The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 23, 1905, Image 2

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Brief Telegrams
Secretary Shaw is encouraged ovei
the outlook for the rapid reduction in
the deficit
Mayor Weaver of Philadelphia con
tinues to wield ax among Philadelphia
office holders
The apple king of Kansas says there
will he but a fourth of a crop in that
state this year
Lars Johnson an old resident ot
Millard Neb was run over by the
cars and killed
Three suspicious cases believed to
be cholera have occurred at Tula 120
miles south of Moscow
Secretary Shaw gains a reputation
for hard work among his subordinates
in the treasury department
Employes of the Pennsylvania Road
are given to understand that hereafter
hustle is to be their watchword
It is officially announced that King
Edward has appointed King Oscar an
honorary admiral of the British fleet
The weekly trade reviews report im
proved business conditions in spite of
the strike which is the only draw
Governor Higgins of New York has
issued a call for the legislature to con
vene in extra session on Wednesday
June 22
For the first time in the history of
the military academy at West Point
representatives of the Chinese empire
were entered as cadets in the institu
An Illinois representative has de
clined to be renominated because a
cc gressman is nothing except a pen
sion agent and a solicitor of postoffice
The abiding popularity of Dickens
is attested by the fact that more than
200000 copies of his various books
were sold in England alone during De
cember last
Rear Admiral TJriu who bore the
brunt of the great naval battle in the
Straits of Corea graduated from the
United States naval academy at Anna
polis in 1881
Daniel Tarbox Jewett probably the
oldest lawyer in the United States
soon will enter upon his 100th year
He was born in Maine and lives at
present in St Louis
The Missouri Kansas Texas Rail
way company has accepted a land
proposition made by the city of Par
sons and will build new shops there
at a cost of 1050000
Benjamin F Daniels has been ap
pointed United States marshal for the
district of Arizona The appointment
will take effect July 1 He succeeds
Myron H McCord resigned
The secretary of the interior has de
cided that the state of Utah is- not
entitled to select school lands in the
Uintah Indian reservation which is
soon to be opened for settlement
Rev William Henry Locke former
pastor of xthe Methodist Episcopal
church attended by the late President
McKinley in Canton O died last week
at the home of his son in Brooklyn
Dmitri Nelidoff chamberlain of the
Russian embassy and son of Ambas
sador Nelidoff was married in the
Russian church at Paris to the daugh
ter of a Greek banker M Mavrocor
The laborers of Sweden are report
ed to be unanimous in favor of dis
solution of the union with Norway and
may revolt if attempt is made to
press them into service against Nor
Edwin H Conger United States am
jasasdor to Mexico has put an end to
Vhe many rumors that he would re
main at that post only six months and
retire to become candidate for gover
nor of Iowa
The late Premier Delyanis of
Greece who was assassinated June 13
by a gambler named Gherakaris died
in absolute poverty The chamber
will vote a pension to the immediate
members of his family
A granite shaft erected in memory
of those who lost their lives in the
disaster to the excursion steamer Gen
eral Slocum in East river a year agox
was unveiled in the Lutheran ceme
tery in Middle Village L I
Brigadier General Tasker H Bliss
president of the Army War College
board will sail from San Francisco for
Manila on July 8 to take charge of the
command of the Department of Luzon
to succeed General George M Randall
Intelligence has been received at
Yale that the governor of the prov
ine of Hunan China has given per-
mission for the establishment of the
new Yale college at Chengsha in that
province which hitherto has been
somewhat unfavorable to foreign en
terprises including missions The re
sult was brought about by the good
offices of the Yale graduates in China-
Kotaro Date a Japanese student
has been awarded the Wayman Crow
medal for 1905 at the St Louis school
of fine arts
The minister of defense authorizes
the statement that all rumors of the
mobilization of the Norwegian army
and fleet are devoid of foundation
A letter from Secretary Loeb to the
Progressive union fixes October 24 and
25 as the days upon which President
Roosevelt will visit New Orleans
The minister of defence authorizes
the statement that all rumors of tli
mobilization of the Norwegian army
jand fleet are devoid of foundation
Veteran Joshua Heller of 706 South
Walnut Street Urbana 111 says In
the fall of 1899 after taking Doans
Kidney Pills I told
the readers of this
paper that they had
relieved me of kid
ney trouble dis
posed of a lame
back with pain
tcross my loins and
beneath the shoul
der blades During
the interval which
has elapsed I have
had occasion to re
sort to Doans Kid
ney Pills when I
noticed warnings of
an attack On each
and every occasion the results ob
tained were just as satisfactory as
when the pills were first brought to
my notice I just as emphatically en
