tv ore 2T c x X nr 1 K 5ST Pi PJ i - lp tfSfC -1 iSij Cure Forjhe Blues 0HE MEDICINE THAT HAS NEVER FAILED Health Fufir ResiorSef and the Jov of Life Regained I When acheerf ul brave light hearted woman is suddenly plunged into that perfection of misery the BLUES it is Picture It is usually this way She has been feeling out of sorts KMrj Rosa JdamsjW for some time head has ached and back also has slept poorly been quite nervous and nearly fainted once or twice head dizzy and heart beats very fast then that bearing don feeling and during her menstrual period she is exceedingly despondent Nothing pleases her Her doctor says Cheer up you have dyspepsia you will be all right soon But she doesnt get all right and hope vanishes then come the brood ing morbid melancholy everlasting BLDES Dont wait until your sufferings have driven you to despair withyour nerves all shattered and your courage gone but take Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound See what it did for Mrs Rosa Adams of 819 12th Street Louisville Ky niece of the late Gen eral Roger Hanson CSA She writes Dear Mrs Pinkham I cannot tell you with pen and ink what Lydia R Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has done for me I suffered with female troubles extreme lassitude the blues nervousness and that all gone feeling I was advised to try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and it not only cured my female derangement but it has restored me to perfect health and strength The buoyancy of my younger days has returned and I do not suf ier any longer with despondency as I did be fore I consider Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound a boon to sick and suffering women If you have some derangement of the female organism write Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass for advice Follow the Flan v jflll frMig Mills W N U Omaha r ex y Low Round Trips South and Southeast one fare plus 200 Hot Springs Ark daily 2300 St Louis Mo daily 1850 Chautauqua N T July 28 3400 Detroit Mich August 13th and 14th 2150 Pittsburg Pa Aug 17th and 18th 2525 Klchmond Va Sept 8th to - 11th inclusive 3375 Philadelphia Pa Sept 14th to 16th inclusive 3275 Long limits stopovers and other features ottered in connection with the above rates All Agents can sell you through tickets and route you Wabash All tickefs reading over the Wa bash from Chicago east are op tional with passenger via Lake or Rail either or both directions Call at Wabash City office 1601 Farnam St or write and let me give you all Information maps de scriptive matter folders etc HARRY E MOORES G A P D Wabash R R Omaha Neb C There is quality in Railroad Travel as in everything else C Track Trains and Time are the essentials TBE M K T Ry THE KATY has that quality a Jood thing to remember when you travel South west ft it you are in a hurry use THE KATY FLYEB PIT PITLESS SCALES ForStee and Wood Frames 25 and up Write us Dei ore you Duy w e save you fsmoney Also Pumps ana wina BECKMAN BROS Des Moines Iowa 100 Weekly Easily Made writing health and accident lnsaranceexpertence an necessarj Write Bankers Accident Co Des Homes la No 291905 Coal Fields of Spitsbergen The coal llelds of Spltzbergcn after experimental mining in previous sea slons have been found of sufficient value to Justify more extensive opera tions An expedition has been fitted out at Sheffield England In -which also some Norwegian capital is lnvestr ed About seventy men are engaged it is the intention to erect eleven large buildings to be used for lodgings sheds for machinery etc Do Your Clothes Look Yellow Then use Defiance Starch it will keep themjvhlte 16 oz for 10 cents Meaning of Prison Sentences Lord Justice jviatnew of Kngland speaking at a meeting of the ilc Prisoners Aid Society said that when he first became a Judge be ask ed a certain prison governor what It really meant to a man to be sent to a convict prison The reply was Five years do not hurt him much especially if he Is a young man But seven years means utter ruin to him When You Buy Starch buy Defiance and get the best 16 oz for 10 cents Once used always used Weak Bear Pain Best Dr J P Lockart Mummery the famou British surgeon says It Is often tremely difficult to estimate the condition of a patient with regard to his power of standing a severe op eration Often a weakly looking in dividual who looks as if he would not stand a severe operation well stands It quite well and vice versa KTITC permanently cured No fits or nerrooraeM lt rild first days use of Dr Klines Great Kerre Heator or Send for FBEE 8300 trial bottle and tretiMV Db E H Kline Iaa ssi Arch Street FhiUdelplils P