Meeting- of Board of Equalization Notice is hereby nivon thnt the bonrd of county commissionrrsof Red Willow county will sit ns a board of equaliza tion of Assessment Juno 13tb 14th nnd 15th on which dates tba assessments Till bo eqaulized nnd adjusted E J Wilcox County Clerk 7 Tired out worn out woman cannot ileep eat or work seenls ns if she would fly to pieces Hollisters Rocky Moun tain Tea makes strong nerves and rich blood 35 cents Tea or Tablets W Kr V im Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished It suffers for food starves Then it falls out turns prematurely gray Ayers Hair Vigor is a airVi gor hair food It feeds nourishes The hair stops falling grows long and heavy and all dan druff disappears My lialr was criniing out ti rrllilv I wm almost afnilil m mhiiIi II Hut AtV ISiIr Viuor promptly tpit i the CilliiiK nl ilio lestorcil tin- luitinii iwjir Mis i K Wauii iiiui u i fl 00 a lmllle E All IniLViNts f riTHVOTt fuSJtgzw iFoo M - i I 4 t fc t The Butcher wants you Trade The best of everything is his motto Phone 12 di HLllld Mm1 it ii i toil V VutlfilJ w1 DO NOT BECOME TACKY DO NOT RUST DO NOT WARP and SPLIT LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG AND ALWAYS LOOK NEW PAINTED WITH I x I 2tyfc 8 s Screen Door Paint I MADE IN GREEN and BLACK Heady for Use Yon Can Apply It PUT UP IN 1 2 plat pint quart U2 gallon j and gallon cans CONE BROS Druggists Chamberlains COLIC CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol era morbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take I Every man of a family should f keep this remedy in his home it now It may save life Price 25c Large Size 50c fasaaswwKfcjeaaagftrfss LIVE STOCK MARKETS AT KANSAS GITY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY 1 LIVE 8TOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS C7FICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAHA PIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kansas City June 14 1905 Receipts of cattle thus far this week were 22200 last week 30100 last year 27100 Mondays market for beef steers was steady to strong on best grades others barely steady Best cows 1 and heifers were strong others barely steady Best stockers and feeders were strong to ten cents higher others slow and weak Oo the early market Tues day best beeves sold steady but later five to ten cent lower rates were often quot ed Best cows nnd heifers were steady to strong others weak to ten cents Jow er Stockers and feeders were unchang ed Today a few lots of good beeves sold earlj at steady values but weakness soon set in and most everything went ten cents lower Best cows and heifers were steady others ton to fifteen cents lower Bulls were steady veals mostly 25 cents higher Stockers and feeders were steady stock she stuff dull and weak The following table gives quota tions now ruling Extra prime cornfed steers 50 to o uoou 5 da to Ordinary 4 65 to Choice cornfed hoifers 4 65 to Good 4 25 to Medium 4 00 to Choice cornfed cows 4 50 to Good 3 75 to Medium U 25 to Canners 2 00 to Choice staffs 4 25 to Choico fed bulls 3 50 to Good 3 25 to Bologna bulls 2 25 to Veal calves 5 00 to Good to choico native or western stockers - 3 75 to Fair 3 25 to Common 2 75 to Good to choico heavy native feeders 4 25 to Fair 3 75 to Good to choice heavy branded horned feeders 400 to Fair 3 50 to Common 3 CO to Good to choice stock heifers 2 75 to Fair 2 25 to Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 00 to Fair 3 50 to Good to choice stock calves huifors 3 00 to Fair 2 50 to 75 5 25 4 90 4 65 4 25 4 75 4 25 3 75 3 00 4 75 4 00 3 50 3 00 5 50 4 50 3 75 3 25 4 75 4 25 4 50 4 00 3 50 3 00 3 00 4 50 4 00 3 50 3 00 Receipts of hogs this week were 40 000 last week 32800 last year 29500 Mondays market was steady Tuesday mostly five cents lower and today again mostly five cpnts lower with bulk of sales from 8522 to 8525 top 8530 Receipts of sheep this week were 13 500 last week 20200 last year 14000 Mondays market was very brisk and ten to 25 cents higher Tuesday steady to strong and today weak to ten cents lower We quote Choice lambsS6 75 to 8700 choice yearlings S550 to 8575 choice wethers S475 to 8500 choice ewes 450 to S465 BARTLEY MrsEsbon Day was an Indianola visit or Tuesday Henry Kornhaus has just finished painting his residence Ira Sheets is having the foundation laid for his new residence Gordon put up a new phone for Pete Gregory Wednesday The Epworth League will have a pic nic near Bartley July 4tb John Pucket of Indianola was a busi ness visitor in our city this week John Irwin was over from near Dan bury this week on business in Bartley Bartley and Cambridge are to play a match game of ball here nest Satur day The Misses Rawson are now posses sors of a fine new organ purchased this week A fine rain three nights this week no hail with them and has been a beneficial to the crops Elder Wilson went to Trenton this week to join a happy couple in bonds of matrimony Miss Lulu Robins wenttoBenkelman Mondajrto take possession of a millinery store she has purchased there Mr Charles Catlett returned home Saturday from Wesleyan University where he has been attending