Miss Jeannette Dutton John Schmidt is able to be about again after his recent experience with an enraged bull T H Brittain is adding some improve ments to his place in the line of new shed buildings Mr and Mrs J W Burtless arrived home yesterday from their visit in Au burn N Y LIVE STOCK MARKETS AT KANSAS CITY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS CFFICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAH0 FIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kansas City Aug 2 1905 Receipts of cattle thus far this week are 30400 last week 27260 Mondays market was steady to 10c higher for beef steers 10 to 15c higher for cows and heifers and mostly 10c higher for stock ers and feeders Tuesday best heavy beeves were generally steady but grass ers were dull and weak to 10 cents lower Cows and heifers of all kinds were steady to strong and stockers and feeders strong to 10c higher Today the market open ed active for best heavy steers and choice light weights at steady prices Plain offerings were slow with prices steady to 10c lower This covered both fed and grass kinds Fed cows and heifers were scarce and sold quickly at strong rates grasser3 were fully steady Veals and bulls were firm Trade in stockers and feeders was active and prices steady to strong The following table gives quotations now ruling Extra prime cornfed steers S3 00 to o 40 Good 4 S5 to 5 00 Ordinary 4 2a to 4 75 Choice cornfed heifers 4 60 to 5 00 Good 4 10 to 4 60 Medium 3 50 to 4 10 Choice cornfed cows 4 00 to 4 25 Good 3 25 to 3 83 Medium 2 75 to 3 25 Canners 1 50 to 2 50 Choice stags 4 23 to 4 75 Choice fed bulls 3 50 to 4 00 Good 3 25 to 3 50 Bologna bulls 2 25 to 2 75 Veal calves 5 00 to 5 75 Good to choice native or western stockers 3 75 to Fair 3 23 to Common 2 75 to Good tochoiceheavynativefejers 4 00 to Fair 3 50 to Good to choice heavy branded horned feeders 3 40 to Fair 3 25 to Common 3 00 to Good to choice stock heifers 2 75 to Fair 2 25 to Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 00 to Fair 3 50 to Good to choice stock calvesheifers 3 00 to Fair 2 50 to Choice wintered grass steers 4 25 to Good 3 75 to Fair 3 40 to Choice grass cows 2 75 to Good 2 50 to grow completely cures dan druff And it always restores color to gray hair all the rich dark color of early life My hair was falling ont lindly and I was afraid I would lose it all Tlien I tried Ayers Hair Vigor It quickly stopped the falling and made m v hair all I could wish it to be Reiiecca K Allen Elizabeth NJ 8100 a bottle All druggists for 4 25 3 75 3 25 4 30 400 3 63 3 40 3 25 3 00 2 75 4 50 4 00 3 50 300 4 50 4 25 3 75 3 00 1 o Common 2 00 to 2 50 Receipts of hogs thus far this week are 14500 last week 20322 Mondays market was 5 to 10c higher Tuesday 10 to 20c higher and today barely steady but closing firm Bulk of sales were from S585 to 595 top 600 Receipts of sheep thus far this week are 14400 last week 23878 Mondays market was generally 10 to 15 cents high er Tuesday strong to 10c higher and to ray strong to 10c higher We quote Choice lambs 625 to 650 choice year lings 500 to 525 choice wethers 450 to 475 choice ewes 425 to 450 Axjers Falling hair means weak hair Then strengthen your hair feed it with the only hair food Ayers Hair Vigor It checks falling hair makes the hair air vmor J C ATER CO Lowell Mass ill IJIWIi Willi Falling Hair Mrs Lolir this week BARTLEi has a sisipr visiting her Threshing is suspended now until the grain dries out E E Smith shipped a car of hogs to Denver Tuesday Roy Hamilton of McCook was an over Sunday visitor in Bartley Mrs George Dans has been quite sick this week but is now improving Mrs Arneal of Cambridge visited with Mrs G W Jones one day Inst week Mr McCracken has purchased the Sam Clark residence property for 6850 Tbeo Faubin had his foot badly in jured with a hay fork one day this week Sylvester Rowe had a cow drown Tuesday in a canyon just east of town C E Mathews put in a nice concrete walk this week in front of the post office Fred Sells who had ben visiting friends here for several days left Sunday for California Mr and Mrs S B Rowe visited this Aeek in the country with Mr and Mrs George Davis The bridge just west of Bartley on the Indianola road was again Washed out during the hard rain Tuesday The bridge over Dry creek west of town is in bad condition again and is being put in good repair Attorney Perry of Cambridge and At torney Keyes of Indianola were business visitors in Bartley Monday Harry Paino and family are going to leave soon for a visit in the west and will see the exposition at Portland Oregon Elder J E Wilson will return from Bethany Neb this week and preach in the