The Thoughtless Rain Little drops of water Showers far and wide Always spoil the temper Of the gentle bride Cleveland Plain Dealer Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs WiL O Endslet Vanhuren Ind Feb 10 1900 The real skeleton at the reast is the man who retuses catsup and them ex plains to all the table that he never uses it because he has seen it made in the factories EXACT SIZE Special Offer The name and address of your shoe dealer and 15c to cover cost of mailing- etc will secure one of the handsome rolled gold pins illustrated above Enameled in colors and will wear for years These pins were secured by thousands of Worlds Fair visitors Only a few hundred left Write Quick Roberts Johnson SAand shoe co st lxui MANUFACTURERS OF STAR BRAND SHOES ABSSBHMBMiKliBBMiHIiWBIBanHR FOR WOMEN 4 rAT4VTAA file ftAmliflr f A their sex used as a douche is marvelouslyi stops discbarges heals inflammation and local soreness cures leuconhoea and nasal catarrh Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved injure water and is far more cleansing healing germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for alT TOILET AND WOMENS SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists 50 cents a box Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free The r Paxton company Boston Mass UL SIZES FOR SALE OR REST Send for Catalogue JSb 105 Omaha Tent Awning Co Omaha Nebraska 03 H O O o m 9 ModProducte III R- Jr S - Dsat Wtfeeat 7hcra ta Ycar Hom8 1 m 3r vJSMe kurick Tongues Veal Loaf I C iJHsftV bP Boneless Chicken Dried Beef I XSvpSbbEi Brisket Beef Soups C ITSwrfr vGKFfcfrtT tfUiedHocIc8 Beked Beans f I M dPX The JBooJcIet Eow to 2fat God Things I LIbby McNeill Libby Chicago f STOLEN GEMS HARD TO SELL Man Who Stole Tiffany pjamonds Gathered in a White Elephant In the opinion of Defective Char lie Heidelberg the man who gfole the great Tiffany diamonds has a white elephant of prodigious size on his hands While the stones represent a fortune in themselves there i3 ab solutely no way In which the thief can dispose of them without subject ing himself to immediate capture The only satisfaction left him is to gaze at the gems in the solitude of his home and weave dreams about great possibilities contained in those three sparkling bits of carbon All the diamond cutters in the world may be numbered on the fin gers of both hands said Heidelberg They have all received accurate de scriptions of the stones and if they are presented to any of these experts to be cut the person in whose custody they are will Immediately be arrested Some days ago it was reported that there was a diamond cutting ex pert in Pittsburg who had not been included in the official list An inves tigation was made at once and the re port proved to be false There is one cutter in Chicago but none nearer The description of the missing gems has been scattered broadcast and so much publicity given to the matter that even the most daring -fence would not take the diamonds at a tithe of their value In my opinion the theft was not the work of an outsider added the detective The stones were taken by some one in the store who was familiar -with the methods of the es tablishment An Appreciation I am very fond of poetry Couldnt possibly be more Every thing I lay my hands on Modern works or ancient lore But of all things Ive perused And indeed Ive read a sight Nothing seems to me so clever As the poetry I write Shakespeare Well hes pretty good Milton Hm I guess hell do Pope and Browning Just so so Keats Ive never read him through Byron Well his styles too free Tennyson 3oo serious quite None of them can hold a candle To the poetry I write I can sit and read it over Backward forward by the hour Such magnificence of diction Phrasing of unequaled power Often over it Ive pored Far into the stilly night Nothing fills me with such bliss As the poetry I write Every words a polished jewel Strings of gems are every line Strange that editors opinions Rarely coincide with mine Some day they will beg my verse But theyll never get a mite For they wont deserve such luck As the poetry I write Blanche Goodman Bath in Goldfield All trouble and inconvenience growing out of the scarcity of water in the new mining camps of Nevada is rapidly disappearing remarked Oscar J Smith lawyer and capitalist of Reno They have quite as much water in Goldfield now as will satisfy the requirements of the camp I was down at Goldfield recently and notic ing a sign on a building which pro claimed the fact that baths were to be had there I went in and announced that I would like to get a bath The fellow in charge handed me a ticket and took