The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 07, 1905, Image 1

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Let Us Help You
Wo want to assist you in the
choice of your wall decorations
furniture polish enamels stains
and othor house cleaning
If you need a painter or paper
hanger lot us know wo save you
the trouble of finding him
Remember wo are headquarters
for wall paper in all grades and
that our prices are the most at
tractive over olTered you for such
goods We know wo can please
you and also save you money on
your wall paper purchases
See our windows for some of the
things you need in spring house
cleaning campaign and remember
that wo carry only tho best of
everything in such goods aud at
the same time you save money
when you give us your orders
Conk linos Druggists
High Water Visits Oxford
Oxford Neb June 30 The rain
which fell in tho vicinity north of town
last Friday night exceeded in amount
anything in the past several years at least
of any storm of like nature which has
ever visited this region Ten miles north
of here tho storm was at its worst
Bridges all over tho country which was
storm struck aro either out entirely or
badly damaged The crooks emptying
into the Republican at this place were
higher than over known before Tho
trains were delayed on the Kansas City
Denver lino on account or a washout on
Spring creek In this city residonts
living near the creek in the east part of
town had to seek places of safety on ac
count of the high water In one iri
stance a house was carried from its foun
dation tho inmates suffering consider
able loss from damaged clothing and
household goods There was also loss
to live stock Old residents claim that
the rise of water in tho creeks was the
highest they have ever seen
McDonnells Fragrant Lotion makes
smooth skin removes and prevents sun
burn tan and freckles Its a fine pro
tection for tho skin Rub it on before
starting out in the wind and it will pre
vent chaping of the skin or lips or if you
forget it apply on returning a few ap
blications will entirely remove the worst
case of sunburn
McConnell Druggist
Desirable Residence For Sale
My residence on corner of Marshall
and Dakota streets Inquire at resi
dence M TJ Clyde
Helpful Rest
can be secured by purchasing a com
hammock at McMillens drug
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for sun
burn and tan
The old Stephens restaurant building
ou lower Main is being refitted and D
P Morgan will open a restaurant there
in at once
We have now in our emploje a first
class shoemaker who will attend to all
your shoes needing repair
The Bee Hive
Your Uncle Jim gives Nebraska an
other solar plexus Hereafter the Bur
lington printing will be done in Chicago
instead of in Lincoln as has been the
case for many years
The Wilsonville bank formerly a pri
vate bank has incorporated under the
state laws The incorporators are C
E Pierce L MPierce and PMPierce
Capital stock is 25000
Miss Olio M Blunt of Jacksonville
111 seven years a teacher and mission
ary in Japan now working in connection
with the state W C T U will spend
Sunday and Monday in McCook with
the following appointments which for
convenience will be held in the Baptist
church but the meetings are interde
nominational Sunday at 3 p m an
address to the public at an hour not to
conflict with other church service and
to give an opportunity for all whoish to
learn more of the interesting Japan On
Monday at 930 a m a mass meeting of
all Sunday school children to take their
temperance pledge and get the badge of
blue ribbon An effort will also be
made at this time to organize a Loyal
Temperance Legion At 3 p m Miss
Blunt will address the W C T U and
all members of clubs and missionary
societies on The Little Men of Japan
and Temperance Movement A nickel
only free will offering An exhibit of
fancy work for sale for missionary work
in Japan At the close Monday evening
the stereopticon illustrated address on
Japan of one hundred pictures illustrat
ing the social industrial religion and
educational life of the Japanese also of
the present war after which three
young women in costumes serve a cup
of tea A delightful evening Ice
water at the entrance
Frank Carruth has been down from
Donver this week on business
Ed Byfield of tho Danbury News
was with tho homo folks Sunday
Mr and Mrs D C Benedict of
Culbertson obsorved the day with us
Miss Mamie Chandler is enjoying a
vacation in Denver and tho mountains