Christian church Sunday morn ing ana evening The rainfall Tuesday August 1st was 315 inches This is the greatest rainfall we have had at one time this year Very little damage resulted Mr Marts and family made a visit to Hendley Saturday and Sunday They report roads bad and crops badly dam aged around there by excessive rains Antone Dietsch has so far recovered from his serious illness that he was brought home this week and is in a fair way to make a complete recovery R C Baker government weather re porter for Bartley gives the rain fall for July as follows July 2 115 inches July 5 14 inches July 7 09 inches July 8 35 inches July 21 89 inches July 26 59 inches July 29 07 inches July 30 182 inches Total for month 510 inches Which is more than for June an un common occurrence in this part of the state On July 4th 13th and 14th there was a trace less than 01 of an inch RED WILLOW Jennie Loomis has Miss been qi ite sick Mrs Smith is visiting relatives in Lnucoln and Valparaiso Jacob Longnecker is at present clerk ing in a store in Haxtum Mrs Jno Neel and his sister Mrs Lane of Missouri were visiting her son Ira Rain has interfered with threshing five machines were at work in this com munity Mr and Mrs Jacob Randel are at tending the annual state convention of the Christian church in Lincoln Old Red Willow is on a rampage Quito unbecoming to one of her age Shocked wheat and alfalfa on the bot toms were carried off and bridges taken out The little church on the hill has been given a spring cleaning so as to make it a fie home of worship The ceiling was raised two feet the whole plastered and painted outside and inside A good Sunday school is kept up and it is a pretty sight when the bright faced third generation gather at the church Mrs Jacob Longnecker and children are visiting relatives They came from Fleming Colo to Curtis where they were met by Louis Longnecker and came in a spring wagon They were caught in a heavy rain and stopped on the way and changed their wet clothing They were hailed out in Colorado An hour after the storm a hailstone was picked up which was as long and wide as a mans hand and 1J inches thick win dow glass was broken through wire screens and the wood part of screen doors was broken COLEMAN Bandys brother of II H Missouri is here on a visit Russell Corner of Hitchcok county was in this town one day last week Frank Carrothers had twelve acres of wheat that made thirty eight bushels per acre WmSharp had 3200 bushels of wheat a few acres of barley made about seventy bushels per acre A sister of Mrs Frank Carrothers from the eastern part of the state has been visiting here She lived here from 1834 to to 1892 and was known when single as Gertrude Pate Ed Popejoy son of Eli Popejoy who lived here ten years and ten years ago went to San Luis Valley Colo is here on a visit He is working on the North ern Pacific railroad and runs from St Paul to Portland Oregon Mrs Corcoran who was run over by a wagon last Saturday died Sunday She and her husband came here in the spring of 1S85 and bought a quarter November 29th 1SS4 They made money and bought another quarter A fine house 24x24 was built this summer and was almost completed when the sad ac cident occurred Mrs Corcoran was a kind loving noble woman the kind that makes any community better Her hands were always ready to help any one in need and she will be sadly missed Henry the dear companion has left you girls mother dear has gone but has left you a noble life If you are troubled with dizzy spells headache indigestion constipation Hol listers Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well If it fails get your money back Thats fair 35 cents L W McConnell TYRONE C S Blair is shelling a carload of corn Miss Florence Moore has returned to Wisconsin W C MoTnggarts wheat crop just threshed yielded 2365 bu The roads scorn to bo worse on account of the recent heavy rains F II Brandt is enlarging his granary to be ready to store his heavy crop The doctor was called to E W Grooms Saturday They have a sick child A petition has been circulated here for the return of our pastor Rev C H Chader for another year Class 2 CATTLE BERT SHELDON Supt Lot 1 Herefords Bull 3 yrs or over 8200 S100 Bull 2 yrs under 3 200 100 Bull 1 yr under 2 200 100 Bull under lyr 200 100 Cow 3 yrs or over 200 100 Cow or Heifer 2 yrs under 3 200 100 Heifer 1 yr under 2 200 100 Heifer Calf under 1 2 00 100 vr 200 100 Cow with calf at foot 200 100 Lot 2 Shorthorns Lot 3 Polled Angus Lot 4 Galloways Lot 5 Red Poll Lot G Jerseys Lot 7 Grades Any other breed same as Lot 1 Sweepstakes Diploma BANKSVILLE A M Benjamin and family took in the show this week Last Friday