dorse the preparation to day as I did
over two years ago
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
proprietors For sale by all druggists
price 50 cents per box
Saying that fate is against you
Finding fault with the weather
Anticipating evils in the future
Pretending and be your real self
Going around with a gloomy face
Faultfinding nagging and worrying
Talking big things and doing small
Taking offense where -none is in
Dwelling on fancied slights and
Boasting of what you can do instead
of doing it
Scolding and flying into a passion
over trifles
Thinking that life is a grind and
not worth living
Talking continually about yourself
and your affairs
Exaggerating and making moun
tains out of molehills
Pitying yourself and bemoaning
your lack of opportunities
Depreciating yourself and in making
light of your abilities
Saying unkind things about ac
quaintances and friends
Lamenting the past holding on to
disagreeable experiences
Comparing yourself with others to
your own disadvantage
Work once in a while and take time
to renew your energies
Waiting round for chances to turn
up Go and turn them up Orison
Swett Marden in Success Maga
The fellow who marries for money
sometimes buys a gold brick
The fools are not all dead In fact
a lot of them havent been born
Joy cometh in the morning unless
youve been making a night of it
Its a mistake to marry too young
out its a mistake that isnt repeated
A woman is never quite happy with
a man who refuses to argue with her
Many an unsuccessful man would
rather preserve his dignity than hus
It is better to have too little confi
dence in yourself than too much in
To indulge in the things we cant
afford is the average mans idea of
Why it is impossible for a girl to
write an affectionate love letter and
chew gum at the same time
Feed the Dominie Right and the Ser
mons are Brilliant
A conscientious hard working and
eminently successful clergyman
writes I am glad to bear testimony
to the pleasure and increased meas
ure of efficiency and health that have
come to me from adopting Grape Nuts
food as one of my articles of diet
For several years 1 was much dis
tressed during the early part of each
day by indigestion My breakfast
usually consisting of oatmeal milk
and eggs seemed to turn sour and
failed to digest After dinner the
headache and other symptoms follow
ing the breakfast would wear away
only to return however next mom
Having heard of Grape Nuts food
I finally concluded to give it a fair
trial I quit the use of oatmeal and
eggs and made my breakfasts of
Grape Nuts cream toast and Postum
The result was surprising in improv
ed health and total absence of the
distress that had for so long a time
followed the morning meal My diges
tion became once more satisfactory
the headaches ceased and the old
feeling of energy returned Since that
time four years ago I have always
had Grape Nuts food on my breakfast
I was delighted to find also that
whereas before I began to use Grape
Nuts food I was quite nervous and be
came easily wearied in the work of
preparing sermons and in study a
marked improvement in this respect
resulted from the change in my diet
I am convinced that Grape Nuts food
produced this result and helped me
to a sturdy condition of mental and
physical strength
I have known of several persons
who were formerly troubled as I was
and who have been helped as I have
been by the use of Grape Nuts food
on my recommendation among whom
may be mentioned the Rev
now a missionary to China Name
given by Postum Company Battle
Creek Mich
Theres a reason
Read the little book The Road to
Wellville in each pkg
Decision Is Made Partly a Compli
ment to President Roosevelt The
Question of Armistice Informlly Dis
cussed at White House
WASHINGTON Russia and Japan
have tentatively decided each to ap
point three plenipotentiaries to repre
sent them in the Washington confer
ence M Nelidoff it is understood has
already accepted the chairmanship of
the Russian mission and is being con
sulted about the selection of his as
sistants but Washington has not yet
heard whether Marquis Itos health
will permit him to come as the rank
ing Japanese plenipotentiary The be
lief here is that Field Marshal Yama
gata will be designated in Marquis
Itos place should the marquis be un
able to accept It is believed that the
conference will convene here about
the middle of August
Pending the official announcement
of the plenipotentiaries little toward
the arrangement of an armistice is be
ing done on this side Japan will not
take the initiative in requesting an
armistice It is improbable however
that she would insist on Russia mak
ing the request It is generally expect
ed that when the missions have been
announced the president will suggest
to the belligerents the advisability of
a limited truce and that this sugges
tion will be accepted Instructions will
then go to Linevitch and Oyama to
sign the armistice
The whole question of an armistice
has been informally discussed at the
frhite house and the belief in diplo
matic circles is that there will not
be a hitch on this score Japan pre
fers that the armistice should be sign
ed in the field by the Russian and