school Robert Thomas and Mr Reynolds of Indianola were Bartley visitors Wed nesday evening attending the Masonic lodge here Mr and Mrs Harry Brown and the children visited Sunday in the country with Mr and Mrs MD Hobbs parents of Mrs Brown Floral exercises of the A O U W were held in the M E church Sunday Taylor of Cambridge preached a fine sermon to a large audience Prank Jennings and two little girls were out buggy riding when the lines broke and the horses started to run Prank jumped out to stop them and was knocked down by the horses and the buggy ran over him The horses continu ed running until one of the horses caught his foot in the check reins which threw him down One girl had fallen down and rolled under the seat The horses stopped suddenly and the other girl fell over the dash board on to the horses She was slightly injuried it was a close call for them and fortunate the results were no more serious We think the city council of McCook displayed supreme selfishness in refus ing to allow the Bartley Telephone Co to run a line through the corporate limits to the court house This line is not run for profit but for actual cost which is only 50 cents per month expense The line is mostly owned by farmers in different directions from Bartley They frequently want to talk to tho county officials a few minutes which could be done without cost or loss of time Other wise the way tho trains run it takes two days and expense of 250 to 300 to attend to the same business We do not think the business men of will approve of the action of their city council in shutting off the citizens of Bartley and vicinity from communication by phone with the coun ty officials DANBURY Wm Mackeys have mu ed into their i new ncuse Ual DeMay went to Cedar Bluffs last Wednesday Mrs Annis is under tho doctors care with cholera morbus Mr and Mrs Mitchell Young spent Sunday in Lebanon Rev Murr and family returned from Jennings Wednesdny Mrs Simeon Billings is having a new porch added to her house J L Sargent has bought tho hard ware store of II N French Roy Eno of McCook is visiting friends and relatives of this place Miss Vera Wright of Lincoln is here ready to begin giving music lessons Mr and Mrs J W Slutts of Lebanon attended the play here Saturday night Miss Viva Wrigh went to Cedar Bluffs last week returning Tuesday of this week Ernest Carter the blacksmith of Cedar Bluffs was in Danbury a few days last week Misses Pearl Hayes Dora and May Greenway are in McCook attending the Junior Normal school Harry Butlers father mother and brother came from Iowa in an automo bile Tuesday to visit the former Dave Boyer and Miss Eva Reming ton were married at tho brides home June 14 Rev Murr ofliciating Mr and Mrs J L Murr and daughter Rella and Mr and Miss Douglas have gone to Jennings on a visit with friends Mrs Alfred Ashton of Cedar Bluffs visited at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs DeMay last Saturday and Sunday A fine play entitled Diamonds and Hearts was given on Saturday night by some of our home folks The hall was crowded They cleared 867 The fine rain a few days ago insured a bountiful harvest The farmers are having their machines put in order so as to go to work Alfalfa harvest has al ready begun Mr and Mrs Patton arrived here last Saturday Mr Patton will have charge of the meetings at the Congregational church while J W Mason is away at his homo in Canada of Te erg efth arent needed when you eat California Wheatose for all thats coarse and hard is removed no hulls no fibre no waste in Cal ifornia Wheatose Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers BOX ELDER Miss Lillie Graves is at home with the measles S D Bolles is putting up his alfalfa this week The heavy rains North of here has caused the Willow to overflow Mr and Mrs George Shields visited with Mr and Mrs T M Campbell Sun day Mrs N Boyce and litttlo daughter Dora are having a siege with the meas les Rev J A Kerr is attending the Ep worth League Convention at Cambridge this week The Childrens Day exercises at the churches last Sunday were well attend ed and enjoyed by all THE JACK PONTO Any ones having mares they wish to breed to a good jack said to be largest breeder in tho county should bring them to my ranch where free pasture will be given until mares are known to be in foal TERMS S800 for standing colt to insure 81000 A W Campbell Box Elder - Nebraska CHICHESTERS EH8LESH PENNYROYAL FILLS J t es safe- Always reliable Xadicasfclrneist foi CHICHESTERS EXGLINH in lied and Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Kefime dancroun nuliitl tationaand ltuitationN liuyof your Druggist or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Tentl monlaln and Relief Tor JLadieN in Utter betunIal 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 SSadlson Square PlILIiA PA Sfcntlon thli Baser LEBANON Mrs Mattio Nichols is improving her residence Mr and Mrs Ernest Fiechter drove to Norcatur the 10th Mr and Mrs Walter M Pennington have moved to Bartley Chas Bushnoll of Wilsonvillo is run ning tho yard for Steve Austin while thoi latter is building new sheds and fixing up the yards in good shape Rev W