The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 04, 1905, Image 1

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Tho Last Number Junior Normal
830 p m
This company is tho successor
of the famous Wesleyan Male
Quartette which sang here two
summers ago Their last engage
ment was for five days this week
on the big Nebraska Epworth As
sembly program at Lincoln
Reserved seats Tuesday August
8 at McConnells sale on
This number takes the place of
Roberson who could not come
All Traveling Library books should
be in tomorrow as they are to be sent
Rhodas Teacher and Her School
by Arthur Gilman may be found in
theAugust Atlantic Monthly This
should be of interest to all teachers
The American Monthly Review of
Reviaws gives a short and concise ac
count of tho Russo Japanese peace ne
gotiators Also of John Hay as a man
and as a statesman
One of the latest novels Fair Mar
garet by Marion F Crawford author
of Mr Isaacs Corleone In the
Palace of the King is now runniDg in
Munseys It began in the June num
The steel railroad bridge across the
gorge below the Victoria Falls is nearly
completed and Mr Van Wagenen gives
a brief description of the cataract in
the June Century An object lesson in
irrigation the Truckee Carson system
which was opened June 17 is found in
the Review of Reviews
Acting Librarian
740 To Lincoln And Return
On account of the Nebraska Epworth
League Assembly the Burlington will
sell tickets to Lincoln and return at
740 August 1st to 11th inclusive
An educational interesting and amus
ing program is offered to which the fol
lowing will contribute Mr Mark Guy
Pearse of London Governor E W
Hoch of Kansas Bishop David H
Moore of Portland Dr Robert S Mac
Arthur of New York Fred Emerson
Brooks Poet of the Sierras Dr Geo
R Stuart of Tennessee Colonel H W
J Ham the Georgia Humorist Dr
Anna Shaw of Philadelphia Dr D F
Fox of Chicago Dr Stephen J Herben
Editor of the Epworth Herald Frank
R Roberson World Traveler Mr Clin
ton N Howard of Rochester N Y
Dr Wm F Anderson of New York
City Mr Ralph Bingham Promoter of
Mirth Spence and MacDonald Scot
tish Entertainers Kaffir Boy Choir
from South Africa The Locke Male
Quartette Rosani Famous Manipula
tor Oxenham with his wonderful mov
ing pictures and many others
Write for phamphlet Souvenir Tal
ent which will tell you all abo ut it
L W Wakeley
General Passenger AgentOmaha
Have Strengthened the Bridge
The bridge over the Driftwood at Cap
tain I H Wassons farm has recently
been materially strengthened and is now
safe for threshing machines an outfit
passing over the bridge the last week
This bridge was condemned years since
The bridge is now in good condition
Two Important Land Sales
Last week W F Everist sold the
Watt ranch in Hayes county to a gentle
man by the name of Bryson of Gage
county Consideration 15000 This
week he disposed of the home ranch
embracing a section of land on the Drift
wood to Ambrose Strawder of Adams
Nebraska for 88000
W H Ferguson Sells
Pictou Maitland lump coal at 775 ton
Best lump threshing at 700 ton
Best nut threshing coal at 650 ton
Best egg coal at 575 ton
He also pays the highest market price
for -all kinds of grain Try him
August 14th in the Congregational
church Dr Fox the commencement
orator of 1905 Those he delighted then
will be more than pleased to hear him
again Tickets 50c
Dinner sets tea sets toilets sets plain
ware decorated ware good cheap dishes
fine dishes everything in the line at
Helpful Rest
in be secured by purchasing a com
fortable hammock at McMillens drug
The pain of sunburn stops as soon as
you apply McConnells Fragrant Lotion
It cools soothes heels 25 cents
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for sun
burn and tan
Miss Esther Smith has returned to
Miss Mamie Sharkey is up from Lin
coln on a visit
Edna Moore goes to Crete tonight on
a weeks visit
J G Rossiter is a new clerk in The
Model Shoe Store
C H Boyle has been in Denver all
week visiting his parents
Mrs E M Day is in Michigan call
ed by tho illness of her mother
Mrs Yorker and Miss Gray have
gone on to Denver to visit relatives
Mrs J G Schobel and Marjory
visited Denver relatives over Sunday
A E McManigal is here on a visit to
relatives and friends of the olden times
Mrs P E Potter is entertaining
Mrs Julie B lorker and Miss Mma
J E Dillon of Wray Colorado was
down from the west early days of the
James Carmichael of Indianola was
a business visitor of the county capital
Miss Alberta Clark of Champaign
Illinois is a guest of Mr and Mrs V
A James
Miss Sadie Evans who has been in
Red Cloud for several months returned
home Monday
Miss Smith late of the Indianola In
dependent force is now working on the
Republican of our city
Mrs Frank Henderson left on 12
yesterday morning for Waverly Neb
on a visit to relatives
F C Kellogg was up from Republi
can City close of last week and fore
part of the present week
Mrs W B Mills went down to Lin
