14- t i J I i It If fr i I DANBURY 43 n Stilgebouor is on tho sick list 43 W Stilgobouer is on tho sick list Mrs E B Young went to McCook on 4Nlondny Mr Nog d Indianola is hero working or J L Sargent One of tho LnEFerty boys fell off a hay stack and broke bis arm Friday Born to Mr and Mrs Albert Must grave a boy Thursday July Gth Tho carpenters have gotten tho framo nwork of J L Sims house started Mrs Wills of Peoria III is hero utiug with her brother Wm Eiferfc and -family On account of washouts our merch ants aro having their goods shipped by way of Indiauola John Keinington did not come up with the cash therefore the salb is on for Ifothcots place Miss Alma Noe of Indianola who was visiting with Miss Phyllis Sargent re turned home Sunday An item in last weeks papor which read Mrs Young and younger boys and Clifford Burbridge spent the Fourth -in llemdon should have read Mrs Oeorgo and two joungest boys and Clifford Burbridge spent tho Fourth in don SSHESTEFTS EKBUSf w mmmYki pills Sff - Aliyi n liaul Lrti ask IlruKgim fai CmCHBSTKRS K7itilSil hi Uc and jll metallic bases healed with blue nUbou Tafee no ottr JbUTuhe clnctgifrmi i Jwlionx end itaiixli fust Buy ot vpur Dmgiriii or send in stamps for r3rtlpulr momImIx and Relief Cot- IatCles m Utter JtyrecrnM KiGOO TcMlmonialh bold by ll Uruggisrs CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO Monti ou tfcU oauMr W F Wilson Successor to Nick Colling Buys and Sells 3econhand Goods of all kinds Furniture wanted Rear of De Groffs Phone 3i6 McCook Nebraska I m3 A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for I olowing Always tne best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska I Chamberlains COLIC CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea It has been nsed in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success It can always be depended xipon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio andchol era morbus It is eqnally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Buy it now It may save life Pkice 25c Large Size 50c ftWfnflWWWMjlWWfclllMUWIMil LIVE STOCK MARKETS AT KANSAS CITY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS OFFICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAKP FIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kansas City July 12 1903 Receipts of cattle thus far for the week are 33800 last week 17500 last year 3700 Mondays market was steady to strong Tuesday best light and handy weights beeves good cows and heifers and best stockers and feeders were steady other kinds slow to lower Today choice heavy steers wero steady to 10c lower bnt handy- woights active and strong to 10c higher Best cows and heifers were steady others 10c low er Bulls were steady veals strong to 21c higher Stockers and feeders dull with prices unchanged Tho following table gives prices now ruling Kstra prime corn foil bUiers 5 f0 to Si 71 Good I S3 to 5 -Jo Ordinary 4 25 to -175 Choice conned honors i ft to Oood - 4 TiO to Medium 77i to Choice corufed cows 1- 00 to Good IS 50 to Medium J 5i 00 to Canner- v 1 T0 to Choice stags t 25 to Choice foci bulls 3 50 to Good A S3 23 to Rologim bulls 2 25 to Veal calves f 00 to Good to choice native or -western stockers 4 Ofr to Fair 3 25 to Common 12 75 to Good to choicftlioavyna tiro feeders 1 25 to Fair 75 to Good to choice heavy branded homed feeders 4 1 CO to Fnir Xfl to Common 3 CO lo Good to choice stock heifers 2 75 to Fair 2 25 to Good to choice stock calvesStoers 4 00 to Fair 3 50 to Good to choice stock calvesheifors 3 00 to Fair 2 50 to 500 4 25 4 50 4 00 If 50 2 50 175 4 10 i ro 2 75 5 25 1 75 3 75 3 25 4 75 425 4 50 4 10 3 50 3 00 2 75 4 no 3 00 Receipts of hogs thus far this week are 13200 last week 10100 last -year BARTLE Mr Simond of Cambridge was a business caller Wednesday Harry L Brown and family made a business trip to Indianola Tuesdav afternoon Mr Tri Rliepts fini rftsidenee is now Mr and Mrs Arthur Puckett arc the happy parents of a little girl born to them recently George Oaks of South Dakota visited with his sister Mrs K Y Axtell and family last week S K Grisell has moved to Cambridge where he will be more conveniently sit uated to his carpenter work Mr Jones store building is nearly fin ished and he expects to be doing busi ness in his new quarters next week Harvesting will be mostly done this week and threshing has begun The grain is of a fine quality and will make a large yield MrsFK Barrett wife of sheriff from Marysville Kansas arrived in Bartley on 12 Tuesday morning