H Scofield preached a me morial sermon for tho Modern Wood men of America June 4th After the sermon they decorated the graves of the departed brothers in Lebanon cometery Hupp Slutts have sold tho lumber yard to Steve Austin of Wilson ville Mr Hupp was one of the first to engage in busircss in Lebanon about fifteen years ago He and Harvey Burgess were tho only men now living in Lebanon that wero in business when the town first started Mr Slutts came here from PLEASANT RIDGE Miss Inez Montgomery is staying with Mrs Eflio Allen Eli Bair and sister Roso visited at Jake Botzs Sunday John Botz and wife visited at their son Jakes last Sunday Mr Bixlers have moved to their new homo on tho rivor bottom Dorsoy Shepherd and wifo visited at Clay Shepherds Sunday Charlie Rider a little nephew of D Shepherd is visiting him this week Miss Maude Stewart is working for Miss Rose Bair for a few weeks M E Kimborling and wife were callers at Mr Lechlitners last Monday after noon Estray Cnme to my farm 5 miles south of McCook about six weeks ago a red and white yearling steer calf Charles Nothnagel The alfalfa harvest first cutting is Iowa in the spring of 1891 and bought weu under way this week tho lumber yard Mr Hopp buying in later Mr Slutts expects to visit with his family this summer in Iowa For Sale A three-months-old full blood Shorthorn bull calf Inquire at the water works Tho finest gas engine and alfalfa grind er that has ever been placed on the market at W T Colemans Call and see it If you want pretty face and delightful air Rosy cheeks and lovely hair Wedding trip across the sea Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea BANKSVILLE Petor Wesch has been quite sicktho last few days B W Benjamin and family were visi ting at W II Hartmans Sunday A M Benjamin and family were visi tors at Mother Roshongsnear McCook last Sunday II I Peterson went after a rattlesnake with the mail pouch the only weapon at hand but he got tho rattler all tho same Mr Buchanan of the firm of Clark Buchanan Co of HastingsNebr was in Banksvilleon Sunday looking after some land matters in the neighborhood i y - AT McADAMS STORE Commencing can be paid off in monthly payments of 10th We will place on sale a large assortment of plain and fancy colored ribbons Sale Will Continue for Ten Days A larger assortment or a better bargain in ribbons has never been offered here before No 40 Ribbon at 5c a Yard Consign Your Live Stock To STOCK YARDS KANSAS GITY MO We alscfhave our own housesat OHICA1 SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY jOUTH ST JOSEPH DENVER Read ourmarket letter In this paper -1 Write us for any special Information desired A 1000 LOAN with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association 1252 If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain our system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association - rm Blrmr MRS L F GRIGG AOENT FOB CliasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Throo doors oast of DoUrolfs store Dr Herbert J Pratt Reoistkeed Ghaduatk Dentist Office ovor McConnell s Drug Storo McCOOK NEB Telephones Oilico 1G0 rosidonco 131 Connor location Atlanta ueorgiu L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance McCOOK Phono 50 uinco over McMillons drug store H P SUTTON McCOOK NEBKASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Offico Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free J F Hart M D McCOOK NEBRASKA Oilico hours 9 to 12 n in 2 to 5 nnd 7 to 9 p m Phones Oilico V7 residence 45 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico Residonce 121 Main Avenue Ollica and Residence phono 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska CSAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oflice in Postoflice building C H Boyle C E Eldred Co Alt y BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Plioao U Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postollice Building 511 111 P McCook Neb j mm DENTIST phone ns Office ovor Grannia storo McCook Neb 1 F D ssvssasjffNHNacm BUKGESS umber and team Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Ppe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA m mk SS2Vx WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee rjiBStel 4tiK - a rw s t3 c irtinn i 1 f U ri Er Wil 3 V HUHUW Ty V AiCO TESTIMONIAL Dec 17 1902 I used L v for hog cholera and it was all riRht It cored ray hogs I had three sick ones and they all Bot well and done fine I also used it for chicken lico and mites and it is all you claim for it It is the only Medicine for hoe cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke HarrinKton Neb Dec 11 1902 T am using Liqmd Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all tho time as it is the best thing I ever had on the place for everything it is intended for It is good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds lnsecl9 F w Woman JAHES CAIN nainredrbjth6 National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa T Cure a C I Take Laxative BrOmO QlUmme Tablets f on every I I Seven MGffion boxes sold in past 12 months This Signature fjyrzrzr box 25c I ii lit fl K r w iv - m i i