The children of school enjoyed a wood yesterday Igtmk jOTtip By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Official Paper of Redwillow County The Indiana railroad commission has recently exhibited impudence enough to issuoan order to the railroads of the state requiring thorn to furnisha list of all freo transportation outstanding Juno 1 Tho commission hopes to have by July 1 a list of all public ofiicilas who havo passes which will be made a basis for investigation CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Preaching at 11 a m Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 Good music at all services All are invited M B Carman Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church aa follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in tho month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 1100 a m subject Heavens Vestal Junior society at 3 p m Preaching at 8 p m the first in a series on tho general theme Truths for Today Special theme being The Brute in the Blood Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 730 All are cordially invited A B Carson Pastor New Books for Library The Library Board is making up a list of books to be ordered and will welcome all suggestions from patrons and others that are received by the end of the com ing week Address same to secretary or any member of the board A dwelling on South Madison owned by Mrs Augusta Anton and occupied by Oscar Grismore caught fire early Tuesday morning from a super heated stove pipe and but for the timely arri val of neighbors the damage might have been severe It was only nominal how ever There was considerable delay in getting in the alarm and when the de partment arrived the fire had been ex tinguished jok ale a nice iront door for a residence with screen door to match Also window frame and two sashes with glass Will sell very reasonable Call at this office for further particulars Farm trucks at S2700 at W T Cole mans Just the thing for your hay rack to haul grain hay and manure Remember that all shoes bought at The Bee Hive will be sewed and nailed free by our Mr Meyers St Patrics Sunday picnic on the Drift- Some of the young folks had a social dance at the Palmer house last Satur day evening We want your shoe repairing and will attend to it promptly The Bee Hive Every Two Minutes Physicians fell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers Poor health follows poor blood Scotts Emulsion makes the blood pure One reason why SCOTTS EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach a double advan tage in this Less work for the stomach quicker and more direct benefits To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health Scotts Emulsion does just that A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it Wc will send you a sample free Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOTT BoWNE Chemist 409 Pearl Sc N Y Socentund 1 00 All draggiiu Real Estate Filings Tho following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening S Brahlor to J J Sims no qr nw qr 81-4-28 10 Lydiu Perkins to J J Harrison wd to so qr 35-3-26 8 Annottie Livingston to R V Iluino qcdtosw qr 24-4-23 1200 00 F S Livingston to R W Hume q cd to sw qr 24-4-28 A B Ford to G Howell deed to e hf nw qr and lots 1 aud 219-4-30 Bridget Wilson to II Hesterworthwd tosw qr 23-2-29 1st M E church to Neb Conf Cowd to lots 1 and 2 blk 5 McCook M A Northrup to P E Reoderwd to soqr 13-3-30 1100 00 Alice Edwards to J J S Johnson wd to s hf so qr o hf sw qr 20-2-29 800 00 A L Boucher to G Theobald wd to all blk 7 Springdalo add Bartley 325 00 L L Co to Lobanon G L SAsan wd to lot 10 blk 6 Lobanon L L Co to W Dowler lot C blk 2 Danbury Advertised Letters 700 00 GOO 00 800 00 100 00 CO 00 N J Johnson to B F Bowen wd to seqr 17-1-29 1000 00 Clarke to F Quadour wd to sw qr 23-2-27 1050 00 E Pennington to P E Caster wd to nw qr 34 and so qr ne qr 33-1-26 2000 00 A Edwards to M Shurtleff wd to no qr 19 and nw qr 20-4-29 2000 00 A Edwards to M Shurtleff wd to n hf sw qr and n hf se qr 18-2-30 TJ S to J W Taylor pat to s hf no qr and n hf so qr 13-2-29 Clara McKay to M L Ruby wd to lot 11 blk 251st McCook W A Brown to C D Noble wd to lot 11 blk 25 McCook 1 00 000 00 562 00 650 00 C E Gibson to P F McKenna deed to no 400 00 The following letters were advertised by the Mcdook postoffice Juno 1 1905 Anderson C H Barber M J Calhoun Mrs Dixon Mr C W Duncan Dr J K L Granger H P Gay lord A L Peterson Ray Stark Mrs N B Wallace Clarence Wolfe C F When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster RURAL FREE DELIVERY N01 G A Roedel had business in Culbert son close of this week Miss Jeannette Dutton returned home early in the week from Lincoln The farmers began harvesting their first cutting of alfalfa end of last week Mrs L J Burtless expects to leave for Auburn N Y Monday next to be absent about six weeks A family reun ion is one of the attractions of her visit Herman Trehal of East McCook lost a horse by lightning Thursday morning during the electric storm The light ning was communicated to the animal from the wire fence along which it was grazing John Brittain has withdrawn from the Rogers hunting party and Walter has added another partner who has already double discounted John and