The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 14, 1905, Image 2

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
News in Brief
William A Wheeler president or
the council of New York university
died in New York
Martial law was abolished over the
wholo of Formosa and the Pecadorea
islands says a dispatch from Tokio
The Philippine commission has
passed an act granting Sabln Glass of
San Francsco a franchise to construct
telephone and telegraph systems
throughout the islands
The correspondent of the London
Daily Mail at Geneva says that several
persons have been killed or Injured by
violent thunderstorms which prevailed
throughout Switzerland
Fire at Antioch Cal destroyed J
Llndenburger Cos salmon cannery
cold storage plant 600 barrels of can
ned salmon twenty fishing boats and
one launch Loss 150000
Charles F Wells vice president of
the National Lead and Oil company of
Pennsylvania has been killed and his
daughter Clara injured in a runaway
accident at Beaver Falls Pa
At Hagerstown Ind President
Mason of the Commercial bank Issued
a statement that the bank wwould not
again open for business and It Is ex
pected a receiver will be named
John L Flynn of Mississippi after
a desperate but unsuccessful attempt
to kill his bride at New Orleans has
committed suicide Mrs Flynn was a
daughter of C F Hudson of Greeley
President Roosevelt has approved
the Issue of 00000 of bonds by the
treasury of Hawaii to refund the gold
bonds of the republic of Hawaii issued
under an act of the legislature of June
13 189G
The League of American Travelers
a national organization which has for
Its object the security of concessions
from railroads on mileage and other
questions was launched at Cincinnati
Rear Admiral W H Whiting hav
ing served for forty two years in the
United States navy will relinquish
command of the naval training station
at San Francisco and be placed on the
retired list
Charles Henry Treat who became
United States treasurer several days
ago is a direct descendant of Robert
Treat who for thirty two years was
deputy and royal governor of the col
ony of Connecticut
A telegram has been received by
the Harvard college observatory from
Prof Lowell at Flagstaff Ariz stat
ing that there was a projection on
terminator Mars on Sunday near Prop
ontis position angle 19 degrees
It is announced that Albert T Pat
Tick who is awaiting execution for the
murder of William Marsh Klce the
Texas multi millionaire has Instructed
his counsel David B Hill to take his
case to the United States supreme
In a battle at St Louis between live
negroes believed to be highwaymen
and four police officers one negro was
killed another probably fatally wound
ed and a third was shot through the
left arm None of the officers were In
J P OBrien has been formally
elected rice president and general
manager of the Oregon Railway and
Navigation company at a meeting of
directors held in Portland Ore vice
B A Worthing whose resignation was
Cardinal Richelmy has instituted a
movement to secure funds for the erec
tion of a monument to Christopher
Columbirs in the neighborhood of St
Peters Rome to commemorate the
440th anniversary of the great discov
erers death
The Canadian Pacific Railroad com
pany Which recently purchased the
Esqulmalt Uanlmo railway an
nounces that survey parties would at
once be placed In the field looking to
the extension of the line to the north
of Vacouver island
In the case of the state of Min
nesota against Congressman C B
Buckman to recover 70000 for al
leged illegal timber cutting the su
preme court has decided against the
state finding that the states claim
had been outlawed
The brokerage firm of Frazer Co
Chicago have suspended business
The whereabouts of S L Frazer the
active member of the firm is unknown
Thomas Medill an associate has se
cured a warrant for Frazers arrest
charging embezzlement
At Cheyenne Wyo 3udge Scott de
cided against Colonel J H Pratt of
Omaha in the celebrated Pratt Leiter
suit holding that the partition of the
property of the company in that state
valued at over 500000 as made by
the commission appointed by the court
was just and equitable and must
The cartmens union has decided to
join the longshoremen in a sympa
thetic strike at San Juan P 1
Western contractors Nebraska Illi
nois Minnesota and others are figur
ing upon contracts for building the
Western Pacific road the Gould line
from Salt Lake to the Pacific coast