coln last Friday on a short visit re
turning home Monday night
Miss Helen Jones who has been a
guest for part of the summer of Mrs W
S Morlan has gone to Wymore
Miss Lettie Knipple accompanied
Miss Bessie Crites home to Hastings
last week and has been her guest since
J M Hollingsworth of Cambridge
deputy state agent for the Columbia In
surance Co was in the city Saturday
Mrs J C Marshall of Lincoln has
been the guest of her parents coming up
from the capital city Friday last on
No 1
Miss Floyd Berry and the baby
went home to Wilcox this morning
with her mother Mrs G H Mershonon
a visit
Miss Jeannette Dutton returned
from Hastings Saturday her friend
Miss Lulu Alexander accompanying her
on a visit
Rev Carman and family will return
home this week and he will occupy the
Methodist pulpit coming Sunday morn
ing and evening
Glen Rowell went up to Boulder
Colo last night with his uncle John
He wiil return with Miss Minnie in a
few weeks later
Miss Mabel Wilcox was the genial
and clever hostess to the Awl Os at
their fortnightly season of joy Tuesday
evening of this week
L R Hileman will go to South St
Joseph Mo on the 15th of this month
to take charge of the managementof the
business of the Colorado Live Stock
Commission Co
Mr and Mrs M W Eaton are guests
of Mr and Mrs A C Ebert arriving in
the city Wednesday night from Port
land and the Pacific coast on their way
home to Indiana Martin was for a
number of years employed in the Citi
zens bank in the early days They will
be here about a week
Dr Herbert J Pratt wishes
to announce to his friends and
patrons that he will return to
McCook Nebraska by August
10th 1905 Atlantic weather
The God Within
Hath wings of truth outstretched and spread
Swept swiftly onward oer thy head
Or hath thy God iu mighty Love
IXropped olive branches from above
Where dwelleth God Thy soul hath cried
Nor would thy question bo denied
Thou sought Him in the clond swept sky
Thou sought Him where the sea gulls cry
Thou sought him in the busy street
Thou sought him whore the waters meet
But never yet hath God been found
In all thy journeyings around
For God is found within thy soul
Thy hallowed Self thy perfect Whole
And all who wish tho goal to win
Must search the Kingdom found within
Then naught can keep thee from thine own
When once this secret thou hast known
The Judges Busy Week
County Judge Moore reports the fol
lowing licenses issued the past week In
each instance he married the couples en
Robert Stiner 21 and Alice Morton
19 both of Oberlin Kansas
Gus Ring 24 and Eva Ring 18 both
of Rain Hayes county They are
John W Parker 31 and Eva M
Walker 22 both of Norcatur Kansas
Lucius A Garwood 35 Oberlin Kan
sas and Mrs Kate Bateman 30
McCook Nebraska
The judge also issued marriage license
to George E Abbott 30 and Voila Devoe
22 both of Lebanon whose marriage
was noted in last weeks paper
The four additional enrollments this
week bring the total up to 23G
Principal J O Lyne of the Juniata
schools was a visitor yesterday and to
Ella Powers Bessie Duckworth of
Trenton Maymo Garlick St Ann and
Nora BurkofStratto were the new en
rollments this week
President W H demons of the Fre
mont Normal School came in Monday
afternoon to visit the normal He talk
ed entertainingly to the teachers at the
afternoon session
Reserved seats ior the Locke Male
Quartette will be checked off to holders
of season tickets Tuesday August 8 at
7 30 a m The sale will begin on the
following morning
The normal instructors made little
journeys to various places over last Sat
urday and Sunday Mr Hooper went
to Omaha Mr Barr to Holdrege and
Mr OConnell to Trenton
The present session of the jnnior nor
mal school closes one week from today
There will be an interesting music pro
gram in the forenoon of that day and in
the afternoon the Locke Male Quartette
will render a special concert
Examinations will be conducted for
state professional life certificates to day
and to morrow at the East ward build
ing Candidates do not need to take
all branches at this time and such suc
cessful grades as they achieve now will
hold good until the entire series is com
The junior normal school examina
tions which conclude the work of the
ten weeks summer course will begin
next Monday Such an arrangement
will be effected that they will interfere
as little as possible with the regular in
struction and the general exercises
which will be continued as usual
On Tuesday of next week Rev Luther
P Ludden a prominent worker in vari
ed fields in Nebraska will come to Mc
Cook to address the junior normal stu
dents Besides his appearance during
tho dav sessions he will lecture in the
evening in the East ward assembly room
Mr Lmdden is a torceiui speauer ana
all are cordially invited to come out
and hear him
Dr J A Beattie now of the Cotner
University faculty and formerly presi
dent of the Peru state normal will be
here Wednesday of next week the 8th
In addition to his day talks he will de