his clubby capturing a coyote bare handed the other day This no bear story either A friend has a private word from Mrs C A Stone announcing her safe arrival at her new home near Haigler Dundy county She was met at Benkelman by her husband and two neighbors Their car of goods arrived in good condition not a chicken smothered COLEMAN Frank Coleman has a new team Hoy a new horse Grandpa Coyle is able to be about on crutches Miss Annie is sewing in Mc Cook Clarence Eozell went toGrinnell Kan sas to witness a cousins marriage Miss Minta is attending Junior Normal school in McCook They Are Not Injurious Harry Barbazett found an insect in numbers on some of his shade trees and being fearful of the insects depreda tions caught some of them and sent them to Prof Bruner of the state uni versity Lincoln who promptly informed Mr Barbazett that the insects were not only not injurious but a protection against the destructive efforts of the borers Heard From After 22 Years Absence Mr and Mrs D Mangus of our city were made tearfully happy Thursday morning by receiving a letter from their son Milton whom they have not seen for 22 years Milton enlisted in the regular army in 1883 The last letter they re ceived from him was in 1892 from some where in Montana but beforefttheir let ter arrived in Montana the son had gone elsewhere and all trace was lost of him The father recently advertised in a Chi cago newspaper and communication was established in this way between parents and son Thursday was a joyous day in the Mangus home The son is in South Dakota A visit from the long absent son would fill the old couples cup of joy to overflowing Severe Hailstorm The hail which accompanied the rains last Friday and Saturday nights was quite destructive over a considerable territory extending from a few miles northwest of McCook in a southeasterly direction ten or nfteen miles This trip is said to have been a mile or more wide Among those effected by the storms are H H Mitchell Nick Mitchell John Kummer the Ben Baker place W P Broomneld tho Streff farm the Balius place Walter Hickling and quite a num ber of others along the line of the storm southeast of here and on between Dan bury and Lebanon The Tribune un derstands that in some localities the damage was severe and the total loss will be quite heavy A Guaranteed Cure For Plies Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of howlong standing in 6 toli days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Makes disgestion and assimilation perfect Makes new red blood and bone Thats what Hollisters Rocky Moun tain Tea will do A tonic for the sick and weak 35 cents Tea or Tablets INDIAN0LA Wm Gotschall of Danbury was in town Tuesday Wm McCallum and wife have return ed from Oklahoma I M Smith was in Indianola Wed nesday on business W R Starr of McCook was in town Monday and Tuesday Quick Kingshipped one car of hogs and three of cattle Sunda Marion Powell of Lincoln was in our midst a few days last week Miss Flora Quick came home for a short stay Sunday morning S R Smith attended the Masonic grand lodge at Omaha last week Whitmore Fritz shipped two car loads of hogs to Kansas City Sunday Mrs J W Dolan is in Omaha visit ing relatives but is expected here short- Mail Carrier Lyons lost a horse last Sunday by some disease resembling colic John Reiter went to Cambridge Sat urday morning and returned at night on No 5 Miss Cora Porter is attending the nor mal this week as is also Miss Grace Phillips Katie and Anna Vering came home Saturday niorningand stayed until Sun day evening A nephew and niece of Mrs Leonard Smith are here for a visit Their home is in Seward Neb Miss Lydia McCool came home for a few days visit last week She returned to the normal Sunday The Adventists are again with us and are holding tent meetings on the lot east of the school house Miss Nettie McCool departed Sunday night for Canyon City Colorado where she will spend the summer Elder Evans of Arapahoe preached for the Christian peoplelast Sunday during the absence of their pastor The gang master of the road at this place was paid a visit by his familythis week Their home is in Arapahoe Charlie Lehn and wife came down from McCook and spent the day visiting with D Lehn and family Sunday Rev J Wilson of the Christian church returned Sunday evening from the east He was accompanied by his sister T Duncan came home from Minco Oklahoma Thursday evening He re ports everything finer than silk there The Sunday school convention at Cambridge this week occupies three days Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs day Thomas Taylor and family of Friend came in on No 5 Sunday evening to visit awhile with relatives and friends F B Hardesty has returned from York Neb where he had been attend ing a pharmaceutic convention at that place S R Smiths beet cultivators have arrived and taken possession of the new shanty erected for them just south of the beet fields Grant Lakin is home now from Okla homa He was well pleased with that country during his stay there and he thinks of returning in the near future A Victim of Dropsy Isaac Matson died about midnight Monday after a long illness with drop sy at the home of Joseph Matson in South McCook The remains were taken to the Upper Driftwood Wednes day