Japanese commanders and there are
indications that this will find approval
in St Petersburg
General commendation is voiced in
diplomatic circles of the presidents
act in not communicating to Japan
the suggestion from St Petersburg
for a reconsideration of the selection
of Washington for the conference
The irrevocable opposition of Japan
to any capital of Europe was a mat
ter of common knowledge in Wash
ington and the transmission of any
such suggestion it was realized would
only invite an emphatic refusal from
Tapan and possibly seriously menace
the convening of the conference It
was learned Sunday that the issuance
of the authoritative statement on the
subject by the Russian embassj here
late Saturday night was based on ad
vices from St Petersburg that the se
lection of Washington was to be offi
cially announced in the Russian capi
tal thus removing all doubt on that
score There have been several ex
planations current among diplomats
as to the reason for Russias sugges
tion one being that it was based on
a misunderstanding about the finality
of the decision to select Washington
and the other the St Petersburg gov
ernment believed the president great
ly preferred The Hague Both expla
nations are unofficial and in view of
die Russian embassys authoritative
statement the incident is regarded as
RENO Nev The announcement is
made that a contract for the con
struction of tile tunnels through the
Sierra Nevada mountains has been let
by the Southern Pacific company and
that work on them would begin within
a month There are to be five tunnels
in all and the main one will start a
short distance north of Donner lake
and the series will end at the foot of
Blue canyon on the American river
The contract calls for an expenditure
of over 525000000
Hero of Two Revolutionary Wars in
Cuba is Dead at Havana
HAVANA General Maximo Go
mez uied here at 6 oclock Saturday
evening after an extended illness
The end came quietly in the beauti
ful temporary home at the seaside in
the suburb of Vedado to which Gen
eral Gomez was fciken on his return
from Santiago President Palma ac
companied by General Andrade ar
rived pbout a quarter of an hour pre
vious o the death of General Gomez
Pays Wife to Get Divorce
CHICAGO A check for 75000 is
said to have been given by Charles
H Thaw of New York to Frances
Rush formerly a chorus girl who re
ceived a divorce from Thaw here The
divorce was granted by Judge Akers
on statutory grounds Thaw making
no defense
WASHINGTON Rear Admiral Sigs
bee has been ordered to coal and be
ready to proceed to Cherbourg
France for the purpose of bringing to
this country the remains of the late
John Paul Jones The ceremonies con
nected with the transfer of the re
mains will probably take place in
Paris on July G or 7 and the squadron
will sail for Chesapeake bay on July 8
The Man Who Killed His Cousin is
OMAHA Hidden in a hayloft in a
barn on a farm owned by his victims
mother within a mile from the scene
of his crime Max Ploehn murderer of
Alma Goss was captured by Sheriff
McBride of Cass county about 9
oclock Thursday morning
The prisoner was transferred from
the county jail to Omaha during the
afternoon According to Sheriff Mc
Brides statement ho did not fear vio
lence but wished to avoid the annoy
ance occasioned by the curious
The story of the crime is that Re
turning after a day spent in drinking
in Plattsmouth to the Goss farm
where for four years he had been em
ployed Ploehn for no apparent cause
shot and killed his cousin Alma Goss
and wounded her sister Emma His
flight was immediate and until Thurs
day morning two separate parties with
blood hounds had been on his trail
CHICAGO Bluebeard Johann
Hoch who was sentenced to be
hanged June 23 for the murder of one
of his numerous wives may be given
one more chance to escape the gal
lows His case may be taken to the
supreme court of Illinois In a con
ference held here Governor Dineen as
sured counsel for Hoch that in case
the states attorneys office is assured
by Wednesday June 21 that sufficient
money is forthcoming to provide for
the preparation of the necessary re
cord a reprieve will be granted until
October term of the supreme court
The sum needed is 700
Threat to Extend Strike
NEW YORK President Frank Mc
Ardle of the international associa
tion of foundrymen has announced
that if the empyers in New York and
New Jersey where his men are now
on strike do not grant an increase
of 25 cents a day he will extend the
strike to the entire country
CHICAGO The teamsters joint
council apparently has come to the
conclusion that the strike is a dead
issue For the first time since the ori
ginal strike against Montgomery
Ward Co was called the contro
versy was shelved in the council meet
ing as an unimportant matter of
It is Probable That Protocol Will Be
Negotiated in Manchuria
WASHINGTON Alone on the
plains of Manchuria midway between
the two great armies the Russian and
Japanese commanders will meet to
sign the armistice which will pave the
way for the Washington conference
if the present tentative program is fol
lowed Exchanges on these points are
now in progress between Tokio and
St Petersburg via Washington but no
final conclusion has been reached It
