The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 16, 1905, Image 1

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Let Us Help You
We want to nssist you in tho
choice of your wall decorations
furniture polish enamels stains
and other house cleaning necessi
If you need a painter or paper
hanger let us know wo save you
the trouble of finding him
Remember wo are headquarters
for wall paper in all grades and
that our prices are the most at
tractive over offered you for such
goods We know wo can please
you and also save you monoy on
your wall papor purchases
See our windows for some of the
things you nced in spring house
cleaning campaign and remember
that we carry only the best of
everything in such goods and at
the same time you save money
when you give us your orders
Cone Bros Druggists
Fraternal Memorial Day
Sunday last was Memorial Day for
tho Workmen and Woodmen orders and
their auxiliaries the Degree of Honor
and Royal Neighbors and there was
proper observance of the day by tho
local lodges
In the morning committees from the
order and auxiliaries repaired to the sev
eral city cemeteries and the graves of
deceased members and of members of
families were appropriately decorated
by loving and generous hands
In the afternoon services in memoriam
were held in the Methodist church tho
orders in uniform in part attending and
marching from their respective halls in
organization Theso together with
citizens in attendance making a goodly
audience The memorial address was
delivered by Rev Carman The invoca
tion was uttered by RevCarson There
were solos by C II Miller P M Kim
anell and Rev A B Carson
Called a New Pastor
At a special called meeting of the
members of tho Congregational church
Monday evening a call to the pastorate
of the local church was extended to
3Jev Dwight H Piatt now pastor of the
Congregational church Smith Center
Kansas who occupied the local pulpit
last Sunday one week
Remember the dance to be held in the
McCook skating rink on Tuesday even
ing June 20 1903 by the K of P or
chestra Tickets admitting lady and
gentleman SlOO All spectators 25 cents
Desirable Residence For Sale
My residence on corner of Marshall
and Dakota streets Inquire at resi
dence M U Clyde
Doans 91
is the Cream of all thats good The
sensitive touch of the most experienced
miller can producp no better flour
Helpful Rest
can be secured by purchasing a com
fortable hammock at McMillens drug
One of the very finest entertainments
JMcCook people will have opportunity to
iear will be the recital next Wednesday
evening at the opera house by Henry L
Southwick dean of the Emerson school
of oratory in Boston Dean Southwick
will render the Cardinal King from
Richlieu A large aud
ience should avail itself of this favorable
chance to greet probably the foremost
exponent of the spoken word in Amer
One dollar down and one dollar per
week will get you an Edison phonograph
With a phonograph in your home you
may enjoy the music of a high class
band or orchestra a concert of operatic
music or a minstrel show Come in and
Lear the music and let us show you the
machine McGonnell Druggist
Its in The Citizens Bank building
the new Stokes grocery The stock
is new and fresh and clean You will
receive courteous attention in the store
and prompt delivery of your purchases
Try him
McCook has an enviable reputation
as the foremost city of enterprise in the
western country Doans 91 patent has
been one of McCooks best
All who are owing mo will please call
and settle by June 20 lam going away
and settlement must be made
J VanDepoel
There is a blue sack coat at The Tri
bune office for the owner It was
found on the road near J A Schmitzs
last Saturday
Dr S C Beach is now located two
doors north of the post office
Ladies and mens umbrellas 50c to
500 at Thompsons
Linen lawn shirt waist suits S150 at
Wanted Girls at McCook Laundry
r J r 3
Jill -
S R Smith was up from Indianolaon
business Wednesday
Lewis Ludwick is homo from Nebras
ka City for the summer vacation
Mns Mary SiiEAFFLEitof Holdrege is
a guest of Mrs E L Hawkins
E J Mitchell and family returned
close of last week from Sedalia Mo
O W DeWald of the Trenton Regis
ter was in town Monday on court
house business
Dr R E Campbell of Buffalo NY
is with us again arriving in the city
first of the week
O M Knipple has commenced tho
construction of a largo and handsome
porch in front of his Main avenue home
Mr and Mrs W A Dolan of Indian
ola were guests of her parents Deputy
Treasurer and Mrs I M Beardslee
Monday driving up and back
Ira Joseph Clark graduates this year