for a visit with her brother C E Mathews and family Our special needs in Bartley are a good hotel and a Harness snop and on the side a connection with out being controlled by the Nebraska Telephone monopoly Dr and Mrs J E Hathorn left on 5 Wednesday evening for their western trip They will be absent about one month making their first stop at Port land Oregon Mrs Jade Arbogast and children re turned from a visit at Holbrook Mon day evening Mrs Dan Jennings came with her and will visit friends and rela tives here for a few days Work on the farmers elevator was commencedthis week Two cars of lum ber have been received It is the inten tion to rush the work and be ready to receive grain by August 1st Mrs P L Bruning sister of Will Wight came herefrom Belvidere Neb to see her mother Mrs Bede who has been quite sick After a weeks stay she returned to her home Tuesday In the Tom Worral suit against the grain dealers trust it was proven that the farmers elevators were secretly in the trust Will the farmers elevators in Red Willow county go and do like wise The ladies of the Christian church held a social and a quilting bee at the church Wednesday They enjoyed the occasion and turned out some fine quilts which will be sold at auction and the proceeds go into the church fund Mr Guy and several other parties are over from Lebanon to get their merchan dise which must now be shipped to Bartley on account of washouts on the Beaver branch of the B M Mr Guy says every body is so busy now harvest ing it is almost impossible to get teams to haul the goods from Bartley to Leba non INDIANOLA W II Wadsworth is here fromChick afaha I T Miss Nellie Andrews of McCook spent Sunday in Indianola Miss Alice Thomas is visiting out in tho country this week G B Morgan was over from Danbury on business Wednesday Samuel Bastian of Danbury was an Indianola visitor Wednesday Miss Nancy Stevens spent the 4th of July at Mindon with her parents A 11 Bell drove over to Stockvllle last Thursday on a matter of business Ileny Ough came up from AIvo a few days ago and is visiting his son Milo Mr W II Ileiman and daughter ar rived home from York Friday evening Mrs J K Neel has gone to Sargent Nebraska to visit a sister at that place Thomas Duncan has returned from his trip to Portland Oregon and other western points Miss Bertha Porter camo homo from York where she had been on a visit Fri day evening TVto Miller and family have moved to Culbertson where Pete will take charge of a threshing engine Mrs A Tcel and daughter Gertie arc in Sycamore Springs ICansns for the betterment of Miss Gerties health Mrs Jones and daughter came over from Danbury Sunday afternoon and took No 5 for her home in Peoria III Work lias neon commenced on the new brick buildings of E Day and H W Keyes Elmer and Howe are the architects MrsMyrtle Thomas and children of Lincoln have been visiting at A Manns tho past week They left lor their home Sunday morning W P Elmer lias the foundations of Keyes and Days now business houses Snishe i and thovork will bo finished as rapidly as circumstances will permit Mr and Mrs Frye living east of town are entertaining a son from 4 W nnr nA loirrUta frMr 1 -11 UllUiiiiU ti Missouri also quite a numoeroi smaii granuoqnuion Columbus Wis of Danbury came over to Indianola aftr goods Wednesday I w wwo UC ouu w wt lw - Qn too ofnnn f I Ula liltlliLH IV tO OUiUU LU 5c higher Tuesday trade was mostly 5c lower and today- strong- to vj higher Bulk of sales were from 5A26 to 8550 top 8552 This top is tiie highest since April Receipts of sheep thus far this week are 13800 last week 10300 last year 1000 Trade Monday was steady to 10c higher Tuesday sheep were steady to 10c higher but lambs 10c to 13c lower Today both sheep and lambs advance 10 to lfjc We quote choice lambs 7 25 to 750 choice yearlings 575 to 6 00 choice wethers 540 to 5G0 choice ewes S4 50 to 4 75 Wm Mullin died was buried in the Wednesday after- enclosed and is being pushed rapicly tohundiwe sr ey nDe dJS course given at the Methodist ehuich by completion j the Rev N W Hawkins of the Con re- L Winter of White City Kansas is gational church visiting his nephew James Winter who A small show made its appearance in is quite sick account of high waters along the other routo A young child of Tuesday night and Indianola cemetery noon Johu Fia3 and family came up from Cambridge Tuesday evening Mrs Fias will visit her folks whiio John helps in the harvest field W H Smith Son havo their build ing moved back and will immediately commence the