Sam Pickard was up from llavelock
over tho Fourth guest of F C Fuller
Mrs H E MacKain is hero guest of
her- father Engineer George Pronger and
Mrs C J OBrien is visiting R A
Coupe and other relatives in Falls City
Samuel Brandenrurg of Edison was
a guest of his cousin R M Osborn over
the Fourth
Miss May Stangland came up from
Lincoln Thursday to be with the home
folks awhile
Mrs L M Copeland of Minden has
been a guest of her daughter Mrs J G
Schobel this week
Mrs Thorgrimson and daughter
Clara are visiting her daughter in Colo
rado City Colorado
Rev A B Carson was a visitor with
friends and relatives at Cambridge the
middle of this week
G E Thompson departed yesterday
for St Anthony Idaho to be absent a
few days on business matters
Miss Nellie Smith returned home
first of tho week from a fortnights visit
in Des Moines and other Iowa points
Miss Pearl Zint is down from Den
ver guest of tho folks at home She is
attending a business college in Denver
S Seaman and daughter of Beatrice
are visiting in tho city a few days on
their way to the Pacific coast on a trip
Ashuy E Smith of Arapahoe who for
the past few months has been employed
in W S Morlans law offices returned
home first of the week
A P Day and John W Dutcher were
up from Indianola Monday making
some arrangements for the county fair
to bo held in Indianola this fall
Mr and Mrs John Wentz returned
last night from their Milwaukee visit
having had a great time He was a
guest of a brother he had not seen for
thirty ono years
Mrs Anthony Clark of Orleans and
Mrs R J Moore of Franklin arrived in
the city Wednesday afternoon on No
13 and are guests of Mrs V H Solli
day their sister
Mr and Mrs Fred Beardslee who
spent a ten days honeymoon in the city
guests of his parents Mr and Mrs I M
Beardslee departed on the extra for Den
ver Sunday afternoon
Mr and Mrs F H Williams of
Rochester N Y are visiting in the city
a few days on their way west on a trip
and vacation Mrs Williams is a sister
of C F Babcock whose guest they are
Mr and Mrs E M Bigelow are
temporarily occupying the Mrs N E
Fahnestock dwelling Mrs Fahnestock
will visit Illinois relatives The Bigelows
are building themselves a pretty home
E E Magee one of the Holdrege
Junior Normal instructors late city
supt at Fairmont now city supt at
Ashland was guest of McCook relatives
over the Fourth returning to Holdrege
on No 6 on the morning of the 5th
Mrs U S Sherer of Stewart 111
Miss Orlie Boeman of Cullom 111 and
Miss Meda Eddy of Bloomington 111
are in the city for a few days guests of
Mr and Mrs S D McClain They will
continue their journey on to Denver and
Pueblo and Miss Lillie McClain will ac
company them
Congressman and Mrs Norris and
the children departed on Thursday for
Waupaca Wis After establishing the
family there the congressman will
proceed to New York city and take pas
sage for Brussels Belgium where he
will participate in the peace conference
the family remaining in Wisconsin until
his return at least
Easy Feet
McConnells foot powder relieves tired
burning itchy or aching feet It pre
vents scalding It checks excessive
perspiration and prevents disagreeable
odors It is healing antiseptic and a
cure for practically all foot troubles
McConnell Druggist
Stokes the grocer
See that road wagon at Colemans for
3850 its a peach
The Jewel gasoline stove is still the
best Do not be deceived into buying
anything cheaper if you want the most
satisfacf tory summer cooking stove ob
tainable H P Waite Co
flcCook Entertained Many Quests From All Over
Southwestern Nebraska
Every Detail Announced Carried Out and a Few Thrown in for Good Measure
Just to Please the People
Though not as largely attondod as last
years celebration perforce of tho fact
that the harvest now in progress kept
many at homo and in the -fields it was
one of the most satisfactory celebrations
ever attempted in Southwestern Nebras
ka The committee made good as per
advertisements and promises and then
The balloon ascension and parachute
drop was as pretty a sight as one could
wish in that line a perfect success in
every particular and a delight to all
The weathor was simply perfectly
ideal Not too warm A comfortable
breeze prevailed most of the day There
was little dust No mud It couldnt
have been improved upon had it been
made to order
And for an orderly happy prosperous
crowd where could you duplicate it
Perhaps tho leading and most appreci
ated event of the day wastho balloon as
cension and parachute drop which came