Chancellor von Buelow telegraphed
to Prince Radolin the German ambas
sador at Paris to inform M 3aures
the French socialist leader that the
German government thought it best to
debar him from speaking In Berlin
July 9 as il had been announced he in
tended to do
Dr Pierce Announces the Ingredients
of the Family Medicines Which
Have Made His Name a Household
Word In the World
With all the recent talk about patent
medicines and the determined effort in
certain quarters to cast discredit upon
all household remedies which come un
der that head the fact remains that
some of these medicines are so firmly
established in popular favor and con
fidence have so proved their worth
and value that all the denunciations
of bigots cannot destroy the peoples
faith In them
One of the best known of these rem
edies is Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip
tion a medicine which for years has
been accepted by the people as a stan
dard preparation for the cure of those
ailments to which women alone are
subject and which has proved to be a
certain cure in nine cases out of ten
and a sure relief In the other one
There is nothing to conceal about
the Favorite Prescription It is an ab
solutely pure medicine made of roots
and herbs Natures own restoratives
Dr Pierce is perfectly willing to let
every one know that his Favorite Pre
scription contains Blue Cohosh Caulo
phyllum Thalictroides Black Cohosh
Cimicifuga Racemosa Ladys
Cynripedlum Pubescens ana
Golden Seal Hydrastis Canadensis
Every doctor knows that such a pre
scription is beneficial In the diseases
of women and when properly com
pounded is certain to effect a cure in
practically all cases when given a fair
trial Hereafter every bottle of the
Favorite Prescription will plainly tell
of what the medicine is composed
Thus Dr Pierce will once more prove
to the world his own confidence in the
remedy which for forty years has
borne his name and which is known all
over the world as a sovereign cure for
those diseases which unchecked make
our women old before their time
There is no alcohol in the Favorite
Prescription Dr Pierce never be
lieved in using alcohol in the prepara
tion of his famous household remedies
For it he substituted chemically pure
glycerine which has wonderful prop
erties for extracting the medicinal
principles of roots and herbs and barks
orifi nrosprvtnc them at their full
strength without any deleterious ef
fect whatever
Your druggist sells the Favorite
Prescription and also that famous
alterative and blood purifier the Gold
en Medical Discovery Write to Dr
Pierce about your case He is a well
qualified physician and will treat your
and without
case as confidential
charge for correspondence Address
him at the Invalids Hotel and Surgical
Institute Buffalo N Y of which he is
Chief Consulting Surgeon
Sermon Moved the Stones
This curious tale of the Venerable
Bede is told in the medieval Golden
Legend One day when he was old
and blind the desire to preach came
upon him An attendant led him to
a spot where he faced a heap of
stones and Bede believing that a
human audience was before him de
livered an eloquent sermon At the
end it is gravely recorded the stones
cried Amen no doubt to save
Bedes feelings
Dahomy Sweet Potato
A new variety of sweet potato hav
ing great economic value has been ac
climated in the experimental gardens
of Bordeaux It is a native of Da
homy and very prolific The leaves
of the plant can be used as a sub
stitute for spinach and the tubers
containing a higher percentage of su
gar than beets are fine flavored and
make exceptionally good food for live
Go to Aid Lepers
Three sisters of charity sailed from
Vancouver B C by the steamship
Empress of India recently to spend
their lives in the leper colony at Ku
mantu Japan where there are 400
Arriving at a Verdict
Kushequa Pa July 10 Special
In this section of Pennsylvania there
is a growing belief that for such Kid
ney Diseases as Rheumatism and
Lame Back there is only one sure
cure and that is Dodds Kidney Pills
This belief grows from such cases as
that of Mrs M L Davison of this
place She tells the story herself as
I have suffered from Rheumatism
for thirty years and find that Dodds
Kidney Pills have done me more good
than any medicine I have ever taken
I was also bothered with Lame Back
and I can only say that my back hasnt
bothered me since Itook Dodds Kid
ney Pills
Considering that Mrs Davison only