construction of a brick front which will give thorn more room for their goods Mrs J Welborn returnee from David City Friday evening where she has beeu visiting relatives for the past sever al weeks She was accompanied by her niece Miss Reasoner Our boys went down to Cambridge Wednesday last to plav ball They played two games one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon and came out worsted in both Poor boys Union meetings are being held in the churches every Sunday evening Last our town last wecl wane giving tneir performance on Friday evening the wind began to moan and wave the canvas and the people concluded that as it was getting Jate they would not stiy to see the end of the performance They mado a pretty quick exit from the tent and sought their homes and cellars It was only a blow however and finished up with another rain such as the people as Nebraska are getting familiar with Bud Yearsley living eighteen miles northwest or Indianola committoa sui cide last Thursday morning by cutting his throat and afterwards jumping into an old well which ho had dug a few years ago on his place about a half mile from the place he lived when he com mitted the terrible deed lie had been acting strangely for some time and watch was kept on his movements On the night of his demise he was missed from the house by his family and a search was instituted which resulted in the finding of his body in the well He leaves a wife and two children in com fortable circumstances The burial took place Friday in the Indianola cemetery LEBANON We had an inch of rain Saturday Dr R B Campbell was a Bartley vis itor Monday Mr More has the addition to his house nearly done The Duff elevator will be run by a man from Odell Neb Wm Cumming cut his barley that was under water with a mower John Jolly left the first of the week for Kansas to fit his machine for the threshing George Ralsten is very sick His nephew Ward C Hunt came Monday from Holdrege L E Weir bought a driving team of Hover Bros at Bartley He bronght them home Monday Wm Staples went to Bartley last week and Wm Morgan first of this week after groceries for the merchants D A Waterman drove to Bartley Monday and took the train for McCook to attend a meeting of the board of county commissioners The farmers now have a contractor to build their elevator but they will have to wait until the road is opened up so the material can be shipped Sam Kinkaid left Monday via Bartley for Colorado He came back to Wilson ville to spend the Fourth and to Leban on the fifth and said hello to friends The Beaver Valley Telephone Co had a specialist out on the party line north of town a few days ago trying to find the difficulty They found it in Weib lers phone We understand that the heavy rains took out every bridge in the Tyrone pre cinct Many roads are impassable It will be impossible to move the wheat unless something is done soon fiiLiM i Bfcj SCHOOL CREEK E S Vandervort is on the sick list J C Sedden and wifo spent Sunday with E S Dutchor and wife Mrs Mary Kimmorling from Frontier county is visiting her mother Mrs Kil gore Mrs Sam Dragoo is quite sick at the homo of her parents W P Burns on Ash Creek Ed Vandervort Eiias Kesslor and Calvin Sedden attended church in Bart ley Sunday The mail failed to come this way Sat urday on account of the bad roads caus ed by the late rains TYRONE The roads are badly washed out August Broman of Chicago is visit ing relatives hero W C McTaggart and C S Blair each have their new houses completed The Sunday school and church ser vices hvae been better attended than for many years T O Warner and wifo drove out from Cambridge Monday visiting Mathenys and J C Moores At the school meeting a tax of 25 milis was voted C S Blair was elected direc tor and F H Brandt was elected treas urer Beautify your complexion with cost If you wish a smooth clear com plexion rosy cheek3 laughing eyes take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea greatest beautifier known 35 cents t - r s 1 ntj zr 1 t j -- iw i i m nw -S ftW CZS Cf ff 5Cj KH S P tr Lf j ae i i i la A iW 3 Ik i3 Ml 1000 LOAN sva KS Have eyes bigger than their stomachs according to an old saying They over eat themselves and are tempted by all sorts of injurious and indigestible edi bles As a consequence the foundation of serious stomach trouble is often laid in childhood For children with weak digestion or whose stomachs are diseased Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discovery may be confidently recommended