The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 02, 1905, Image 8

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Meeting of Board of Equalization
Notice is hereby given thnt the board
xf couoty eomfnissiqners of Red Willow
countv will sit Hsu bonrd of
UJ Brown IS 1116 name
r i T Ill I Mth and -
4 ion of assessment June JJtb
night operator at the dep
isn nntvinM lnr tlR assessments
will bo eqnulized and ndjusted
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Reduced Rates
iolvansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
JFt Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
siq in the near future Call on agent
ifor particular
Why is it that Ayers Hair
Vigor does so many remark
able things Because it is a
hair food It feeds the hair
puts new life into it The hair
Hair Viior
cannot keep from growing
And gradually all the dark
rich color of early life comes
back to gray hair
When I first used Ayor3 Hair Vlijnr my
hair vis about all uniy Hut now it i n nire
rich blark atul as thiVl n I could wish
Mils SfbAN KrOll KNSTIliS JlMCIllliiili
AM iliicci u C lon r M ts H
f Gray Eaf r
The Butcher
wants you
The best of
everything is
Phone 12
i J
thamberlam s
Diarrhea Remedy
A few doses of this remedy will
invariably cure an ordinary at
tack of diarrhea
It has been used in nine epi
demics of dysentery with perfect
It can always be depended
Tipon even in the more severe
attacks of cramp colio and chol
era morbus
It is equally successful for
summer diarrhea and cholera
infantum in children and is the
means of saving the lives of many
children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family should
keep this remedy in his home
Buy it now
Price 25c
may save me
Large Size 50c
Poultry Co
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
For the next 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens Tc lb
Springs Tc lb
Turkey Hens lie lb
Miss Mamie Mann is on the sick list
Mrs William Sheets is quite poorly at
of the new
Wm A Dolan and family returned
from Lincoln a short time ago
Fred Burt has added an addition to
his house in the south part of town
Professor Delfer took his departure
Monday for his home at Nelson Neb
Mrs Chester Dow and children went
to Danbury Friday for a short visit
Messrs C B Hoag L B Simmons
aud O M Poe were McCook visitors
last week
G W Ritchie of Bartley was in In
dianola Mondayattending to some legal
MrsT Conrad Miller and children went
to Culbertson Suturday evening for a
short visit
Miss Jennie Dejeny of McCook came
down Tuesday for a visit with her aunt
Mrs C Colling
Mr and Mrs Ami Tecl entertained a
cousin from Mt Pleasant Iowa a few
days last week
The Coon Creek base ballists pla ed
acrainst ludianola Saturday Indianola
came out best of course
Miss Ida Donnelly returned from Ken
esaw last Tuesday where she has been
visiting all spring
Miss Grace Smith of McCook spent
decoration day in Indianola the guest
of her cousin Anna Smith
Messrs Eoger Brown L B Simmons
Clark Hedges witnessed the ball game
at Lebanon Decoration day
Henry Crabtree and sister drove over
to Lebanon a few days ago and had a
pleasant visit with friends
Mrs J Longnecker living southwest
of town is ouite noorlv She has been
an invalid for several years
Miss Dorothy Gregory came over from
Clayton Kansas last week and will
visit with the folks for awhile
An auto passed through town Thurs
day The propeller was on his way to
the far west on a business tour
Miss Elsie Teel entertained her young
friends in the way of a party last week
flinch being the prevailing game
Miss Bessie Toogood went to Hastings
Monday morning where she will stay
with her sister during the summer
Mrs Frank Moore drove over to Leb
anon last Friday and brought May
home from ber school which closed that
School closed Friday and an enter
tainment was given in the evening The
proceeds will be used for the purchase
of a new piano
Miss Naomi Wootton of McCook was
in Indianola Monday She came over
from Danbury and went to McCook on
No 5 in the evening
Mrs Finney went down to Juniata
Monday and visited with her daughter
until Wednesday evening Little Floyd
Short accompanied her
Misses Nettie McCool and Bertha
