The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 02, 1905, Image 4

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    Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Strictly Personal
The Tuidune is prepared to
show you n superb line of samples
of 1906 calendars and we will
do the printing right hero No
need to send away for them Our
line can suit the most fastidious
tasto and the fullest purse or tho
simplest desire and most modest
The Tribune has in stock a full
linejof Cash Register stationery
Cash Received on Account
Paid Out Charge slips etc
Buy your supplies at homo and
save annoyanco of ordering from
eastern cities
The Tin bun b keeps in stock
notes receipts single and in du
plicate one or three to the page
legal blanks of all kinds type
writer papers etc
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a ra Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughkan Pastor
Eiiscoial Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 3 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Eaiile Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Preaching at 11 a m Junior League
at 3 Epworth League at 7 Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8 Morning sub
ject Christianity Pays Evening sul
ject Tho Mystery of Iniquity Re
ception of members at morning service
All are invited
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m Y P
S C E at 7 Preaching at 8 p m
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at 8 p m Rev Dvvight H Piatt of
Smith Center Kansas will occupy the
pulpit both morning and evening and a
full attendance of members and friends
is desired Pulpit Com
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice May 31 1905
Abbott Chas
Deeder Mr John
Gray Mr Armour
Lamb Miss Liln
Miller Mr Chas
Nelson Miss Elsie
Rogers Mr C N
Ryan Lairy
Theobald Mr Bert
CJ Be sure that this
picture in the form of
a label is on the wrap
per of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy
Scott Bowne
409 Pearl Street
New York
5oe and t ill druggist
Cate J F
Davis W H
Hoff Frank G
Harrison Mr Louis E
Mining Mr Henry
Newly Mr Harry W
Ralph Frank
Strefl Albert
VanCleve M A T
Williamson Rev A A
When calling for these letters
say they were advertised
P M Kimmell Postmaster
For Sale A nice front door for a
residence with screen door to match
Also window frame and two sashes
with glass Will sell very reasonable
Call at this office for further particulars
j There is no specific for
consumption Fresh air ex
ercise nourishing food and
Scotts Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it if there
is anything to build on Mil
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung
If From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form hence
it did very little good They
can take
and tolerate it for a long
time There is no oil not
excepting butter so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scotts Emulsion
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous
f We will send
sample free
you a
Lillie Mat Campbell v
Bertha Mat Caett
Ruby Jane Fitzgerald
Richard Oscar Green
Ada A Hammond
Edward Warren Hanson
Ada Mat McAninch
Lillie Elizabeth McClain
Emma Martha Perry
Lona Jamerson Phelps
Charles Richard Rice
Edna Waite
Charles R Rice President
Edward W Hanson Secretnry
Ada M McAninch Treasurer
Is it but a happy dream
Seen in the firelights slow
Busy jojful school dnys seem
Only bright days vanished long ago
Faces dear to momry there
In tho firelights glow
While scones of youthful days so fair
Softly come and go
Alas twas but a happy dream
Of happier dnys long flown
Twas but tho firelights golden gleam
Tho picture now is gono
Winifred E Bhowne
One of the happiest incidents of the
week was the reception tendered the
graduates by tho members of the eleventh
grade at the home of Supt and Mrs G
II Thomas Saturday evening The
high school teachers were also guests of
the occasion There was a brief pro
gram games and refreshments Miss
Lona Phelps and Miss Ruby Fitzgerald
recited their class day numbers Miss
Gertrude Storer gave one of her always
enjoyable readings Mrs G II Thomas
a piano selection and Mrs Thomas and
Miss Storer a vocal duet Miss Celia
Gorbys senior biography was better un
derstood and appreciated than the read
er will apprehend Ice cream in class
colors blue and gold was served with
cake Miss Elsie Campbell and Miss
Mildred Berry presided over the punch
bowl There were about forty present
The members of the 11th grade were
ushers for all the occasions as is the
Last weeks account of the events of
commencement week were necessarily
brief disconnected and on the whole
unsatisfactory hence we cover the entire
weeks doings this week more in detail
and more harmoniously
The decorations for commencement
were the same as those for class day
They were appropriate and tasteful a
large flag forming the background for
the class whose motto on a field of blue
and done in gold Pro Bono Publico
was suspended over the flag palms
ferns potted plants and cut flowers
formed the rest of the simple but pretty
effect the labor of the members of the
class of 03
Rural Route No 2-