took two boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills
the result would be considered wonder
ful if It were not that others are re
porting similar results daily Kushe
qua Is fast arriving at a verdict that
Dodds Kidney Pills are the one sure
cure for Rheumatism
Removing Nicotine from Tobacco
Poisonous nicotine in tobacco is re
moved by steeping the leaves in a
solution of tannic acid This Is the
method adopted by a German chemist
Defiance Starch
should be in every household none so
good besides 4 oz more for 10 cents
than any other brand of cold water
The real evil of poker is the fact
that so many of its devotees take up
your time explaining how they almost
won a jack pot
fc amor craw
JfofKir of 77e J2erene of PreW 7eicncfif 7ecyPfliYc
Copyright 1905 by Charles Morris Butler
CHAPTER XI Continued
M lnet vrfii nrfl n mv nnwer said
less man s iace
Huntington muttered something
but it was unintelligible on account of
the gag in his mouth
As if the mere thought of being in
his enemys power was not enough to
distract the bound and helpless vic
tim Schiller added And soon your
lovely Pearl will join you in your im
Huntington struggled fiercely His
eyes sparkled the very defiance whih
was pent up in his soul His daugh
ter the lovely Pearl being enticed
into the power of these villains It
was the bitterest kind of gall and
wormwood to the bound man And
he unable to assist her
Ah you feel the blow chuckled
Schiller exultantly And the chances
are that you will live to see your
tuous maid the wife of a convict You
made me one so you wont care eh
kicking the prostrate man The man
hood of Schiller asserted itself in thus
maltreating a defenseless prisoner
Dr Huntington groaned not a groan
of physical but a groan of mental
pain then as if aware of the useless
ness of struggling lay quiet What
his thoughts were is not hard to im
agine It would have fared bad with
Dr Schiller could his victim have
succeeded in wrenching himself free
from his bonds But Schiller had it
all his own way His brutality went
no further He was restrained by the
presence of Sharkey who was acting
the part of the wounded man and
Pearson who now entered from the
front door Although these two were
convicts they were lovers of fair
After a whispered conversation be
tween these three men in which it
seems that Sharkey and Pearson
seemed to be trying to persuade Schil
ler to abandon some project he had
t vic Anmn rpopivinz orders
hard not to break down He does
not wish to alarm us but he is dying
Schiller as he peered into the help 1 I know he is dying What shall I do
I And mnrnmn is away
This was relief to Whittleby to
learn that the mother was away
Come with me he said
My mother has gone to the recep
tion and if I am not here when she
returns she will worry about me
Her absence is a blessing you will
be back before she returns put on
your cloak and come with me
The daughter did so but not until
she had asked where her father was
and before she left the house she
scribbled off the note which was found
upon the center table
Not without some misgivings was
Pearl assisted to a seat beside Whit
tleby When she thought of the sup
posed condition of her father she had
no fear but what she was doing per
fectly right in not warning her
mother beforehand No tinge of
shame wounded her fair cheeks at the
thought of being seen upon the street
in an old fashioned tumbled down
wagon beside a clownish looking
youth only the time seemed to drag
terribly though she was driven quick
ly through the streets and finally
came to the crossing in view of Squire
Briggs house Up to this time and
even now no thought of evil entered
her pure mind
Where is he she asked
I suppose they have taken him
down to Squire Briggs cabin I heard
the men say something about it That
is where the man is who broke his
leg was the ready answer
Pearl shuddered She had a horror
of sickness and pain of any sort
Perhaps Whittleby continued as
if inspired by a sudden happy
thought Perhaps your father is not
so badly hurt as was at first thought
merely bruised a little he may have
hastened on to relieve the greater
sufferings of the wounded man know-
Who has done this
in view Dr Huntington heard the
team being driven off and realized fTiat
the girl of his heart perhaps his wife
would be enticed into the villains
power He prayed he cursed he
struggled but no help good or bail
came to his aid
For a few moments all was quiet in
the cabin Dr Huntington was finally