Hedges went over to Lebanon last Tues
day to see the great ball game between
Indianola and Lebanon
The Indianola schools gave their enter
tainment Friday evening to a well filled
house The play entitled A trip to
Europe was well received
The funeral of Milton Strokey was
held at the residence Rev Hawkins
preaching the sermon A large crowd
of sympathizing fiiends were present
The most interesting feature of the
week was the advent of the Omaha
commercial club in our town A very
large crowd greeted the visitors in spite
of the mud and rain There were about
two hundred of the excursionists who
distributed mementoes of every descrip
tion to the crowds and departed leaving
the impression that the Omahans were
a lively set of people
James Ryans team took a little run
Wednesday afternoon He was in front
of W H Smiths furniture store and
while in the act of loading some stuff
into the wagon his horses took a hike
for home Tney were intercepted how
ever before they had gone very far and
brought back to town No damage was
done save the scattering of some lumber
and other things that were in the wagon
Decoration day was observed with us
in an appropriate manner The weather
was fine and nothing occurred to mar
the serenity of the day The usual ex
ercises were held in the forenoon march
ing to the cemetery decorating the
graves etc In the afternoon the opera
house was filled to overflowing to listen
to an eloquent address by E B Crippen
of the M E church after which there
was special singing by the choir which
completed the program for the day
S M Gray is on the sick list
Everyone has finished listing corn
Mrs J W Dutcher was in Cambridge
Mrs Chas Colling 13 in McCook be
ing doctored
James Malleck has bought the Duff
land comprising three quarters
Mr and Mrs Ivan Korb and baby
visited the latters parents Saturday
and Sunday
Every one is putting up their mail
boxes this week to be ready for the
carrier the first of the week
Mrs Ira A Gammill has a very sick
F G Stilgebouors youngest child is
quite sick
Ira Sheets will soon begin building a
residence 27x28 two stories high
Mrs Harry L Brown and children
visited in Indianola Memorial day
Philip Lomasters and family from
near Arapahoe visited here last week
The Wymoro girls from Freedom aro
visiting friends in Bartley this week
Fletcher Faubian are painting a
house for Peter Vogo southwest of In
Hail did much damage to fall grain
and gardens in the vicinity north of
Pea Ridge and Bartley nines crossed
bats here Saturday result 5 to 15 in
favor of the visitors
A lot of bronchos wore sold here this
week and broncho busting is the prin
cipal amusement now
There being no oflice seekers in Bart
ley this year accounts for the failure to
observe Memorial day
D Mangus was down from McCook
this week to calebrate memorial day
The celebration did not materialize
Commissioner Premer was in town
Wednesday and reported much damage
done by hail northwest of his place
Elder Wilson pastor of the Christian
church hereleft on 5 Mondayfor Chad
ron whore he will visit for two weeks
A pleasant party at the home of S W
Clark Monday evening was given in
honor of Irvin Clark on the anniversary
of his 19th birthday
James Williamson and family were
over from Colby Kans this week visit
ing relatives and friends They aro well
pleased and doing fine
W W Lemasters and wife departed
on 12 Tuesday morning for Portland
Ii d and other points They intend
extending the visit about three months
Rev G B Mayfield delivered a very
interesting sermon to the graduating
class in the M E church Sunday even
ing Ho returned to his home at Nor
man Neb Monday morning
Mr Latta is putting up a new
on his farm
Our city mill is being converted into
an elevator
Jacob Wiggins went to Lincoln last
Friday on business
Mrs A J Clifton went to Minden
Sunday to visit friends
F P Fellows and John McNiece are
gving tho hotel a coat of paint
David Knowles came up from McCook
Wednesday evening to visit his parents
Mrs Porter of liayes county was
trading with our merchants Wednes
Rev A J Cliffc n preached the me
morial sermon in the M E church Sun
Mrs R Knowles wtnt up to Beverly
Wednesday evening to visit her son
Mr and Mrs G W Warnock came