liver a lecture in the evening at the
East ward assembly room at 830 oclock
All friends are cordially invited to come
out to bear him There will be no ad
mission charge
Among the books in model school
library sent here at the beginning of
the summer one volume Krag and
Johnny Bear by Earnest
has been lost It is thought it may
have been carried home by some child
who attended the model school and it is
hoped that if this item falls under the
eye of one who knows anything of this
books whereabouts care will be taken
to return the missing volume
A O Thomas of Kearney newly elect
ed president of the state normal school
at that place paid the McCook junior
school a friendly and professional visit
Thursday He addressed the teachers at
the morning chapel exercises and again
in the afternoon Mr Thomas is well
known in this part of the state where
he has frequently been engaged in insti
tute work He was a member of the
McCook junior normal school faculty
two summers ago
When Frank R Roberson announced
his inability to keep his engagements
with the five Nebraska junior normal
schools State Superintendent McBrien
went at once to work to find an accept
able substitute Talent is busy at this
season with chautauqua work and he
considers it fortunate that he was able
to secure the Locke Male Quartette
These people are successors of the
famous Wesleyan Quartette which was
on tne course two years ago tms sum
mer The Locke Male Quartette is this
week serving a five days ungagement on
the monster Epworth Assembly at Lin
coln and their appearance there before
the vast crowds that attend those gath
erings should be guarantee enough for
their excellence The Locke Male Quar
tette will appear in McCook on Friday
August 11 the last day of the summer
Opening Uintah Indian Reservation
The Uintah Indiah Reservation will be
thrown open for settlement on August
28th Registration will commence
August 1st at Grand Junction Colo
Vernal Price and Provo Utah closing
August 12th Reduced rates granted
Call for particulars George S Scott
Buy an Edison Phonograph and you
will never be lonesome A phonograph
will bring more pleasures and advantages
to your home than any other instrument
you can get No other instrument is so
inexpensive no other joy so endless in
variety no other servant so tireless
You can be up to date on the late popu
lar hits and are always in a position to
entertain your friends Sold by McCon
nell Druggist
There are more fights and disturbances
on the streets just now than the good
people of this city appreciate A more
severe enforcement of law in this matter
is needed Make an end to trifling with
such law breakers
First in the hearts of all good bread
lovers is Doans 91 patent You need
the flour to Keep well fed Doan needs
your trade to knead your bread
Pastor California Avenue Congrega
tional church of Chicago
Who was high school commencement
orator this spring
will deliver his celebrated lecture
characters we have all met
Congregational Church
8 30 p m
Scores of friends with delighted re
membrance of Dr Foxs lecture of
last May will be glad to greet him
upon his return He is a masterly
man eloquent entertaining with a
rare command of language and pos
sessing noble and worthy ideals
Robert Mclntyre says Dr DF
Fox my Congregational co worker
of Chicago is a man with a message
It is an unfeigned pleasure to speed
the work of such a speaker Let
that man be untroubled who intro
duces him to an audience He never
fails to moye and uplift I say do
not miss his lecture unless you have a
a grudge against yourself Hear
For the Benefit of the McCook Con
gregational church
Tickets on sale by solicitors and at
McMillens and McConnells drug
3tores 50 cents
Mrs Henry Corcorans Sad Death
Mrs Henry Corcoran who was so ter
ribly injured in an accident last Satur
day eveningdied about one oclock Sun
day afternoon at her home in the Cole
man precinct
The circumstances of this accident
are extremely sad Mr and Mrs Corco
ran had just arrived home from their
usual trip to McCook on Saturday Mr
Corcoran had gotten out of the wagon
and started to unhitch the team Mrs
Corcoran had stepped onto the double
tree and was in the act of reaching back
into the wagon after her umbrella
when the colt which formed part of the
team suddenly began kicking knocking
Mr Corcoran about ten feet away and
rendering him unconscious for a while
The team then run away Mrs Corco
ran was thrown and dragged rome dis
tance sustaining terrible injuries about
the abdomen by the wheels passing over
her body She remained in great pain
until Sunday afternoon at one when
she was mercifully released and passed
to her home beyond
Katherine Parks was born in bcotts
township Vanderburg county Indiana
in 1848 She was united in marriage
with Henry Corcoran December 13th
1834 After a short residence in Spring
field Illinois they moved to McCook
in 1885 locating in Coleman precinct
this county Three daughters were born