off at 530 in the afternoon in ample
time to give the people from the country
tho opportunity to witness the stiring
performance There was a little delay
caused by the poles supporting the bal
loon whilo undergoing the operation of
inflation falling down but tho act itself
was a perfect success and brought forth
from the assembled multitude only
words of highest praise The day was
perfect for the act bright cloudless
quiet in fact everything conspired to
give the people tho full benefit of this
feature of the celebration The balloon
was one of ten owned by tho Western
Amusement Co of Kansas City Mo
of which L M Bales is the proprietor
and manager Ho had seven of his bal
loons in the air on the Fourth Mr
Bales was here during the day His
aeronaut C Clark curly is a fearless
fellow and his work was highly satis
The oration by Hon J S Hoagland
of North Platte was a thoughtful earn
est purposeful effort aiming to inspire
Americans with a genuine article of pat
riotism a quality esteemed by the speak
er as higher than loyalty It was the
orators belief that- the home tho Amer
ican mother and father held the high
destiny of the country in keeping and
that the fidelity with which they dis
charged their duty in the rearing of tho
coming citizens of the land would be the
measure of accomplishment of the gfori
ous purpose of the land of the free and
of the brave An old soldier a genial
gentleman Mr Hoagland added to his
large circle of friends over the state by
his address and short visit here
It was Dr Beachs grand metropolitan
cosmopolitan and calithumpian parade
that made him famous especially the
calithumpian end of the parade How
ever while no special effort was made
to spread this feature quite a creditable
display was made As the line marched
up Main avenue toward the city park
where the exercises of the day were held
it embraced a number of pretty effects
in vehicles and floats The marshal and
his aide headed the parade the drum
major and Cambridge band following
there was a goodly showing of uniform
ed Workmen then the gaily bedecked
speakers carriage Mrs Barnetts and
the Misses Waites prettily decorated
private equipages and a number of float
effects these being represented Wil
liam Lewis C L DeGroff Co Cone
Bros J H Grannis J A Wilcox
The mills of the Gods grind slowly
but never grind finer flour than Doans
mills produce
W Meyers an old time shoe maker
from Lincoln has accepted a position
at The Bee Hive
McCormick mowers and rakes with
dain sweeps and stackers give best satis
faction in the hay field H P Waite
Co sell them
The Womans Missionary society of
the Congregational church will meet
with Mrs Edwin Waite Wednesday
afternoon next at three oclock
The upholsterer that is working for
Ludwick has work for three weeks
booked now If you have pieces you
want upholstered hand your list in now
at the store
Beautify your complexion with little
cost If you wish a smooth clear com
plexion rosy cheeks laughing eyes
take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea
greatest beautifier known 35 cents
Son W T Coleman McCook Tank Co
J G Stokes Calitnumpian band etc
Tho race and water fight by compan
ies one and two of tho fire department
packed the streets in the vicinity of
Main and Dennison after supper- when
that event transpired Company two
won tho water fight and company one
got water first so the honors were divid
ed No 2 had tho misfortune to lose her
nozzle in tho race causing much delay
in getting water This is an event
always mirth provoking and appreciated
by oyo witnesses while the participants
are always eager for tho fray
The Cambridge band is composed of
a fine Jot of young fellows from our
neighboring town on the raging Medi
cine They are under the instruction
and leadership of George Sheppard
known to Tribune readers and they
gave strict attention to holding up thoir
end of the celebration the music and
wo make bold to state that they met
with success in their earnest effortSj
promptly meeting every request of the
committee for music and doing much
in tho city park and on tho street to en
tertain the people
Marshal W F Everist and Aide W
II Ackermanwere regular Johnnies on
the spot and easily kept order among
so orderly and civil a lot of people as
participated in our celebration
The efforts of the Blasdell Bros to en
tertain the people were entirely success
ful and they were not stingy of their
work giving two performances during
tho day one in the forenoon in the city