was first thought a preliminary proto
col might be signed at Washington
providing for a temporary cessation of
hostilities but in view of the fact that
this concerns directly the armies in
the field it is believed that the belli
gerents will agree that arrangement
of the armistice be best entrusted to
Linevitch and Oyama the respective
commanders-in-chief who in such
event would be telegraphed special
powers to sign
Strained Relations Give Rise to Seri
ous Apprehension
PARIS The strained relations be
tween France and Germany over Mo
rocco continue to give rise to serious
apprehension but while openly ad
mitting that there are real difficulties
involved the officials protest against
this being made the basis of exagger
ated reports Such reports have been
circulated for several days past by a
small and uninfluential section of the
press notably by the Patrie and the
Presso One report that Germany had
submitted an ultimatum brought out
a formal denial from the foreign office
Three Deaths in Poland and St
Petersburg Anxious
caused by the danger of an epidemic
of cholera is growing A dispatch from
Sosnovice Poland reports that deaths
from cholera are occuring daily there
and three suspected are reported at
Tula The authorities of both these
cities have ordered anti cholera in
oculations in the infected regions but
the warm moist weather prevailing
is favorable to the spread of the dis
Federation of Labor Appoints Com
mittee to Con er With Executive
SCRANTON Pa At the third days
session of the executive council of
the American Federation of Labor
here President Gompers Vice Presi
dent OConnell and Secretary Morri
son were appointed a committee to
wait upon President Roosevelt to
present to him the subject of Chi
nese exclusion and other matters af
fecting the interests of labor
He Appoints a Committee of Five to
Look Into Matters Salarie Should
Be Commensurate With Service
WASHINGTON -The president has
appointed a committee of five to re
port to him on improved methods of
doing the public business in the vari
ous bureaus and departments
In a letter addressed to Charles H
Keep assistant secretary of the treas
ury President Roosevelt says
You are hereby designated as chair
man of a committee to consist in addi
tion to yourself of the following four
gentlemen Frank II Hitchcock first
assistant postmaster general Law
rence O Murray assistant secretary
of commerce and labor James R
Garfield commisioner of corporations
and Gi fford Pinchot forester in the de
partment of agriculture who are to in
vestigate and find out what changes
are needed to place the conduct of the
executive business of the government
in all its branches on the most econ
omical and effective basis in the light
of the best modern business practice
Salaries should be commensurate
with the character and market value
of the service performed and uniform
for similar service in all departments
The existence of any method
standard custom or practice is no rea
son for its continuance when a better
is offered
There should be a systematic inter
department co operation in the use of
expert or technical knowledge The
business methods of the different de
partments should be substantially uni
form In the adoption of methods and
the performance of work every step
which is not clearly indispensable
should be eliminated
A resolute effort should be made
to secure brevity in correspondence
and the elimination of useless letter
writing There is a type of bureaucrat
who believes that his entire work and
that the entire work of the govern
ment should be the collecting of pa
pers in reference to a case comment
ing with eager minuteness on each
and corresponding with other officials
in reference thereto These people
really care nothing for the case but
only for the documents in the case In
all branches of the government there
is a tendency to greatly increase un
necesary and largely perfunctory let
ter writing In the army and navy the
increases of paper work is a serious
menace to the efficiency of fighting
officers who are often required by
bureaucrats to spend time in making
reports which they should spend in
increasing the efficiency of the battle
ships or regiments under them
Must Send Representatives Empower
ed to End War
BERLIN Count Inouye the Japan
ese minister to Germany declares in
an interview in the Lokal Anzeiger
that the prospects for the establish
ment of peace depends wholly accord
ing to the Japanese view upon
whether Russia appoints real pleni
potentiaries rather than a mere diplo
matist commission to learn Japans
terms Russias commissioner must be
authorized not merely to hear Japans
conditions but to at the same time
enter into serious peace negotiations
Janan expects only commissioners
equipped with such powers the minis
ter says and will name its terms only
to such representatives of Russia as
are empowered to end the war
WASHINGTON Whether the selec
tion of Washington will affect the ten
tative selection by Russia of M Ned
lioff as one of her envoys is not
known though the opinion here is that
he will come from Paris Private ad
vices reaching here from Europe say
that Emperor Nicholas has been con
