The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1905, Image 7

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wiiii Hi fflhfl1
Friends Were Alarmed
Advised Change of Climate
Miss Mildred Keller 713 13tli street
N W Washington D C writes
I can safely recommend Peruna for
catarrh I had it for years and it would
respond to no kind of treatment or if it
did it was only temporary and on the
slightest provocation the trouble would
come back
was in such a state that my
friends were alarmed about me and I
was advised to leave this climate
Then I tried Peruna and to my great
joy found it helped me from the first
dose I took and a few bottles cured me
It built up my constitution I re
gained my appetite and I feel that I
am perfectly well and strong
Mildred Keller
We have on file many thousand testi
monials like the above We can give
our readers only a slight glimpse of the
vast array of unsolicited endorsements
Dr Hartinan is receiving
jWiL MP v U yf JLfjr32
W Ii Douslas makes and sells more
Mens StSO shoes than any other
manufacturer in the world lo00O
WABD to any one who can disprove this statement
W Ii Douglas S330 slioes are the
greatest sellers in the world because of
their excellent style easy lifting and
superior wearing qualities They are
just as good as those that cost from
500 to S700 Tho only difference is
the price YV X Douglas S350 shoes
cost more to make hold their shape
better wear longer and are of greater
value than any other Ss3no shoe on the
market to day AV L Douglas guar
antees their value by skimping his
name and price on tho bottom of each
shoe Look for it Take no substitute
IV Ii Douglas S3 50 shoes are sold
through his own retail stores In theprin
cipal cities and by shoe dealers every
where o matter where you live W
Douglas shoes are within your reach
u I have teorn TF1 Z Douglas J3S0 shoes for
tears and consider them equal to any fSjOO shoe
now on the market They hate given entire
satisfaction Wm H Anderson ileal Estate
Agent Kansas Citv Mo
Boys wear W L Douglas 250 and 200
shoes because they fit better hold their
shape and wear longer than other makes
IT L Douglas uses Corona Coltsiin in his
I3J0 shoes Corona Colt is conceded to
be the finest patent leather produced
Fast Color Eyelets will not wear Brassy
W Ii Douglas has the largest shoe mall order
business in the world o trouble to get a fit
by mail 55 cents extra prepays delivery
If you desire further information write for
Illustrated Catalogue of Spring Stvles
V L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass
Alabaslino produces exquisitely
beautiful effects on walls and ceil
ings Easy to apply simply mix
with cold water Belter than kalso
mine paint or wall paper It is not a
kalsomine it is a sanitary perman
ent cement coating which hardens
on the walls destroying disease
germs and vermin never rubbing or
scaling Kalsomines mixed with
either hot or cold water soon rub
and scale off spoiling walls clothing
and furniture They contain glue
which decays and nourishes the
germs of deadly disease
If your druccist or hardware dealer
will not eet Alabastine refuse sub
stitutes and imitations and order of
us- Send for free sample of tints
and information about decoratine
Grant Ave Grand Rapids Mich
i New York Office 105 Watar StB i
5 Cigar better Quality than most 10 Cigars
Tonr Jobber or direct from Factory Peoria I
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
Best Cough Syrup Taste Good Use
in time sola Dy arngcisf
Silence Taken to Indicate that General
Linevitch Is Advancing Events Ap
parently Rapidly Shaping for a
Great Battle
picious stoppage of dispatches from
Manchuria and a strong possibility
that Vice Admiral Rojestvensky has
cut his last communications with
home and set forth on the final stage
of his iourney to his goal either Togo
or Vladivostok keen interest is mani
fested in naval and military circles
here in the twofold field of war
Though the Admirality which has
been completely silent since the ad
vent of Rojestvensky in the Chinese
sea publishes no dispatches the con
viction is sxowins that the united
squadrons as indicated by the Asso
ciated Press on May 15 departed from
the Annam coast immediately after
their juncture and naval officers are
anxiously expecting news of the first
skirmishes between scouts of the hos
tile fleets
The Associated Press correspond
ent on his visit to naval officers yes
terday to investigate the rumor that
Vice Admiral Rojestvenskys health
had broken down was repeatedly and
eagerly questioned for the latest in
formation through the press dispatches
which it was declared is a better
source than the Admiralty
Captain Clado confirmed the state
ment of the Associated Press that the
vessels of both squadrons are equip
ped with apparatus for cleaning their
bottoms at sea He said it was en