park the other after supper on Main
avenue Crowds witnessed both with
very evident pleasure Their work was
along the lines of hand balancing and
equilibrist specialties This was an extra
and in keeping with the purpose of the
committee to give more than advertised
in the way of sports and entertainment
Base ball had its votaries during the
day also There were games both morn
ing and afternoon In the morning the
local team had a controversy with the
club from Culbertson coming out first
best by a score of 7 to 1 The afternoon
issue was joined between the Cambridge
team and the local aggregation and dis
aster met the visitors by the overwhelm
ng score of 17 to 2 Both games were
largely attended
The auto race died a premature death
in the pregnant fertile imagination of
Dr Beach
McCook has many reasons to feel grat
ified over the manner of her Fourth of
July celebration and few for regret
She had one of Western Nebraskas
best days for weather her finest vintage
The attendance was one to be proud of
though perhaps a little less in num
bers than last year Every material at
traction materialized and was pulled off
in successful form In fact more was
given than was advertised in the bills
What more can be desired
Miss Ethel Barnetts reading of the
Declaration of Independence has
never been excelled in this city Hers
was a finished product
Supt Thomas was at his best in in
troducing the speaker of the occasion
Mr Hoagland accomplishing his pur
pose gracefully and promptly
The Cambridge band swelled Prof
Millers chorus to something near desi
rable proportions in the singing of The
Star Spangled Banner and America
The Great Passion Play at the Bap
tist church next Thursday night
All shoe repairing promptly and neatly
done Bring in your work
The Bee Hive
Farm trucks at 2700 at W T Cole
mans Just the thing for your hay
rack to haul grain hay and manure
Babys Health
depends largely upon his getting tho
food that agrees with him If the food
you are now using does not agree with
him try another kind Every item in
this line is fresh A full line of every
thing needed for the nursery
McConnell Druggist
We still sell the old reliable Ohio steel
range formerly sold here as the IXL
It has so many friends in McCook and
vicinity that we need say nothing in its
praise- Ask your neighbor
H P Waite Co
A Victim of Pneumonia
Thomas Graves who lived northwest
of this city died on Wednesday of this
week a victim of pneumonia Deceased
was buried at Box Elder Thursday
Mr Graves was a comparative newcom
er to this county
June Mortgage Record
Red Willow countys mortgage record
for June is as follow Farm filings
81517767 releases S1065500 City and
town filings S649100 releases 8391340
Chattel filings S2439947 releases 11
Lost On July Fourth
Ladys gold watch ou Main avenue
between Citizens bank and postofiice
Leave at this office and receive reward
Mamie Irons McCook Neb
Attention Farmers
Acors Healing Liniment can now bo
secured at W W McMillens harnoss
shop W J Goehring Agent
Cherries for Sale
at the Morlan farm Pickers bring your
R M McDonald phone Y135
Is Now Ready for Business
Paul Anton is now prepared to sell
you anything you may desiro in tho moat
line His new market on Main avonuo
is now completed and furnished with
the latest equipment and stocked with
tho best tho market affords in his line
Give him a trial order You will como
back It is his business to treat you so
well that you cannot afford to go else
Celery Plants for Sale
25000 choice celery plants for sale
and now is tho time to plant for fall and
winter use S250 per 1000 30 cents per
100 Large tomato cabbage and sweet
potato plants 35 cents per 100
McCook Greenhouse McCook Nob
Hammocks good strong durablo ones
that aro good for several years sorvice at
any price you want to pay for them from
100 to 700 McConnell Druggist
Ludwick is now the queensware man
at the old stand
Blackberry Balsam
summor complaint etc
Shoes repaired and work
The Bee Hive
Lincoln Mixed Paint will give entire
Sold by McMillen Drug-
Get a stack coner at W T Colemans
before haying and harvest You will
need it
All repairs on shoes bought of J H
Grannis will be done free at Stulken
The largest line of dinner ware ever
shown in the city at Ludwicks furni
ture store
Our Mr Meyers will make you new
shoes as well as repair your old ones at
The Bee Hive
The finest gas engine and alfalfa grind
er that has ever been placed on the
market at W T Colemans Call and
see it