from the scientific course Nebraska Uni
versity Clinton Jesse Campbell literary
course is also credited to McCook this
Misses Celia and Sallie Gorby left
Thursday morning They will visit
briefly in Red Cloud Superior and Nel
son but will be in Uuiversity Place for
the summer vacation
Rev Harmon Bross of Lincoln was a
guest of his son Perry Monday night
Rev Bross was on his way east from a
trip up the Imperial line on Congrega
tional church business
Mrs C W Bronson returned Mon
day evening from Denver where she has
been in a hospital for past two months
after an operation from which she is
now recovering gradually
Miss Cora Garvey entertained some
forty young friends Tuesday night
Light refreshments were served danc
ing and card playing were the items of
entertainment enjoyed by t h e young
Dr J D Hare is attending the com
mencement exercises at the Chicago
Musical college where his daughter
Hazel is completing one of the courses
in violin study The family will return
with him to McCook June 26th
Will L Brown came in from Los
Angeles Calif Sunday night and has
been the guest of his father and aunt
this week Will likes the work and
country on the coast His is here on
a brief business social visit
John D Mundis Denver was one of
the nine successful candidates for regis
tration under the pharmacy laws of Col
orado at the meeting of the Colorado
Board of Pharmacy in Denver June 2 3
There were 32 applicants
Lewis Casten and Clarence Hoff de
parted Thursday for Cheyenne Wyo
where they will both work for the Union
Pacific The boys have the best wishes
of many friends here for their content
ment and success in their new home
Rev M B Carman Misses Lillie Mc
Clain Ethel Middleton Cora Garvey
Rena Hillers Clara Anton and Tacie
DeLong are representing the League
here at the Holdrege District Epworth
League meeting held in Cambridge this
Dr W F Jones U S cattle and
sheep inspector left on No 6 Sunday
night for Norfolk Nebraska where on
Wednesday the 11th instant he was
united in marriage with Miss Martha
McNish of that city After a trip to
Portland Oregon and the Pacific coast
they will return to McCook where the
doctor will be stationed a while longer
in the performance of duties pertaining
to the bureau of animal industry U S
department of agriculture Heres a
hearty congratulation doctor
iS IJ J CU V 9
Our Paints
The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv
ing entire satisfaction and sold on a
guarantee If you want the best
mixed Paint or Lead and oil var
nishes and stains we would like to
figure with you
McMillen Druggist
Flag bunting 5c a yard at Thomp
See that road wagon at Colemans for
3850 its a peach
All shoe repairing promptly and neatly
done Bring in your work
The Bee Hive
The Sawyer dwelling partially de
stroyed some months since by fire is be
ing restored by the company
W Meyers an old time shoe maker
from Lincoln has accepted a position
at The Bee Hive
The fire laddies were indulging in a
little practice last Saturday evening
Some of tne fire plugs were tested this
week Both should receive more attent
Quite a severe thunder and electric
storm prevailed in this neighborhood
Thursday morning but little rain fell
East of here the precipitation was heavy
in some localities during the day
Big in thoughtbig in experience big
in his ability to instruct
and entertain
Still retains his hold on the American
people and remains one of the most
popular lecture attractions in the
country He is always in great de
mand but through an early invita
tion of a friend he stops off here be
tween trains to deliver one of his
most pleasing lectures on his way to
the Boulder Colorado Chautauqua
where he spends two days The
fame of this man as an original
speaker evangelist and man has
caused such wide spread talk and
criticism and his good deeds and
charities are recorded by so many
men and women that he stands in a
unique place of his own There is
only one Sam Jones and he will be
This lecture will be given in tho
commodious and comfortable audi
torium of the new ME church under
the auspices of the E L and Y P
of the L A Tickets will be on sale
after June 12th at LWMcConnells
drug store or by members of the so-
Grant Them Permission
The Tribune is at a loss to under
stand why the city council of McCook
should refuse theBartley Telephone Co
independentpermission to run a line in
to the county court house
Such a line would be a great accom
modation to the people of the eastern
end of the county in communicating
with the county officers on business of
the county Granting the permission
would be at no cost to the city The