morning for the burial besides the remains of his mother in Hitchcock county Reveals itself in many ways Some times the impurities in the blood mark and mar the skin with blotches pimples boils or other eruptions Sometimes the result or Daa blood is rheumatism or a debili tated condition which is popularly described as feeling played HBrsE 3 vc ft out hardly able to drag myself around The impurities and poisons which corrupt the blood clog the liver and cloud the skin are removed by the use of Dbctor Pierces Golden Medical Discov ery It does more than eliminate the poisons it increases the activity of the blood making glands so that there is an increased supply of pure body building blood It brightens the eyes cleanses the skin and gives new physical energy Accept no substitute for Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery I thank God for the good your medicines have done me writes Mr James M Sizemore of Mitchell Lawrence Co Ind Box 501 I was not well for two years My throat was always sore head ached an back ached nearly all the time My weight was 155 pounds I was taken sick with typhoid fever and when the fever left me I had such a pain in my left side I could not breathe without pain I thought I must die My wife went to the drug store and procured a bottle of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discavery and a vial of his Pleasant Pellets I discontinued the use of my doctors medicine and began with the Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets I at once began to feel better the pain soon left my side and I could breathe with ease In a week or so I felt so good I could not stay in the room I began to walk about the streets I felt better each morning Aftr a months use of the medi cine I was well That was over a year ago Now I weigh 184 pounds and feel better than ever in my life Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation I a - - nttttntmuui t fc SUMMER OXFORDS For Hen and Women A stock that for variety of styles and parfection of workmanship cannot be excelled in any store in the whole world Beautiful Oxfords in dark and light tans Plain Black Kid and Calf Enamel and Patent Kid Calf and Colt White Canvas Suede and Oose Calf A special invitation is extended to thctee at tending the normal to come in and see our goods Jhe JVodel hoe 5 tore A E PETTY Prop McCook Neb g3BlllBgliaBPWMi Celebrate the Fourth of July at McCook McCook has perfected arrangements for holding one of the great est celebrations in her history about 81000 going into the plan to provide amusements for guests on that day Music by Cambridge Band Oration by Hon J S Hoagland Fireworks Base Ball Races Street Parade Barbacue Etc Neither money pains or time will be spared to make this a real treat to all who may come There will bo something doing all the day long Plan to be with us Of SUHMER DRESS GOODS Preparatory to moving into my new store addition I will put on sale my stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS at the following extreme reductions for Two Weeks Begining SATURDAY JUNE 10 Regular 25c goods for Regular 20c goods for -Regular 15c goods for Regular 10c goods for -Cheaper lawns at r lot of ioc dress ginghoms All 1 5c dress ginghams 1 8c per yard 15c per yard ioc per yard 7c per yard 5c per yard 7c per yard ne per yard While Waistings alsoat reduced prices These are all new goods nothing left over from last year but I prefer moving them out of the front door in your hands rather than out the back door into my new store addition and these prices will soon move them so call early and secure the best selections during this sale I will also offer some exceptional bargains in Ladiess Dress Skirts India Linons Fancy Collars Turn Overs Belts and Hand Bags A few odd hats for men and boys SHOES for everybody This is a sale of seasonable goods right in season and you cannot afford to miss the opportunity of laying in a supply Its your move dont wait Phone 16 McCOOK NEB II mi uikww Got a stack coner at W T Colemans before haying and harvest You will need it All repairs on shoes bought of J II Grannis will be done free at Stulken Bauers Our Mr Moyers will make you now shoes as well as repair your old ones at The Ike Ilivo To Young- Men Como in and got a buggy at W T Colemans and bo ready to bring your best girl to tho Fourth nnd see tho best celebration over held in McCook To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxativk bkomo quinine tablets All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro E V Grovos signature is on each box 21c TRY I C Bum Coal Wood Building Material of all Kinds Screen Doors and Windows Phone Number One A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods andjdelivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats ffl nam AT COST Now is the time to insure your stock and buildings against lightning torna does and fire Write or phone me and 1 will call and fix vou out JW BURTLESS Phone J135 McCook Neb ssis ssroifTYa Mike Walsh DEA1EE IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash west of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska W F Wilson Successor to Nick Colling Buys and Sells Second hand Goods of all kinds Furniture wanted Rear of De Groffs McCook Nebraska ft- si Hi m S r 1 I