sidering General Kuropatkin as a sub
stitute for M Nedlioff
Late Reports Indicate that Six Persons
Were Killed in the Melee
BLACKHAWK Idaho Latest re
ports from the Jackson Hole country
indicate that the recent battle there
between ranchers and outlaws was
more sanguinary than was indicated
by the earlier reports
It is now stated that six persons
were killed four outlaws and two
ranchers Several horses were killed
during the fight five being shot down
in one spot The ranchers it is re
ported succeeded in recovering the
cattle which the outlaws were at
tempting to drive away
WASHINGTON Commissioner of
Pensions Warner received a contri
bution of 192 i to the conscience
fund of the treasury It came from a
pensioner and the sum total of the
pension money drawn by him since
the civil war beginning at the rate
of two dollars and rising to six dol
lars per month The identity of the
pensioner is wiiVheld at the latters
Perfect In quality
Moderate in price
These- Weather Burcan people are
aot fit to be trusted wia the reins
If all women were as good as they
look men would never daro marry
A womans credulity is boundless
Dut beware how you trifle with her
Few women ever destroy love let
ers though such letters often destroy
The woman who marries a man to
improve him may prove more than
she set out to
Money may be the root of all evil
nut it is the women who are always
persuading us to dig it up
A womans way of reasoning is as
much of a mystery to the average
man as her way of dressing
That a womans love of love should
autlast her power of inspiring it is
one of the brutalities of existence
It is one of the paradoxes of Florida
politics that so many bad bills should
be introduced in the legislature by
good men Florida Times Union
Value of Sunshine
If the beneficences of sunshine were
more generally understood and appre
ciated every house owner would have
somewhere about the house a solar
ium or sun room The ancient Ro
mans knew the value of sunshine and
always had solariums attached to the
house or forming part of it
Remarkable Cure of Dropsy by Dodds
- Kidney Pills
Sedgwick Ark June 19 The caso
of W S Taylors little son is looked
upon by those interested in medical
matters as one of the most wonderful
on record In this connection his fath
er makes the following statement
Last September my little boy had
dropsy his feet and limbs were swol
len to such an extent that he could
not walk or put his shoes on The
treatment that the doctors were giving
him seemed to do him no good and
two or three people said his days
were short even the doctors two of
the best in the country told me he
would not get better I stopped their
medicine and at once sent for Dodds
Kidney Pills I gave him three Pills a
day one morning noon and night fop
eight da s at the end of the eighth
day the swelling was all gene but to
give the medicine justice I gave him
eleven more pills I used thirty five
Pills in all and he was entirely cured
I consider your medicine saved my
childs life When the thirty five Pills
were given him he could run dance
and sing whereas before he was an
invalid in his mothers arms from
morning until night
Some people go through life like a
cat meaching through a blind alley
without ever knowing theres a big
roaring world beyond
Cracked and Peeled Water and Heat
Caused Intense Paii Could Do
No Housework Grateful
to Cuticura
My hands cracked and peeled and
were so sore it was impossible for me
to do my housework If I put them in
water I was in agony for hours and
if I tried to cook the heat caused in
tense pain I consulted two doctors
but their prescriptions were utterly
useless And now after using one cake
of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuti
cura Ointment my hands are entirely
well and I am very grateful Signed
Mrs Minnie Drew 18 Dana St Rox
bury Mass
A woman is never so afraid of catch
ing cold in the wet when she has on
low shoes and openwork stockings as
a man is in rubber boots
Pisos Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as
a cough cure J W OBiuen 322 Third Ave
K Minneapolis Minn Jan G 1500
A stitch in time has mended many
a mans ways
CITO permanently cured No fits or nerrensnew after
lllw flrt days use of Dr Klines Great Nerre Kestor
er Send for FREE 8200 trial bottle and treatise
DB B H Kjjse Ltd 031 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa
The June Arena will appeal to all
persons interested in clean govern
ment and social and economic ad
vance In it Rudolph Blankenburg
continues his remarkable series of pa
pers dealing with corruption in Penn
sylvania the present discussion being
concerned chiefly with the unparallel
ed reign of graft and roguery in Phila
delphia Frederick Opper A Car
toonist of Democracy is another in
teresting feature being an illustrated
article dealing with the life and work
of one of the best known and most
effective cartoonists of the day A
fine full page portrait of Mr Opper ac
companies this sketch The Benjamin
Fay Mills Movement in Los Angeles
is an inspiring and highly suggestive
paper showing what work a church
may do when under the guidance of a
broad minded thoughtful and earnest
minister awake