to them Mollie Jennie and Maggie all
of them with the husband surviving
her Besides two sisters and one broth
er living in Evansville Indiana mourn
her tragic sad death Died at her
home in Coleman precinct Red Willow
county Nebraska July 30th 1905
Funeral services were conducted at the
farm house Tuesday afternoon by Rev
J J Loughran of St Patricks church
after which the remains were interred
in Calvary cemetery of this city There
was present at the services a large con
course of neighbors and friends attestne
the admiration and friendship they
held for the deceased and sympathy for
the bereaved father and daughters
There were a number of beautiful flor
al offerings to the memory of the
Mr Corcorans injuries while pain
ful were not of a serious nature Many
willing neighbors and friends in the
country and city have vied with each
other in every effort to assist and com
fort Mr Corcoran and family in this dis
tressing sorrow and bereavement
A Valuable Horse Killed
Fred Wasson lost a valued horse Wed
nesday night of last week at the corner
of Engineer William Woods dwelling
in West McCook in a peculiar accident
He and Leon Hileman were driving home
ward and Mr and Mrs Roy Barnes were
coming to town They met in the sha
dow at the point named neither seeing
the other in the darkness The thill of
the Barnes buggy penetrated the Wasson
horses breast and heart and the animal
died in a few minutes after the accident
Hilton Stoner Painfully Injured
Milton Stoner was quite painfully in
jured last Thursday night by falling
off of the National hotel balcony to the
pavement below a distance of perhaps
fifteen feet Fortunately his injuries
were not serious consisting of numerous
painful bruises but no fractures He
is now able to be about some and will
soon be able to resume work
County Examination
There will be an examination of teacn
ers conducted at the brick school house
in McCook on Sat Aug 12 continuing
from S oclock until 6 oclock
Flora B Quick
Co Supt
Flooded The Elevators
The rain of last Saturday night
amounting to about three and a half
inches flooded the elevators on east Rail
road street in the case of the H H East
erday Co elevator particularly Their
damage will amount to about 40000
They had 16 feet of water in their pit
which of course means that the water
arose in their bins and reached perhaps a
1000 bushels of wheat more or less dam
aging the same Much mud was washed
into the bins and pit and it took a large
force of men all day Sunday and Mon
day to pump out the water and shovel
out the mud and to get the plant in
shape for operation Tuesday morning
W H Fergusons old and new elevat
ors both had some water in their pits
the old one about seven feet and the new
one six feet But in neither case did the
water rise high enough in the pit to reach
the wheat in the hopper bins hence their
damage was very Blight and it was not
necessary for them to suspend operations
at all
A glance at the ditch excavated for
carrying off the drainage water on Rail
road street shows one conclusively that
it is entirely inadequate to tho purpose
in case of a heavy rain Tho ditch has
to carry practically all the drainage
water of the city It should be deepened
and widened The outlet at the railroad
crossing east of the city is even more help
less to fill the requirements being but
two feet square This culvert should be
largely increased
As The Tribune understands the
matter this ditch and culvert are on
Burlington railroad property If so
they should promptly make good tho in
adequacy If the matter is within tho
jurisdiction and province of the city au
thorities they should lose no time to cor
rect tuis condition
Some one is in line for damages and
properly so if adequate drainage is not
provided It is unjust to subject any
one to such loss and inconvonienco
Miss Edna M Bark
Miss Hazel Hare
assisted by others
at 8 30 p m
Admission 35c
A real musical treat is assured
by these two artists and assisting
friends A full house should
greet them
A Worth While Book Free
The Boyles College Omaha 1905 cat
alogue is just out and is free for the ask
As a review of the fields of labor
open to and opportunities beckoning to
the young man or woman who will
become a finished stonographer book
keeper or telegrapher it is a perfect eye
The Fall Term Opens Septembr 4
If you are undecided as to just what
vocation you should choose get the
catalogue read every word of it study
its columns weigh its arguments in your
own mind You will find it a source of
great inspiration Address
Boyles College
1807 HarneyOmaha Neb
Cash Offer Wanted
On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to
McCook Neb and the southeast quart
er of 22-3-29 y miles east of McCook
Neb Address owner Benj Hammer
1958 Emerson st Denver Col
The advertising of The Thompson
D G Co is absolutely reliable The
goods offered in their clearing sale see
bi advertisement on editorial page are