tirely possible for Vice Admiral Nebo
gatoff to put the last finishing touches
to the vessels of his division during
the mysterious interval when they
were lost to sight before passing the
Straits of Malacca
Neither the Admiralty nor individ
ual officers have any information re
garding the rumored request of Vice
Admiral Rojestvensky to be relieved
and all who were questioned regard
ing the report express doubts of its ac
curacy It was pointed out that it
would be entirely possible for the
fleet to delay in the China sea until
the arrival of Vice Admiral Birile ff
and it was declared that Rojestven
sky will keep his flag flying as long
as he is not utterly incapacitated for
command which would then devolve
on Vice Admiral Voelkersam who is
known as an officer with a Teutonic
thoroughness and attention to the de
tails of his profession He is also a
noble strategist and theoretician
The Associated Press was informed
that Vice Admiral Birileff will be sent
to Vladivostok which possibly ac
counts for the origin of the rumor of
Rojestvenskys request to be relieved
of his command
On the military side the indications
are that events are rapidly shaping
for the preliminary stage of another
great battle The Russian army has
been refitted and is ready for action
and it is asserted that General Line
vitch isnt the man to waste days in
Russian Fleet is Said to Be Taking
on Coal
LONDON Now that it seems defi
nitely established that Vice Admiral
Rojestvensky has started on his north
ward journey there is a great deal
of interest in the eastern campaign
Kwangchau bay where provision
junks are said to be waiting for the
Russian fleet is the most northward
of French uossessions on the Chinese
sea and the last port which Rojest
vensky can select for his final depart
ure to meet the Japanese It has a
fine anchorage and a sheltered chan
nel where a large fleet may ride n
Reports still circulate in London to
the effect that the Russian Pacifics
fleet coaling arrangements are ex
tremely inadequate and have been
the main cause of its prolonged
stay in Indo Chinese waters and that
the admiral is finding ever increased
difficulty on this score
Wooster O Banker Pleads Guilty
and Is Sentenced
ex president of the closed Wooster O
National bank pleaded guilty before
Judge Taylor in the United State dis
trict court to a count in one of the
indictments charging him with hav
ing issued a draft when there was no
funds in the bank to meet it Judge
Taylor sentenced Ohliger to eight
years imprisonment in the Ohio peni
Ohliger is an ex congressman ex
county treasurer postmaster at
Wooster under President Clevelands
first administration and collector of
internal revenue in Cleveland during
Clevelands second administration
Fleet Not in French Waters
PARIS In regard to the press dis
patches saying the Russian fleet has i
returned to Hon Kone Day the French
officials say the Russians are not
within French The officials
are not aware of the exact locality
of the fleet but communications with
the French naval and civil authorities
in Indo China satisfy the officials here
that the Russians remain outside
French limits It is maintained that
the fact that ne ileet is off Hon Kohe
bay does not constitute a breach of
How He Lives as Compared With
Fifty Years Ago
TTy i3z
J Ca Wwk
he farming life of
to day as con
trasted with that
of fifty years ago
is a paradise of
comfort and con
venience The
lonely loghouse
remote from mar
ket and devoid of
advantages that a
half cycle of time
has made possible
would scarcely ap
peal to the pres
ent day farmer
The twentieth-
century soil tiller has practically aU
the modern comforts His mail is de
livered daily He has telephonic con
nection with the buying and selling
world affording the best opportunities
for marketing to advantage His
home is of recent architecture con
structed of wood brick or stone and
well furnished He has modern plumb
ing and modern heating and with the
advent of acetylene gas he has mod
ern lighting At night his home is as
attractively illuminated as that of his
city brother for it is a suggestive fact
that acetylene for country homes
has so appealed to the farmer that of
the 80000 users of acetylene gas in
the United States the farmer is one
of the largest of all classes Ever
seeking the best he has not hesitated
in availing himself of this new light
The continued growth and progress
of this great country ever a cause of
wonderment has no greater -exemplification
than evolution on the farm
Already the farmer is becoming tbe
most envied of men the freest the
healthiest the happiest
Like Old Times in Arizona
Interest during the greater part of
yesterday centered around the faro
game in the St Elmo saloon Arthur
Cordiner of the Fashion had in as
much as 3800 at one time and such
high play as this was good for the
eyes of the old timers who say it