placed on the bunk with a sheet
thrown over him the candle was
blown out and Pearson took up his
station on the outside of the hut se
cure from view from the road Shar
key sat in one corner of the room
calmly smoking his pipe
Possibly an hour passed in this
manner then again the candle was
lit The men wore determined looks
upon their faces Soon came the
sound of a wagon coming down the
lane then it stopped The men hid
behind the door when opened and in
bounded Pearl Huntington out of
breath and seemingly greatly agitat
ed The door was closed behind her
and when she turned she was con
fronted by the stern looks of the des
perate men
But let us describe the abductors
of Pearl Huntington and learn how
she came to fall into the trap set for
Tom Whittleby the driver ot the
waeon which had brought Dr Hunt-
irg you were coming to him
Whittleby had stopped the team
The youth turned an inquiring glance
upon the girl as if waiting an answer
Drive on It was with evident
effort that Pearl said this If she
could have realized the value of these
few words she would never have utter
ed the sanction of the drivers action
Whittleby criminal that he is had re
solved not to use force in urgirg
Pearl on to her doom He was but
the tool of a greater scoundrel and
would have been willing to have fail
ed in his undertaking Scoundrel
though he is he had never fallen so
low as to war on a woman But Pearl
blindly walked into the trap set for
her but it was baited with the love
of a kind and indulgent father
They drove up to the cabin door
and Whittleby assisted her to alight
As he had not the heart to force her
into bondage he ostensibly busied
himself with tying his team telling
Pearl to run ahead and let herself
into the house When Pearl entered
the house and met the three men and
saw her father lying bound and help
less before her she did not scream
with fright and faint away but her
bringing up asserted itself She saw
it all indignation took the place of
How dare you she demanded
Who has done this drawing up her
from Schiller after untying his team form to its magnificent height Cow
t th seat and returned to ards she cried in a voice that ex-
town driving straight to the home of j pressed nothing more than contempt
Dr Huntington He rang tne Den at
the front door and was waited upon
by Pearl herself
Tour father Whittleby began
and he nervously twisted his hat in his
What of him asked Pearl in a
voice tremulous with emotion Oh
say he has not been hurt
I am sorry to have to say so said
the youth as if with an effort but
while crossing the railroad track my
team grew frightened and threw him soon
thf I now
tr nTr wnernn
4 Have a care woman hissed Schil
ler stung to the quick at the taunt
and quite unprepared for the turn the
scene had taken rather expecting
tears Have a care or you will suf
fer the same indignity
And so it is you she retorted
pointing her finger in scorn upon the
man Why have you done this By
intuition she recognized Schiller
That you shall know only too
he said seizing her arm But
l have no time to waste in an-
nT nh mv father she swering questions
Then in a milder
cried wildly striving hard to keep tone he was struck with her intense
beauty and revengeful though he was
back her tears Let me go to him
he hesitated to use violence upon her
He does not wish to alarm your
mother Whittleby said cautiously J person It would not have been well
for him had he done so for the two
but perhaps you
He is not hurt badly
men who now surrounded him would
had better see him
Just like papa she said striving not have seen Pearl ill treated King
though he was of the powerful Society
of Convicts ho was not supreme in
his power once outside his own dom
inion and it would not have taken
much to have sat Pearson and Shar
key against him
With a gesture of disdain Pearl
threw off the restraining hand of her
fathers enemy and with a cty of an
guish fell upon her knees beside her
Miss Huntington said Schiller In
as calm a voice as he could command
as he tore her from her fathers breast
that you will not be allowed to do
but if you give me your word of
honor not to cry out nor try to es
cape I will not bind you should you
refuse I will be compelled to use
A compact with criminals Is not
binding she cried again struggling
to escape from his grasp
As you please said Schiller
fiercely Then I will have to bind
As you will she said disdain
fully I do not wish to be beholden