my money Well see here said I I dont want a bath ticket I want a bath Oh youll get a bath all right and the bathhouse manager Let me see your ticket No 813 There are abopt 812 people ahead of you Come around in about three or four weeks San Francisco Chronicle A Proper Distinction Here is a story that the Rev Mox om of Springfield tells of John Fiske which illustrates his frankness It seems that one day his wife had to report to him that their son had been guilty of calling Mrs Jones a neighbor a fool and Mr Jones a much worse fool Prof Fiske sent for the youngster and when he appeared in the library said to him sternly My son is it true tat you said Mrs Jones was a fool Hanging his head the boy replied Yes father I did And did you call Mr Jones a worse fool Yes father After a moments reflection the fam ous historian said slowly Well my son that is just about the distinction I should make Boston Record Where the Gang Rules Col Sheldon Potter who represents reformed Philadelphia in the headship of the citys police department was talking at a dinner party about gang rule and municipal corruption Gang rule he said encourages bad habits drunkenness a hundred evils This was well shown in a school board meeting in a New Eng land town Corruption in that town was rampant and in consequence dis sipation was rampant too Well at the school board meeting I speak of it was said that the clerk long before the nights business end ed was signing checks with the whisky and drinking the ink Cincinnati Enquirer Tearful Milk- A lady was complaining to her dairy man some time ago about the quality of his milk Short o grass feed mum short o grass feed this time o year said the jocular milkman Bless you them cows o mine are just as sorry about it as I am I often stands and watches em cryin regu lar cryin1 mum because they feel as how their milk dont do em credit You dont believe it Oh yes I believe it said the lady but I wish in future youd see taf they dont drop their tears into oui can The Tatler How to Preserve Eggs New laid eggs can be preserved for months by smearing the shells of them with pure glyperine on the same I day that the eggs are laid It is best to place them in a posjtion with the smaller end up Pure glycerine is much better than butter or grease as it never turns rancid and thus avoids the chance of spoiling the flavor of the eggs Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch not alone because they get one third more for the same money but also because of superior quality Lapsed in Meaning When menus are written in French by those who are imperfectly ac quainted with that language amusing effects are sometimes produced For instance on the front of a small res taurant in Vvalon a few days ago there appeared the following surpris ing Item Yellow tail a la gratis And It Isnt a free lunch either Try One Package If Defiance Starch does not please you return it to your dealer If it does you get one third more for the same money It will give you satis faction and will not stick to the iron Old Excuse Is Rejected A married Italian couple wbo left their lodgings at Aveillno wltnout pay ing their rent because tney thought the bouse was haunted have been fined 100 The judge ruled that mod ern science does not recognize the ex istence of ghosts Mrs Vflnslows Soothing Syrnp For children teething softens the gums reduces u flammaUon allays pain cures wind colic 23c a bottle Benefit of Good Manners Good manners pay even if they do lot make friends because we cannot a y to make others happy to radiate sunshine without feeling better and purer ourselves Success I had Inflamatory Rheumatism but I am well now thanks to Ur David Kennedys Farorlte Rem tdy Its my best friend Uarrett Lansing Troy U Y In after years It usually gives a married man a headache every time tie hears another man whistling the veddihg march Chicago News Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package 10 cents One third more starch for the same money Most of the so called original ideas aave been on the toboggan tor cen turies The Best Results in Starching 2an be obtained only by using De fiance Starch besides getting 4 oz more for same money no cooking re quired He who hopes for the best seldom sxpects it JayJot Stadl MxJcnia AsuiSetd speroanr - CarianaSiToiai tg8r Apetifect Remedy for Constipa tion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms o nvulsions Jeverish noS3 and Loss OF SLEJEfe lac Simile Signature o M m 1 1 YORK m I EXACT COPY OF WSAPPEB JJM saarMssg Facts Are Stubborn Things Uniform oscellent quality for OVCr 3 quarter of a Century lias steadily increased the sales of LION