Postmaster Kimmell has just been
duly authorized to extend rural free de
livery service from the McCook post
office commencing on Tuesday August
1st 1903 over the territory north and
west of this city as follows
Leaving McCook and going half mile
north to half section in section 19
thence west two miles on half section
road in sections 19 and 2 thence one
mile south to Flitcraft corner thence
northwest one mile to Harman corner
thence north quarter mile and west one
mile to northwest corner of section 27
thence south quarter mile to Plummer
corner thence northwest one and quarter
miles to Perry station corner thence
north threa fourths mile to the north
west corner of section 21 thence east
two miles to the southeast corner of sec
tion 15 thence north three miles to
northeast corner section 3 thence west
half mile to half section road in sections
34 and 27 thence north two miles on
half section road in sections 34 and 27
thence east half mile to northwest cor
ner section 26 thence north one and
quarter miles to Zimmerman corner
thence east two miles on quarter section
road in sections 14 and 13 thence south
three fourths mile to half section road
in section 19 thence east one mile on
half -section road in section 19 thence
south two miles to Brady corner thence
east half mile south half mile east half
mile to northeast corner section 5
thence south four miles to the southeast
cornersection 20 thence west one mile
to postoffice
The route will cover
area of 50 square miles
population 441 There
alongZthe proposed route
29Jj3 miles an
Will supply a
are 98 houses
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
C H Boylelto M C SLurtleff wd to
neqr 18-2-30 S 650 00
J N Clarke Kec to H Martin Rec
deed to nw qr w hf sw qr 24 e hf se
qr 23-1-29 1800 00
Boyle Eldred to I D Long ndtos
hfswqr 344 30
B S Baker to Mary Dutclier wd to
lot 11 to 16 in F Esther park
M Morris to F Quaduor -wd to se qr
J J Samslto S Brabler wd to sw qr
500 00
150 00
1300 00
1 00
J Roelfslto S Brahler wd to sw
4 2S 1S0000
C Harman to Etna B Dye lot 2 32
2nd McCook
Equitable LandJCo to G Lang deed
to sw qrlseqr 18 o hf nw qr w hf ne
qr 19-2-29
S L Wright to O L Wright wd to
lots 7 to 10 blk 35 lot 5 blk 37Bart
L Jennincs to Addie Durhin Inf AuiC
600 00
50 00
8 Springdale 1000 00
United States to PGillenDat to nr
17-2-27 J
Notice Teachers and Prospective Teachers
The first and second weeks of tho Mc
Cook Junior Normal school Juno 5 to
17 inclusive will be the instituto weeks
for Red Willow county One weekis
the limit on compulsory attendance at
institute so I am designating tho sec
ond week as the one for compulsory at
tendance Let me urge you though to
be preseut the first week also to get
your work planned yoursolf comfortably
located and all preliminary arrangements
made so that the second or institute
week may bo given wholly to school
work Excuse from institute attendance
will bo granted only after previous con
sultation with tho superintendent and
then only for good and sufficient reasons
This is the annual business meeting of
the teachers and it is for the best inter
ests of the schools and of all concerned
that each teacher be present So come
and lot us make this the best institute
yet held in this county
Flora B Quick Co Supt
Do You Want to Try
Postmaster Kimmell wants to see a
number of persons who are desirous of
taking an examination for carrier of a
proposed rural free delivery route out
of McCook Report to him promptly
and secure application blanks
Knipple has just received a carload of
nice bright baled hay which he is soil
ing at 950 a ton
The Fourth McCook
Instructions for Organizing
The Fourth of July committeo on attendance hereby offers the follow
ing cash prizes
Largest delegation from any country school district 15 00
Second largest delegation from any country school dist 8 00
Third largest delegation from any country school district 5 00
Largest single load of people from country G 00
Second largest single load of people from country 4 00
Third largest single load of people from country 2 00
Largest family attending in a body 3 CO
Second largest family attending in a body 2 CO
Third largest family attending in body 1 CO
The committee suggests an inamediato organization in every school
district within reach of McCook Call a meeting at the school house
appoint a captain and several lieutenants to canvas tho school district and
enroll the delegates at once Set an hour for assembling at school houso
on morning of the 4th Start early enough to reach the court houso in
McCook between nine oclock and twelve noon central time Tho judges
will bo there and count up the delegations as they arrive and tho prizes
will be paid in cash money by 1230 oclock Tho number of vehicles do
tbimines the size of the delegation The captain must be mounted and
wear a sash of red white and blue over his shoulder and present his dele
gation before the judges ready for counting by handing to them a card
containing the count the number of tho district and hi9 own name Tho
prizes will bo paid over to the captains in each case If any delegation
contains wagons or families contesting for tho other prizes the captain
will notify judges For further information write or call on the committee
who will do all they can to assist
WivKmmVmlFVBErlyjnlKru TV MgaBIIHMrTi
For a short time I will put on sale my entire
stock of Dress Goods at the
Soo and 850 Skirts
650 Skirts -
575 and 600 Skirts
5 50 Skirts -
475 and 500 Skirts
3 75 Skirts -
These are all new styles
and the very best values on the
following re-
Dont forget to Phone 16 for the
Best Groceries
4 75
summer weights
the regular selling prices
And now at these reduction prices you can
not afford to miss these extreme bargains
Ladies Fancy Collars and
I have just received a new assortment of all
the up-to-date collars and turn overs ranging
in price from ioc to i Call and see them
B 9 I hH B k3 JHb Bu Sfr AT m Btt Hi HI ns uB Hf Bfl Bftw
Phone 16
Stulken Bauer e well kown
shoe makers
lately working in the Bee Hive and the Model
Shoe Store have formed a partnership and
solicit your patronage
Boots and Shoes
Made to Order
General Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done
tulkcn Bauer
First door south of DeGroff Co s store
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative ickomo qtinink tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 23c
To Young1 Men
Come in and get a buggy at W T
Colemans and be ready to bring your
best girl to the Fourth and see the best
celebration ever held in McCook
By virtue of an ordor of silo issued from tho
district court of Red Willow county Nobraska
under a decree in an action wherein Otto Hopt
is plaintiff and Catharine Rejnoldb is defend
ant to me directed and delivered I shall otTor
at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for
cash at tho cast door of the court hout u in Mc
Cook Red Willow county Nebraskaon tho 2itli
day of June 1003 at the hour of ono oclock p
in the following described real estate to wit
The south oast quarter of section twenty three
township three north rango twentj six west of
the sixth principal meridian in Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this 23th day of May 1903
A U Ckaistuke bheriii
Bojle it Eldred attornejs
In the county court of Red Willow county
Nebraska In the matter of the estate of John
II Ludwick deceased Notice of hearing of
final report and on petition for distribution of
residue of estate and discharge State of Ne
braska Red Willow countv ss To all persons
interested in said estate You are hereby noti
fied that on the ICtli day of May 1903 James
Earl Ludwick administrator of the e tato of
John II Ludwick deceased filed in said court
his final account as said administrator and
that said final account will bo heard on the
12th day of June 1903 at tho hour of ten oclock
a m at the county court room in the city of
McCook in said county and you are hereby
cited to appear at the time and placo above
designate ana show cause if such exists why
said account should not be allowed on are
further notified that said administrator has
filed his petition in said court Ihe object and
prayer of which are that a decree of distribu
tion in ay be made of tho residue of aid estate
now in his possession to tho parties entitled by
law to recpivo the same and that ho bo dis
charged a administrator and that the said
petition will bo heard at the time and place
aoove mentioned it is ordered that a copy of
this notice bo publi hed once each week for
three successive weeks in The McCook Tribune
a newspaper printed and published in said
Dated this lClh daj of May 1903
seal Frank Moore County Judge
Any ones having mares they wish
to breed to a good jack said to be
largest breeder in the county should
bring them to my ranch where free
pasture will be given untill mares are
known to be in foal
for standing colt
to insure 310 00
A W Campbell
Box Elder - Nebraska
0 Vs f
Oi5rs reliable tadlcnaalcDrncMi rn
oxes e
in Red
lr Fh
O other Rcfuie danmrnm mkii
ii jr
or send in stamps for Partlcnlan TriStP
monlam and Relief Tor tadlefaS
SlDruffilU OOOTtattaoiSi Bowg
SIOS aodlioa Sqoare putt a j
1 Mar
Coal Wood
Building Material
of all Kinds
Screen Doors and
Phone Number One
A Sound Argument
The oue that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes tirao and
onergy The excellence of our goods
anddelivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
tho greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
The riagnificently Bred
Wilkes Stallion
Great grandson by both sire and
dam of Famous Geo Wilkes 519
Will stand1 the season 1905 at
my place two miles northwest of
Perry and seven miles west of
McCook First class man will be
in charge all the time
Terms 10 to insure Not
responsible for any accidents
arm lusnranee
Now is the time to insure
your stock and buildings
against lightning torna
does and fire
Write or phone me and I
will call and fix vou out
Phone J135 McCook Neb
WmmmSm t
Screen Door Paint
Heady for Use Yon Can Apply It
1 2 pint pint quart 1 2 gallon
and gallon cans
CONE BROS Druggists
ike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
W R Wilson
Successor to Nick Colling
Buys and Sells
Second hand Goods
of all kinds Furniture
wanted Rear of De
r l