actually there and will be sold exactly as
offered at the sensational reductions
stated in the advertisement
One of Frank Stillmans hired men
and the horse he was riding narrowly
escaped drowning in his barnyard last
Sunday morning A big river canyon
opens out just at the barnyard and was
running a flood of water
Some years ago all machinery was
made from wood Now all first class
machinery is made from steel The
latest is a steel wagon And W T
Coleman has them
Get a hammock and enjov yourself
these piping hot days Strong roomy
hammocks at McConnells at money
saving prices
The mills of the Gods grind slowly
but never grind finer flour than Doans
mills produce
Farmers Have you enough dishes for
harvest Ludwick has the assorment to
select from
Lincoln Mixed Paint will give entire
satisfaction Sold by McMillen Drug
Here Dr Fox in the Congregational
church Monday evening August 14th
Characters you have all met at the
Congregational church August 14th
McMillens Blackberry Balsam for
summer complaint etc
Farm trucks as low as S2700 at W T
The Round Oak Chief steel range at
Stokes the grocer
-v 1 V Willi
Ludwick for dishes
McConnell for drugs
Feed mills at Colemans
3tokes grocer phone No 30
Everything in drugs McConnell
Detroit gasoline stoves at Waites
Try Stokes for groceries Phone 30
Cups and saucers 45c per set at Lud
Turnip and winter radish seed at
Those bread mixers at Colemans aro
bread winners
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Hear Dr Fox in tho Congregational
church August 14th
Remember phone No 30 when you
want nice fresh groceries
The new Press cut glassware at Lud
wicks Have you seen it
Coleman sells steel ranges as low as
1600 Call and see his line
II P Waito Co have a large stock
of bundle and header forks
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
That sliced halibut will capture you if
you try it once Stokes grocery
The infant child of Mr and Mrs D
H McMurrin died on Saturday last
Still have a good supply of fly nets
W T Coleman
French canned goods peas mush
rooms sardines etc at Stokes groc
To trade or sell A new sewing ma
chine Inquire at The Tribune office
The ladies of the Baptist church will
serve meals during the street carnival
this month
This is weather to naturally remind
you of the comfort of a lawn swing
See Coleman
It cost Martin Donahue 100 and
costs for imbibing too freely Tuesday
He liquidated
Thursday the Baptist Sundaychool
held its annual picnic They report an
enjoyable time
This is ideal weather for a gasoline
stove The Quick Meal is still the un
equalled stove W T Coleman
Prof C n Miller and F M Kimmell
will sing a duet at the morning service
in the Congregational church
I want to buy two or three good Jer
sey cows not over five years old at fair
but not fancy prices S R Smith In
dianola Neb
The bridge northeast of town over
the canyon was damaged by the flood
last Saturday night part of an approach
being washed away
Our living friends are not our only
advertisers Competitive importations
resort to devious methods to decry the
merits of Doans 91 patent
Out-of-town products are not in com
petition when quality and excellence are
considered as factors in flour Theres
none so good as Doans 91
The Womens Missionary society of
the Congregational church will meet
with Mrs I D Moore Wednesday after
noon August 9 at three oclock
Diarrhoea cholera morbus and
cramps are speedily stopped with Mc
Connells Blackberry Balsam the sure
relief for summer bowel troubles 25c
Dr Fox at the Congregational church
Monday evening August 14th The
doctors address to the graduates of 1905
marks him as a lecturer of the highest
merit Tickets 50c
McCook has an enviable reputation
as the foremost city of enterprise in the
western country Doans 91 patent has
been one of McCooks best advertise
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear
ing sale takes the centre of the stage to
morrow Saturday morning See long
list of prices on editorial page They
are absolutely bona fide reductions from
their regular money saving prices
A Fremont special to the Lincoln
Journal announces the fact that J N
Purvis has purchased the interest of
his partner Swan Nelson in the Sixth
Street Grocery of that city which by
his McCook friends will be taken as an
indication of prosperity
V H Sollidays exhibit of apples
grown in his orchard just adjoining
town to be seen in The Tribune office
is evidence of what this country can do
in that line Sol is as pleased over his
orchard as the average small boy is with
his first pair of red top boots
The 315000 appropriated by the last
legislature to pay a bounty on wild ani
mals is going at a rapid rate notwith
standing the ruling of State Auditor
Searle that no money would be paid for
animals killed prior to July 1 the date
the bounty law took effect Deputy Au
ditor Cook announced yesterday that
since July 1 the state has paid 31200 on
bounty claims Lincoln Journal