night B W Benjamin had a cow killed by lightning The steam threshers are at work be tween showers threshing the gram out of the shock The Baker Medicine man wa3 around distributing his bottles of cureall to the people in this vicinity recently Over 105 inches of rain the past week making the corn grow all right but hin ders the taking care of the small grain HcCOOKS Live Stock Show MONDAY and TUESDAY and Big Parade of Stock Tuesday at 5 p m 29 An Interesting Feature of the Street Fair and Carnival which will be held Aug 28 to Sept 2 IgrajPEffaggrBaggHEZM msaBEBBi The stock will be exhibited in suitable pens built on the street where the animals may be inspected by thousands of visitors who will be present from all parts of the country No entry fees nor stall rent will be charged stock from any part of the United States may be entered up to Saturday August 26 at 4 p m Entry blanks may be obtained by applying to E J Mitchell Superintendent of the Live Stock Exhibit or to any of the superintendents of the various classes The following premiums will be paid after the awards have been placed by a competent judge The public is cordially invited to assist in making this feature of the carnival a success Bring out your good stock Class 1 HORSES V H ACKERMAN Supt Lot 1 NORMANS 1st 2nd Stallion 3 yrs or over 8200 100 Stallion 2yrsunder3 200 100 Stallion lyr under 2 2 00 100 Stallion under lyr 200 100 Mare and colt 200 100 Mare 3 yrs or over 2 00 100 Mare 2 yrs under 3 200 100 Mare 1 yr under 2 200 100 Mare under 1 yr 200 100 Lot 2 Clydsdales Lot 3 Shires Lot 4 Thoroughbrreds Lot 5 Oldenburg Coach Lot 6 Grades Any other breed same as Lot 1 Sweepstakes Diploma Class 3 SWINE GERALD WILCOX Supt Lot 1 Duroc Jersey Boar lyr or over 100 50 Boar 6 mo under 1 yr Boar 2 mo under lyr Sow 1 yr or over Sow 6 mo under lyr 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 Sow and Pigs not less than five 2 mo or under 200 100 Lot 2 Poland China Lot 3 Chester Whites Lot 4 Bfrkshires Lot 5 Tajiworths Lot 6 Grades Any other breed same as Lot 1 Sweepstakes Diploma Class 4 SHEEP DAVID DIAMOND Supt Lot 1 Rambouillets Ram 1 yr or over 100 50 Ram under lyr 100 50 Pen of Three Ewes 1 yr or over 200 100 Pen of Three Ewes under lyr 200 100 Lot 2 Grades Any other breed same as Lot 1 BBBHHSBBSaHBnHHHaBEiHniBaaniHBHEneMBBHaHHnHH I Class 5 POULTRY Lot 1 Chickens Trio any distinct breed 100 50 Lot 2 Turkeys Trio any distinct breed 100 50 Lot 3 Ducks Trio any distinct breed 100 50 Lot 4 Geese Trio any distinct breed 100 50 Dr E X Valine J PHONE 190 Office over Bee Hive DENTIST WffirYirpfcJsrtwfcSMa NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY FURNISHED AND FIKST CXASS IN RVRKV WAY Rear or First Nnfl Bank Earl Murray ywly i T Contractor and Builder Farm Buildings a Specialty satisfaction guaranteed hk rrrir MPDI3Clr i w m r iv - j -v r J On Yes Oh Yes E J MITCHELL will sell your honsoliold Roods at auction for you at any time Ho is tho boy who makes the Roods bring tho high dollar Seo him at tho Republican oilico for dates Phono 17 Dr Herbert J Pratt s j Xy7 Registered Graduate Dentist Oflico over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residenco 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono 5C Office over McCOOK McMillans drug store NEBRASKA H P SUTTON McCOOK V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico Residence 524 Main Avenue Office and Residence phone 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska EoAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Office in Postoffico building C H Boyle C E Eldhed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Laav Long Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postoffico Building tfA ook Neb DR R J GUNN DENTIST phone 112 Oflico over Grannis storo McCook Neb WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee ja 8 GS Y 1J V Wy otKt I IQUID OAL vsmm KINDS of aHI fe S A rbSTlMONIAL Belmont S D Dec 17 1902 I Used Li K for liner rlmlorn nnd - TQO oil right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones and they all got well and done line I also ned it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it Itis the only Medicine forhog cholera I think Gotlieb Jerke Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleated with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is tho best thing I ever had on the placo for everything it i intended for Itis good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHE5 CAIN Manufactured by tho National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months This Signature JHlIime Tablets M pn Cures Grip in Two Days on every cox 25c f wi vK2 ft t tf x