The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 14, 1905, Image 5

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- McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 5 47
Wheat 92
Oat3 a
Eye K
Bnrloy j5
Ho8 77
V i C5
Ebk JO
Good Btittor ir
Water Tax Notice
Wnter Tux for the 3rd quarter will be
due July first
Patrons will please take notice that
water tax is delinquent on the 10th inst
and if not paid by the 20th water will
be turned off
Attention is called to the fact that
the use of open hose or of a nozzle for
sprinkling with an opening larger than
three sixteenths of an inch is pro
hibited by the rules of the Company and
ordinances of the city of McCook
June 30th 1905 3ts J E Kellkv
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice July 5 1905
Green Mary J Johnson Mr Elmer
Johnson Clifford D S Johnson Mr
Elbert Morbas Mrs P Nunson John
Salisbury Mr C II White Mrs P S
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
P M Kiaimell Postmaster
A Guaranteed Cure For Plies
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure auy case
no matter of how long standing in 6 toll
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Keduced Rates
to JansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medioina for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Siuirfrish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form 3n cents a bor Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
Ayerk Pills
Want your moustache or beard
abeautiful brown or rich black Use
Farmers Attention
M Time Card
iSjSsUMi McCook Neb
No 6
Central Timo
See us for
your work
ing clothes gloves etc Call on us any old
time Open evenings no need to quit work
during the day
1150 p it
620 a ii
900 a m
1015 p si
main line west depart
No 1 Mountain Timo 1205 p M
3 AUKv jr
13 S50si
5 615 p 31
Xo 5 local to Wrny
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5IOp ji
No 175 departs 645 AM
Sleeping dining and reclining chair curs
spats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
btates or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Pafceen
gor Agent Omaha Nebraska
A Fatal Burlington Wreck
Republican City Neb July 8 A
mixed train was wreckod on the Oberlin
branch of the Burlington near Kanona
Kas and two people killed and three in
jured The dead
Miss Millie Roll Republican City
Henry White residence not known
The injured
Dr A A AUenTopeka Kas
Ed Bender Hastings Neb
Mrs W L Egbert Republican City
Miss Koll is the daughter of the en
gineer of the train and Mrs Egbert is
the wife of the fireman and they were
going to tne otner end of tbe run to
spend Sunday with the husband and
father The whole train went into the
ditch The cause being soft track due
to the recent heavy rains Special to
Lincoln Journal
You can depend on Ayers
Hair Vigor to restore color to
your gray hair every time
Follow directions and it never
fails to do this work It stops
fallingofthehairalso Theres
great satisfaction in knowing
you are not going to be
1 pointed Isnt that so
My lmtr faded until It was aloit vrliite It
took just one bottle of Avers Hair Vigor to
restore it to its former iirk rich color Your
Hair Vigor certainly docs what voti ciiiiu for
it A M Uoggan Kockingliiini X C
gl00 a bottle
All cirugjists
1 c ayii
miill v
Fading Mai
Sugar coated easy to take
mild in action They cure
constipation biliousness
sick headache
J CAyerCo
uoweii mass
Firxr cis of druggists os b p call t co tusBPd w q
llSlllill ISlillKIH
1 000 or More
Wanted at Once
We are offering until AUGUST 1 our entire stock of
pg Clothing Shoes
and Furnishings
a few ladies ready-to-wear apparel such as SHIRT
WRAPPERS COLLARS of every description
BELTS etc etc All these goods will be offered at
your own price We must raise the money to buy
fall and winter goods It may be of interest to our
patrons and customers to know that good wool
clothing has advanced in price and to retain our
reputation of underselling all others for the highest nJjpM
grade of goods we must have 1000 or more to buy St5
for cash and gam our liberal casn discount enabling
us to give our customers the benefit at the old fig
ures Any article you need in our line will be
greatly reduced
5 The Working Mans Friend
Mr and Mrs C RLiggett are visit
ing in Hamburg Iowa
BrakemanTJ E Bryan is visiting over
in Iowa with the homefolks
Brakeman G L Burney had a finger
mashed at Holbrook Tuesday
The Republican City Oberlix line was
opened up for traffic Wednesday
Switchman W W Prall returned to
work yesterday after a short layoff
The pay car will be here tomorrow
evening at five oclock running special
Brakeman H W Conover had a toe
mashed on the Imperial lino Wednes
Prank Green formerly employed in
the blacksmith shop here was iu the
city last Friday on a visit
William Dukes of the repair track
force Emersons growing gang is off
duty nursing an injured hand
Conductor and Mrs Brooks were over
from Oberlin to attend the funeralTues
day returning home on Wednesday