Prof Jas McDonald will give a fine
stereopticon entertainment illustrating
the Great Passion PJay of Oberammer
gau at the Baptist church next Thurs
day night
Where are you sick Headache foul
tongue no appetite lack energy pain in
your stomach constipation Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well
and keep you well 35 cents
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
The Jewel gasoline stove is still the
best Do not be deceived into buying
anything cheaper if you want the most
satisfactory summer cooking stove ob
tainable rl P Waite Co
For Sale A nice front door for a
residence with screen door to match
Also window frame and two sashes
with glass Will sell very reasonable
Call at this office for further particulars
Notwithstanding the strong counter
attraction of last evening said the Ro
chester N Y News the spacious Ly
ceum was packed from top to bottom
Every seat on the floor in the boxes
balconies and even on the stage was oc
cupied The entertainment was furn
ished by Slaytons Jubilee Singers eight
in number and if one can judge by the
applause and number of encores de
manded the company was very success
ful The program was rendered with
enthusiasm and the dash and swing
characteristic of colored singers A
number of tne selections were of a hum
orous character and the promise of Fun
and Melody by the Acre as announc
ed on the program was fully kept
tti A
Tho Famous
will appear in tho
Junior Normal Courso
at the Opera House
Remombrancoof them from last sum
mer will fill tho opura house
Tho greatest company of colored
artists that have ever appeared horo
They aro unquestionably tho ideal
colored artists of Amorie t Tlmv
have played more return dates than
any other musical organization in tho
country and aro recognized as tho
one and ouly colored attraction
Ihoy give a varied program includ
ing tho old timo jubilees as well as
tho numbers
stronger and better than k er
Tickets for tho high seats in tho
rear of tho house will bo sold iu ad
vance but tho number will ho strict
ly limited to tho comfortablo seating
capacity of tho benches Tho only
way to bo sure of getting in is to got
a ticket in advance
All Tickets 50c
Holders of season tickets can secure
reserved seats Friday July 7 at 730
am Saloof soats Saturdav July S
McConnell for drugs
Stokes grocer phone No 30
Everything in drugs McConnell
Jry btokes for groceries Phone
A second hand surrey
at W T Colemans
J II Grannis sale of
goods dress skirts etc
McConnells Lightning Com Cure 10c
Queensware at
Ludwicks furnituro
tor sale cheap
Remember phone No W when you
want nice fresh groceries
That sliced halibut will capture you if
you try it once Stokes grocery
Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes
repaired promptly at Tho Bee Hive
All shoes bought of J If Grannis will
be repaired free at Stulken Bauers
French canned
etc at
peas mush
Stokes groc
summer dress
is now on Do
not miss it
Water coolers at W T Colemans
Place one in your store and see if wont
help your trade
Remember that all shoes bought at
The Bee Hive will be sewed and nailed
free by our Mr Meyers
We take pride in getting your shoo
repairing done promptly and at reason
able prices The Bee Hive
Farmers You will be wanting extra
dishes for harvest Ludwicks Furni
ture Store now has the largest stock in
Why not get one of those oak water
three gallon kegs to carry water to the
field in Take a look at those at W T
You will want to see the Great Passion
Play illustrated with colorod stereopti
con and moving pictures at the Baptist
church next Thursday night
The reduction prices on those summer
dress goods dress skirts etc at J H
Grannis are moving them fast Get in
before the best values are taken
McCook has an enviable reputation
as the foremost city of enterprise inthe
western country Doans 91 patent has
been one of McCooks best advertise
Russia and Japan are Heard From
Will be Heard on
FRIDAY JULY 21 190d b M V
Sam Joues captured Pueblo His
first appearance won him a victory
The World as it is and the World
as it Ought to Be was his subject
A large audience listens to a striking
man From laughter to tears and
from tears to laughter was the exper
ience of the large audience who list
ened to Mr Jones lecture at the
Grand last night Mr Jones lee
ture was delivered in a thoroughly
characteristic way and bestowed
honor where honor was due did not
spare any one to whom honor was
not due Pueblo Col Daily Chief 1
Tickets at McConnells 50 cents