city authorities had the same legal right
apd moral obligation they had when
they granted the Nebraska Telephone
Co a franchise
The Tribune considers the action
taken an error which should be rectifi
ed at an early date
The fact that this city is friendly to
the Nebraska Telephone Co and pays
a good round price for the excellent ser
vice received does not mean that the
people of McCook are opposed to so
reasonable and proper an action as the
granting of a permit to the Bartley Tele
phone Co to run a line into the court
The people and business interests of
McCook are not and cannot be in fair
ness and reason opposed
The Tribune is not in favor of high
board fences -but leaves a fair show
equal opportunity And the people of
McCook are with this proposition
New Livery Stable Firm
The east Dennison street livery barn
has been purchased this week by C B
Gray and L D Vanderhoof who are
now in charge The new firm expects
to improve the service by additions to
the live stock and vehicles as the case
may demand and guarantee the public
all the advantages of a first class livery
feed and sales stable Give them a trial
350 Takes Them All
A Crown piano with Angelus piano
playing attachment and about 30 tolls
of music 350 buys them Angelus is
also an organ All in first class condi
tion Can be saen over Pades furnitnre
store George Beck
Fourth Bond Paying Social
M E church next Monday evening
June 19th beginning at 815 Program
by Junior League upstairs free Re
freshments in basement for 15c a plate
Proceeds to pay off their bond to the
new church
McCook Won
The ball game yesterday afternoon
between McCook and Indianola teams
was won by McCook Score 8 to 6
Free Dirt Free Dirt
Several loads of good dirt around the
M E church Come and help jour
Attention is called to the fact that the
reservation of seats for Dean South
wicks entertainment begins Monday
morning next at 730 oclock and that
first preference will be given the holders
of season tickets No single admission
tickets will be sold until Tuesday morn
First in the hearts of all good bread
lovers is Doans 91 patent You need
the flour to keep well fed Doan needs
your trade to knead your bread
The mills of the Gods grind slowly
but never grind finer flour than Doans
mills produce
A 2 bushel seamless
bags 16oC at Thompsons
Best carpet
warp on spools 19c at
Childrens Day Exercises
The Sunday school of the M E church
gavo an instructive and delightful Chil
drens Day program last Sunday even
ing before au audience which filled the
church Twenty four girls composed
tho chorus which gavo four chorus num
bers during tho evening Frank Mc
Clure delivered a short address entitled
The Chart For Our Journey The
primarj children were on program for
two pretty songs Rachel Berry and
Olive Armstrong sang solos Josie
Stewart Grace Willetts Mable Anton
and Lorene Armstrong gavo recitations
The pleasure and pride of tho evening
is in a goodly measure chargeable to Miss
Celia Gorby and Miss Rose Akers who
had the children in direction and charge
An offering of 1000 was given by the
school to assist Methodist young people
through school who need help
Just a fair audience witnessed the
Childrens Day program in the Congre
gational church Sunday evening but
the efforts of the little folk were en
joyed and appreciated
The program opened with a piano and
violin duet by Miss Emma Perry and
Roswell Cutler There were recitations
in turn by Frank Barnett Mary Boyle
and Helen Solliday Gertrude Norris
Martha Rogers Leta Monks Roy Rank
Marguerite Perry Pauline Burns and
Harlan Benedict Gertude Suess
Wilhelmine Berdine Hazel Norris and
Mabel Randel Vocal solos by Ruth
Wiehe Gladoys Fuller and Marion Nor
ris A duet by Helen Burns and Dora
Oyster A song by the little ones Qf the
primary department A trio by Velma
Sutton Helen Burns and Marjory Scho
bel Brisbane Hofer Roswell Simmons
Cecil McMillen and Mart Lawritson
lifted the offering and recited in the
same connection Miss Lillie Campbell
played the offertory A song by tho en
tire Sunday school opening and closing
prayers by Rev Conrad completed the
program which was prepared under the
direction of Mrs W M Stoner Mrs
F M Kimmell and Miss Millie Slaby
A collection amounting to 1060 was
taken by the children for the benefit of
the Congregational Sunday school Pub
lication and Missionary society
Potted plants cut flowers fernspalms
etc in pretty profusion made up a very
effective decoration
The exercises by the children of the
Sunday school Sunday evening attract
ed a good audience and none went away
disappointed The program was of con
siderable length and very pleasing
An organ voluntary by Hazel Rouch
opened the services responsive reading
and prayer following There were four
chorus numbers by the school Vocal
solo by Elsie Everist Duets by Edna
Maxon and Florence Jacobs and Helen
Thompson and Raeburn Carson Reci
tations by Clara Schlagel Affa Scott
Helen Thompson Julia Schlagel Rae
burn Carson Ethel Huber Charlotte
Blanding Florence Jacobs Elsie Ever
ist Mabel Maxon Marjorie Inglis Au
rilla Koebel Edna Maxon Belle Moore
Hattie Woolard Agnes Huber Bessie
Everist Helen Knipple A tableau
Kiss Me Good Night by Elsie Dukes
and Ruth Woolard Tableau Nearer
My God To Thee by Hattie Woolard
Albertina Phillippi and Ida Allen An
address by the pastor and benediction
concluded the program
The church was handsomely decorat
ed with potted plants cut flowers
ralms ferns and patriotic bunting
Largest line of Japanese kimonos at
Lawn dressing sacques 4i cents at
A few years ago all machinery was
made from wood and today any piece of
farm machinery that is not made of steel
is out of date The latest is the steel
wagon In a few years there will be
nothing but steel wagons W T Cole
man has them now You should call
and see them
Stokes new grocery in The Citizens
Bank building is now open and ready
for business Everything in groceries
fruits and meats new and fresh Call
and see
You surely will want one of those
Quick Meal gasoline stoves or a refrig
erator or an ice cream freezer at Cole
mans before the big celebration
Want to Rent A five or six room
modern cottage only two in family
Will take lease E M Bigelow
The freshest newest and cleanest in
groceries fruits and meats at Stokes
new grocery
Best apron check ginghams at 5 cents
a yard at Thompsons
Boys and girls gauze
union suits at
Wanted Girls at McCook Laundry Wanted Girls at McCook Laundry
fe I il Jll Jl II J
Commercial Club For It
The adjourned business session of tho
McCook Commercial club last Friday
evening was one of the most interest
ing held since its organization
Tho club first disposed of a grist of
routine business allowing bills otc and
then settled down to the consideration
of the application of the Bartley Tele
phone Co an independent line for a
franchise from tho city of McCook to
run its line into the court house
The matter was thoroughly and warm
ly debated and The Tribune is more
than pleased to note that the ultimate
decision was a just and proper one that
is in favor of the city authorities grant
ing their request Local Manager Hall
of the Nebraska Telephone Co and a
few members opposed tho granting Con
gressman Norris and a majority of tho
members favored tho proposition A right
conclusion was reached
That this action of business men of
the city was subsequently turned down
by the city council Monday evening of
this week is certainly a surprise
Attention Farmers and Stock Men
I Wm D Acor of Colorado Springs
Colo will be in McCook for the next
ten days for the purpose of introduc
ing Acors Healing Liniment I hereby
wish to announce that I will go free of
charge any distance under fifty milesto
see any bad wire cut or other bad inju
ries snake bites or blood poison wounds
for which I make a specialty I will give
five hundred dollars to any man in
America that can equal my treatment
in all the above ailments or to free
rheumantic pains in tho human family
Call for me at tho new Palmor Hotel or
Blue Front Livery Barn I will furnish
free medicine to any doctor for use to
Pythian Memorial Day
The Knights of Pythias will observe
their memorial day in the Methodist
church Sunday afternoon at three
oclock All Knights will assemble at the
castle hall at 230 for ritualistic service
and from the hall will march to the
church where there will bo an address
and other exercises appropriate to the
occasion The invitation is general
Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes
repaired promptly at The Bee Hive
Handsome line of jet and ivory collars
at Thompsons
Largest line of allovers and laces at
Special on Wall Paper
We have some desirable patterns
in better grade papers at special
prices Come in and see then
A McMillen Druggist
Take a Note Book
and walk through the house and youll
be surprised at the number of little
things that could be made to look better
by a coat of paint The Sherwin Will
iams Family Paint is made particularly
for the little things about the house It
is put up in small cans It looks well
wears well dries with a gloss It helps
to keep the house bright and cheerful
McConnell Druggist
The marked and distinctive difference
between Ancient Gaul and modern gall
is in that the ancient article is said to
have been divided into three parts Not
so the modern sort Its indivisible
imperturable inextinguishable quite
damnable You can see this breed at
the opening rush of the sale of seats to
one of our attractions in the opera
house any time the rush is on
It is mighty hard to talk sense for a
whole hour and not bore some green
horn I wouldnt like to be in heaven
with a lot of fellows who have swin
dled me here Sam Jones said these
You can hear him at the M E church
Friday evening July 21st
On Trinity Sunday June 18th there
will be a celebration of the Communion
and sermon in St Albans Episcopal
church at seven oclock in the morning
All are welcome
We have now in our employe a first
class shoemaker who will attend to all
your shoes needing repair
The Bee Hive
Out-of-town products are not in com
petition when quality and excellence are
considered as factors in flour Theres
none so good as Doans 91
The new Stokes grocery is now open
for business The freshest of every
thing in groceries fruits and meats
Give him a trial
We take pride in getting your shoe
repairing done promptly and at reason
able prices The Bee Hive
Shoes repaired and work guaranteed
at the old stand The Bee Hive
Ladies extra size gauze underwear at
n Recital by
Dean of Emerson School of Oratory
Boston Mass
830 oclock p in
Auspices McCook Junior Normal
Paut i IIonor of tho Woods W II II
Alphabetical Romance
Lament of tho Camel IHinsolf
Paut II
touH rotlc and luetic drama
ix- t -
Act I Tho Lovers
An- II Tho Monk and tho Spy
Act hi Tho Lions Skin and tho Foxs
Act iv Tho Curso of Koine
ACT at M j Feet
At present time Dean of Emerson
College of Oratory Boston llonry
Lawrence Southwick for several seas
ons has been a prominent and brill
iant figuro upon thelyceum platform
His work possesses tho attractivonoss
and force that win tho public -finish
and artistic beauty which command
the praise of scholars and thinkers
I lis personality will instantly cam
mand tho interest of any nudienco
He is a man to bo remembered among
a thousand
MrSouthwick held me spellbound
Mrs Mar A Livermore
Mr Southwick had an immensely
laughter provoking way of reciting
humorous selections BostonfMussi
3 Gazette
immensely pleasing San Diego
fCnl Union
I have had a wide experience and
have heard most of tho lecturers and
entortaiuers who hao been promi
nently before the public during the
last thirty fivo years and I have
never listened to a more attractive
lecturer than Mr Southwick James
L Hughes Supt of Public Instruc
tion Toronto Ontario
Fine literary discernment and rare
eloquence of expression Toronto
Ont Mail
A fine voice Madison Wis Dem
Reservation of seats at McConnells
Monday June 19 at 730 a m The
plat will bo held all day Monday for
holders of season tickets but will be
opened for general sale on Tuesday
Stokes the grocer
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell
Mens helmet hats 20c at Thompsons
Wanted Girls at McCook Laundry
Carpenters nail aprons 25c at Thomp
Best table oil cloth 15 cents a yard at
A second hand surrey for sale cheap
at W T Colemans
Butchers linen for waists and suits
35c at Thompsons
Complete assortment of gauze corsets
and girdles at Thompsons
AH shoes bought of J H Grannis wiil
be repaired free at Stulken Bauers
J II Grannis sale of summer dress
goods dress skirts etc is now on Do
not miss it
Linen sheeting for shirt waists and
suits for SlOO a yard S3 inches wide at
Sunburn tan or freckles need not
bother you this summer if you will use
McConnells Fragrant Lotion
The work of excavation is now being
pushed by Pat Walsh on the cellars for
his new buildings on Main avenue
Its your move now Ill move later
See Honest Johns advertisement in an
other part of this paper for particulars
Why not get one of those oak water
three gallon kegs to carry water to the
field in Take a look at those at W T
Our living friends are not our only
advertisers Competitive importations
resort to devious methods to decry the
merits of Doans 91 patent
For Sale My property on Melvin
St No 207 seven rooms two closets
and china closet Inquire of F L
Traver McCook Neb
The reduction prices on those summer
dress goods dress skirts etc at J II
Grannis are moving them fast Get in
before the best values are taken
The J C union made railroad over
clothes are superior to all others 3175
cash on the nail buys a suit TheThomp
son Dry Goods Co exclusive agents
Water coolers at W T Colemans
Place one in your store and see if wont
help your trade
Elegant patterns in fancy ribbons at
Ideal waists and shirt waist suits at