It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition so that the nourishment contained in food is per fectly assimilated and the puny child is built up by food into a condition of robust health Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery There is nothing just as good for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition Mrs Ella Gardner of Waterview Middlesex CoVa writes My little daughter is enjoying splendid health I am glad I found a doctor who could cure my child Whenever she feels badly I give her tr Tierces Golden Medical Discovery and she is soon all right She took twelve bottles of the Golden Medical Discov ery eight bottles of Pellets and one bottle of of Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy and she is well We thank God for your medicine Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y Building can Not a cent wauted unless you nro cured If you are sick and ailing take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Toa A great blessing to the human family Makes you well keeps you well 33 cents Tea or Tablets Where are you sick Headache foul tongue no rippotite lack energy pain in your stomach constipation Hollisters Roclty Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well 13 cents NOTICE TO LAND OWNKRS To Nels J Jolm on V II Lum AlTa OKeeley and Henry Wyfcuff and to all whom it may con cern The uppointid to locate a roail commencing at north east corner of sec tion eighteen lb town one 1 range twenty nine20 in Gervor precinct Hed Willow county Nebra kn running thence we t along tho sec tion line and entering road along raruco lino at the north west corner of s cetion emlitci n IS town one 1 rungo twentj uinn 2D west 0th 1 M Tho aid road to be 00 feet widn has re ported in favor of tho location thoreof and all objections thereto or claims for damages iiu t be liled in the munly clerks ollice on or before noon of the 23rd day of August 190iorSrtid road will without reference thereto K J Wiico County Clerk OKDER OF yEHtlXG State of Nebraska 11 Willow county ss At a count court hold at the county court room in and for said county of Ked Willow June 23 i j05 Present Frank Mtiore countv judge In tho matter of the estate of Anna C Wood de ceasvd On reading and filing tho petition of F L Fraloy praying that administration of said estato ruaj be granted to Jame G- Ward as administrator Ordered that July 15 A D 1905 nt ten oclock a m is aligned for hear ing paid petition when all persona interested iu said matlernui uppear at a county court to be lild in and for sauI -county and show cause why tho orajer of iwtitioner should not be granted ued that notice of the pendency of bitiil petition and the hearing thereof bo Riven 1 to all person intere UHt in -am matter by pub lishing a coin of thi order in Tb McCook Tri- little I na1 a weekly newspaper printed in 1 iiir tun Mircrnxio crr fiiiur n K4 uttj of hearing A true copy- EAt Fkank Moore County Judge Boyle Eldred attorney- notice ToGFonnje C Gray and to whom it may con cern Nofce is hereby Riven that on the 24tb day of November litis tiie nndersisrned John Wentz hr purchased of O U Iliomp on tiia then county trourer of Rd Willow couutv Nebraska at public sale fur tnselot fivoblock eijjht in the town of West McCook Reil Willow countv Nebraska for tl tuxes levied and as sessed tlvreon for the jiur 1SD6 to 1902 inclus ive That I have paid the Mibsequeut taxes levied aud anssed on -aid lot for the years Vm and 1004 That aid hit was uws ort for taxes for the year IWt and ISXm in the name of Grorjjn C Gray The time allowed in which ti redeem said hit from said purchase will expire November 24th 1905 John Went Sk NOTICE Ol CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice it hereby siven that by vivfcuo of n cer tain chattel mortpapo dattd July 10th J WW and duly filed in the oflieo of the county clerk of Hitchcock county Nebraska on tln Ilth day of July liKi and also filed in the otliro of tbo county clerk of Rod Willow conuiv Nebraska on Julj 1 lWatHl executed b Felix Baunipart aid Lawrence 31 Bannipart to A W Stevens Co to secure I he paj ment of the of 00 and upon which there is now due tho nm of 71 default bavins been made in the pay ment of said sum and no snit or other proceed ings at law having lven instituted to recover said debt or any Dart thereof exeept on one note for Ji0 duo November 1 1803 soenred therebj on which jufijfnieiit was rendered June 11 ISOi for SMIJC and cost lX on which judgment execution was issued Juie 7 19Utanrf returned wholh