used to be common in these parts
When the play got real hot Charley
Hooker took the dealers chair Jer
ome correspondence Los Angeles
Demand for Old Snuff Boxes
High prices continue to be paid in
Paris for snuff boxes of the eighteenth
century At the recent sale of a col
lection made by M Guilhou of Bay
onne one box in gold enamel ap
praised by the official expert at tG00
sold for 4000 One of the interesting
items of the sale was a pair of can
delabra once owned by Marie An
toinette which went for 3000 far
less than was expected
Where the Money Gees
The American people spent as much
money last year for gems and jewelry
as they spent for pianos and other
musical instruments and more than
three times as much as they spent for
sewing machines New York Sun
Societies Give Farmers Machinery
There are no less than 540 agricul
tural societies scattered over Servia
which distribute modern agricultural
machinery and implements among the
farmers These societies have a cen
tral office at Belgrade
From Change in Food
The brain depends much more on
the stomach than we are apt to sup
pose until we take thought in the mat
ter Feed the stomach on proper food
easy to digest and containing the
proper amount of phosphates and the
healthy brain will respond to all de
mands A notable housewife in Buf
falo writes
The doctor diagnosed my trouble
as a nervous affection of the stom
ach I was actually so nervous that
I could not sit still for five minutes
to read the newspaper and to attend
to my household duties was simply
impossible I doctored all the time
with remedies but medicine did no
My physician put me on all sorts
of diet and I tried many kinds of
cereal foods but none of them agreed
with me I was almost discouraged
and when I tried Grape Nuts I did so
with many misgivings I had no faith
that it would succeed where every
thing else had failed
But it did succeed and you dont
know how glad I am that I tried it
I feel like a new person I have gain
ed in weight and I dont have that
terrible burning sensation in my stom
ach any more I feel so strong
acain that I am surprised at myself
The street noises that used to irritate
me so I never notice now and my
mind is so clear that my household
duties are a real pleasure
Name given by Postum Co Battle
Creek Mich
Theres a reason
Now why was this great change
made in this woman
The stomach and the brain had not
been supplied with the right kind of
food to rebuild and strengthen the
nerve centers in these organs It is
absolute folly to try to do this with
medicine There is but one sure way
and that is to quit the old food that
has failed and take on Grape Nuts
food which is more than half digested
in the process of manufacture and is
rich in the phosphate of potash con
tained in the natural grain which
unites with albumen and water the
only three substances that will make
up the soft gray filling in the thou
sands of delicate nerve centres in the
brain and body Grape Nuts food is a
sure road back to health in all such
Combined Squadrons Sighted off the
Coast of Annam Tuesday
SINGAPORE The Russian fleet
was in latitude 1330 north and longi
tude 11130 east about 120 miles
northeast of Cape Varelia coast of An
nam during the morning of May 16
according to a report brought here by
the British steamer Hong Wang The
German steamer Segovia sighted
forty two Russian ships forty miles
from Cape Varelia May 15 steaming
slowly north
The latitude and longitude in which
the Russian fleet was reported by tho
British steamer Hong Wang does not
indicate that a naval battle is immi
nent The Russians were on May 1G
only about 150 milos from the coast
of Annam and apparently heading
north for the waters of tho island of
Hainan near which according to a
Hong Kong dispatch 150 junks aden
with provisions were waiting for the
Russian fleet Even in case Admiral
Rojestvensky decides not to take
these supplies on hoard or if the Hong
ong report is correct the Russian fleel
May 16 yas still about 700 miles from
the southern iart of the island of For
mosa where it has been asserted Ad
miral Togo may give battle and it is
doubtful if the fleet can now make
more than about 200 miles a day un
der the most favorable circumstances
Returns to Zamboanga from Hike
After Moro Pilates
MANILA The Moro outlaws
against whom General Leonard Wood
has been campaigning have been kill
ed in action with all the principal
The outlaws were supporters and fol
lowers of the sultan of Solu The
large tribes of tho Island of Jolo were
not involved The outbreak was
purely on the part of an aggregation
of piratical outlaws and disorderly
characters of Sulu and the other is
lands stretching down to Borneo
The position selected by the out
laws for the defense was in almost
impenetrable jungles and exceeding
ly strong prohibiting the use of ar
tillery and necessitating close contact
and an assault in two instances Gen
eral Woods forces sustained a loss
of nine killed and twenty one wound
ed all of whom are doing well The
constabulary had two killed The lar
ter were highly praised by GeneiMl
Wood who said The troops behav
ed splendidly and performed this diffi
cult service in a highly creditable
manner General Wood lias return
ed to Zamboanga with the troops
Cabinet Member Visits Experiment
Stations in that State
MANHATTAN Kan Secretary
Wilson and the go eminent experts
accompanying him on his tour thr jugh
tne southwest spent Monday in this
state arriving from Texas in a spe
cial train on tho Rock Island road
The first stop was made at McPher
son where the government experi
ment farm was inspected At Hering
ton which was reached in the after
noon addresses were made to a large
audience of farmers who came from
adjoining towns by Secretary Wilson
Prof Spillman D M A Carlton of
the department F D Coburn and J
W Robinson respectively secretary
and chairman of the state board of
agriculture and E R Nichols presi
dent of the Kansas Agricultural col
lege at Manhattan A stop was also
made at this point in the evening to
enable the party to make an inspec
tion of the latter institution Tues
day will also be spent in this state
and a meeting at which Secretary
Wilson and the experts will speak will
be held at Norton at 230 in the after
p on
Present Indications Are for a Big La
bor Upheaval in Chicago
CHICAGO Sunday brought no
change in the attitude of both sides
of the labor controversy now in pro
gress in Chicago and everything
points toward an extension of the
teamsters strike to many other busi
ness houses during tlie week The
officials of the seven express compa
nies whose refusal to reinstate any
of their striking employes caused the
collapse of the settlement of the
trouble Saturday night still adhere
to their determination not to give em
ployment to any of their former em
ployes and the other firms involved
in the difficulty declared that they
would stand by the express compary
in the fight The teamsteis union
has taken just as firm a stand as the
employers and it was stated by Pres
ident Shea that the union would nev
er call off the strike until the ex
press companies came to terms
The first spread of the strike is ex
pected to come Monday morning
when the Lumbermens association
an organization employing 2400 team
sters issues an order to their men
to make deliveries to all business
houses regardless of whether they
are involved in the strike or noL
Funeral of Hiram Cronk
NEW YORK The body of Hiram
Cronk the last veteran of the war
of 1812 to pass away was buried here
Thursday in Cypress Hill cemetery
with impressive military honors Be
fore the funeral the body of the vet
eran soldier lay in state in the city
hall where it was viewed by many
thousands There was a constant
stream of men women and children
moving past the casket in the city
building the first which had rested
there since the body of General Grant
laid in state
The Young Physician
In tho early sixties it was usually tho
duty of a practicing physician to ride
many miles every day on his regular
round of visits upon his patients In
those days a young man who had received
a splendid medical training in one of tho
best medical colleges of that day was ac
customed to ride ten twenty or thirty
miles or more visiting tho sick and
afflicted His success was soon phenom
enal Doctors and families called him for
consultation to towns at considerable dis
tances by rail One of his specialties was
the cure of those distressing diseases of
women Ho had curly discovered that
by combining the vegetable extract of
tho following medicinal plants in just tho
right proportion without the use of alco
hol his prescription invariably cured
such cases Later in order to place this
remedy before the public in a shape easily
to be procured he established a labora
tory at Buffalo N Y where regularly
qualified chemists were put in charge to
accurately prepare his prescription and
put it in shape for shipment to all parts
of the United States This remedy which
he named Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip
tion is not a patent medicine in the
common acceptance of the term but a
tonic for women and a regular physi
This popular success ol LION COFFEE
can be due only to inherent merit There
Is no stronger prool ol merit than con
tinued and increasing popularity
If the verdict o2 MILLIONS OF
HOUSEKEEPERS Coes siot cenvfcee
you of the mcriSs ol LEON COFFEE
il costs you Hsu a triae lo buy a
paeasjc II is Sic easiest xvay to
convince yourself and to rrialte
LIOX COFFEE is old only in 1 lb se iletl packowq
and reaches yoa ab pure and clean as when it left our
Lion head on every packne
save uiese ijiun ucaus iw aiuauie premiums
cians prescription and contains tho foI
lowing non alcoholic Ingmliunts
Ladys Slipper Lltprtpcdlum Puhcsccns
Black Cohosh
Unicorn root
These Shoes were Awarded
Grand Prize at St Lcuis Worlds FaL
ra sa mga 3 y2
gH eisa 83 s Ess Jsm3
Look for this brand on harness
collars saddles horse blankets lap
robes etc
Made by
Harpham Bros Co Lincoln Neb
Drop as a card and will mail you a souvenir
W N U Omaha
direct from
We will sell
you retail at
wholesale pri
ces We carry
the best and
of Chlcag o
Call or send
for Catalogue
Omaha Reed
Rattan Works
1512 Howard
Omaha 2eb
No 211905
Folow thenar
mlrfntui lUiccinotM
Chtimwlirlnin Lutctim
uoKlen boal uyaruHtlH Ltinuucmla
Scientifically proparnd by experienced
chemists at tun Laboratory of tho
Worlds Dispensary Medical Associa
tion Buffalo N Y
Dr Pierce docs not claim for Ids Fa
vorlto Prescription that It Is a cure all
It Is recommended as a most perfect
specific for womans peculiar ailments
bo uniform are the results which follojr
tho uso of this remarkable remedy that
It can bo truly affirmed of Favorlto Pre
scription that it always hclis and almost
always cures Nlnotv elght per cent of
tho women who give this medicine u fair
and faithful trial are cured and remain
It is a powerful Invigorating tonic Im
parting health and strength in particular
to tho womb and Its appendages Tho
local womanly health is o Intimately
related to tho general health that when
diseases of tho delicate womanly organs
are cured tho wholo body trains in health
and strength For weak and sickly
women who aro worn out run down
or debilitated especially for women who
work In store office or schoolroom who
sit at the typewriter or sewing machine
or bear heavy household burdens Dr
Pierces Favorlto Prescription will provo
a priceless benefit because of Its health
restoring and strength giving power
The PnooF
I want to tell you of tho treat Improve
ment In my health since tnklrtjr your Favor
lto Prescription -says Mrs US Jones of
Forest N C When I heiran its use I was a
physical wiwk and had despaired of ever
iiariuirtrood health strain Could not sit ud
all day I noted a treat improvement beforo
the first lKttlo was all used Was suiTerlntr
with almost every pain that a woman Is sub
ject to had Inflammation of tho ovaries
painful nml suppressed periods anil other
symptoms of femalo disease After taklnir
six lottles of Favorite Prescription I felt
llko a new person Can ride horseback and
take all kinds of exercise aad not feel tired
Fi ir Chvnky Case of constipation
A man or woman who netrlects constipa
tion suffers from slow poisoning Doctor
Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure constipa
tion One little Pellet is a gentlo
laxative and two a mild cathartic
WillljmiWJWrf lTFm cm tUvViTVAVgKlLiiMKJcAtL f1 VfCrVMM
CwieiiM Follows Trial
When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens
to have in his bin how do you know what you arc
getting Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk
could be told if tho peoplo who handle it grocers cared to
speak out
Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of
housekeepers to use
lion Coffee9
Hie leader of all package coffees for over a quarter
of a century if they had not found it superior to all other brands in
Purify Sfrengfli Flavor and Unil orndSy
i iyr
rRGL r3y
The PATRIOT SHOE for Men is made from all leathers
over stylish yet comfortable lasts to fit any foot They aro
Goodyear wolts which means flexible soles with no wax or tacka
to irritate the foot The MAYFLOWER SHOE for Women
is made in welta and band tarns Is stylish durable and comfortable
Ask your dealer for them If he does not haadle these shoes
write ns direct They will pleaie yoa and yon will save from 60
cents to 150 per pair ia prices usually charged for shoes of
tms cnaracter
recently added to the popular Mueller
pianou make them the greatest piano
value known
From our factory to the home
SAVES S75 00 to 15000
Our illustrated booklr t froe for th
askint tells you why Write for it
today well answer torrnrrov
Address tb makers
OVe have no agents
1K13 Farniim St
Reduced Rdtes
Round Trip
Xiajjara Kails X Y tickets sold
July 17 Vi
Toronto Out tickets sold June IS
19 21 22
Indianapolis Ind tickets sold June
19 20 21 22
Asbury Park X J tickets sold
June o 29 30 July 1st
Baltimore Md tickets old July 1
2 3
Buffalo N Y tickets sold July 7
8 9
Long limits stop overs and many
other features can be offered in
connection with the above dates
Write me and let me send you
maps descriptive matter folders
rates from either Omaha or Chi
cago and all otner information
WabUMli K R Oiiialui eir
and Wood Frames fio and up Write
us before vou buv We save you
5gF money Also Pumps and Wind
BECKMAH BROS Ues Moines levra
300 Weekly Easily Made
RTltinK health aad accident Iasnranceexperience nn
neceseary WrlteEnkert Accident CoSes2Ioine3Ia