down from the sandhills Monday to
visit friends
Dr J D Hare o McCook was called
to see Thomas Beach Friday We hear
he is improving at this writing
Aim net
arent edible neither
are wheat hulls
They are removed
by our special proc
ess before crushing
the wheat for Cal
ifornia Wheatose
Flaked wheat food for breakfast
All good grocers
There has been three days without
rain at Banksville
C B Graves is canvassing this region
insuring the farmers crops for hail dam
Mrs Charlie Lee took Mrs Wade to
Cedar Bluffs today so she could take
the train to Danbury
Frank Bell accompanied J H Relph
to Banksville Sunday and he looks as
if he had been well kept
Steve Fitzgibbons has bought the J
Allen half seetion
A man from Missouri looked over this
neighborhood Wednesday
Wm Rozell brought out a load of big
cedar posts on Tuesday for fencing
Mrs E M Easterday had one quarter
section of her land fenced for pasture
and part of another quarter turned over
for cropping
See Knipple right away and secure
some of that baled hay just shipped in
Per ton 950
A C Bartholomew has a new cistern
The school exorcises the 26th were
Luella Thompson was up from Wil
sonville Sunday
Mrs Gertrude Dunton and children
are here on a visit
Earl Bod well was up from Beaver
City Decoration day
The farmers aro soliciting subscrip
tions for their new elevator Quite a lot
of shares have been subscribed for
Mr and Mrs Arthur Grafton were
over from McCook last week and took
Mrs Graftons mother home with them
Harden Smiths have moved into their
new homo and Isaac Coons have moved
into the Turner property vacated bj the
The Beaver Valley Telephone Co has
received two more cars of poles The
lines are being extended rapidly Ern
est Fiechter will have a new phone
Mrs S E Ralstens mother Mrs
Doro and sister Mrs Bennett arrived in
time for the school exercises the 26th
Mrs Bennett coming after her daughter
who has been attending school here
Rev W II Scofield assisted in the
graduating exercises at Wiisonville last
Thursday night the 2oth A number
of Lebanonites were present at the exer
cises and were hurried home by the
rain in the night
Your reporter and better half spent a
verj pleasant evening at Mr and Mrs
P B Garretts Monday evening Mr
Garretts brother Frank is a missionary
to China and we were shown a number
of Chinese relics One was an opium
pipe made of silver It had a compart
ment for a supply of opium and tobacco
mixed There was a tube to hold water
to keep the pipe cool There was a
place for paper treated so as to hold
light a long time The pipe bowl was
no larger than the rubber on the tip of
my pencil After filling the bowl from
the attached compartment and taking
two or three puffs the bowl is empty
and must needs be filled again Other
curios were a parasol chop sticks look
ing glass etc
Georgo Harrison is building a new sod
Thomas Graves is building a new
frame house
Vernon Boyce is taking caro of the
measles now a days
Younger and Foye are building a
house for Andy Fennell near Havana
Preparations are being made for Chil
drens Day exercises on Sunday June 11
Miss Ella Johnson who has been at
tending school in McCook is homo for
A T Wilsons family have been hav
ing the measles but are all able to be up
On account of the rain Sunday morn
ing the memorial sermon was not preach
ed but will be Sunday evening June 4
at S30 Every body invited to attend
If you want a pretty face and delightful
Rosy cheeks and lovely hair
Wedding trip across the sea
Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea
Thero can be but one standard of ex
cellence and Doans 91 flour is 1 to 16
the best of them all and as cheap as im
portations Let me put you wise
Use Doans 91 patent
Our Mr Moyers will mako you now
shoes as well as repair your old ones at
Tho Bee Ilivo
Get a stack coner at W T Colemans
before haying and harvest You will
heed it
We want your shoe repairing and will
ntteud to it promptly The Bee Hive
Bertha Gliem is working in the Nows
E B Stilgebouer will move into his
new house next week
Mr nnd Mrs Louis Cann have gone
away to visit relatives and friends
John Wilsey has returned to Danbury
after an absence of several years
The Lebanon second nine crossed bats