COFFEE The leader of all package coilees lion Coffee is now used in millions of homes Such popular success speaks for itself It is a positive proof that LION COFFEE has tho Confidence of the people The uniform quality of LION COFFEE survives all opposition LION COFFEE keeps Its old friends and makes new ones every day lit VI vwAIjIj has even more than its Strength Flavor and Qual ity to commend It On arrival from the plantation It Is carefully roast ed at our factories and securely packed in 1 lb sealed packages and not opened again until needed for use in the home This precludes the possibility of adulteration or contact with germs dirt dust Insects or unclean hands The absolute purity of LION COFFEE is therefore guaranteed to the consumer Sold only in 1 lb packages Lion head on every package Save these Lion heads for valuable premiums SOLD BY -GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPIOE CO Toledo Ohio I iVlueller Pianos Are Sent Free to responsible people on trial If you dont say they aro 10000 better than any piano you have seen box it up send it back at our expense Our Prices Are Way Down because we have no agents or travelers Our terms are cash or 2000 down and 500 monthly Write today for cata log and prices Address the makers SCHMOLLER MUELLER EstnbllMhed 1859 OMAHA NED Dont Poison Baby prOETT YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must have PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep These drugs will produce sleep and A PEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP PROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING Many are the children who have heen killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric laudanum and morphine each of which is a narcotic product of opium Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all or to anybody without labelling them poison The definition of narcotic is A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep out which in poisonous doses produces stupor coma convul sions and death The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised and sold under the names of Drops Cordials Soothing Syrups etc You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed CAST0RIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NARCOTICS if it bears the signature of Chas H Hetcher 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m t Twi 1 1 1 v i i ivn i ti i u rni r n n i si AVcge table Preparationfor As theFoodaiulRegula ting theSiomachs and Bowels of Promotes DigestionCheerful ness andResEContalns neither OpiurnMorphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic ReapcafOidnrSAMUELPIKHER m Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas H Fletcher Dr J W Dinsdale of Chicago 111 says use In all families where there are children I use your Castoria and advise It3 Dr Alexander E MIntle of Cleveland Ohio says I have frequently pre scribed your Castoria and have found it a reliable and pleasant remedy for children Dr J S Alexander of Omaha Xeb says A medicine so valuable and bene ficial for children as your Castoria is deserves the highest praise I find It In usa everywhere Dr J A McClellan of Buffalo N T says I have frequently prescribed your 5storia for children and always got good results In fatt I use Castoria for my own children Dr J W Allen of St Louis Mo says I heartily endorse your Castoria I have frequently prescribed it in my medical practice and have always found It to do all that is claimed for it Dr C H Glidden of St Paul Minn says My experience as a practitioner with your Castoria has been higher satisfactory and I consider It an excellent remedy for the young Dr H D Benner of Philadelphia Pa says I nave used your Castoria as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect and fully endorse it as a safe remedy Dr J A Boarman of Kansas City Mo says Tour Castoria Is a splendid remedy for children known the world over I use it in my practice and have no hesitancy in recommending it for te complaints of infants and children Dr J J Mackey of Brooklyn N T says Iconslder your Castoria an ex cellent preparation for children being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste A good remedy for all disturbances of the digestive organs Dr Howard James of New York City says It is with great pleasure that I desire to testify to the medicinal virtue of your Castoria I have used It wltlx marked benefit in the case of my own daughter and have obtained excellent results from lt3 administration to other children in my practice GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY TT MURRAY 6T NEW YORK CITY m jury yjiA ki