June S KK13 al o by virtue of a certain chattel mortcasje dated July 27 liKKl and duly filed for record in tho ollice of the countv clerk of Ilitchcock county La on Juh V lKKi and aUo filed in the ollice of tho county clerk of Red Willow countv Ne braska on July llMKi executed by Feliz Banm atrtrt to W Steven- Co to the pa ment of the sum of qIUOU CO upon which there is now duo tho urn of SIiMll default having been made in tho payment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof except on one note for C11W due No vember l 190i ecnred thereby on which judg ment was rendered on tho 2lst day of March 11X14 for JliijO and co t -17 on which judg ment execution was issued June 7 lSOi ami re turned wholly unsati fied June 1WJ therefore we will ell tho following property described in taid chattel mortgages to wit One JVhorM power Stevens traction engine No 1S4 together with appurtenance ami fix tures belonging thereto One rebuilt SUxIiG Stevens Separator No 0213 Ono rebuilt Sattlej Stacker No lh One Peoria Weigher No 4596 together with attachment- and fixtures belonging thereto One 12 horse power Minneapolis Engine No At public auction at the south end of Man chester Avenue adjacent to tho right of way of the Burlington Railway Company in tho citj of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on tho 29th day of July 1903 at the hour of ten oclock a m of said day Dated July 7 1003 A W Stevins Co Boyle it Eldred itt agents Mortgagee Gonssgn You Live Stch To 1 I 8T0GK YARD MSAS MTV MO I m We also have our own houses at jf 1 HCA30 SOUTH OftfJAHA SBOUX CITY I I SOUTH ST JOSEPH DENVSR 1 Read our market letter In this paper Write us tor any special Information desired if l -- - with the McCook Co operative Savings Association be paid off in monthly payments of 12 50 If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain system Office in First National Bank our McCook Building Savings Association NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY yiKNISIIED AND KinST CLASS IN FVEUY WAY Koar or First National Rank 10 Alt h IIUItR rftoeriJ Pratt RrOISTEKED GnDlVTK Dentist Ollleu over McConnclls Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Ollico If residence Ml Former locution Atlanta Georgia L H LINDEMANNX Real Estate Insurance Phono Kit Ollice over ilcMillens drug store II V SUTTOK McCOOK ilrCOOK NKUKASK V j eYZeiee MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASK DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Offlc Bldg Phone No V McCOOK NEB Consultation free JFHartMD McCOOK NEBRASKA Office honrs 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p u Phones Ollice 155 residenee 45 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 524 Residence phone XL Main Avenue Ofiicc Calls answered uigi day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0E3SET AT LAW and BONDED ABSTSACTEIt McCook Nebraska 3oAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of Mcf it Waterworks Ollice in Po tolre building C II Rotle C E Eldrku Co Atj BOYLE ELDRED Attokneys at Law Long Distance Phone 41 Room 1 anil 7 ecoirf floor Podtollice Kuilding DR 9 iU Si McCook Neb DENTIST ft- n2 Ollico over Grannis store McCook N b 1 F D BURGESS 2 mm mi Sfeeni Fitter TKX mmtmbi iTi rri i 1 1 in M i n Iron Lead and Sewer P pe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Tr mm ngs Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Bunding McCOOK NEBRASKA ssaNSsassSJNjrsasrs2ssrs WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Ee prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee wav tns f xm 1 I iilI m KiG77m TJ AoirW IQUID OAL irt5 W W FA TESTIMONIAL Delmont S D- Dec 17 1S02 I nsed L K for hog cholera and it was all risht It cured my hoits I had three sick onea and they all Rot well and done fine I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it i all you claim for it Itis the only Medicine forhog cholera I think Gotlieb Jerke BfarrinKton Neb Dec 11 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my 1ior3 with it last year and am goinp to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thine I ever had on the place for everything it is intended for It is good for chicken cholera lice on stock insect of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman- JAHE5 CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa I To Cure a Cold in One Bay sSk j I Take Laxative BrOMO Qftinine Tablets JS on every I 1 Seven Million bores sold in post 12 months TMs Signature V lOX 25c I Jl IIHT Ln 1 vjMsm AMAvCir X 11 tf 1