with the Danbury school boys com
moncement day suffering the defeat to
tho score of 20 to 10
Mr and Mrs Emberling and Mrs
Simeon Billings spent Tuesday in In
dianola Mrs 3 LSargent also observ
ed Memorial day thero
Adam Miller has bought a now en
gine and seperator Mr Wing a new
steamer and seperator And Harve
Springer a now steamer
Mrs Bert Miller committed suicide
last Friday evening by drinking carbo
lic acid An unhappy home is said to
be the cause of the sad and desperate
G W Fletcher has returned to his
home in Beaver City after teaching suc
cessfully during tho term just closed
We understand he will teach the high
room next year Miss Jones the pri
mary teacher has returned to her home
The Danbury public school closed
Friday last with a dinner after eating
which the school gave a program The
dinner was the gift of the parents of tho
children and was a marvel of the culi
nary art The program was greatly en
joyed and altogether meritorious
In view of certain conditions in this
city and neighborhood there is a move
ment on foot to a3k for a grand jury
from the district judge at the next ses
sion of court Murders suicides and
other affairs of anything but a reassur
ing nature are becoming too numerous
for comfort
Miss Wootton who has been working
in the central telephone oflice here for
several weeks returned to her home in
McCook Monday of this week Miss
Wootton has the distinction of being
one of the very best phone operators in
Nebraska and has been instructing at
this point Beth McDonald will be in
charge of central during vacation
Makes disgestion and assimilation
perfect Makes now red blood and bone
Thats what Hollisters Rocky Moun
tain Tea will do A tonic for the sick
and weak 33 cents Tea or Tablets
Tired out worn out woman cannot
sleep eat or work seems as if she would
fly to pieces Hollisters Rocky Moun
tain Tea makes strong nerves and rich
blood 35 cents Tea or Tablets
Consign Your Live Stock To
We alscfhave our own houses at
Read our market letter In this paper Write us for any special Information desired
A 1000
with the McCook Co operative
Building Savings Association
can be paid off in rt -4 - go
monthly payments of P I
If you are paying more you pay too much We can
mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and
less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa
tion Call on the secretary who will explain our
system Office in First National Bank
McCook Building Savings Association
ChasAStevens Bros Ready-made-
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Throo doors onBt of DoUrolTa store
Dr Herbert J Prait
Beoistkbed Graduatk
Oflico over McConnells Dhir Store
Telephones Ollico JGO residence 131
Former locution auuuui unirKiu
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13
Consultation free
Oflice hours 9 to Yl a in I to 5 and 7 to 9 p in
Phones Ollico 155 residence 45
and Surgeon
Oflice Residence 521 Main Aveuue Ollico and
Residenco phone 53 Culls answered night or
McCook Nebraska
53oAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Oflice in Postoilico building
C II Botle C E Eldued Co Atfy
Attokneys at Law
Long Distance Phone -11
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Mi rnnt Nh
Postotlice Building
Oflice over Grannis store McCook Neb
Plumber an
Steam Fitter
iron Lead and Sewer P pe Brass
Goods Pumps an 3oner Trimmings
Estimates Furnished F ee Base
ment of the Postofice Building
of ANI1
Sui l J
Delmont S D Dec 17 1902
I used L K for hog cholera and it was all
right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones
and they all got well and done fine I also
used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
you claim for it Itis the only Medicine for hog
cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all tho
time as it is the best thing I ever had on the
place for everything it is intended for Itia
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
I To Ciire a Cold in One Bay l
I Take Laxative Br0mO Quinine Tablets a every I
I Seven Miffion boxes sold in pest 12 months This Sfgnatnre - IOX 25c 1
Real Estate Insurance
Phono fiG
Oflico over McCOOK
McMillous drug store NEBRASKA
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee r