The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 02, 1905, Image 3

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Copyright 1905 bj C Morris Butler
An Important Clue
For about a year Lang served his
apprenticeship under the instruction
of Denver He became known as a
suspicious character and his past was
raked up In great shape not to his
credit to be sure Through the proc
ess of appearing flush of money
one day and on his uppers the next
he got the reputation of being
crooked or at least sporty which
in some circles are considered synony
Lang one evening was strolling
down Clark street rather aimlessly
swaggering as if under the influence
of strong drink when ho was ap
proached by a rather flashily dressed
man who demanded rather abruptly
If your name is Lang I want to
speak with you
Louis did not start nor hesitate his
year of schooling had prepared him
against surprises of this kind There
was no known reason why he should
qot admit that Lang was his true
name but instinct warned him not
to be too ready to admit it He had
followed Denvers advice and travel
ed under the alias of Smith though
there had never been any attempt at
dropping his real identity for that
character was absolutely necessary
to the case in hand My name is
Smith George Smith he answered
The man shrugged his shoulders in
credulously You are acquainted with
Denver he asked
Louis now recognized the question
er as Regan the detective against
whom he had been especially warned
by Denver Denver queried Lang
as if trying to refresh his memory
and his speech was varied now and
then by a half suppressed hiccough
Seems to me Ive heard the name
afore see
Well Lang continued Regan in a
positive tone Denver wants to see
I want to find out why you go to
his office Regan was candor itself
Lang leered drunkenly Ill not tell
you Youll give it away You and
Denver are too thick
Oh Im no particular friend of Den
ver said the sleuth
Lets have a drink said Louis
looking around and noticing for the
first time that their stoppage in the
open street and their conversation not
being carried on in low tones had at
tracted considerable attention
Regan had realized the same thing
Your are right we had better move
The twain entered the first saloon
they came to which chanced to be
the same basement palace where Den
ver had met Lang They took seats
at a convenient table and Louis or
dered the drinks Regan had his back
turned toward the door while Louis
faced the stairway and did not notice
the entrance of a third party soon aft
erwards but Lang did and he thought
he recognized Denver though that in
dividual was in disguise A secret
signal given and answered soon
proved It true Denver took a seat
in an obscure corner of the room
within hearing distance in Langs but
out of the line of Regans sight
I have noticed that on several oc
casions you have drawn money from
the Madison bank on Jim Denvers
check said Regan casting a bomb
in Louis camp
For a moment Louis was staggered
he could see a shade of annoyance
pass over Denvers face Regan evi
dently knew more than either Lang or
Denver had supposed Oh you have
eh the young man blurted out still
sparring for time resolved now to at
tempt to pump Regan in turn
What does he pay you for asked
Regan leering at him through bleery
That would be telling and if you
knew my graft it wouldnt be worth a
cent to me
The detective now realized now that
he had a nretty shrewd antagonist to
If your name is Lang I Want to speak to you
Louis flared us as if angry at Regans
persistence Didnt I just tell you me
name was Smith He stopped walk
ing and with a half fierce gesture
threw off the detectives hand which
had been resting rather familiarly on
his arm staggering backward as he
did so as if losing his balance Dye
want to insult me It was a very
good example of drunken and offend
ed dignity
Youre a good one exclaimed the
detective in evident admiration But
it wont work I know you are Lang
and you may as well own up to it
Jim is lying at the point of death and
wants to see you
The mistake would have been costly
had Louis acknowledged that he and
Denver were on friendly terms that
there was a bond between them Lang
thought deeply while apparently at
tempting to straighten himself up
from the position his drunken actions
had placed him If Jim really wants
me I will see him later But I must not
give myself away to this man under
any circumstances leastwise our se
cret bond Satisfied that Regan
knew him in his double role of himself
and Smith and also that he had been
recognized as a visitor in Denvers
office at least he essayed to work a
dodge on him to throw him from the
scent Let the d d scoundrel die
What do I care
So you admit you know him You
are Lang then
I may be Lang and I may be
Smith but it is as George Smith 1
owe Jim Denver a grudge and George
Smith never forgets a wrong With
all his shrewdness all his cunning
Denver has never penetrated my dis
guise D him Ill be even with
him yet if he dont die too soon
Then as if recollecting himself he
suddenly asked Who are you
My name is Regan and I am a de
tective the man admitted without
And who is Regan asked Lang
puzzling his brain to concoct some
story of a plausible nature to tell him
in reference to the great wrong
done himself by Denver
Im Denvers side partner
Then what do you want of me
You can bet that Denver dont want to
see ma
deal with Hints would avail him lit
tle but as he really did not know the
truth that was all the bait he could
offer Perhaps I can tell you he
said as a leader
Perhaps you can acquiesced
For playing the spy upon women
whom Denver wishes to blackmail
Phew whistled Lang as if ac
knowledging that such was the case
You accuse him of blackmailing
whats the matter with my blackmail
ing him Lang made a very neat
play here He did not refute nor as
sert anything
You want to throw me off Be
sides you are not the only kid draw
ing Denvers checks from the bank
that I know for I have seen his book
Louis was gratified to learn where
Regan got his information from
Hearing the news that Denver was
employing others besides himself for
a moment shook his faith in Denver
He had given Jim the credit of being
an honest man Perhaps after all
Denver is playing a crooked game but
I will not believe him treacherous on
the evidence of such a man as Regan
He pays my expenses regular he has
never asked me to do a dirty trick
yet he has made physically a new
man of me and if nothing more res
cued me from the gutter Then to
carry out his part before Regan he
You may be right about Denver
carrying on an outside business but
Im not in it see Denver pays me a
certain sum of money every month
just to keep my mouth shut and that
is all there is about It
Whats to hinder me from running
you in
What can you prove You know
Well you are not much afraid of
me exclaimed Regan with a threat
ening gesture
During the conversation the two had
drunk quite freely of beer Louis
though apparently the -worse for liquor
before he met Regan was far from
being intoxicated even now his brain
was as clear as a bell Regan on the
contrary -was quite under the influ
ence for he had no sleep thenight
before and had been drinking heavily
several hours it was only with a
m W
struggle that he managed to keep from
going to sleep
Why should I be asked Lang
You admit that Denver is not a
friend of yours Being only a private
detective you can only send me into
your private sweatbox where your
enemy would release me
Who said anything about my being
an enemy of Jims
You just said so You would rutn
him if you could
So I would the d d police
Ough said Louis to himself
this police officer talks against his
kind he speaks like a thief This
man is either playing me for a fool to
trap me or else is not an honest man
I am glad that Denver is here to hear
the declaration Aloud he said
Why dont you ruin him
Id do it quick enough if I got the
chance But he is too d d honest
to give me an opening
This admission was a relief to
Louis If Denver was an honest man
then everything was all right so far as
their compact was concerned You
are smarter than I am yet I have
Louis was dangling the tempting
bait before the hungry fishs eyes
and when about to give a nibble the
tempting morsel was withdrawn
Have found what Regan brighten
ed up from his half drunken lethargy
-Louis saw an opening to hurl some
hot shot he was himself astonished
at the mere thought of it Nothing
he said exasperatingly But I have
have come to the conclusion Regan
that you wouldnt arrest a thief even
if you caught him in the act with the
swag in his hands It was a bold
Regan flushed up as if ashamed of
the imputation I get the swag
whether I get the man or not That
was a sufficient excuse for him
You are smarter than I can be
lieve said Lang highly elated at the
The intoxicated detective smiled
with an idiotic smirk Yes he said
I have nearly enough to leave the
business on One more haul and I
am off
Off where and Louis bit his
tongue to keep from seeming expect
ant Not the C C
Yes the C C straightening up
again But who are you that gives
the sign of the society
Oh Im one of the boys replied
Lang Here waiter he cried to
hide his agitation Two glasses of
Denver had evidently heard enough
He realized that Louis was the mas
ter of Regan in the pumping art so
rather than jeopardize his interest
now by having the treacherous detec
tive discover that he was being over
heard by his rival he quietly arose
from his seat going to the rear of the
saloon where he motioned to Lang to
follow Louis continued to converse
for a moment even after drinking
that which had been ordered
You are one of the boys eh
queried Regan Then you are the
man Im looking for I have a game
on hand that I need assistance in are
you with me
Am I with you Well you can bet
your sweet existence that I am But
dont you think that we will be over
heard here Hadnt we better get a
room where we can have privacy
And then he excused himself for a
moment to retire to the rear ostensi
bly to make arrangements for a room
but in reality to meet Denver
Is Regan playing me or is he real
ly on to the country asked Lang
No He is in earnest Work him
for all he is worth This is certainly
a masterstroke We play the game
of our lives to day to win or lose
fortune At last we have a real clue
as to the existence of the country
To be continued
Half Faded Recollections Revived in
Brain of Widows Eldest Boy
It was the youngish widows -wedding
day and the signs and omens
were fructifying in the brain of her
oldest a bright chap of eight He had
wondered much at the sewing that
had been in progress for weeks past
The whispering and chattering of
the women too had stirred some half
faded leaves in his memory This
particular day above all set him think
ing very hard
His mother had kissed him tear
fully and then retired into seclusion
Then after he had been dressed
a mere incidental matter he was told
to be good and keep quiet and not
give any trouble
The appearance of his grandmamma
and aunts was also suggestive Of
course there were a good many other
people and he recognized therein a
divergence from long past experi
ences but he looked out of the win
dow and chanced to see the clergy
man arrive carrying a small black
leather valise
Then he heard the word passed
around that the doctor had come
the clergyman was a D D and
then he was sure that he was on the
right track
He at once sidled up to one of
the youngest and prettiest of his
aunts and remarked to her in that
style of whisper which always concen
trates attention
I know now
Do you dear said the pretty
aunt What do you know
I know what is going to happen
Im going to have a new brother or
sister I saw the doctor come in with
his big bag that he carries them in
You cant fool me
His memory had been going back
to the birth of his youngest sister
about two years and a half before
and the explanations that had been
made him at that time
United States System of Lighting Mili
tary Post Pronounced Gratifyingly
Successful Six and One Half Miles
of Mains Sixty Five Street Lights
Chickamauga Park Ga May 31
The United States government has hero
in operation one of the largest acety
lene gas plants in the world The mili
tary post at the entrance of the histor
ical Chickamauga battlefield where
thirty thousand Union and Confederate
soldiers were lost in the memorable
battle of Sept 19 and 201863 contains
about one hundred buildings the
seventy five principal ones of which are
lighted with acetylene To accom
plish this six and one half miles of
mains and two miles of service pipes
are in use while sixty five street
lamps brilliantly illuminate the ave
nues of the post
In 1903 the War Department in
stalled a test acetylene plant at Fort
Meyer Virginia The results were
so gratifying and the superiority
of the illuminant so evident that tho
government March 20 1904 placed
the contract for the Chickamauga
plant in which every citizen of the
United States should have his pro
rata of pride
But the government has not con
fined its acceptance of acetylene to
this military post Since becoming
satisfied of the efficiency superiority
and economical advantages of this
particular illuminant the United
States has installed a number of
plants In Indian schools and other gov
ernment institutions
Acetylene gas is one of the simplest
as well as the most perfect of artificial
lights It is made by the contact
of water and carbide a manufactured
product for sale at a nominal price
is absolutely safe and gives a beau
tiful white light soothing to the eyes
and nerves It can be produced any
where in the farm home the village
store the town hall the church and
is so easily maintained as to
be practical for all classes
It is a matter for national congratu
lation that in beautifying so historic
a spot as Chickamauga nothing but
the best including the lighting sys
tem has been deemed good enough
for the American people
Fatigue of Work Feels Good
Says a railroad man Men who
grumble at work or fret about an
eight hour working day forget that a
man will be tired at the end of the
day whether he works or not The
fatigue of work is much better than
the fatigue of idleness and there is no
pleasure like that which comes from
the consciousness of having accom
plished something
A powder It cures painfulsmarting nerv
ous feet and ingrowing nails Its tho
greatest comfort discovery of the age
Makes new shoes easy A certain cure for
sweating feet Sold by all druggists 25c
Trial package FREE Address A S
Olmsted Lo Roy N Y
Cure for Consumption
A six months tour by bullocyk in
South Africa is the utest cure for
consumption as advertised by a Lon
don doctor Your own milch cow ac
companies you the pace is only two
miles an hour there are frequent out
spans and vegetables butter butch
ers meat fowls and eggs are easily
obtainable it is said The total cost
is only 525
Returned the Salute
A traveler who visited the small
Siberian town of Kansk tells how sur
prised he was by an incident in the
theater The first actress who made
an appearance on the stage bowed to
the audience whereupon the whole
gathering rose as one man and return
ed the bow in the most polite manner
Boston Tot Asks a Blessing
And dear Heavenly Father fin
ished a Boston child at prayer time
please bless my cat Bless every
part of him for I love him so much
that the very whiskers of his face
are numbered Bless his emerald
eyes his little rice teeth his crush
edstrawberry tongue and the little
baked beans beneath his feet
Shortest Title of a Novel
The shortest title ever given to a
noval was B sub title An Auto
biography by E Dyne Denton in
three volumes Whyte Melville in
1869 published a novel to which he
gave the title M or N a term
well known to every student of the
Church of England Cathechism
Length of Rivers
The longest river in the world la
the Nile 4000 miles in Europe th6
Volgo 21114 miles in Asia the
Yangtse Kiang 3160 miles in Ameri
ca the Mississippi Missouri 3656
miles in Australia the Murray 235C
miles The short important river in
the world is the Thames 215 miles
Grows Six Inches a Day
Catalpa grows at the rate of a third
of an inch in diameter a year on good
soil says a writer in Country Life in
America There are fine summer days
when the sprouts on a stump of sturdy
root growth will grow six inches in
the twenty four hours You can see
catalpa grow you can hear It grow
One room at Tsaikoe the czars
palace near St Petersburg has walls
of lapis lazuli and a floor of ebony in
laid with mother-of-pearl Another has
walls of carved ember and the walls
of a third are laid thick with beaten
How Jefferson Gave a Treat to a
Shut In
At the Drexel institute one recent
afternoon a group of people recalled
a very charming incident in which tho
recently deceased actor Joe Jeffer
son acted a kindly part a few years
ago says the Philadelphia Record
President McAHster had Introduced
Mr Jefferson who had made his ad
dress to the students and was about
to leave when the doctor told him
how delighted a certain art student
would be if she could meet him This
girl was brought every day In her roll
er chair and had been a shut in up to
that time
The veteran actor was delighted
So was the girl
He talked and talked well and she
In the course of the conversation
he learned that not only had she nev
er seen him act but that she never
had been to a theater and didnt think
it possible to go
That was enough for Joe Jefferson
It was arranged in less time than it
takes to tell it to have her brought to
the stage door ten minutes before the
raising of the curtain that evening
When she was brought to that door
around which clings so much mystery
she was met by Rip himself in his
quaint make up just as he has been
received thousands of times by ap
plauding audiences
Throughout the performance the
girl in her roller chair remained a
charmed listener at one side of the
Every Boy in France Will Soon Be
Familiar With the Machine
The French nation so closely guards
her supremacy in the motor world
that plans are being made so that
every French boy will be made fam
iliar with the operation and principles
involved in the construction of the
automobile says the Philadelphia
Record A course of instruction is be
ing arranged for introduction into the
public schools There are a number
of technical schools where the details
of automobile instructions are impart
ed to those who desire such knowl
It is said that no city in the world
gives the same encouragement to auto
mobiling as Paris It has been decid
ed that all the public hospitals shall
be equipped with self propelled ambu
lances and a very speedy car has been
ordered to be attached to the munici
pal laboratory where all the bombs
found on the streets of that city shall
be taken for investigation and des
Might Have Been Worse
Notwithstanding her tender years
Catharines characteristics are in evi
dence and the most pronounced of
hem all is the unfailing tendency in
the most harrowing situations to look
on the bright side
On one occasion having got hold
of a hammer she ambitiously en
deavored to drive a tack into the wall
on which to hang her dolls hat Af
ter repeated failures to hit the trouble
some tack by clutching the hammer
n both fat hands and thus delivering
i terrific blow she next tried holding
the tack in one hand and dealing a
less powerful stroke with the hammer
in the other hand The result of this
experiment brought the whole family
running to the nursery
After the damaged finger had been
bathed and kissed and bandaged in1
the midst of various consolations and
commiserations Catherines tears be
gan to stop and her philosophy to rise
It dont hurt so awful bad now
mama Sides when my finger gol
hit I was jus holdin the hammer in
only one ban an jus spose Id beer
strikin with both hands
Tobacco in Olden Times
Master Prynne the weak well
meaning puritan who is 1633 wrote
an attack upon the stage tells us
that in his day tobacco pipes were
offered to ladles at the theater in lieu
of apples between the acts A French
traveler M Torevin de Rochefort
who published his journal in 1677
confirms this by telling us that he
found smoking a general custom in
England as well among women as
among men Both sexes he adds held
that life without tobacco would be in
tolerable because they say it dissi
pates the evil humors of the brain
When ladies stopped smoking they
took to snuff Women of quality about
a century ago would not stir without
their snuffboxes beautiful enameled
receptacles of perfumed midil rappee
Lord Bolingbroke said of Queen Anne
and her grace of Marlborough The
nation is governed by a pair of snuff
ers no wonder the light of its glory
is extinguished
Call of the Wild
The bee In the clover
The bird in the tree
Are happy and laughin
As loud as can be
An Im here a workln
An doggone it all
The meadows and bayous
Are givin their call
The meadows are callin
The plover is here
The bayous are callin
Our waters are clear
An doggone it all
Im here workin I wish
I could get just a day
And could hike out and fish
Could hike out and fish
Where bayous are -wide
And where trout are waiting
Down deep In their tide
Or Id love to hie
Beneath a wide tree
The lazy birds brother
The chum of the bee
The lazy birds brother
The chum of the bee
The bee sleeps all winter
An that ud suit me
The bird hops a twig
The first thing in the spring
An dont do a thing
But just perch there an sing
This Pretty Matron Had Headache and
Backache and Her Condition
Was Serious
99 Eleventh Street
Milwaukee Wis
A short time ago I found my con
dltlon very serious I had headaches
pains In the back and frequent dizzy
spells which grew worse every month
I tried two remedies before Peruna
and was discouraged when I took the
first dose but my courage soon re
turned In less than two months
my health was restored Airs M
The reason of so many failures to
cure cases similar to the above is tho
fact that
eases peculiar to
the female sex
are not
recognized as being caused by
Catarrh of one organ is exactly the
same as catarrh of any other organ
What will cure catarrh of the head will
also cure catarrh of the pelvic organs
Peruna cures these cases simply becauso
it cures the catarrh
If you have catarrh write at once to
Dr Hartman giving a full statement
of your case and he will be pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
Every housekeeper should know
that If they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but becauso
each package contains 10 oz one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in -pound pack
ages and the price is the same 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12 oz package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures 16 ozs Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing Defiance never sticks
It better to believe all you say
than half you hear
I am sure Pisos Cure lor Consumption saved
my life three years ago Mas Tnos Roniuxs
Mape Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900
A society man is neither ornamental
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Mt doctor eaysit acts gently on tho Btomach lWer
and kidneys and is a pleasant laxative This drink is
mads from brbs and is prerjsrwj for use as easily as
ta It is called tunes Tea or
All drajrgistsorbyniail25ct tndSOcts Bay it to
PnmUY Jledicine more tho
bowelH earh day In order to be hMltny thii is
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Long limits stop overs and many
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