even for a slight favor What are you
going to do with papa Even in the
extreme peril that she realized sur
rounded her her fears were most for
her father
Make you Queen of the Convict
Country make your father Sir James
Karhu Huntington Physician in Chief
to the Convict Court Does not this
flatter you
Who are you she asked at last
sobered by the vehement words of
the great scoundrel
My name Is Schiller of whom you
have no doubt heard and I am the
king of the convicts
You look it A villain and a con
vict was the retort She bad ceased
to struggle now and Schiller proceed
ed to bind her Only once did she
attempt to reach her father again
Have good cheer father she said
just before they proceeded to tie a
handkerchief over her mouth All
will be well
After binding the girl no time was
lost in preparing to move The team
had been turned around Pearl and her
father were forced into the wagon
and stretched out upon the bottom
upon a pile of straw then the whole
party set out Whittleby and Schil
ler seated themselves upon the
drivers seat Sharkey and Pearson
sat in the rear of the wagon with
their feet hanging over the back com
pletely hiding from view their prison
Bid farewell to freedom home and
family said Schiller tauntingly to
the bound and helpless man below
him for you never will enjoy them
more It is my turn now I swore to
be even with you and I mean to
keep my word You have made me
suffer years of toil and the loss of
freedom and now I will heap the
same indignity upon you tenfold I
have torn you from your family and
friends and am carrying you into
bondage worse than death you anu
vour Pearl and will seat her upon the
throne of a people unchaste and im
pure You will be forced to tend Jrhe
sick and dying at any and all times
and there will be no pleasure in per
forming a good days work no atten
tion no quiet fireside to rest at after
your labors are over
Dr Huntington scarce heard the
taunt His thoughts were far away
He was thinking of his wife his faith
ful companion through years of toil
and struggling and his heart bled for
her The thought was terrible would
his gentle loving helpmate lose her
mind God grant that such would
not be her fate Of Pearl he dared
not think it was too horrible
When morning broke many miles
had been passed over and the muddy
waters of the mighty Ohio lay
stretched out before them Now
Pearl and her father were placed
under a powerful drug and became un
conscious of their surroundings In
this state they were taken on board
a packet plying down the river and
they knew not whither the tide bore
To be continued
Otis Skinner Unsuccessful in Fooling
It is a common experience of
American tourists to be recognized at
once as Americans when in England
and the readiness of the English in
letting one know that he is stamped
as it were with the word America is
often annoying no matter how patriot
ic one may be says Ethel Shackel
ford in Lippincotts For this reason
it often happens that tourists affect an
English accent for the time being
When Mr and Mrs Otis Skinner were
abroad last summer they grew very
weary of having things explained to
them as though they were foreigners
and unable to understand the English
language Mr Skinner was not in
clined to go into a shop in Warwick
one day so that Mrs Skinner might
inquire the price of something in the
window which caught her fancy he
insisted that the clerk would instant
ly class his voice as American or his
clothes or something and it was all
so tiresome
Why dont you use that wonderful
stage English accent of yours and fool
the man suggested the clever wife
The idea was a good one and Mr
Skinner smiled and went in confident
ly asking with the rising inflection
and true British casual manner the
price of his wares Mrs Skinner was
charmed with the art of performance
This ere one sir asked the
shopkeeper Well sir hit sells for
four shillings sir which is habout one
dollar in your money sir
Jaxon Why do preachers always
wear long coats
Johnson To cover the patches in
their trousers Cleveland Leader
Avoid the Cheap and Big Can Bak
Ing Powders
Tho cheap baking powdere havo but
ono recommendation they certainly
give tho purchaser plenty of powder
for his money These powders aro
so carelessly mado from inferior ma
terials that thoy will not make light
wholesomo food Further thoso cheap
baking powders havo a very small per
centage of leavening gas theroforo it
takes from two to threo times as much
of such powder to raise tho cako or
biscuit as it does of Calumet Baking
Powder Therefore In tho long run
tho actual cost to tho consumer of
such powders Is more than Calumet
would be Cheap baking powders
leavo tho bread sometimes bleached
and acid sometimes yellow and alka
line and always unpalatable They
are never of uniform strength and
Why not buy a perfectly wholesomo
baking powder like Calumet that is at
tho same time moderate in price and
oue which can be relied upon Calu
met Is always the same keeps indef
initely and gives tho cook the least
Boon for Tired Housekeepers
Here is a prophecy by a Canadian
newspaper Tho city home of the
future will contain no stoves Cook
ing will bo done by power the build
ing will be heated from a central
plant elevators will run from cellar
to garret and breakfast lunch and
dinner will be supplied from a co
operative center Not only will the
house of the future be cleaned by pow
er but the dust will be removed by a
pneumatic exhaust system
Ask Your Dealer for Allens Foot Eae
A powder It rests the feet Cures Swollen
Soro Hot Callous Aching Sweating Feet
and Ingrowing Nails At all Druggists and
Shoe stores 25 cents Accept no substitute
Sample mailed FREE Address Allen S
Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Offers Aid to Convicts
A man writing from a London lodging-house
is sending letters to defend
ants whose names and addresses ap
pear in the newspapers offering to
supply them with wrinkles on pris
on life that will add to their comfort
while incarcerated one especially
by which they will be able to obtain
an improvement in the official die
tary all he asks in return is cast on
clothing or boots and railway fare
paid In advance
Against the Newest Methods
The greatest boons that medicine
has ever conferred upon humanity
have been met at first with the most
violent opposition amounting in somo
cases almost to persecution When
Pare introduced the ligature he was
greeted with a perfect storm of ridi
cule and abuse and finally in self
defense had to show that the idea
was not strictly original but might
be traced in the writings of Hippo
Pearls in Clam Shells
About one mussel in a thousand
yields a pearl worth 100 The aver
age pearl is worth about G But tho
daily finds runs from 2 to 20 Al
though a farmer many never find a
valuable pearl in his clam bed he
may find enough common ones to
yield him a comfortable sum aside
irom the money received for the
Parsees Bar Converts
In recent years several wealthy Par
sees have married European wives
and brought them into the Parsee
fold Now the Parsees have decided
that thev will admit no more converts
Even the children of the Parsees mar
ried to Christian mates will not be
recognized as Parsees
No One Claims the Price
TJnawarded for a long time and
therefore still on the list of the Lom
bardy institute is the special prize by
Commeno for the discovery of hy
drophobia poison
Bird Is True to Duty
Letters are dropped two or three
times a day on to a wren which is sit
ting on her eggs in the letter box or
Mr D Baker an English draper but
the bird keeps Its place
Curious That a Tired Preacher Should
Have Such Desire
A minister speaks of the curious ef
fect of Grape Nuts food on him and
how it has relieved him
You will doubtless understand how
the suffering with indigestion with
which I used to be troubled made my
work an almost unendurable burron
and why it was that after my Sabbath
dus had been performed sleep was
a stranger to my pillow till nearly day
I had to be very careful as to wha
I ate and even with all my care I ex
perienced poignant physical distress
after meals and my food never satis
fied me
Six months have elapsed since I
began to use Grape Nuts food and the
benefits I have derived from it are
very definite I no longer suffer from
Indigestion and I began to improve
from the time Grape Nuts appeared on
our table I find that by eating a dish
of it after my Sabbath work Is done
and I always do so now my nerves
are quieted and rest and refreshing
sleep are ensured me I feel that I
could not possibly do without Grar
Nuts food now that I know its vau
It is invariably on our table we f
that we need it to complete the meil
and our children will eat
when they cannot be per uai
to touch anything else Nam4 given
by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich
Theres a reason
Read the famous little hook The
Road to Wellville in each pkg