Conductor Frank Quigley is off duty
awhile and Conductor Will Turley is
down on the Hastings Red Cloud line in
his stead
Brakeman and Mrs E O Scott and
Brakeman and Mrs M R Sheldon de
parted on Wednesday night for Repub
lican City
Brakeman George Martin arrived
home from Hastings yesterday having
attended the burial of his
in that city
The wrecker while at work on the
wreck near Kanona Wednesday tipped
over injuring one man quite severely
and two others slightly
W M Edgar who left the Burling
ton and went to the D N W P as
trainmaster has resigned and gone into
the D R G service as assistant supt
The Knights of Pythias gave Stuart
McLean a hearty send off Wednesday
Several private dinnerparties also attest
ed to the high regard in which he is
James Stangland has been out on the
road the past ten days with Supt
English who is in charge of repairs be
ing made over the division Car 10 is
with them
DThe stork visited the home of Brake
man and Mrs Earl M Snyder Sunday
morning and the young couple are now
exercising parental concern over a prom
ising ten pound son
A Gregory special from the south
running as first 13 went through here
Tuesday morning It was composed en
tirely of Pullmans and carried a touring
party bound for the Yellowstone Park
Portland and other points of interest
west jonauccor ivendlen was in
Local officials are making every effort
to secure laborers for the Burlingtons
frieght car repairing service With a
greatharvest in progress soon every
available freight car will be required to
move the same to market Many addi
tional men can be used here now by the
Stuart B McLean will leave tonight
on No 3 for Sterling Colo to enter
upon his duties July loth as chief clerk
to Supt McFarland of the Sterling divis
ion L W Stayner late receiver and
clerk to Trainmasters Kenyon and
burn succeeds him as clerk in Supt
Englishs office Stuart is one of the
most popular boys in the McCook head
quarters and a host of enthusiastic
friends congratulate him
In view of locating three institutions
at this and other points for the worlds
spiritual conquest Sunday at 330 pm
in the city hall of this place a sermon
will be presented on Spiritual Possi
bilities in soul saving by a minister
of the gospel who has been in the work
for the worlds conversion to Christ for
nearly 55 years Seats free All inter
ested are invited
D W Godfrey Musician
W Meyers an old time shoe maker
from Lincoln has accepted a position
at The Bee Hive
nome for Families of Bandits
Not actuatedby remorse but by pure
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of
outlaws has concluded to devote all
his money to the maintenance nf
home for the orphans and widows of
men he has run to earth in particular
and of criminals of the great South
west in general Jim Jenkins now of
Kansas is now 65 years old and has
spent forty years as a scout and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers In this
way he has made about 50000 Among
the distinguished outlaws he has
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill
Cook wnlle he was the leader of the
band that caught Cherokee Bill in 1S95
In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kasj
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his bag of bad men at about 150
The homfc -which is
being built on a
5000 are farm owned by Jenkins
near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20
000 Buffalo Express
Dynamos Drlvon from Car Axle
The Great Western Railway of Eng
land is lighting its corridor trains by
electricity obtained from dynamos
driven from the car axle Storage bat
teries are carried for use when the
running speed is slow and for stops
On nocouut cf th abolishment of tho
oflieo of receiver the clerical woik of the
trainmasters office has been merged with
the time keeping department and Time
keeper Schobel and his assistant A P
Ely together with Caller and Stenog
rapher Sokes are now performing the
duties of both offices and are now located
iu the trainmasters offices
TSt Juke of
an Orange
is its only varlue you
cant eat the rind Same
with wheat the hull is
not intended to be taken
into the human system
It is removed before
the wheat is crushed for
California Wheatose
flaked wheat food for breakfast
AH good grocers
An ordinance npproprintini sums of money
necessary to defray the expense and liabilities
of the City of McCook Red willow county Ne
braska for the current municipal year And
levying a tax upon tlio taxable property within
said city to pay the same
Be it ordained by tlio Mayor and Council of
the city of McCook
Sec1 The following sums of money be and the
same is hereby appropriated to defray tlio nec
essary expenses and liabilities of the City of
McCook for the current fiscal year beginning on
tlio first Tuesday in May 190
Salaries of officers 000
Making and repairing streets alleys
walks and cross walks 1C0000
For Firemen and supplies C0000
Supplies rents claims and elections 170000
Interest on bond and sinking fund 100000
Public Library 70178
Rents for hydrants watering troughs
and sprinkling streets 170000
Lighting streets and park 140000
Sec 2 That there bp and the same is hereby
levied upon the taxable property within the
corporate limits of the city of McCook Red
Willow County Nebraska the following tax
on said property namely
General fund 10 mills
Water fund 3
Electric light fund 3
Said levy to bo made upon each dollar valua
tion as shown by the county assessment of said
property for the year 190
SecM This ordinance to take effect and be in
force from and after passage approval and pub
lication according to law
Passed and approved this 10th day of July
190i H P Waite Mayor
Attest W A Middleton City Clerk
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Neb July Gth 1905
The board of equalization met pursuant to
adjournment Present D A Waterman Sam
uel Premer and J II Bennett County Commis
sioners F P Eno County Assessor and E J
Wilcox County Clerk
Minutes of previous meeting were read and
The board having completed equalization of
assessments find that the total assessed value of
the real and personal property of Red Willow
county as returned by the assessors and equal
ized by the Board of Equalization for tlio year
1905 to bo 177795034
On motion the levy of taxes for the year 1905
was made as follows
County General fund 9 mills
County bridge fund 3
County road fund 27
Soldiers Relief fund 03
McCook City Bond 2
Bartley Village Bond 5
North Talley Precinct Bond 3
Willow Grove Precinct Bond due in 190S 1
Willow Grove Precinct Bond due in 1911 1
District Levy District Levt
2 20 mills 4S G mills
S 2 51 10
16 1- 52 2
17 4 54 12
22 3 57 a
29 1 61 7
36 5 70 4
44 1 76 6
S2 11 S3 7
84 7
The estimate of the School Board of the City
of McCook having been filed as by law direct
ed the following levies were made
For current expenses 23 mills 9S9000
For interest on bonded debt and to
create sinking fund 4 mills 1500 00
On motion Board adjourned sine die
D A Wytekmax Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb July 6 1905
Tho board of county commissioners metpursu
ant to adjournment Present D A Waterman
Samuel Premer and J H Bennett county com
missioners C E Eldred county attorney arid
E J Wilcox county clerk
Minutes of previous meeting were read and
The petition of Eugene S Dutcher and others
asking for the location of a public road was read
and considered They find that all of tho re
quirements of tho law have been complied with
and the public good requires it On motion the
petition was granted and the road established
as follows
Commencing at tho N E corner of the N W
quarter of section 35 township 3 range 27 and
running thence west 41 chains along the section
line to a point 4 rods west of the N E corner of
the N E quarter of section 34 township 3 range
27 thence north 5 chains and 13 links thence
southwesterly 7 chains and 50 links to intersect
said section line at a point 30 rods west of the
N E corner of section 34 township 3 range 27
thence west again on said section line to tho
N W corner of tho N E quarter of section 34
township 3 range 27 thence southwesterly 7
chains and 44 links and intersecting road No
295 where said road crosses section line be
tween sections 27 and 34 township 3 rango 27
and terminating thereat and Clerk was in
structed to notify Overseer of Highways to
open said road
Damages by reason of location of said road
were allowed as follows
H A Talcott claimed 25000 allowed at 3500
on tho S W 1 4 of section 26 and S E 1 4 of sec
tion 27 all in township 3 range 27 west of Gth
P M and overseer of road district No 20 was
directed to pay same out of any funds belonging
to said district as by law provided
On motion board commenced tbe examina
tion of tho accounts of E J Wilcox County
Clerk and continued same throughout tho day
On motion Board adjourned to meet July 7th
1905 D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
gW MilWW - igimgMj
in our stock has been
Less than 20 per cent
from Former Price
All desirable goods too At the present price
it will pay you to buy for next seasons use if
you have bought all you can use for this
son What we have left in
some at less than cost
Call and see them
They are bar-
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
Should be encouraged in all possible
ways Like good morals and manners
the instruction should begin in the home
As early habits mold the future character
so do those who early acquire the saving
habit lay the foundation for future suc
Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings
to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business
of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless
possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start
in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to
a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically
the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts
The First National Bank riccook
The flcCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year